Trust Me, Again

بواسطة VasilisaDragomir

82.7K 2.2K 337

Christian and Tammy were best friends, back in the good old days that is. From the age of 0 to 15, they were... المزيد

Trust Me, Again
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

9K 336 65
بواسطة VasilisaDragomir

"How could you be stuck with Blake?" Kira questioned me. "I mean like out of everyone in your class you're stuck with him?" She seethed.

I shrugged took a sip of my ice tea. "I don't know, and he's not that bad anyway. Just as long as Christian isn't around, it'll be alright"

Julian, Tyson, Zane, Jade and Kira looked at me with the mouths agape. Okay, so maybe he was bad. He smoked, had piercings and tattoos. Only recently had he started smoking and we still aren't sure whether he just smokes cigarettes or weed. Maybe even both. He got his piercings when we first became juniors and got his tattoos not long after. Needless to say, he was hot and his ear piercing made a lot of girls swoon. 

"He's not that bad?" Julian laughed. "Tammy, he may be quiet, but you and I both know that he deals drugs with some bad people" Oh and there was that too.

"It's okay!" I reassured my friends. "I'll probably end up doing most of the work and he won't be around" 

"Whatever you do, don't go to his house" Tyson shook his head as he looked at me.

I walked outside the school doors and saw Blake leaning against my car with a cigarette in his hand. I sighed at his addiction and walked towards him. As I approached he snapped his head up and looked at me.

"Hey Tamara" He nodded. 

"Blake" I mustered a smile and tried not to cough when I inhaled the stench.

He didn't respond to my acknowledgement so I continued to talk. "Are you going to leave me to do the work?" I asked.

Blake smirked his super attractive smirk. "No, I enjoy English as much as you do" He laughed. "Of course I don't like the classes but I do take an interest in it" 

My eyebrows immediately shot up. I couldn't tell if he was lying. I mean like, I had no idea what grades he got and I didn't really pay attention to his work either so I guess I could believe the fact that he liked English. As much as I did.

"Well we're going to get along just fine" I gave him a genuine smile. I smiled at the guy that respected English and his work and not at the guy that lived a bad life.

"No" He said again. "You won't be a part of my life, not because I don't like you and I do, but because of what I do and the people I know" His tone darkened.

I nodded. "I understand. This is strictly business" 

"Good. Now your house or my house?" He asked and inhaled more of the toxicating smoke. 

"How about the library?" I asked with a hopeful smile.


"Tomorrow you're coming with me to buy a new dress" Jade literally commanded me through the phone. 

"Jade, I can't, Blake and I are starting the novella over the weekend" I sighed. It was true, after our we researched how to write an interesting novella, Blake suggested we work together on the book over the weekend. We hadn't come up with an idea yet so that was what the weekend was for.

"You mean you're starting it?" She giggled. 

"No, believe it or not but Blake actually takes an interest in English" 

Jade gasped. "Blake likes English?"

"Yeah I had the same reaction" I laughed. When we arrived at the library I expected Blake to turn around and walk away. But he didn't. He found a spot in the corner and we did work. We both found a few ideas and exchanged them. He didn't seem to be playing me the entire time.

"Well maybe we can go shopping after your little study session with Blake?" She asked.

"Yeah, Of course" I nodded but mentally slapped myself when I realised how stupid I was.

"Okay, bye lovely!" We bid our goodbyes and she hung up.

Ally would be going to her party any minute now. It started at 7 and ended at 10pm, I was going to drop her off with Nick but Nick was going to pick her up. After Nick and I dropped her off, we were going straight to Cantrells Automotive Repairs.

"I'm ready!" Ally's loud voice rang through the house.

I stood up and straightened out my shirt. Here we go, I'm letting Ally go to a party that no doubt would have alcohol. Yeah, the kid's parents were going out for dinner then staying at the mother's sister's place. What kind of parent's leave 15 year olds, alone for a house party?!

Nick fell in step with me as I walked down the stairs. "Do you want me to stay at the party?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "No, Ally would kill you, besides when we walk her in, we'll see what it's like" 

"Your car?" Ally asked when Nick and I reached the bottom of the stairs. She was already holding my set of car keys. 

"Of course" I laughed and took the keys off her. 

Nick sat in the passenger seat after pulling it forward so Ally could get to the back. She did protest at first, saying she had to get out when we arrived but Nick backfired with the fact that he too had to get out. I really did hope Ally had a fun time with all her friends but I didn't want her to get hurt or do something she'd regret. 

She wasn't a girl who did bad stuff but I was still worried about the influences she would receive tonight. I wasn't always such a cautious girl, I wasn't until I was her age. Ally was pretty, smart and funny, she was everything a guy would want. 

"This looks exactly like the party I went to last week" Nick said with a hint of disgust. I was with him, 15 year olds partying like 18 year olds? Three years is a big difference and the way 12-16 year olds act these days is just weird. Blue and purple lights strobed around inside.

"15 year olds think they can do what 18 year olds do now" I rolled my eyes. 

"I would like to go to this party tonight" Ally murmered from behind us. She tried to ignore us.

"Right" Nick sighed and hopped out. 

We all exited my car and started to walk up to the front door. Ally knew we were going to walk through first and then leave and she wasn't exactly happy with it. Ally was wearing a short, eye-opening tribal patterned tube skirt with a black singlet top tucked in. I was just glad she was wearing black ballet flats and not pumps. 

"Ally!" A girl squealed when we opened the door. The strobe lights almost blinded me and I had to blink every second to protect my retina's. 

"Okay this is worst than the party I went to" Nick nodded and laughed. All this was said in front of the birthday girl. 

After giving Ally a brief hug, she looked at us with her mouth open and she looked quite offended. Wow.

"Don't mind them" Ally re-assured her and they both walked away. 

This was our cue to start sweep the house and see what kind of people were here. Paranoid, I know but it was actually for our younger sister's benefit. Some of the party was inside, but the rest was outside. Girl and guys walked around with red cups filled with different substances. Red cups! How cliche. There was music playing, and the song was R U Crazy by Conor Maynard, it was a good song and I almost found myself swaying to the beat. But, I was honestly surprised the neighbours haven't told them to shut up. I guess it was only 7 the party finished at the same time you have to turn music down at a house party. 

"Who the hell are you?" A girl eyed me when we walked past her. I just heard her and I knew it was directed at me.

I opened my mouth- "Tamara!" I was cut off my own name when I heard a very familiar voice shout over the loud music.

"Blake?" I asked when I looked behind me.

"Ryan?" I saw Ryan standing next to Blake with a beer in his hand. Oh what a role model he was.

They came over and Ryan had a big smile on his face. "I thought your sister would be here" Ryan nodded.

 "Why are you here?" I asked. 

"Blake's sister is the birthday girl" Ryan nudged his thumb towards Blake. 

I looked at Blake and cocked an eyebrow. "You have a sister?" 

"Yeah" He nodded.

"Well that explains why this party isn't going to end well" Nick coughed out next to me. 

"Don't like it, don't stay" Blake snarled at him. This was our cue to leave so I grabbed Nick's arm.

"Hey, i'm just here to make sure my sister doesn't die tonight" Nick took a step towards Blake despite my tight grip on his arm. 

"I'll look out for her tonight" Ryan said more to me than to Nick. He used a soothing tone and even though I didn't like what Ryan, Blake and Christian did, I knew Ryan would keep his word for this little thing. He had the heart to look out for a 14 year old girl. 

I nodded once and smiled. "Thank you" I pulled Nick around the two boys and started to make our exit out of the house. The music was deafening and I was glad to finally be out of the house. 

"Tamara do you know what Blake does?" Nick yelled at me when we reached the car. "Drugs! and you know what that does to you? It can slowly kill you or kill you right on the spot!" He breathed. "And I guarantee you there will be drugs in that house free for all!" He pointed back at the house. "Anything could happen to her!"

"I don't want Ally in that house right now as much as you do! But she has to have fun at some point in her life" I yelled back. "Besides she has someone to look out for her!" 

"That someone is Ryan, a boy who is very much like Blake, they're both going to get wasted and they're both going to forget that Ally's even there!" It was like Nick couldn't lower his voice but I couldn't either.

"It's still someone! One more person than I ever had" My voice broke at the end because of a sob that escaped my mouth. Ryan could look after her tonight. He'd make sure she didn't do anything or go anywhere alone. 

Nick's face immediately softened. "Tammy i'm so sorry" He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me. I quietly sobbed into the nape of his neck but rested my chin on his shoulder so he wouldn't feel the hot tears escaping my eyes. 

His grip tightened when he felt my chest vibrate from another sob. I bit my lip in a desprete attempt to stop myself but it didn't seem to work. 

I looked up onto the road and it was only now that I noticed a black mustang. Christian was leaning against the hood of it, smoking. He heard every word Nick and I said and didn't even care one bit. He was just casually looking down at the asphalt and didn't have one ounce of guilt spread on his face. I should of smelt the smoke once we exited the house but I didn't. 

Nick was right, Blake and Ryan were going to get wasted and Ally would be out in the open. But I was right too, she had someone to look out for her,  for at least an hour.

"I'll be back" I whispered and let go of Nick. 

"What are you doing?" He asked but I had already turned and began to walk towards the house again. 

I opened the door and almost shut it and walked back to my car, but I was doing this for my sister. I pushed and shoved people out my way so I could find Ryan. All I had to do was ask someone where the kitchen was and I found him. No one else was in the kitchen besides Blake and himself. Blake was taking shots and Ryan was drinking a Corona. 

"You're not going to join him?" I asked with a blocked nose. That's what I get for crying. How embarrassing. 

"I don't believe in getting wasted at a 15 year olds party" He laughed, but then squinted because of the strobe lights and walked over to me. "Why are you crying?"

"It happens a lot" 

"What happened to you Tammy?" He asked. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying and soon felt Ryan's strong arms wrap around me. "Promise you'll tell me someday?" He asked.

"Fight fight fight!" The music was suddenly turned off and I saw everyone shuffling to go out the front. I immediately stepped away from Ryan and ran to where the action occured.

There was a circle of young teenagers shouting around the people fighting and even though I couldn't see who they were, I knew it was Nick and Christian. Again, I pushed myself to the front and my eyes widened when I saw Nick straddling Christian whilst punching him in the face. I flinched when they rolled over and Christian was the one punching Nick. The teens were still shouting and I couldn't handle it. I ran over to them to obviously stop them from fighting but got pushed to the ground by Christian who didn't even look up to see who it was. 

I hit my back hard when I landed on the grass and got the air knocked out of me. God he pushed hard for someone who was getting beat up a few seconds ago. I got back up and this time I got punched in the face but this hit wasn't delibrate like the other one, Christian was pulling his arm back to throw another punch to my brothers face and I got in the way. I cried out and instantaneously craddled my cheek with my hand. 

"Tammy!" Ally ran over to me and pulled me away.

Nick looked over at me and swiftly turned Christian over but at this time, Ryan and Blake pryed him off and held them apart. Both the boys had blood streaming down their faces.

"You punched my sister in the face!" Nick yelled at Christian with rage clear on his face. Blake locked Nick's arms behind his back so he couldn't escape and Ryan did the same to Christian. 

Christian didn't say anything. All he did was look away and spit blood out of his mouth. 

I held Ally's hand and walked over to Nick. Blake let go of him when I got close and looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah" I answered with no emotion. 

Nick suddenly ran around Ally and I and in a short span of 2 seconds I heard something crack followed by a shout. I cringed and dared myself to turn around. I gasped when I saw Christian had fallen to the ground and was semi-curled up in a ball. Nick was breathing hard and Blake had him in an arm lock again. I let go of Ally's hand and ran over to Christian. His eyes were closed and his chest rised and dropped slowly. His breathing became a wheezing sound and changed to a raspy, shallow tone. I gingerly put a hand on his upper torso and felt something was broken. 

"Call the ambulance!" I yelled. The teens didn't seem so excited anymore and some were scurrying around. "Hurry!" I yelled again. 

As much as I hated Christian, I didn't want him to die. As much as I wanted to kill him myself, to hurt him so bad, I still didn't want him to die. 

Blake and Ryan dropped to their knees around Christian. Blake lifted Christian's head to elevate it while Ryan pulled out his phone to call the ambulance. I looked back down at Christian and felt my heart wrench in my chest. Those feelings I use to have were coming back, but only because he was badly injured and I didn't like seeing him like this.

Not long after Ryan dialed the number on his phone, I heard the sirens of an ambulance making their way to where we were. Paramedics jumped out of the van and opened the back door to pull out a stretcher. They then ran over to us and we moved out of the way so they could carefully pick Christian up and place him on the soft padded material. 

"I'll go with him" Ryan stepped forward.

The paramedics put an oxygen mask on Christians face and rushed him back to the van with Ryan close behind them. 

No one was going to mess with my brother for a while. 

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