SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

By Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten
Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten

27.6K 641 113
By Trufflerabbit13

KOYUKI: Hello everyone.

TETSUYA- Hello *bow

KOYUKI/TESUYA- Thank you for reading She's/I'm Different. * long bow

KAGAMI- O-Oi! You guys are being creepy.

KOYUKI- *irk mark* Tai-chan shut it, we're not creepy.

KAGAMI- *snort* you guys are creepy when you suddenly appear next to us.

KOYUKI- *death glare*

TETSUYA- *Sweat dropped at the two* please stop.

KAGAMI- Oi stop freaking pushing me!

KOYUKI- Go away Tai-chan!

TETSUYA- please stop.


TETSUYA- *sighs walk away*


TETSUYA- * drags a certain red haired teen* please Akashi-kun.

AKASHI- *sighs irritably* Koyuki, Kagami.

KAGAMI/KOYUKI- *freeze and slowly looks at Akashi*

KOYUKI- A-Aka-kun

KAGAMI-* frozen too scared to say anything.

AKASHI- Koyuki come here.

KOYUKI-* slowly walks over.

AKASHI- *Grabs her and throw her over his shoulder and walk away*

TETSUYA- Trufflerabbit13 does not own Kuroko no Basket, nor any other character except Koyuki.

* Walks away leaving a still frozen Kagami.


I grinned as I took another sip of my peach juice.

"Ah! That felt good!" I yelled as I skipped through the hall ways.

Tai-chan grunted as he rubbed his hand tenderly, "Did you have to hold so tight?" He questioned as he looked at his red hand.

"Oops, sorry! If I wasn't holding your hand, I swear I would have punched one of their faces," I cheerfully chirped making him sweat drop.

"Are you going to be ok?" He suddenly questioned. What was he talking about? He must have realized my confused look. "I mean, you're having a game with Akashi tomorrow, are you going to be able to win?"

I laughed, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could win, since I was able to in middle school," by then we were in front of Tet-chan and Tai-chan's room.

I slowly opened, thinking that Tet-chan was asleep but I was greeted by my drowsy looking cousin, who's hair was as sticking up in weird directions. I immediately took out my phone and snapped a picture and sending it to Satsu-chan.

"Sorry if I woke you Tet-chan," I sheepishly apologize.

"No, Kagami-kun's loud voice woke me it wasn't you Yuki-chan," he yawned and rubbed his eyes. I smiled at his cute gesture and sat in his lap wrapping my arm around him in a hug. He returned the hug as he yawned.

"So since when are you having a game with Akashi-kun?" Tet-chan question.

I frowned, "Since earlier, he made fun of me about my stupidness at school..." I pouted making Tet-chan chuckle.

"What?! Then how are you going to win tomorrow?! No idiot can win against Akashi!" Kagami yelled making me frown at his indirect insult towards me.

He called me an idiot.

"Yuki-chan might not be the brightest at school, but whenever she has a game with shogi or basketball she could win," Tet-chan explained.

Kagami looked taken back as he looked at me, "Shogi?"

I nodded, "Mh-hmm! I learned to play in my first year of middle school when Sei-kun taught me."

Strangely I had a natural talent at that board games, I was the few who could actually beat the red emperor.

Suddenly my phone vibrated making me pull it out.

"How u get this!!!" I smiled at text from my pink haired friend. My phone beeped.

"By the way you need to get back here in five minutes or you'll get in trouble, Araki-coach is going around with the other coach to make sure everyone is in their rooms!"

I cussed under my breath and sprang up, "Night guys, it's almost 11, I need to get to my room," with that I dashed out of my cousin's room not even waiting for their goodbye.

I dashed though the halls my head completely blank, maybe it's not such a bad day after all?

(A/N Ok, i'm rewinding a bit, so this is right after Koyuki stormed off with Kagami. Akashi and all the GoM members are still at the vending machine)


Kise and Midorima recovered from their earlier scare from Koyuki as they stood with the group, while a certain heterochromatic eyed red head sat down on the couch, located next to the vending machine with a thoughtful look. He was leaned forward, his elbows were on his knees while his chin was rested on his intertwined hands. He closed his eyes and tried to block out the voices around him.

"Ahhh!!! Aominecchi!!! You got a picture?!" Kise's loud voice made Akashi's eyes to snap open. He openly glared at the blonde who was excitedly jumping in front of the tanned teen.

"Not just a picture, but a video too!!! I tried so damn hard and I actually got it!!!" Aomine grinned as they watched something on their phone.

"Is there a problem if I'm here?"

Akashi's head snapped up as he heard the familiar conversation.

"Ohhhhh, Yukicchi in a yukata!" Kise happily chirped as Aomine and him fought over the small phone.

The rest of the crowd curiously listened to the earlier conversation.

"Letgo! Dammit!" The loud voice of Kagami could easily be heard compared to the other conversation. To hear the normal conversation you really needed to strain your ears.

"Yuki-chan you seem happy!" Takao smirked as he heard his own loud voice. Though he was probably one of the only one who wasn't tense to hear the next.

"Yeah! Because I won't have to go out with any of you idiots," Koyuki's voice chirped happily from the phone. The air suddenly got tense as the group hesitantly took a step away from the red emperor who was releasing a dark aura.

He suddenly threw his scissors aiming at the two clueless teens who were still excitedly watching the video. They both let out a loud yelp as the scissors pierced the phone and hit the wall and stuck there.

"My phone!!!"

"Yukkicchi's yukata pictures!!!" Kise and Aomine both anime cried as they watched the dead phone stuck at the wall.

"Idiots, Takao, ikunodayo," Midorima muttered as he left the scene. Takao grinning like a cheshire cat as he followed his green haired teammate.

"Bai Bai," he waved as he disappeared down the stairs.

Himuro took hold of his teammates jacket, "Buy your snacks and let's go, it's almost going to be time when the coaches start going around to make sure we're all in our room."

Murasakibara nodded as he went over to the vending machine and multiple foods, "Ok, lets go, bye Kisechin, Aochin, Akachin, see you tomorrow," he muttered as he followed Himuro down the stairs.

Kise who was starting to feel awkward decided it was time to buy the drink his senpai told him to buy. He quickly pushed the coins in the vending machine and buying multiple sports drinks.

"I need to go before senpai gets mad again, bye," the blonde swiftly left the scene leaving three people there.

Imayoshi was sweating lightly as he watched the red emperor glare at nothing. He may have had his sadistic side but, Akashi was on another level, he honestly felt weak at his knees when the heterochromatic eyes land on him.

"Akashi! You owe me a new phone," Aomine declared, annoyance clear in his eyes.

Akashi only nodded not lifting his eyes to meet Aomine, "We'll go get one tomorrow, you're dismissed," Aomine huffed in annoyance but did as he was told as he walked down the stair.

He paused for a second, "Imayoshi-senpai are you coming?"

The called third year stared at Aomine, surprised that the tanned teen actually called his name.

"Yeah, I ain't staying out here until mornin'." With that Imayoshi gave Akashi one last glance before walking back to his room.

Akashi let a sigh out before closing his eyes and leaning into the chair. He was tired, something he'll never admit to people around him. In his head, so many things were running through his mind.

Too many things.

The image of Koyuki in the yukata kept flashing while he struggled to push it out of the way.

"Am I going to be able to win against Koyuki tomorrow?" he asked himself. He knew he was abusolute, though that seems to change when Koyuki comes into the picture. Something that he disliked very much.

But, that was the reason why Koyuki intrigued him. She was different, she wasn't like the other girls he met.

She was actually able to beat him in basketball and shogi, something he hasn't seen before. Yes, his grandfather, who taught him the game was able to beat him in shogi, but nobody has been able to defeat him in his main sport.

He slightly smirked before standing up to go buy his drink he came for. He bought a sport drink and took a sip out of it, while he examined the other vending machine.

He scowled when he noticed the vending machine was selling wakame soup, he brought his red scissors out of his pocket and stabbed the button to the soup making it unbuyable. He disliked, more like hated any time of seaweed.

Pulling out his scissors, he walked down the stairs with scissors and drinks in his hand. He needed sleep to win against her tomorrow.



I crawled out of my futon quickly and tip toed through the tangled mess of Satsu-chan and coach. Making sure to tidy myself up and fix my yukata, I tied my hair in a high messy bun before walking down the stairs.

The sky was a dark blue, still dark because how early it was. I brought my arms above my head and stretched while yawning. Rubbing my eyes I dragged myself to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for roughly forty people.

"Good morning Koyuki-San!" One of the chef from the ryokan greeted me with a smile. He was one of the people who helped me make dinner for the team yesterday.

Returning the smile, I take the apron he had in his hand and wrapped it around myself.

"What are you going to make?" He questioned as he stood next to me, ready to assist whenever he is needed.

I think for a second before getting a paper, "Um, I think western and Japanese, two types just in case." I write some foods down in the paper before looking at him, "Your probably more familiar with Japanese food so can you make multiple grilled fish, rice, miso soup, and some pickled vegetables?"

The chef nodded and walked to the fridge and pulling out all the fish I bought yesterday. I gave him one last glance before going to the other fridge to pull out all the other supplies I needed.

Breaking four dozen eggs in the largest bowl I could find, I mixed it with heavy cream and cheese before sitting it down. Peeling potatoes, throwing bacon into the oven, and then toasting the toast. I was multitasking so much I've gotten a head ache.

It took nearly two full hours to make the buffet. After placing the last plate on the buffet table that kept the food hot, I sat down and placed my head onto the table. Feeling my shoulder stiffen I took off my hair tie out of my hair, ignoring the humongous bed hair I had. The chefs who offered to cleaned up the kitchen for me were working while talking to each other with hushed tones.

I closed my eyes hoping for a minute to sleep, ignoring all the teams who started to come down for breakfast. Most of them led my their coach and captains.

"Ehhh, what's wrong with Yuki-chan?" I hear Koganei's voice question and open my eyes. Though I keep my head still lying on the table.

I see the Seirin team sitting in my table with their foods piled up to the ceiling.

"Where were you? You should have slept in with us," Riko commented as she took a piece of tomato and ate it.

I pick my head up tiredly and rub my eyes, "Who do you think woke up early to make you guys all this food," I grumbled.

I frowned in confusion when I noticed Hyuga and Izuki senpai who sat right in front of me turn red while they covered their mouth as if they were trying to hold in their laughter.

"Woah! Pha! You're hair," Izuki-senpai laughed, dropping his chopsticks on the table.

Hyuga-senpai was laughing as well as he pointed his finger at someone next to me, "You guys sure you're not siblings?" He laughed.

I looked to my right and my eyes bright magenta met with a pale teal color. Tet-chan had a matching frown as me, as we tried to push each others hair down, though as soon as our hand moved, the blue and magenta hair popped right back up.

"Maa, they look pretty cute like that," I hear Teppei-senpai and feel a large hand placed on my head. I look up and see a happily smiling giant.

I suddenly notice the largeness of his hand as he patted my head.

"Whoa! Teppei-senpai! Your hands are so big, my heads like a basketball!" I exclaimed as I took his hand and brought it to my face. I stared at it wide eyed as I compared my hand to his. My finger tips barely brushed where his palm ends.

"The difference is amazing!" I muttered as I tried to intertwined my fingers with his, which was nearly impossible because his fingers were much longer the mine. I kept flipping his hand in fascination and compared it with my hands.

"You doaho! Stop looking like that!" I suddenly hear Hyuga-senpai yell and throw something at Teppei senpai. In confusion I look up at the giant and see him blushing a crimson red.

"Senpai, are you ok?" I question and let his hand go, I place my forehead on his, "You're so red but you don't have a temperature," I mutter and separated from him. I looked at him concerned as his eyes turned swirly.

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and see Tet-chan shaking his head, "He's ok Yuki-chan, just take a step away," I nod and take a large step back.


Riko and Hyuga snickered as they watched Teppei get flustered because of the innocent magentanette.

Though Koganei and Izuki were looking at Teppei with pity when they caught the looks some of the males were giving the Seirin center. Koganei whimpered and hid behind a trembling Mitobe when his eyes met a narrowed heterochromatic eyes.

Akashi was literally glaring a hole through Teppei and Koyuki's head. Thought the red head knew the magentanette's action were pure and it was just her character, she couldn't help it, she's just too...

Too innocent, and maybe a bit too close to stupid.

"So Coach, what do you want us to do? Today is our last free day since we are starting practice tomorrow," Koyuki questioned as she nibbled on the bacon she stole from Teppei's plate.

Riko's eyes shined as she smiled brightly, "Well, we're going to go out with Momoi-chan!" Riko suddenly glared at the male at the table, "Only Momoi-chan."

Hyuga and Izuki paled as the looked away from the brunette female who they call as their coach.

Yuki nodded her magenta head before quietly standing up, "I going to go take bath at the onsen before we leave, do you want to join me senpai?" Koyuki questioned Riko after she popped the last piece of bacon in her mouth.

Riko nodded before turning towards a certain pink haired teen, "Hey, Momoi-chan, we're going to go take a bath but you wanna come?" She called across the room, catching few attentions. The pinknette stood up from the seat next to Aomine and happily skipped over before dropping herself onto Koyuki.

"Yeah, Yu-chan let us dress you! I have the perfect outfit for you!" Momoi chirped as she dragged the two girls away leaving the males of their team watching.

Kuroko turned his gaze towards the former Teiko ace, Aomine seemed to have the same thought as he looked at the phantom player.

They both suddenly stood up, scaring few of the males at their table.

"I don't trust them," the both muttered as they shared looks.

"I'm following Yuki-chan," Kuroko muttered as he walked out of the dining hall to prepare to leave so he could follow them.

"Satsuki's definitely going to cause trouble," Aomine grumbled as he finished up his food and stood up from the table, leaving few of his teammates to laugh, to be specific a certain glassed captain of his team.

Aomine suddenly stopped and turned his gaze towards Akashi, "You still owe me a god damn phone."


I sighed in relief as I stared at myself in the mirror. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The outfit that the two girls chose for me consisted of a lacy tank top with a cute white shirt that showed my shoulder, and a black skirt that I thought was it bit too short.

Making sure to wear bike shorts underneath, I slipped on the knee high black socks before slipping on some converse I brought from the states.

My magenta hair was down in silky waves, reaching the back of my knee, I needed a haircut, my stupid hair just doesn't stop growing. I battled with my hair in front of the mirror before giving up.

With the brush and hair tie in my hand I walked out of the restroom.

"Hey, are you done?" Satsuki questioned as she looked at me. I shook my head in answer.

"I'm going to Mido-kun's room to get my hair done," I say walking out of the room. I quickly walk through the hall ways before knocking on the door where Mido-kun was staying with Takao-kun.

"Hai! Hai!" I hear the energetic voice of the shutoku player.

He opened the door as I smiled, though his eyes went down my body making me fidget.

"Yu-chan? What are you doing here?" the ravenette questioned as he opened the door to let me in.

I searched the room for Mido-kun with my eyes and noticed him reading a book on the couch.

"I wanted Mido-kun to do my hair for me again," I answer Takao's question as I smiled at him, "Can you Mido-kun?"

The green haired teen raised his eyes for the first time and looked at me. His cheeks flushed lightly before he stoically nodded.

I smile happily and ran towards him before I sat in front of him, facing away from him.

"Brush," Mido-kun mutter as he held his hand out. I gave it to him so he could brush my long strands of magenta.

"You need a hair cut," he stated as he started to slip my hair into two.

"Yeah, I know, I'll probably cut it before we head back," I answer, "Here ribbons to tie my hair," I gave him two long white ribbons so he could tie my high pig tails. Now it reached my lower back instead of my knee.

I got up and smiled at my former teammate, "Thanks Mido-kun, I would stay but I'm making the girls wait, see you later," with that I walked out of the room leaving the two Shutoku players.

I was heading back to our room when a red head blocked my path, "Don't forget about our game," his heterochromatic eyes were hard as they glared at me.

"Why would I forget?" I scoffed and walked pass him, making sure to bump into him. Without an apology, I continue to walk, not looking back. Suddenly the noise of a blade slicing through air was next to my ear..

I glared at the strand of magenta hair that fell to the ground. Akashi's scissors sliced though one of the strands of the two that was out of my ponytail and next to my cheek. I brought my hand to my now shorter hair in annoyance.

"Well, thanks Akashi..." I grumbled as I picked the piece of hair off the ground and walked off.

I slammed the door of the room I shared with Riko and Satsuki.

"Change of plan guys! We're going to a hair salon!" I yelled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I frowned, Mido-kun just did my hair and now Akashi needed to ruin it.

"Why the sudden- Whoa! What the hell happened?" Riko questioned as she stared at my uneven hair.

"Stupid red headed captain." I muttered.

I sighed and crossed my arms, "Now I need to get the other side to look the same with this side," I grumbled feeling my hair.

"It's not that bad actually," Satsuki chirped as she slipped her shoes on, "Its in fashion, having the two strands of hair by your cheeks shorter than the rest of your hair, I mean."

I shrugged and waited outside of the door.

"So..." Riko giggled.

"First, hair salon, then shopping, and then lunch," I stated as we walked next to each other.

"Do you think theres going to be any cute guys?" Riko questioned.

"Well..." Satsuki giggled, "Tetsu-kun's my number one but if we find some cute guys, I don't really mind playing around," the pinknette giggled once more.

I watched my brunette sempai nod with a smile, "Yeah, it'll be fun!"

"Wait!" I stop, "We need to make sure we come back by the afternoon, remember I have a game with Akashi?"

The two girls groaned loudly in complain, "Aww, I was planning on staying out all night!" Satsuki whined while Riko nodded eagerly.

I shrugged as we walked next the beach, "Well we could, but I won't prevent Akashi from cutting your head off."

The two girls visibly paled, and ran up and hooked ours arms with each other.

"Well, lets go! By getting your haircut we could go shopping!"


OK, THAT WAS A FILTER, NOTHING IMPORTANT HAPPENS!!! Sorry!! I also want to give a special thanks to Sakura_blossom21! Thank you so much for your help and support! Arigato Cherry-chan!

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