Larry Stylinson One Shots

By sweaterlarry

181K 3K 874

Oh so this is a book of stories. They're LARRY. How do I tag things again? More

Larry Stylinson One Shots
1:10 am
Ooh an Author's Note.. Thing?
Christmas Lights AU
The Little House (Story Book Format)
Off To Neverland (AU)
I Just Cannot Have You Yet (AU)

Those Pink and Blue Flowers

21.7K 502 150
By sweaterlarry

Once again finally through with another round of the Meet and Greets, Niall tossed Louis some of the gifts they received. Some had been sweet, like cards and letters. Some had been annoying, like bags of carrots (that Zayn had swiftly taken and threw at Louis' head. After all, it WAS Lou's fault for saying he liked girls who ate carrots in the first place.) Then there were the lovely and talented ones, like the homemade things and cute personal items. Louis reached up and caught what Niall had thrown, a flower crown.

"Another one of these? What is the deal?" Questioned Liam, examining his light yellow one. He twirled it around his finger, letting it slide down his wrist.

"It's something our girls do, LiLi." Niall stated matter-of-factely. "They get pictures of us, add these "flower crowns" to our heads, and PRESTO! A brand new looking pic!"

"And then they.... MAKE us our own ones for real life? I couldn't really wear this anywhere. Do they expect me to?" Liam had flung himself into a state of panic, worrying the fans would be disappointed if he didn't wear his... Crown. Niall was in a fit of laughter, and Zayn just scoffed, adjusting his red one around his black quiff.

"Hey, Liam. They're not so bad." Harry had called, from the bathroom mirror. Louis guessed he was adjusting his light pink flower crown around his messy brown curls, the little highlight in the petals making his eyes sparkle more than usual. Louis just held his crystal blue one in his hands, afraid of looking like a fool with it on. He couldn't have his closest friends laughing at him, and especially not Harry.

Just then, Harry casually strolled out of the bathroom, grinning so wide his dimples popped much more than normal. Louis looked over Harry, and saw the pink flower crown sitting gingerly on Harry's head. It fit right with his hair, the curls bouncing out around the petals. Louis' breath was completely taken away.

"What do you think, lads?" Harry questioned, pointing to the crown on his head. He seemed so full of joy, over something so tiny and of no real value. That's why Louis loved Harry, though. Enough love in his heart to be so happy over the littlest things. Niall burst into hysterics again.

"YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL HARRY. A LITERAL GIRL." Niall choked out, accompanied by a groan from Liam, and a smack to the head from Zayn. Harry just rolled his eyes and quickly responded with a sassy "At least I'd be a pretty girl." And that only sent Niall laughing even harder. Liam slipped his own flower crown around his short hair, the yellow making his brown locks pop. Louis thought he'd just look dumb. Zayn grabbed the laughing Niall by the arm, and left the room with the annoying boy. Liam looked to Harry.

"Your flower crown looks nice Harry. Plus, even if it didn't, a fan took the time to make us each one that fits with what we look like! How sweet." Liam smiled and patted Harry's hair.

"Your right Liam, I know. But I have to admit, I like the way it looks in my hair. What do you think, huh LouBear?"

Louis was then snapped back to reality, Harry's glinting green eyes looking him over. He had been so caught up in all of this flower crown nonsense, he hadn't heard what Harry said. He didn't want to embarrass himself, so he let out a dull "uuhhhhh..." as he thought of what to say. Harry just laughed and took a step closer. Louis suppressed a squeal, as Harry looked from Louis' face, to his hand where the flower crown was.

"And why isn't my Boo wearing HIS crown, hmm...?" Harry asked, his large hands brushing at Louis' forehead. Louis couldn't move. He couldn't talk, either. He faintly heard an awkward cough, as Liam said "I'll be with Zayn and Niall..." and skidded out of the small room. Harry just smirked and looked into Louis' eyes.

"How come..? Is the baby embarrassed?" Harry playfully asked, still brushing at Louis' face with his hands. Louis shuddered with the contact, the feeling of Harry's cool skin against his warmer face. He couldn't get enough.

"Um..." Louis started, looking away from Harry. But Harry took Louis' chin in his fingers and tilted his face to meet his. Louis was looking right into his eyes. He couldn't lie to a face with such gorgeous eyes. He could never to lie to Harry, even if his eyes weren't as gorgeous.

"Yes." He unconfidently answered, finally. Harry just laughed, a small ringing giggle that Louis would KILL to be able to hear again. Harry's eyes finally broke from Louis' clear, shining blue ones. He took Louis' arm, and traced his fingers down it. Harry could feel Louis shivering in pleasure under his soft fingertips. His hand ended at Louis' hand, playing with the fingers that tightly held the flower crown. Harry silently slipped the crown from Louis' grasp, without any protest. Harry looked up again.

"But Louis, you'd look so cute. The blue would make your beautiful eyes pop, your skin shimmer, everything." Louis held in his joy as Harry rambled off sweet nothings about how beautiful he would look in the crown. It was like a dream come true for the older boy. Harry slowly moved his hand, which held Louis' flower crown, up to Louis' head. Harry played with his hair for a bit, earning an almost purr-like noise from Louis. Finally, Harry slowly slipped the flower crown over Louis' fringy chestnut hair. Louis self consciously met Harry's gaze, his blue eyes, which were shielded by a curtain of thick lashes, looking even more vibrant now thanks to the crown.

"What, Haz?" Louis quietly questioned, his arms wrapping around Harry's waist. Now it was Harry's turn to hold in his joy. Harry reached one arm around Louis' smaller frame, and used the other to caress the hair around the flower crown.

"You just look..." Harry managed out, barely above a whisper. "You look so pretty. So, so pretty." Louis looked so pleased by the remark, and replied with a sweet "you do too." And with that, neither boy could wait any longer. Harry leaned down towards Louis' face, and his lips finally met Louis' soft, tiny ones. Louis eagerly kissed back, his grip on Harry's waist tightening. They finally broke apart, Louis panting, and Harry's pale face flushed a deep red. They looked at each other lovingly, not looking away till they heard a familiar laugh. A Niall laugh.

"NOW YOU REALLY LOOK LIKE A GIRL!" Screamed Niall, through his laughs. "KISSING TOMMO LIKE THAT, BLUSHING LIKE A LITTLE KID." Harry growled back to Niall, starting to chase him through the halls. But the whole time, Harry held the hand of his long awaited lover, who was wearing a blue flower crown on his head.

{ok so maybe it's really short but hey. I liked this one a lot. Flower crowns. So pretty.

Yeah idk ok so some of these one shots are like, could be considered AU because idk what goes on with the band when we don't see them.

But I only use the term "AU" when they're like, not even possibly the same universe? Yeah.

So I dedicated this one shot to my lovely Banana-Y, Sophie from @livingforthewrite04. She is so lovely, and I always thank her for everything. Lob.

AND OMG I ALREADY REACHED 100+ reads on 1:10 am! Wow. Thank you all so much! Lilly loves an awful lot.

Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,

~ Lilly 😘💗👑🎀😊 }

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