By 416bunny

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Pranking the Ravenclaws? Playing Volleyball with the Slytherins in Muggle Studies? Having tea with a cactus n... More

The first day
Colin and Bob
The first prank
Steps Duplication Spells and Pizza

Pranking and sortings

237 4 3
By 416bunny

AN~ Hello again! after eating and taking a shower I still wanted to type! You ever get that feeling where you just wana go on your computer and write a new chapter? Well thats what I felt around 6 and it is still holding strong now. But I don't feel like typing for one of my other stories, but this one. Anyway this probaby won't be posted til tomorrow so that I can get the most reads in a day for the first chapter then post this one. Ok BYE!

Albus Percival Welfric Brian Dumboldore, a.k.a, 416bunny

I do not own the Totally Awesome world of Harry Potter I am just a fan who is still in Post Potter Depression


Danny was the last one out of the fireplace, and falling flat on her face as she did so. "Nice landing Shortie. I'll give you a hand with your trunk." Chad said to Danny after watching her stumble out of the fireplace. Chad picked up Danny's heavy suit case and place it on top of his, which was on a trolly.

Danny stood up and looked around at Platform nine and three quarters, their were thousands of wizards and witches all buzzing around going this way at that. Danny had never seen so many people at the Platform in one day. "Um Chad..." Danny asked. "Why are there so many people. It seems like there are hundreds of thousands and that doesn't seem right."

Chad gave Danny a confused look but they his face lit up with understanding. "Danny. Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny. You broke your glasses again after coming out of the fireplace. Theres not, as yiu say, hundreds of thousands of people, more like a hundred or so."

"Only a hundred? That doesn't seem like enough people to all be going to Hogwarts." Danny said to her older brother.

"Thats because some people are already on the train, some are waiting to get on the plat form threw the wall, others are coming in threw the fireplaces which by the way you are blocking one-" Danny moved out of the way of the front of the fireplace, and just in time for a rather large man hurried threw and if Danny was still standing there, he would of just plowed right threw her.

Chad watched the man hurry away and then contuined with what he was saying before. "Then theres the people who come at the very last second, which is a lot of them. So does that explain everything?"

"No. That didn't explain to me why the sky is blue, why the grass is green, why there are muggle born witches and wizards, how muggles can't see dragons or unicorns, what makes the wand choose the wizard, what-" Danny was cut off with her brother placing his hand over her mouth.

"Ok. Let me refrace that. Did my explination explain why there looked like their were so many people and why really there is so little people here?" Chad asked.Danny nodded her head yes because her brother's hand was til covering her mouth.

"Ok then." Chad took his hand away from his sisters mouth. "Lets go find mum and Brian so that we can board the train and you can get your glasses fixed." Chad lead Danny away threw the small crowd of people and found their way to Barbra and Brian. Barbra hadn't seen Chad and Danny come up behind her so she kept on asking where they were.

Brian saw them though and he tried to point them out to his mother but she just wouldn't listen. Once she finally turned around she addressed them and asked Brian, "Why didn't you tell me they got here?"

"Chad have a good last year at Hogwarts. Study hard for the N.E.W.T.S for they will deturmin your whole future, but remember to have some fun everyone once and a while. Maybe meet someone. Every man needs a women in his wife." Barbra said to Chad, and once she was done she pulled him into a hug. "Oh and remember to watch out for your little sister. If you see her in the hall and she looks lost, show her where she needs to go. Even if showing her gets you a detention, your father and I will understand."

Chad nodded in understanding and then borded the train and went off in search of his friends. Barbra then turned to Brian. "Now Brian you study hard too. It is your O.W.L year and how you do will affect the rest of your Hogwarts years. Try not to cause trouble by getting in a fight with a Slytherin and please don't confuse your sister. If I hear anything back from eaither her or Chad your in for it. Make a move on that Gryffindor girl you fancy, it never hurts to try but it will hurt if you never do." Barbra hugged Brian and then he went and hopped onto the train and headed to the prefects chariage.

Barbra finally turned to Danny. "Now Daniell. I want you to be a good girl and listen to what your Professors tell you. Even if you don't agree with them, agree with them. But if you really have a problem with them go to one of your bro... go to Chad and have him go talk to Dumboldore. Only do this is you know for sure that the teacher is wrong. Study hard and make new friends. Be nice to everyone you meet and try not to torment Brian too much now that you go to Hogwarts. If Brian is telling to stories to make you scared just owl me and I'll send him a howler if he becomes worse. Oh I'll miss you my baby girl." Barbra wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her tight.

"I'll miss you mom." Danny said keeping her eyes shut tight so that no tears could escape. Once she fianally pushed back the tears, Danny opened her eyes and watched as a large family of red heads walked threw the brick wall. The last ones to come threw the wall in the large group was a mother, father, and daughter and they all had flaming red hair.

Danny looked away from the family and back towards her mom who had tears in her eyes. 'Mum. Why are you crying?" Danny asked her mom. Barbra pulled Danny into another hug and once she finally let go she answered,

"My baby girl and last child is going to Hogwarts. There will only be your father and I in the house for now on. I think I have the right to be a bit emotional."

"Ok mum. Well I gotta get on. I love you!" Danny said as she grabbed her trunk and got on the train just as the last whistle blew.

"Bye Danny! I love you too!" Barbra said. The train started to pull away and Danny rushed into the nearest compartment so that she could see her mum threw the window. Danny looked out the window until she couldn't see her mom anymore.

"Um excuse me? Lil first year? You arn't wanted in here." A snotty voice said that pulled Danny out of her thoughts. She turned around and saw a pale kid with a pointed chin and bleach blonde hair, two other boys that reminded Danny of Gorilla's that she had seen in a muggle zoo once, and a girl with black hair and a pug face. The boy with bleach blonde hair was th one who addressed her.

"Oh well excuse me. I didn't know a Duke was here. Make that a Dutchas. And make that Dutch-ASS. Bu-bye now." Danny said and then left the compartment before his Royal Highn-ASS could sick his two Gorilla's on her.

Danny muttered about annoying stuck up people as she searched for a compartment of her own. Finally after walking down over half the train, Danny found one that no one else was in. Danny pushed her trunk in first and then tried to life it onto one of the shelfs but found that she wasn't able to pick it up an inch, so she just left it on the floor between the two seats.

Danny sat in silence for about five minutes just sorting threw her emotions. But then she got bored and decided to go prank someone. But first as a percausion, Danny set up a booby trap on the door and on the two seats so that no one would think about taking her compartment.

Once all the traps were set, Danny got up and went in search for someone to prank. As she was walking down the corridors Danny saw a bushy hair girl looking in all the compartment windown and muttering to herself, "Where are Harry and Ron?"

A little further up Danny saw two red heads talking to another boy, the two red heads were obviously twins and then were compleating each others sentionces. "What did we do this summer? Why we-"

"Just rescued Harry-"

"Potter from his evil-"

"family that he lives with."

Danny kept walking and she found another girl walking threw the hall looking at everyone she saw.This girl was very tall and had long dark brown hair that was pulled into a very messy bun. Danny and the girl made eye contact and Danny knew that she wanted to prank this girl. Trying to look like she wasn't up yo anything, Danny walked a bit further to a bathroom and then went inside.

It was a small bathroom with only a toilet and sink/mirror in it. Danny pulled out everything that was in her pockets, a bag of balloons, some rubberbands, a feather, her bag of money, and string, or in other words what was needed to set her prank.

Danny stood outside of her compartment ten minutes later, everything for her prank was set. Now all she needed was for her victum to walk by. And soon enough the tall girl did walk by and Danny bent down to 'tie her shoe' when she really activated the prank.

Danny's bag of money fell out of her pocket and right in front of the tall girl. The tall girl noticed the bag of money right away and went to pick it up. The money was tied to a string so when the girl grabbed the bag, the sting was pulled, letting a dozel water balloons fall ontop of the girl.

No sooner was the tall girl wet did Danny find herself covered in honey and white owl feathers.

Both girls stared at each other in shock and then they both burst out laughing. "Hahaha, my prank worked!" Danny said and pumped her fist in victory.

"Your prank? You mean me getting wet was your prank? I thought it was those twin red heads because I heard that they are the prankers of the school." The tell girl said to Danny. "And it looks like my plan worked as well."

"You mean your the reason I'm covered in honey and feathers? Well then i must say, well played."  Danny said.

"As to you. I couldn't even see the string tied to the bag."

"And I am still not sire where the honey and feathers came from." Danny said. "Hey you wana share a compartment with me? This one right here is mine." Danny said gestering to the compartment she was standing in front of.

"Sure I need a place to find a place to sit anyway." The tall girl said and then went and opened the sliding doors. The tall girl then found herself being shot at with rubber bands and Zonko's pixie dust being dropped on her. The pixie dust caused the girl to fly right up to the ceiling. From the ceiling, the tall girl was able to see Danny rolling on the floor laughing.

"So I take it you booby trapped the compartment? Why may I ask?" The tall girl asked, still floating in the air.

"Oh because I might of talked back to a couple of older kids who looked really mean. Two of them looked like Gorilla's." Danny explained.

"I like your style. Not many first years would talk badly to an older kid. I wouldn't."

Danny looked up at the girl who was starting to come down from the ceiling with confusion. "You mean you didn't right? As in when you were in first year you didn't talk badly to an older student?" Danny asked.

"No I mean wouldn't because I'm only starting Hogwarts this year. As in I'm a first year." The tall girl was now on the ground again and was confused by the look of amazment on Danny's face. 'What?"

"ITs just that your so tall. I thought you were a third year at least." Danny explained herself. The tall girl just laughed and shook her head.

"Nope I'm a first year. i'm just a but tall for my age. Like how you are short. Oh and I never introduced  myself. My name is Tabatha Donley. Whats your name?" Tabatha asked Danny.

"Wow then you are o0ne TALL eleven year old. And my name is Danny Clemins." Danny intoduced herself.

~Hogsmead, Three Hours Later~

Tabatha and Danny got off the train and looked around the small town that they were in. "How far are we from Hogwarts and where are we?" Tabatha or Tab as Danny called her asked.

"We are right by Hogwarts and this is the only full wizarding town in London, its called Hogsmead. Do you not have any old siblings that go to Hogwarts?" Danny asked.

"No. I have an older brother and sister but I'm from a muggleborn family and they didn't become magical like I did." Tabatha explained. Danny nodded in understanding and then was about to say something else when a loud voice called out,

"FIRST YEARS! FIRST YEARS O"VER HERE! COME ON NOW I DON"T BITE!" Danny and Tabatha turned their heads to the direction from which the noice came and they saw a very tall man that made Tabatha look like she was a toddlers height and Danny look like an ant. Danny saw that Tabatha looked a bit afraid at the giant of a man.

"Don't worry. Thats just Hagrid. He's the keeper of the keys here at Hogwarts. He's half giant so he is rather tall but he is the nicest person you will ever meet." Danny reasured Tab as they both made their way towards Hagrid.

"Ok thanks for the heads up." Tabatha said and was about to say something else but Hagrid interrupted.

"Ok all the first years over here? FIRST YEARS! Hey what are you doing here?" The last part was directed at Tabatha rather then all first years. Tabatha looked to scared to speak because even with Dannys comforting words, the tall man still scared her a bit.

"Sir this is Tabatha." Danny said for Tab.

"Yes but what is she doing here? Why is yur older sister going here?" Hagrid asked Danny. Tabath finally snapped out of it and spoke for herself.

"No sir I am not her sister. I am a first year."

Hagrid didn't seem to believe Tabatha because there was a look in his eyes that said he was doubtful. "No really sir I am a first year. Look at my robes." Tab pointed to her robes and where the house crest should be, but it was instead a Hogwarts crest.

"Blimey you is a first year. Sorry I've just never seen one so tall. Ok first years all here? Good too the boats!" Hagrid directed all the first years down a path and once they got past a bend a collection of 'OOOOOOOh's started. For Hogwarts could now be seen. Tabatha leaned in and down to Danny and whispered,

"This is a school? Looks like something the Queen of England would live in, excpet this looks even nicer."

Once the large group made it down the path they found a small fleet of roll boats. "No more then four to a boat!" Hargid directed and then got in a boat all to hismelf. Tabatha and Danny got in a boat with another red haired girl and one with light blonde hair that had what looked like radish earrings dangling from her ears.

"Foward!" Hagrid said, holding a pink umbrella put like a comander on hourse back holds his sword while charging into battle.

The girl with flaming red hair was the first one to introduce herself, "Hello my name is Ginny Weasely." Danny slapped the palm of her hand against her forehead. Ginny saw this, "What?"

"Oh its just that I should of known. I kept seeing a bunch of red haired people and I knew from my brothers that you guys are the Weasleys." Danny explained but Ginny just got more confused.

"Why would your brothers be talkiong about my family? Are you some of those snooby purebloody families that saw my family are traitors?" Ginny asked and started to get angry. Danny stepped in quick so that Ginny didn't get mad.

"No its nothing like that!" Danny was quick to explain. "My brothers are always talking about your brothers pranks. Well my oldest brother Chad talks about how funny they are while Brian is always complaining because I think they pranked him more then once."

"Brian? Is he a Ravenclaw?" Ginny asked. Danny nodded her head and was confused on how Ginny knew that. "Brian Clemins?" Again Danny nodded and she was started to get weirded out. "My brothers Fred and George prank him all the time because your brother told on them to Snape so are still seeking revenge."

"Oh! No wonder he hates their pranks. Man my brother is a stick in the mud. Well hi! I'm Danny Clemins." Danny said.

"Danny is an odd name for a girl." The girl wearingthe radish earrings piped up for the first time. Before Danny could correct what she was saying the girl spoke up again "A nickname for Danny that is usually good for boys but I like it for girls more. Its different. Differents good. Hello I'm Luna Lovegood."

Danny didn't know wheater to be confused, insoulted or complimented but since the girl had a form of food dangling from her ears, she took it as a compliment.

"Well then that leaves me. Hiya I'm Tabath Donley." Tabatha said. Since they were all intoduced the four girls started talking until Hagrid called for everyone to duck. The girls then remainded quiet because they were now under Hogwarts and nerves were running high.

"Alright follow me." Hagrid said and then brought everyone up fom stairs and to a huge door that was taller then the hlaf-giant. Hagrid knocked on the door three times. Everyone held their breath as the doors swung open and Hagrid lead them inside.

Danny looked everywhere and her face showed one of amazement for the ceiling seemed to never come and their were thousands of moving paintings all along the walls. The staircases would move every so offen, something Danny knew would throw her threw a loop.

"Ahem." A quiet voice called out. Even though it was quiet everyone was able to hear it so everyone shut up almost at once. "Hello my name is Professor McGonagall and I am the Deputy Headmistress here at Hogwarts. Their are four houses at Hogwarts. Gryffindor for the brave. Hufflepuff for the loyal. Ravenclaw for the statics and Slytherin for the cunning. While at your seven years are Hogwarts your house will be like your family. Good behavor will earn you house points while rule breaking will lose them. At the end of the year which every house as the most points will win the House Cup. Now I will come back and get you when everything is ready."

Once Proffesore McGonagall left some people starting talking in quiet tones just to ease the tension. Someone then let out a scream which lead to more once people saw some ghost appear.

"Can't we just give him one chance? We never do!" An balding monk pleaded with a ghost in ruffles and tights.

"And we can't give him a chance with something as improent as the start of term feast. If we have to put trust in him lets wait for something a big smaller and of less importance like the Halloween Feast." The ghost in the tights said.

"Oh I guess your right and hello dear small children. First years I am guessing?" A few people including Danny and Luna nodded to the smiling ghost. To Danny the ghost reminded her of Santa Clause because he seemed rather jolly.

"Hope to see some of you in Hufflepuff. My house would you know." The ghost said and then he and the tight wearing ghost left and McGonagall came back.

"We're ready for you. Form a streight line behind me and then lets go." McGonagall directed the first years. Once everyone was in line McGonagall lead them to the Great Hall were once again a collection of gasp's was heard from the sight on the inside.

Danny looked around the Great Hall and found it even more amazing then her brothers described it as. she heard Tab gasp from behind her and just saw Luna looking around and ask herself, "Wonder if there are any nargles around."

McGonagall stopped and then placed an stoll and a hat onto it. Everyone was quiet for a moment and the the hat formed a face and started to sing,

"Gryffindor, ROAR!"

"Slytherin, Sssssss!"

"Ravenclaw, MCAAA!"

"Hufflepuff, BADGE NOICES!" And then it stopped sining. Everyone started clapping and then McGonagall said when she calls your name to come up.

"Boysly, Hannah" McGonagall called. A avarage height girl walked up from the back of the line and sat down and had the hat placed on her head, covering her eyes. Agter about a minute the hat called out,

"GRYFFINDOR!" The table to the very right clapped really hard and then "Clemins, Daniell"

Danny walked slowly up the the hat and then had it lowered over her eyes. "Hmm interesting. Have a very different mind then both your brothers. Both were rather easy to pick but you, the only girl Clemins, has a difficult mind to pick which house to put you in. I see your smart, average in about everything but you love to read, something that is very Ravenclaw like. But you seem to have a nasty temper and like for things to turn your way which is kinda Slytherin. But your not very cunning and you don't seem to go to any lengths to get what you want so Slytherin is out of the Question. Gryffindor? No just plain no. Hmmm what about Hufflepuff? I can see that you are not very patient, no not all. But you are very loyal to your friends and stick up for them and with them. Hmmm... better be..."

Danny held her breath in and waited for the hat to call out a house name.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The Hat called. The table next to the Gryffindor one shouted out in cheers. 'Hufflepuff?" Danny thought to herself. 'Hufflepuff? Hmm... Danny the Hufflepuff? I like that.' Danny decided that she agreed with the hats choice and went to go sit at the Hufflepuff table.

Danny zoned in and out of the sorting so she heard "Daniels, Sarah" be called up and sorted into Slytherin. Danny zoned out again but snapped out of it when someone clapped right in front of her ear. "Hey! What was that for?" Danny turned to look at Tabatha sitting next to her. "Oh hey Tab." Danny said and then it took her a couple of seconds to realise it. "TABATHA! Your a Hufflepuff too?!"

Tab laughed at Danny and nodded her head. "Yah I am I still can't believe that your a Hufflepuff."

Tabatha got quiet as another person was called. "Malloy, Rachel" The sorting for Rachel took about two minutes before the hat finally called Ravenclaw.

Now Danny and Tab zoned out of the sorting until "Weasley, Ginny" was called. Ginny became a Gryffindor and then there was only one last name to be called, "Wester, MaryMeg." Mary's sorting took about haf a minute before it called Slytherin and Mary went to go sit by Sarah.

Dumboldore stood up and Danny prepared herself for a long and boring speech but was surprised when all she heard was "MCAAA!" And then the food appeared.

"Oh my gosh! Where did the food come from?" Tabatha asked in amazement. Danny laughed at her friends wonderstruck and then reached out to get some fried chicken and a large baked potato.

Tabatha stared at all the food in front of her and then reached for a salad, corn on the cob, animal crackers and a peanut butter sandwich. Danny looked at all the food on Tab's plate but didn't see any meat on it.

"You one of those vegetarians?" Danny asked and then took a bit of her chicken. Tabatha watched Danny eat the chicken and rinkled her nose in disgust.

"Yah I'm a vegetarian. Lets just say that I drove by a meat proccessing plant and I never ate meat again." Tabatha shuddered at what Danny thought what must of been her remembering driving by the plant.

"Harsh. Well I love me a good cow! Couldn't imagine not eating meat. Not sure I wana imagine it. Be like a nightmere. So tell me about your back story Tabs." Tabatha thought about Danny's request for a minute and then answered,

"Well right now my family lives right in the middle of muggle London. I have an older sister named Cathy and an older brother named Smith. I am muggleborn and neither of my siblings got magical powers. We tend to move around alot because of my dad's job as a CFO of a small company. My mom is a stay at home mom that loves to cook but is kinda terrible at it so whenever she's not looking my dad will sneak in and try to fix the meal. My brother as graducated collage and has now signed up for the air force. My sister is still in collage and is still unsure of what she wants to do. I am the youngest and I am very tall, almost as tall as my brother, I love cats and have one named Dog. I would do stuff that I could never explain but the people around me who knew me didn't see anything wrong because I can act rather odd when I want to which is a lot. My birthday is New Years Eve. I hate meat and love candy. My favorite color is gold... That enough info?" Tab watched as Danny nodded and then take another bite of her chicken. "So tell me more about yourself."

"Well I have two brothers, Chad who is a seventh year Gryffindor, and Brian who is a fifth year Ravenclaw. My mom is a witch and was in Gryffindor while my dad is a muggle who is a CFO for a branch off a larger muggle company. I live on the outskirts of Muggle London and I am not quiet sure what its called. I was born and raised in Ireland til I was seven so I still have my Irish accent. I am a dog person and I have a Chocolate Lab named Magic. I love to read and I hate skirts, so I'm going to ask my brother to put a dilusion charm on some pants but it looks like a skirt. I was born on April 1. Muggle April Fools Day. I love Quidditch and softball but I don't like any other sports. My favorite color is purple and I like me a good cow." Danny said all of this while eating the rest of her chicken, her potato and a piece of garlic bread. Danny was about to say something else when Dumboldore stood up causeing everyone to sit down.

"Dessert time!" Dumboldore said and then all the dinner food was replaced with a bunch of different sweets. Danny reached for the chocolare ice cream with hot chocolate on top while Tab reached for mint ice cream with chocolate syrup ahd whip cream.

"I see you like the muggle sweets also. The only wizard sweet that I like is chocolate frogs cause those are just amazing!" Danny commented after eating a spoonful of chocolatly goodness. Tabatha just nodded her head instead of answering for she had a mouthful of ice cream in her mouth.

After a little bit all the desserts dissapeared and Dumboldore stood up again to make his speech. "Well not that we are all sugered up I think all we need is a nice sleep. But I have the usual annocments to make. Magic should not be used while in the corridors. Flich as a list of everything that is banned in his office. The Forbbiden Forrest is well...forbbiden. And I hope that the first years find Hogwarts magical. Now pip pip off to bed."

"So where are the Common Rooms?" Tabatha asked Danny, who just shrugged her shoulders. Tabatha's question was answered when a fifth year prefect stood up and told all the first years to follow him.

As they were exciting the Great Hall Danny pulled Tabatha down and whispered in her ear, "I hope you don't have to walk up to many stairs to get to the commom room." Both girls were surprised when they started to go down some stairs instead of up. The prefect lead the group of first years down two flights to the third floor which he called the basement because lower then the third floor is the dungons.

The prefect lead them past an large picture of a bowl of fruit and a few other paintings until they got to three barrows standing side by side by side. "This is the entrence to the Hufflepuff common room. You don't need to remember a password because all you need to do is place your hand on one of the barrows. Which barrow changes from time to time. Now who wants to touch the barrow to get us in?"

None of the other little Hufflepuff's walked up excpet Danny. "So which one do I have to place my hand on?" Danny asked.

"Umm... the middle one.... I think." The prefect said. Danny rolled her eyes and then went to go place her hand on the one furtherest left. And much to everyones shock the barrow started to levitate and so did the one to the right. The right one placed itself in the middle while the left one placed itself on top, then a ladder appeared that let them climb up to the top of the barrow.

"I'll go first!" Danny said and then started to climb the ladder. Once she was at the top she stood on the topmost barrow and waited for something to happen. "Well how does it get me to the common AHHHHHH!" The top of the barrow disappeared and Danny was dropped down onto a slide.

Danny twisted and turned on the slide and was screaming all the way. Suddenly Danny was dropped about three feet and onto a large stack of pillows. Danny looked around and saw yellow and black everywhere. She was in the common room. Just as Danny started to get up someone came out of the slide and landed on her, That someone was really tall.

"Tab get off me." Danny said from under Tabatha.  Tab got off Danny and then they both started to explore the common room. There was a sign towards the right hand corner that said first year girls. "This must be our way to the dorms. But where do we enter i AHHHHHH!" Danny started to scream again when the floor beneath her disapperared and dropped her down to another slide.

After more twist and turns Danny was dropped down onto more pillows. Danny got up quick because a moment later Tabatha came sliding down. Both girls looked around and both called out at the same time, "BUNK BEDS!" Danny ran past Tabatha, found where her trunk was and climbed the ladder onto the top bunk.

"Awwww I wanted to top bunk." Tab complained.

"Maybe you'll get it with your bed." Danny suggested but Tab just shook her head.

"No because this is also my bed." Tab complained again. Danny started laughing and then called down from the top,

"Well you snooze you lose. But I think I'll go lose now! GOODNIGHT LITTLE TABATHA!!!!"


TADA HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!!!!!! We finally meet the second part of the Duo aka Tabatha!  Hope you liked it! It is now 12:00 (literally my grandfather clock just struck 12) So I am now going to go craw into my bed and reread IT IS OUR CHOICES! Man I love that book. (wattpad book btw) COMMENT AND GET A DEDICATION!!!!!

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