《 I'll wait for you babe 》 za...

By blasfemilia

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you really don't care if he is in love, you really don't care if she is your friend, you really want him to b... More



519 31 10
By blasfemilia

"What are you doing here?" I tried to avoid eye contact. I was mad at him, but a part of me wanted this to happen. Okay, to be honest I really wanted this to happen.

"I want to sort things out" He entered to my house and went directly to the couch.

"Well, I thought we did that yesterday, remember?" I said in an agressive tone while clossing the door.

"Zach, I-I don't wanna fight" He sighed, removed his sunglasses and looked down "I don't want this to end how it ended yesterday" I stood in front of him, trying to intimidate Jesse, but my height didn't help.

"Okay so... I listen to you" I said waiting for an apology.

"I'm so sorry for all of the things I said yesterday and... I'm sorry for making you believe that I felt somethin-".

"Okay, stop I got it" That hurt so I had to stop him. I turned my back because I didn't want Jesse to see that I was wasted. "You can go now if you're done".

"I won't go until I know that you're okay" He stood up quickly.

"I'm okay, we are okay, you can leave if Devon is waiting for you".

"No, you're not okay. Come on Zach, I know you more than I know myself" Well, he was right. 

"You know that I'm not okay, but you're still doing nothing about it" I faced him "And there's nothing you can do anyways... If you leave or you stay, I will keep feeling like shit and you know it Jesse" I looked at his face, he wasn't feeling okay, his crystal eyes were about to cry in any minute "Your apologies are useless... Nothing will be the same" I felt released when I said that, but Jesse felt worse. Jesse sat in the couch again, his eyes started to cry, but he tried to hide it with his sunglasses.

"We can just pretend that nothing happened, right?" His tattoed hands held mine, he looked desesperate and I couldn't resist. I started crying in front of him, we were both crying.

"Jesse, I can't pretend that nothing happened" I bent down to be at his height "Remember, that night does mean something to me...".

"I played with your feelings and I won't do it again" Our fingers intertwined, again I was feeling those butterflies in my stomach.

"Jesse I know you won't, but you can't change the past. You did it, now it's done. Don't make this worse for yourself, just leave" I separated my hands from his hands "Please... Don't make me miss you for much longer. It's easier this way". 

"No" He held my face with his two hands, they were warm and soft. I closed my eyes and my tears fell on his hands. "I won't leave like this" His breathing became heavy "I won't leave you like this". 

"I don't want you to do it, but you have to..."

"Stop it you asshole" He hugged me sharply. His body fell against mine and we were on the floor, it was cold, but it was countered by his warm body "I will stay and there's nothing you can do about it".

"Just like the other night?" I mumbled, my face was positioned on his shoulder and I could smell his fragrance. Cigarrettes and an expensive perfume.

"But now it's for real" He whispered on my ear.

We stopped crying, all those tears we they converted into happiness.

"What do you mean with that?" I stuttered.

"I can feel it Zach, that's what I mean".

"Oh" I smiled, but he couldn't see it.

"I don't want to hurt you... Not anymore" Deja vu, Jesse told me that while we were... having sex. Woah.

I smiled again, but now I wanted him to see my smile. So I looked up and he was staring at me, I had the brightest smile in my face. He smiled me back. We stared at each other for a moment. Is amazing when you are feeling like shit but that one person make you feel in heaven in two seconds, isn't it?

"I don't want to ruin the moment, but.. Are you drunk?" Oh, insecurities.

"No! I'm not, I swear" He blowed on my face and he was right, I didn't smell alcohol.

"I just can't believe this is for real" I giggled. While I was giggling, he kissed me softly on the lips. Nothing could compare that kiss, not even these good feeling when you received a huge gift in christmas as a child, when you are hungry and somebody orders pizza, when you have a good orgasm or... I don't know, but that kiss was incomparable.

"Are you hungry?" He said on my ear.

"Kinda... Wanna get up and go eat something outside?".

"I don't want to get up... Can we order pizza?" He started giving my kisses on my neck and I laughed, I tried to speak but I couldn't until he stopped.

"Okay, but I ain't gonna eat on the floor, let's go to my room. Order the pizza while I clean up my room" I stood up and Jesse stayed on the floor, I looked at him with a smile on my face and then I went to my room. I threw myself into bed and I texted Mikey.

"mikey miracles happen" I texted. He texted me back like 5 minutes later.

"What happened?" I was about to answer, but I feel Jesse entering to my room.

"oops tell you later".

"Wow, super clean" Jesse said, making fun of my mess.

"Oh sorry, I got distracted... Did you order the pizza?".

"Yup, it'll be here in 20 minutes... Why do you have an almost empty bottle of wine?". I grabbed the bottle and left it in the kitchen. When I came back Jesse was staring at my picture frames "Oh, I got replaced by Mikey" He said upset.

"Well... I was angry, sorry" I sat next to him.

"I understand" He looked at me with a smile "Anyway, we have to take another photo for this picture frame".

"You're right" I smiled back "Next time you come here, okay?"

"What about tomorrow morning?" He kissed me on the cheek.

"Tomorrow morning? Why?" I blushed, but surprised.

"Well, I'm staying!" Said Jesse with enthusiasm.

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