Chapter 28 We lost a human in a airport

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I do not own anything of Twilight. Stephenie Meyer does.

I  do own my own characters.






Emmett, Edward, Carlisle and I are on a plane headed towards Phoenix, Arizona. The hottest place right now. Arizona such a great place for vampires, sarcasm. Supposedly James might know Bella is. so Edward is going to take her somewhere. Somewhere safe. And the seven us are going to find James.

"Passengers please fasten your seat belts we will be landing soon." A person over the intercom.

I silently clipped mine. Edward sat besides me,glaring out the window. Hey I'm the one who should be glaring, he took the best seat. All in all I could sense that he wasn't okay, who would be? I could get where  Edward was coming from, he finally found love and now its being threatened.

"Edward." I said quietly. "We can't all be mind readers. What are you thinking? and don't say nothing because that's a load of bull." 

Edward smiles slightly. "Do you really want to know?" I nodded. "Its Bella, I'm so afraid that something will happen to her. She's human Emily. You know how breakable she is? I can barely touch her without the fear of crushing her. But at the same time I'm fighting a hunger for her blood. Every second that I'm with her, I'm ruining her life. I'm endangering her life. But the more time I spend with her, more I love her. I've waited for over hundred years for her, Em. I'm a vampire, she's a human. I can't give her the life she deserves." 

Whoa. Edward really opened up. He usually just holds it in. I sighed. "Edward have you ever thought that maybe, somehow, somewhere, their is a God and maybe he's finally giving you a brake? Think about it! Bella was basically made for you. She's perfect for you. She fits right in with us, well besides the fact that were vampires and she's a human, but still everyone likes her. There happy for you. This family is protecting her, and I already feel like she's my little sister. I haven't really talked to her, but you can't just walk away either. You would be an idiot if you did. Edward did you ever stop and think, that maybe she has a say in this? it may seem better that we leave, but it may not seem better to her. And yeah were vampires but Bella doesn't seem to mind. In fact I know she loves you. You both have fallen madly in love with each other. Bella cares, and loves you Edward. I'm pretty sure you guys would do anything for each other. That's what mates do. Plus don't jinx anything brother. You never know one day you two can get married and have a kid." I teased. 

We both chuckled. Edward looked at me. "What about the Vulturi?" 

I scoffed. " The Vulturi can go suck a butt." Emmett, Jasper, and Edward burst out laughing. Dad gave me a disapproving look.  I shrugged. "Well its the truth."

The plane shook with turbulence. The landing wasn't that bad. But a vampire could probably land better. Every human got up slowly and walked towards the exit, just enough to annoy me. We finally walked out of the plane and went to find Alice. Jasper and Bella weren't there. I don't know how I know this but something was wrong, and I can also tell that by Alice's face. It looked like she killed a puppy.

"Edward I'm sorry but we lost Bella. She tricked us." Alice pleaded.

"Alice how can a human trick you?" I whispered.

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