Brother's Best Friend (idubbb...

By heyy_thatsprettygood

8K 216 92

Anna Hollow has known George Miller pretty much her whole life. He's like the older brother she never had. Wh... More

Not An Update
Not An Update (Sorry)


1K 33 4
By heyy_thatsprettygood

Anna's POV

It's been two weeks since I've been in Perth with all the guys. And honestly, all the guys are super sweet and fun. And I've gotten close with all of them.


I jump as I hear my name. I walk out to the living room to see Ian and Max sitting on Chad.

"Wanna help us?" Joji asked with a devilish smirk.


"We're going to take Chad to the tattoo parlour. Get him a new tattoo." Ian said.

I look at them all with confusion before I agree.

I quickly go put some new clothes on before grabbing my phone and heading out to the car.

"Shot gun!" Chad and I say at the same time.

We look at each other before glaring. We then started booking it to the car.

"Hey hey hey! Be careful!" Ian yelled as he started his car.

"I called it first!" Chad yelled.

"No I did!" I yell back.

"Chad let the lady sit up front." Ian says.

I smile before blowing a kiss to Chad and he flips me off.

"I'll get you Hollow." He said.

I buckle up and soon we start driving.


I hold the camera trying not to laugh as Joji holds the door to the tattoo parlour open while Ian and Max are forcing Chad into the shop.

"Help." Chad says to the camera.

I then zoom in on Joji doing some weird hand thing.

We head into the shop before I see Ian push Chad to the ground, pull his pants down, and slap a picture of himself on Chad's ass.

I pan up to the lady and she's smiling.

"Hey. That's pretty good." She says.

The guys and I start laughing while I pan the camera back to Ian.

"Me likey." He says.

I keep filming for a few more minutes before the get Chad back to the table.

"God I feel so bad for Chad." I say after shutting the camera off for a little bit.

"Oh well." Joji says.

I giggle a bit before Ian calls me back to the area him and Chad are in.

I turn the camera back on and get a lot of footage of the tattoo process.

"Try not to touch that." The artist says as Ian touches Chad's PewDiePie tattoo.

I shake my head before laughing a bit.

"Maybe you should t wear a shirt that says 'Jet fuel can't melt steal memes.'. And you wouldn't be getting this." Ian says while pulling Chad's man bun.

Oh my god. These guys.

After a little bit longer, the tattoo is done.

"So. What do you think boys?"

Everyone looks at it, but Ian looks at it in shock. Everyone can tell he's ready to say his famous line, but Joji, or Frank at the moment, cuts in.

"Hey! That's mildly adequate."

Everyone laughs as the tattoo artist puts the ointment and Saran Wrap over the tattoo.

"So, are you gonna get another tattoo soon?" The lady asks Chad.

"Yes. But not if one of these cunts." Chad says pointing to everyone.

She laughs and looks over to Ian.

"So you're the popular one huh?" She asks.

I see the way she's looking at him and it angers me. I get this feeling in my stomach and jealousy flood over me.

Woah woah woah. Calm down Anna. You haven't even known the guy a month yet.

But he's still really cute.

Stop it!

I swallow the lump in my throat and stand with Max and Joji. I smile at Joji and but keep watching Ian and the lady.

It's a good thing we leave a couple minutes after because after watching those two, I was ready to scream.

We leave the shop and as soon as we leave, Chad pushes Ian against a wall and yells at him.

"I hope you actually get fucking cancer. Not as a joke."

Next thing we know, they're wrestling and Ian loses.

"God you guys are dumb." I say as I hand Joji the camera so he can put it back in his camera bag.

"Yeah. But you love it." Ian says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

I smile at him as he smiles back down at me.

"Hey hey hey. Get your hand off my sister." Joji says and pushes Ian away from me.

I glare at Joji before shaking my head and began walking behind the group to the car.

I sit up front with Ian again before everyone gets in and we drive back to the house.

When we get home, Ian makes me stay in the car while everyone else gets out.

"Are you okay? You've been acting strange since we left the tattoo parlour."

"I'm fine. My heads just in a million places at once." I force a smile.

"You sure? Because you can talk to me." He says grabbing my hands in his.

"I'm fine. I promise." I say while trying to hide me blushing.

He smiles before we get out and head into the house.

I walk down the hallway to the bathroom but get pulled into Joji's room.

He shuts the door and looks at me.

"What?" I ask.

He pulled up my sleeves and looked at my wrists and forearms.

"Show me your legs." He demanded.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"God dammit Anna! Let me see your legs!"

I roll up my shorts to show him my legs.

He sighed before hugging me.

"What the hell?" I ask.

"I was worried. You were acting strange and I thought you did it again." He said and hugged me tighter.

"Joji, I haven't done it in years. I mean yes I do get the urge to do it, but that's why I have this rubbed band." I say and show him the rubber band on my wrist.

"That's still not good though Anna."

"But I'm okay. Really. I promise." I say and cup his cheeks with my hands.

He smiles before he kisses my forehead and looks at me.

"Will you please tell me if you ever really feel like you need to?"

"Of course Joji. You're my brother. Why would I keep something like that hidden from you. Remember, I told you  and only you the minute I first did it."

"True. But still. Please tell me."

"I will. Don't worry." I say and hug him tighter.

"K. Let's go out with the guys." I say.

He nods before we go out to the living room.

"You guys good?" Chad asks while laying on his stomach.

I smile and nod before I sit between Max and Ian.

"You good?" Ian asks quietly.

"I'm okay." I smile.

He smiles before grabbing his phone and starts messing around on whatever app he was on.

"Pizza's here!" Max yells.

"You ordered pizza?" Chad asked.

"Yes." Max said proudly.

He answers the door before coming back a few moments later.

"Holy fuck! How many pizzas did you buy?" I ask.

"Five." He shrugs.

I laugh a bit before grabbing a box for Ian and myself to share and everyone else got their own boxes.

I look over to talk to Max but I'm shocked to see Joji sitting in Max's spot.

He smiles at me and I playfully roll my eyes.

"Take it." Max says.

I look to him and see him handing me some Australian beer.

I carefully take it and take a sip. I see everyone else drinking theirs and eating their pizza, so I think I'm safe. For now.

We ended up watching chest 80s movies for the rest of the day which was quite fun.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Anyway thank you for reading and pleas keep voting and commenting😊

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