The Seventh Miracle (A Kuroko...

By CurseHydraulic

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Kimber is the unknown seventh miracle of the generation of miracles. He finally comes home to Japan to join i... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Basket Ball Terms
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Who needs life when I have yaoi ;-;
Halp! Jaeger's Pick A Senario!
Chapter 20
Im back<3 (please read)
The Seventh Miracle; Updates Coming Soon!

Chapter 2

2.6K 50 10
By CurseHydraulic

Sorry it wasn't up yesterday heh I had no wifi ^^; hope y'all enjoy


Chapter 2:

Lucia You're Home! And A School Tour?

The buzzing of his alarm woke both Kimber and Mizu. But, the small dog was way too tired, so she went back to sleep. Kimber soon got changed into some different clothes and walked to the door, quietly slipping out of the apartment. But he didn't forget to leave some left over steak in her food bowl. He went down stairs and went to the manager's office. Knocking a few times he stepped back away from the door. A woman stepped out. "How can I help you?" She said perkily. "Um, did anything come under the name, Kimber Hizuki?" He asked, hoping that Lucia had made it. "Oh yeah! Come on in!" She giggled. He stepped in, and his eyes lit up when he saw the blue roam Pomeranian. She barked with glee and walked to him, her tail wagged quickly. Kimber snapped his fingers and she sat. "Sorry, my curiosity got the better on me. I fed her the food that came with her, by the way." She smiled. "Thank you! So much!" He laughed, kneeling down to pet his loyal service dog.

He quickly thanked the girl, and learned that her name was Rique. It was nice to meet someone so quickly. He looked back, waving to the girl as he continued to walk to the school that he would know for the next four years. It wasn't the closest place, but he wouldn't have to walk further than twelve blocks. It took just around fifteen minutes to get there, and he got there at about ten fifty seven. 'Man, that was a close one...' He thought to himself as he walked into the school building. Seirin. It looked like a beautiful school. Soon, man walked through the office doors. "I'm sorry young man, but I'm going to need to ask you to get that dog out of here." The man demanded. Kimber had always hated having to say this, but he knew that he needed to. " can't, she's m-" but the man cut him off, and picked the small Pomeranian up. "You need to get this mutt out." He growled. "What's wrong with you?! Put my dog down!" Kimber demanded. But how was he suppose to act?!

Just then, another man walked through the same doors. "Vice Principle Hitori, put that boy's dog down! Can't you see the Red Cross vest?! It's a service dog you imbecile!" He cried. The man immediately put Lucia down and stepped back. She jumped up into Kimber's arms and he held her close to himself. "I'm sorry about that. You're Kimber Hizuki aren't you? We've been expecting you." The man smiled. "I'm Principle Shiroko. I hope that my Vice Principle didn't cause you too much distress." The man chuckled uncomfortably. Kimber only shrugged. But he still didn't like the way that the other man had handled his dog.

He soon was shown the entire school and he was able to explore on his own. He went straight to the gym. He looked around for a bit, felt the floor. It was slick. But it was a beautiful gym. Soon, a barking, that did not come from Lucia, called his attention. "Number 2?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He heard a booming voice echo through the gym. Kimber stood up and looked across the gym. Just then, a husky puppy came barking and running straight to him an Lucia. Obviously, the Pomeranian barked back and stared the puppy down, growling and snarling, just to keep Kimber safe. It eventually backed down, whimpering and crying as Lucia defended him.

Kimber chuckled and stepped back, pulling Lucia with him. "Lucia, hai hai." He said quietly. The dog stopped barking, and jumped up into his arms. He saw a group of boys, and a girl walk his way. "Who are you." The girl growled. "I'm Kimber Hizuki. I'm going to be coming to this school this year. And you must be the coach." He smiled at her. The girl was very confused. Most didn't see her as the coach. But this boy did. "Hizuki-kun. What are you doing back, I thought you where in America." The blunt, and familiar, voice of Kuroko popped up. "When did you get here?!" Mitobe growled. "How do you know him?" Riko asked, ignoring the confused player's question to the icy haired boy.

Kuroko took the time to tell them all that, Kimber was on the Teiko basketball team. "He was one of the starting five. He obviously didn't get to do the jump balls at the beginning of the games but...he was a great point guard." The passive boy chuckled. Kimber was hardly taller than him. Only by like, a millimeter. That's when the whole team looked back in shock. Did Kuroko just....laugh?! Kimber laughed too. "Yeah, but I could never get past your phantom pass now could I." "Never!" Kuroko laughed lightly punching the other's shoulder.

The whole team stood in shock. Kuroko never joked around like this. "Are you feeling okay, Kuroko-kun?" Riko asked, checking his temperature. "I'm fine." He said, once again in a passive state. Back in the vegetative state, and that's when Kimber attacked. "...vegetable..." Then the two burst into wild laughter. "Oh my god, you remembered?!" Kuroko hissed. Kimber only nodded. "Stop! You've broken Kuroko!" Teppei yelled. "I'm not broken, just recalling fond memories..." He said, returning to his monotone voice type, finally acting normal. "That's fine, Kuroko-kun. Let's get together some other time. I'll be at school tomorrow, maybe we can talk at lunch." He smiled as he decided he'd turn to walk off, Lucia walking by his side. She always went with him, even if she couldn't walk by his side, she could always call his attention back with a stern bark.

Kagami didn't seem to be amused about him though. "How can you play basketball if you're blind or something?" He growled. "Sounds pretty far fetched.' Kuroko smacked him upside the head and hissed. "He's not blind you idiot! He's got a neurological disability, dimwit!" Kagami bit his lip, getting red faced in embarrassment. Kimber only laughed. "Oi, I'll see you tomorrow Kuroko-kun!" He called over his shoulder, continuing his venture out.

It didn't take long for Kimber to get home, and it was an easy night. He could a sitter for Mizu and Lucia would be going with him, so everything was set. He went out quickly to get food for himself and the dogs and returned home once again. As he lied in bed, his dogs by his sides he closed his eyes, ready to sleep from the exhausting day that left him, and the one that lie ahead.

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