Please, Don't ( On Hold )

By pentapper

3.1K 118 71

From bubbly to silent in only a month, people suspect that something must have happened to 16-year-old Rochel... More

Please, Don't
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

257 11 2
By pentapper

Here you are beautifuls :')


I opened my eyes, blinking a few times, and gazed out of my window at the blue sky and bright sun. I turned my head to face my clock to see that it was nearing noon.

I sighed as I hoisted myself up into a sitting position with my legs hanging off the bed. I paused to let the dizziness wash over me and then stood up to go to the bathroom.

After I had brushed my teeth and washed my flushed face, I returned to my cluttered room and began to collect the dirty clothes that were covering my carpeted floor.

As I moved backwards, bent over to pick up some trousers, I bumped into my bedside table and a piece of paper floated to the ground.

I picked it up and scanned my eyes over the message in my Mother’s neat handwriting.


I understand that you are probably not feeling well and that is why I turned off your alarm this morning to allow you to sleep. I have called the school and they aren’t expecting you to come in today. Try and eat something and drink lots of water, it will help you get better. I will be home around 7, so help yourself to dinner, as usual, OK? If you need me, ring me.

Love, Mom

Not feeling any different after reading the letter, as I wasn’t planning on going to school anyway, I scrunched it up and dropped it into my small bin. I moved to the side of my bed and gripped the edge of my duvet, lifting it so that it floated down onto the sheets.

Hearing a clunk, I went round to the other side of my bed and picked up my phone that must have still been on my bed when I made it, causing it to fall to the floor.

I saw the small blue light flashing at the bottom of my screen and clicked the green button to allow me to unlock it. Sliding my finger across, the bright screen alerted me that I had 1 new message from an unknown number.

Panic erupted in my chest and I felt like my heart was about to explode. I sat down on the edge of my bed, my legs morphing into jelly, with my phone still in my hand, the unopened message daring me to open it.

My eyes were beginning to blur and my hands shook. I dropped my phone to the floor, almost throwing it, wanting it nowhere near me.

I ran to the corner of my room and hunched myself into a ball, my arms wrapped securely around my legs. My body was quivering as if it was freezing cold and my breath was coming in short spouts, making my oxygen supply limited, and my vision to go fuzzy.

I didn’t know what was happening to me. All I did know is that I was scared.

I peeled my eyes open, testing the light before opening them fully. I was still on the floor, my arms wrapped around my legs, but I was shaking less now. The room was darker than before, but not completely black.

My chest hurt, like I had been punched, winded, and my face felt wet, I assumed from tears.

I raised myself to my feet and took a second to balance on my unreliable legs. Looking down to the floor to where my phone’s black screen stared back, my heartbeat sped up until I was almost certain I was going to pass out again.

Steadying myself against my bedroom door, I closed my eyes and took a few breaths. I could feel myself calming down, my heartbeat slowing to its normal rate.

My stomach rumbled loudly, telling me I was hungry. I pushed myself off of where I was leaning and opened the large wooden door of my wardrobe. Selecting a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a loose white t-shirt, I removed all of my clothes, put on clean underwear, and dressed myself slowly.

I left my room and trudged down the hall and stairs, entering the modern kitchen. It had white cupboards with round, silver handles and black marble tops, with red accessories such as the kettle and bread bin. The grey tiled floor tended to make the room slightly chilly so my toes curled up slightly as I walked.

I knelt beside the cereal cupboard and decided on some simple cornflakes. Pouring some into a bowl and adding milk, I rolled out the cutlery draw to get a small spoon.

My eyes paused momentarily on the silver blades of the knives, tempting me.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts, grabbed a spoon and slammed the draw shut. I walked into the living room and pressed the rectangular red button to turn the T.V on. Sitting down, careful not to spill the milk, I chose a channel with music playing and turned up the volume.

I bobbed my head along to the song while eating spoonfuls of the cereal.

The song had changed multiple times and there were only a few cornflakes left in my bowl, so I stood and made my way into the kitchen towards the sink. I poured the milk away and swilled the bowl before placing it into the dishwasher.

I turned towards the stairs, headed for my room, and glanced at the white, plastic clock hanging on the red wall.


I paused, momentarily, confused as to how the time had gone so quickly. My thoughts came to a stop when I recalled passing out on my bedroom floor. I must have been out for about 3 hours.

I continued on my way and climbed the first few steps. I was startled and fell onto the carpeted step as 3 loud knocks sounded on the wooden door.

I stared at the door in horror as a large shadow filled the glass. I was as still as a rod on the outside; however, my heart was racing out of my chest. I attempted to hold my breath with little success as it was going in and out in gasps.

My arms curled around my legs and I bent over so that I was hiding my whole body, except my back.

The second round of pounding echoed through the silent house and I didn’t dare make a noise as 2 tears slid silently down my face.

I froze as the shadow got smaller when the person moved away from the glass, not trusting the situation.  

A shot of terror ran through me when I heard ‘Stay the Night’ by James Blunt begin to play somewhere upstairs. I didn’t bother to move to answer my phone, knowing already who was calling.

A shiver ran down my spine; the shadow had returned and continued to beat heavily on the door. The tears were constant, pouring down my face but I could still see the large frame blocking the light that was once streaming through the blurred glass in the door.

My heart was about to explode and I felt a sob crawling up my throat, desperate to plead with Jett to leave me alone.

But I couldn’t do it.

I couldn’t speak.

 The panicked, frustrated voice that had shouted my name was not Jett’s.

I didn’t- I couldn’t, move. He called out my name again and I sifted through my memories in order to place the voice that I was certain I had heard before.


The concern and panic in his tone threw me. If it was who I thought it was, I didn’t understand why he cared so much.

He shouted into the house a couple more times, getting angrier by the second. I couldn’t help it when a loud sob escaped my lips and my tears turned into noisy cries.

“Rochelle?” The panic in his voice was a lot clearer now. I continued to wail into my knees as he added, “Can you let me in? Please.”

I took a few deep breaths and slowly, with the help of the banister, pulled myself to my feet. I descended down the few steps I had climbed and reached for the key in the door.

I turned it and stepped back. The door opened and he walked over the threshold cautiously and came towards me with questioning, but caring, eyes.

My legs couldn’t take it anymore and buckled. Falling, I awaited the hard impact of the floor on my already-fragile body. He encased me in warmth and I hugged myself to his chest as he stroked my back and whispered soothing words in my ear.

I cried in his arms until I couldn’t anymore. My eyelids began to droop, my energy gone, and I felt myself being lifted.

“It’s OK. Everything will be OK.”

With his calming words filtering into my brain, I inhaled the gorgeous scent of him with my nose stroking his neck. My body fully relaxed, my eyes already closed and my trust in JJ growing, I allowed myself to slip into a peaceful sleep, surrounded by security and calm.


Hope you liked it :)

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I'm writing on my new laptop now instead of the family computer so hopefully the upload's will be much more often :D

Question: How was your christmas? Tell me whatcha got xD

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