Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [...

By _KayParrilla

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Meet Dinah Jane Hansen, a well known video and music producer who got into the business at the age of 19. She... More



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By _KayParrilla

Dinah Jane:

My baby girl has been with me for three days now and she's already so attached to me. She's my little twin for sure and even likes most of what I like and tries to do everything that I do. Still, I didn't understand how a mother could leave her child behind and of course I tried calling Amber but she sent me to voicemail. Gabby is what she wanted to talk to me about and I really wish that I had called her months ago because maybe then I would have had already known my little girl. But she's here with me now and I'll never leave her side. I took her to meet my mom and her aunts and uncles yesterday and she cried when it was time to leave. My mom cried when she met her first granddaughter, she even gave my kid permission to call her whenever I told her no. Great, I wouldn't be surprised if Gabby actually does it. But I think it'll be tough telling her no.


Today I wanted to take Gabby shopping for more clothes and furniture for her room. Lauren went home the day before yesterday because she felt that I should enjoy time alone with Gabby. I'll admit that I missed Lauren but we talked every night before bed and I'm going to go pick her up today so that she can hang out with us. It hadn't dawned on me that I haven't told Ally or Normani about their niece yet and I'd have to do it today or else I'd end up in a headlock again.


"Mama!" Gabby shouted from the back seat of the car.

I turned down the radio and looked at her through the rearview mirror, eyes widening as I looked at her shirt that was now covered in grape juice. Way to go Dinah for putting a two year old in a white shirt and giving her grape juice. "Yes princess?"

"Lolo come too Mama?" She asked.

"Yes we're going to get her now. What happened to your juice?"

"All gone. Where go too?" She asked.

I chuckled. "The mall to go shopping then we'll eat and you get to meet your aunts today. Okay?"


"Yes baby?"

She smiled and giggled. "I love Mama!"

My heart fluttered. "Mama loves Gabreyella!" I shouted back causing her to laugh harder.

"You are so silly, oh look we're here." I told her as I pulled into the parking lot of Lauren's apartment building.

"Yay! Let's go mama! Come on!" She screamed as she tried to get out of her car seat.

"Alright, alright." Cutting off the car engine I hurried and went to let her out, picking her up before she could run off.

She's more excite to see Lauren than I am.

"Lolo! I he-" I covered her mouth before she could scream again.

"Whoa, you know for someone with such a tiny voice you're really loud. Quiet down babe you don't want to wake up everyone."

I carried her inside of the building and down the hall to 104. Once I got to the door I pulled out my spare key and unlocked the door, sitting her on her feet as as I opened the door.

"Run free little butterfly." I said with a smirk as she took off running into the apartment.

"Lolo! I here!"

My heart fluttered at the sound of Lauren's raspy voice, happily greeting my daughter. "Hi nugget! It's great to see you. Where's mama?"

I followed the sound of her voice and now found myself standing at her bedroom door watching as Gabby rested her head on Lauren's chest. My poor baby looked so tired, I knew that I shouldn't have let her stay up so late.

"Hey Lo."

Lauren looked at me and smiled. "Hey you." She said before walking over to hug me with her free arm and to kiss me. "Awe she's tired...and what happened to her shirt?"

"Yeah she stayed up late with me...she didn't go to bed until a little after midnight. As for the shirt, I'm still trying to figure that one out myself." I said with a chuckle.

Lauren playfully rolled her eyes at me and sat Gabby on the bed. "Let's get you changed. I bought a few shirts for you. Now is the perfect time for you to wear one."

Lauren went into her closet and walked out with a black shirt that said Straight Outta Time Out on it.

"Let's get this off of you. Arms up." She said softly, smiling wide as Gabby threw her arms high up above her head.

Watching Lauren with my daughter was an amazing sight to see. Lauren would make a great mother some day.

"Where'd you find that shirt Lo? It's cool."

She finally got the shirt onto Gabby before picking her up again and turning to look at me. "I found it at at this t-shirt shop that I always go to. I got her a few character ones as well. Hey can you tell that I have no bra on?" She asked nonchalantly.

She was wearing a loose fitting Lana Del Rey t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I loved how she still managed to look sexy in any outfit that she chose to wear.

Lauren really hated bras, I figured that out the first time that I spent the night here with her. She only owns two push up bras and three sports bras that she never took out of the packaging.

"No...but since you said something I'll probably try my hardest to notice."

She scoffed. "Whatever Dinah. So what's on the agenda for today?"

"Wait...why don't you wear bras again babe?" I asked with a smirk.

Lauren glared at me. "No. I'm not about to say it Dinah. Leave me alone." She whined.

"Please? Remind me I forgo-"

"Because I have nothing to support! what's on the agenda?" She mumbled.

Chuckling, I turned to walk out of the room. "You'll see when we get there little boy." I joked.



When we got to the mall Lauren and I went ahead to get Gabby's clothes shopping out of the way first since she was starting to get cranky from being so tired. After an hour of shopping she fell asleep in the stroller that I bought for her. We were able to get a little shopping for things to go in Gabby's room. Now it was time for Lauren to get what she wanted. At first she hesitated but after kissing her and reassuring her that she could have what she wanted she finally picked a store to go into and now I'm kind of regretting the decision.

She's already dragged me into 8 stores, stores that Normani and Ally can't even talk me into going into, Victoria's Secret for starters. I just always feel so weird coming in here but the smile on Lauren's face when I agreed to go in with her really warmed my heart. Seeing her so happy makes me happy and it feels great knowing that I've caused that. Still, I feel like shit for going behind her back and going to get tested. Believe me, I cried afterwards. The woman inside of the clinic told me that if I didn't hear any news within the next week that means that everything is well; either way I wasn't really worried because deep down I knew that Lauren wouldn't have just given me anything or been so careless to begin with. Us having unprotected sex was a moment that happened unexpectedly but I'd make sure that it didn't happen again anytime soon.

"Babe! What about these shoes?" Lauren asked as she held up a pair of black Doc Martens combat boots. She had a very different style and that's what made her so unique.

"Sure...can we go now I'm hungry."

She sighed. "But I'm not done...and please I want your opinion." She whined.

She's lucky she's cute. "Fine, let me see. Hold them up."

I examined the shoe that she was holding up before nodded. "I like them, oh maybe they'll go with the green trench coat and the shorts."

She smiled and hurried over to kiss me. "Thanks DJ. Alright I'm done for the day."

"No problem, you sure?"

With a nod she took the stroller from me and headed towards checkout.


We were now sitting at the food court sharing pizza and French fries. I watched intensely as Gabby sat on Lauren's lap, quietly eating the chicken tenders that Lauren had gotten for her. She had just woken up and was obviously trying to adjust to all of the noise around her. It's actually kind of funny, she looks so discombobulated and she seemed to be having a tough time putting a piece of food into her mouth considering that she was staring off into space.

"Dinah, why are you looking at her like that?" Lauren asked as she tossed a fry at me.

"Because she looks lost as hell. She must have had a great nap."

Lauren chuckled and looked down for a moment before looking at me. "So with you being my girlfriend and all I-"

A big smile spread across my face.

"Dinah...what?" Lauren asked in annoyance.

"You just called me your girlfriend."

Her face turned a bright shade of red before she finally smiled. "Y-yeah...well um you are. I-I mean if you don't want to be then it's oka-"

I threw a fry at her and surprisingly she caught it in her mouth.

We both shouted in surprise and gave one another a high five earning stares from others and a confused glance from the still sleepy child sitting on her lap.

"Holy shit, that was awesome." Lauren said.

I nodded. "Very, now Lauren hush please you know that I love you girl. Of course you're my girlfriend now please continue on with what you were going to say."

"I love you too Dinah Jane. Oh right so with you being my girlfriend it's only right that I talk and you pretend to be interested. Which you probably will be since what I have to say is about Allyson. Or should I say Allysin?" She said with a smirk.

Usually I didn't like gossip especially if it involved my best friend but since I was already interested in what Lauren had to say I decided to listen.

"What about her?"

"Girl she pregnant." Lauren said causing me to laugh.

"Ewe, don't say it like that. way She's a virgin. Troy won't even go down on her."

Lauren scoffed. "Sure, Gabby do you have to potty babe?"

"Go potty peas?" Gabby whined.

Lauren stood. "Of course come on. We'll be back Dinah."

I nodded and watched as she walked off.


"Babe! Wait, what were you going to say?!" I called out to her.

Lauren said something in Gabby's ear before Gabby turned her head in my direction. "Sh' you mof' ma!" She shouted.

I gasped and placed my hand over my heart. Oh hell no! Lauren's got something coming for her later.


Lauren and I were cuddled in my bed watching as Gabby played with her baby doll that I had bought for her today. Seeing her so concentrated on the toy reminded me of myself whenever I concentrated on making beats.

"Gosh she looks like me more and more every time I look at her."

"Yeah she does...too bad she's cuter than you are. You're so damn weird looking Dinah."

I gasped and pouted. "You are so mean Lauren."

She leaned forward and pecked my lips multiple times. "That's for calling me a little boy earlier."

"Well it's not my fault that you've got a small rack, but if it makes you feel any better the left one is slightly bigger."

"Whatever. I'm going to the kitchen you want anything?"

"No thank you Lo."

With a nod she left and headed to the kitchen.

"Mama. Baby no want milky." Gabby whined as she tried to give the babydoll chocolate milk from her Sippy cup.

I chuckled and got out of bed to sit on the floor in front of her. "Well that's because this milk is for big girls like you...are you hungry princess you didn't eat much earlier."

She nodded. "Eat, eat mama."

I stood and picked her up. Just as I was about to leave Lauren came into the room with an amused smile on her face. "Babe, you've got company and they don't look too happ-"

"Dinah Jane Hansen. Bring your ass out here." I heard Normani say and no she was not happy.

Shit. "Babe...why'd you let them in?"

Lauren shrugged. "Well because they're your best friends plus my best friend tagged along too...wait you didn't tell them about her did you?" She asked.

I sighed and shook my head. "I didn't know how..."

Lauren rolled her eyes and gently pulled me out of the room and into the living room where Ally, Normani, and Camila were sitting. When Normani saw me she stood to charge at me, instead hurried over and took Gabby from my arms and started kissing her face. Gabby just sat there smiling and giggling.

"Awe hello aunties baby. I'm Mani and I'm going to spoil you rotten." Normani cooed.

I rolled my eyes. "No you're not."

Normani glared at me. "I should still fight you. Why did we hear about her through your sister?"

"Which sister? Regina?"

"No. Kamila." Camila said. "What's her name DJ?"

"Gabreyella Monaé Hansen." I said proudly.

The three girls awed. Ally stood and walked over to take Gabby from Normani. "Hi beautiful. I'm your other auntie Ally."

Gabby looked at her for a moment before she started crying.

That's weird. Everyone loves Ally. Kids especially. "No, don't cry. Here Camila you try."

Camila came over and took Gabby from Ally and held her close. "It's okay, Ally won't hurt you."

Gabby stopped crying and stared at Camila before smiling shyly. "Pwetty!" She shouted causing us to laugh.

"Awe Camz she likes you." Lauren cooed.

Normani playfully rolled her eyes. "She's trying to steal my girl. Dinah why didn't you tell us?"

"Slipped my mind. But she kept saying that she had something important to tell me and after ignoring her she sent Zendaya over here a few months ago to get me to talk to her. Still I wouldn't and then a few days ago Lauren found Gabby sitting right outside my door." I explained.

Ally sighed. "So are you going to get custody of her?"

I didn't even think of that. Hell I might as well.

"Yeah...but would all of you be there when I do?"

"Yeah," everyone said in unison.

"She's so itty bitty. How old is she?" Mani asked.

"Two, she'll be three in January."

"What day?" She asked again.

Um... "Lauren could you check her backpack? I don't know..."

Ally reached up and smacked the back of my head. "Idiot."

Gabby laughed hysterically and fell backwards out of Camila's arms and onto the floor.

"Camila!" We shouted.

"Shoot! I'm sorry...I think my clumsiness is rubbing off on her, qare you okay Gabby?"

Gabby nodded and stood up. "Uh-huh I o'tay."

Camila better watch it. Dropping my damn baby.

"Here babe, I found her birth certificate. January 1st is her birthday...and look you're on the birth certificate as well. It'll probably be a little easier for you to get custody." Lauren said as she passed me the piece of paper.

I looked at it and smiled, suddenly I started to cry.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

The girls huddled around me and hugged me. "Dinah what's wrong?" Camila asked.

"Nothing...I have a child guys name is listed as father...I'm a baby daddy." I mumbled.

The room was silent until Lauren and Normani busted out laughing.

"Yeah and your baby mama ain't shit...Lauren if she comes around whoop that ass." Normani said.

Lauren shook her head. "No need. I'm already winning." She said with a smile before kissing me.

I hugged her and pulled her onto my lap. "Damn right."



"Wow." Dinah said as she walked back into the bedroom after finally getting Gabby to go to sleep.

"What?" I asked after looking up from my phone.

"Ally. I can't believe she's pregnant."

I rolled my eyes. "I told you that she was Dinah. You obviously didn't believe me."

"Well I do now. She told us herself. She'll be fine though Lance is probably better for her anyways. Don't get me wrong Troy is cool but he's kind of boring."

I chuckled and rested my head on her chest. "Well she just needs to do what makes her happy."

Silence filled the room and all that was heard was the television in the background.

"I leave for New York in two weeks." I blurted out.


I sat up and turned to look at her. "I was asked to coach kids at Barbizon for a week. I was hoping you'd go with me. Then I um...I wanted you to meet my sister."

"Doesn't she live in Florida?" She asked.

"Yeah...we'd go afterwards."

She looked at me for a moment before speaking. "How come I don't know anything about your childhood?"


"Why won't you tell me anything about your family...about where you're from?"

Because it'll only drive you away from me. "I don't know...what does that have to do with New York Dinah? Can you go with me?"

She shrugged. "I have work Lauren. Plus Gabby is here now."

"I'm aware of the fact that she's here Dinah. She can come too. Plus Ally and Normani can handle things for a week while you're gone."

She shook her head. "No. we're not can you tell me about your childhood?"

I really wish she'd stop asking me about that. "Dinah...there's nothing to tell. Please just leave it alone."

"Fine...but I don't get how you don't have photos of your parents in your apartment I mean you're away from them so you'd think you'd want something to remember them by."

I sighed. "For fuck sakes Dinah! My mom is dead and my I don't know my dad. Shut the fuck up about it!" I shouted.

Dinah furrowed her eyebrows. "Lo...I'm sorry I didn't know." She said as she tried to pull me into her arms.

I yanked away from her and stormed out of the room.

"Lauren. Babe I'm sorry." She said as she hurried after me and gently grabbed my arm to turn me to look at her.

My vision was blurry and my cheeks were wet. Goodness why am I crying?! "Dinah. Please leave me alone."

She shook her head and pulled me into her arms. "I can't do that. Lauren I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have pushed you to talk about it...please forgive me."

I started sobbing uncontrollably in her arms.

Without another word she picked me up and carried back into the bedroom. She climbed into bed with me in her arms and held me and ran her fingers through my hair which quickly helped to calm me down.

"Y-you still won't go with me Dinah?" I asked.

"Lauren...I can't. For reasons that I'll tell you about at a later date but please I want you to go to New York and enjoy yourself."

Sighing I gently turned away from her and pulled the blanket over me. I wasn't even in the mood to ask about it anymore. I was too tired and I felt bad for lying about my mother being dead. Physical she may not be dead but as of now she's dead to me.

"I love you Lauren...I'm sorry." She said softly.

I didn't say anything back, instead i shut my eyes and waited patiently as sleep took over.


Guys I still need you to comment who you think should be Amber.

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