Love ♥ Virus

By fiqah0812

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Love ♥ Virus
You & him
Meet the Leader & Rapper
Pay a little visit
Peniel & Ilhoon
Illhoon & new term
Hanging out with BTOB
Sudden Visitor
He's back
The Play
Kiseop's attention
Play with Lauren
The past between you and kiseop
What happened during that time
2 guys at the same time..
Minhyuk & Illhoon & Kiseop
Going out with Kiseop
Dongwoon pissed
Peniel & Eunkwang
The Scene
Peniel coming over
A nuisance
Rumour News
Disguise with Lauren
Conference Room
Kiseop own invitation
Ilhoon's date ★
Sudden Actions
Spending Time
BTOB MV in making
3 Guys
Kiseop's Gesture
First Act
I Want You Back
Not A Good Day
Deep Secret
One Step @ A Time
Valentine's Day Chocolates
Cancelling contract?

Fetch & Sent

314 6 0
By fiqah0812

Once they were in the supermarket, you grabbed the basket to put your groceries in. Minhyuk followed wherever you go and helped her out.

"So you'll be cooking today?" Minhyuk asked.

"Ya. Ahjumma need to go back to her hometown for a week. She has some problems at home," You told him.

Minhyuk just nodded and asked,"So what will you be cooking for dinner later?"

"Hmm..there's a dish I just learnt. It's called Spicy fish stew (Meuntang)," You said to him.

"Hmm..sounds delicious..It's been so long that I ate that. Can I come over?" Minhyuk suggested.

"But I can't guarantee that it'd be nice to eat," You said with no confidence.

"Don't worry. It'll be delicious cos I'll be the only one who will be tasting it apart from your family," Someone said from behind.

Both you and Minhyuk turned behind and saw Kiseop looking through the shelf of packeted food.

"What are you doing here?" You put your hands on your hip and looked directed at him.

"I'm going to help you buy groceries," Kiseop said with a smile to you while looking at Minhyuk with angry glare.

Kiseop went to take the basket from you and linked arms with you and said while looking at Minhyuk with a smirk,"Let's go."

Since you did not want to create a scene, both of you walked to the front and left Minhyuk behind. Minhyuk just sighed but just follow both of you from behind with his hands on his pockets.

When there were a few sample of food, Kiseop went to feed you and asked to taste them.

"It's nice isn't it!" Kiseop smiled.

You nodded and went to grab one. Kiseop thought that you were going to give him one but instead,"Minhyuk shii, here. It's taste good."

You went to feed Minhyuk unknowingly and Minhyuk opened his mouth to taste it. He chewed and widened his eyes.

"It's good," Minhyuk showed a thumbs up to the lady who made this.

"Really? It's nice getting compliments from 2 handsome guys and a beautiful lady. Are these two your boyfriends?" The lady asked you.

When you heard that, you choked a little and coughed. Kiseop was about to say something when you quickly said,"Ani ahjumma. They're only my friends."

"Omo. Really? You three look good together," The lady smiled.

You cheeks became hot and you tried to fan yourself. Minhyuk just smile and Kiseop put his arm on your shoulder and said,"We both do look good together."


After buying the groceries, Kiseop wanted to send you home but you refused again.

"I can just walk home. It's not even far from here. Besides if Dongwoon oppa sees you, he'll be mad at me," You told him.

"Don't worry. I can just send you a few metres from your house. Besides I doubt he'll be home at this time," Kiseop tried to convince you.

Seeing that you were doubting him, he quickly pulled you to his car and lightly pushed you into the car which made you looked surprised.

"If we hurry, you won't get scold," He winked at you before closing the door.

Then he walked to Minhyuk who was about to tell him off but was stopped," I know what you are going to say but I will send hee home. So if you'll excuse me, I have to hurry.

He snatched the groceries bag and put them into his car. After that, he went to his driver's seat and ready to drive off. Minhyuk stood them dumbfounded but sighed soon after.

While driving, Kiseop decided to start a conversation with her,"So how's your classes?"

"Okay I guess," You briefly answered.

"What are you studying?" He tried to probe you without you knowing that he decided to start the same classes by next week.

"Acting and vocal lesson," You told him.

"Acting and vocal...? Sounds interesting," Kiseop nodded.

"When are going back to New York?" You asked him.

"Not soon," He said.

"Are you going to skip classes again over there?" You looked at him.

"Skip classes? Since when do I skip cla...," While saying that, he remembered a few times he skipped classes because of that certain problem.

Kiseop felt your eyes looking directly at him and quickly changed topic,"So that..Minhyuk. He's one of the teachers that teaches you? Isn't he too young to be a teacher?"

"He's only going to teach us for a few months cos his teacher will give an evaluation based on his teaching," You explained.

"He must be popular in school huh?" Kiseop asked.

"Most popular with the girls as well as the female teachers," You told him.

"And are you one of the girls..?" He asked you.

You were about to answer when both of you had almost reached the house.

"Okay. Stop. I think I saw Yoseob oppa. Quick! Pull over," You started to panic and quickly called Minhyuk.

"Minhyuk shii, have you reached my house?" You asked over the phone.

"I'm at the back of the house. I saw his red car from here. Can you see me?" Minhyuk waved.

You looked out of the window and saw him. Minhyuk came over and opened the door that has the plastic of groceries. Kiseop was about to say something when you slammed the door of the car after getting out.

"...Sigh...You're welcome..," Kiseop was expecting a thank you but instead a slamming door.

Kiseop watched you and Minhyuk walking towards the house and can't keep his eyes over you.

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