westallen oneshots

By tokerro

25.7K 322 71

a series of oneshots about our favorite scarlet speedster plus his reporter best friend/crush, also known as... More

A/N 1
A Christmas Wish
A Day Off
Not In Session - AU
Snow Day
New Year
Iris' Birthday
Fin. For Now.

7 Minutes in Heaven

2.6K 35 11
By tokerro

So I haven't worked with AUs before, and this would be my first one! I hope it's good. In this, they're all teenagers except for Wells and Joe and practically anyone who is older than Barry and his friends at STAR. Eddie is alive in this. Iris and Eddie won't be dating in this for the sake of the chapter not falling apart. Enjoy! (This also includes a very small amount of CiscoxCaitlyn, but if you don't like, you can skip. It's a few sentences. JessexWally too.}

Barry, Iris, Cisco, Caitlyn, Eddie, Jesse, and Wally sat in a circle on the wood floor. No adults were home, so Eddie had the great idea of getting the alcohol out and Cisco suggested that they played Spin the Bottle. A hammered Wally disagreed and stumbled into his room to grab his phone to use the timer. "N-No, We're gonna playyy..." A hiccup. "seven hours in the closet!" He fell into a chair. Iris, quite sober, piped up. "You mean Seven Minutes In Heaven?" He made a 'whatever' gesture with his hand. "Same thingggg, Irese!!!" He almost fell flat on his face trying to run to the trash can to puke. Everyone cringed at the sound whether they were alert or not to hear it.
Barry, Iris, Cisco, and Caitlyn were either completely or mostly sober as Cisco and Caitlyn had half a drink, but they were still alert enough to know and remember what was going on. Jesse had a drink and she at least looked drunk because she was asleep on the couch, but that could just be because she was tired.
Eddie hiccupped. "Fineeeee. But I wanna beeee...." He almost fell backwards. "With Irese!!!" Wally and Eddie laughed drunkenly followed by coughs and more downing of alcohol.
Barry felt a pang of anger go through him. He always suspected Eddie had feelings for her. Not Irese. Iris. But if Eddie liked her enough then he should be able to remember her name even while completely drunk. If Barry could get drunk then he probably would right now, trying to drown out the thoughts of what was going to happen to Central City and the love of his life.
Iris cleared her throat and looked either flustered or angry, it was heard to tell. "Wally, maybe you should slow down a bit, if Dad comes home early, we're all screwed. You know you're not gonna be able to get out of bed tomorrow, you'd still be drunk."
"Irese, I swear to drunk I'm not God." A grin spread across his red face. "Whoopssss, that came out wrongggg.... I'm not as think as you drunk I am."
(see what I did there? Calling all panic! fans)
"I hope you guys remember that my name is Iris and not Irese. Or else your worst problem wouldn't be Dad finding out about this."
Cisco and Caitlyn laughed. "I think the Seven Minutes In Heaven thing would be fun, what is it?" Caitlyn asked the three that weren't bouncing around drinking.
Barry didn't have a clue. He was never invited to cool high school parties. He only went when Iris dragged him along, and then he wasn't even welcomed or talked to.
Cisco shook his head. "I don't have a clue."
Iris answered almost immediately. "It's when someone sets a timer for seven minutes and puts all the names of the boys in one cup and all the names of the girls in the other. Then they pick one from each cup and the two get locked in the closet until the timer runs out." Everyone turned their heads to her. "What? I've played this game a few times."
They all smiled.
Wally set his almost broken phone on the table, the timer already set. Cisco wrote down the names of everyone in the room and separated them by gender. Caitlyn woke Jesse up, and she was a little buzzed but not as much as the boys screaming at her to wake up.
"Who's going to pick the names out?" Iris asked. Everyone looked at Barry of course. They chanted his name and he held up his hands and sat in front of the two cups. He desperately hoped Iris and him would be the first picks, but they were Wally and Jesse.
After seven minutes, Jesse came out first with her head held high and Wally came out with lip gloss stains all over his face and he definitely looked a little less drunk but still disorganized.
Everyone laughed and Barry felt his heart lift a little bit. If he wasn't going to get to kiss Iris tonight, he was glad the two lovebirds, although drunk, were able to get together.
Iris was glancing at Barry then, but he was already staring at her. She looked away and looked back again and said, "Barry, stop staring and get to the next names! Are you drunk now?" She laughed. He came back to reality and picked the next names.
"Cisco... And Caitlyn! Yes!" Barry stood up and made a victory pose because two people he wanted to get together for so long were now going to be stuck together. (aka me whenever a westallen kiss comes on.)
They grimaced and walked into the closet. Seven minutes later, Cisco came out with his shirt on backwards and Caitlyn had messed up lipstick. Barry and Iris laughed so hard that they fell on the floor.
Barry decided to have a drink or two, he knew it wouldn't have an effect on him so he downed two bottles.
He ran to the table before anyone started chanting his name again and hastily picked out two names once more.
"We have..." His hand swiftly picked a paper from the girls cup.
"Iris!" He took a deep breath. Last chance.
A shaky hand drew from the boys.
"And we have..."
All hope that he had collapsed.
Cisco and Caitlyn looked at him sympathetically and walked over to him and put their hands on his shoulder. Actually, Caitlyn's right and Cisco's left went on Barry's right shoulder, and they touched, so they both jumped back at the contact and then held hands secretly.
Eddie had somehow taken his shirt off while sliding on the wooden floor in socks. "IRIS LOOK! I'M ROLLER SKATING NAKED!" he forgot that he was still wearing shorts and socks and (hopefully) underwear.
Barry ran towards him. "Uh, Eddie, dude, you were just chosen to go with Iris for the game, but maybe you're a little too drunk to function at the moment, someone else should go."
Eddie looked at Barry with an irritated expression and raised a fist to his chest. "Listen Brandy, if you don't let me go in there with Irese, you're gonna get a punch, okay? Let me go."
Barry froze. "First, my name's Barry. Second, I said that you're too drunk and may end up hurting someone other than yourself. Third, if you really want to go in there with Iris, maybe you can remember her name even while you're plastered."
Barry didn't even see it. Eddie slammed his fist into Barry's chest so hard that he fell into the wall and it cracked when his head hit it.
"HEY YOU IDIOT, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Wally yelled, jumped, and put Eddie in a chokehold.
"What do you think you're doing, Wanda? Last I checked, assaulting a police officer is illegal."
"Wanda is a common girl's name, dingwad. And last I checked, assaulting an innocent person is too. But protecting someone from being assaulted isn't. I'm not one of the smartest people when it comes to laws, and I'm really drunk, but even I know about those two rules." Then he pushed Eddie, who fell on his side and rolled to the opposite wall.
Barry was fine but Jesse suspected he had the symptoms of a concussion. But he would heal quick. He told everyone to get on with the game and Eddie grunted in sadness before falling to sleep.
Iris still thought that she should be the girl so Cisco drew a name from the boys.
"And the winner of a seven minute trip with this lovely lady to the island of Closetland is... Barry!"
He didn't even feel the grin on his face developing. He ran into the closet and Iris sighed and walked behind him.
Cisco smirked. "Seven minutes only, you two. Behave." He winked at Barry and shut the door.
"Well." They both said in unison.
A minute of silence.
"I love you," Barry said quickly.
"I love you too?" Iris murmured then gave him a confused look.
"Look, it may be the concussion talking, and this definitely wasn't how I wanted to tell you but I LOVE you. Like a lot." He chuckled. "I've wanted to be with you since God knows when and it hurts to think that you would be interested in a drunken jerk like Eddie. I'm just glad that people got together tonight and those people didn't include you or Eddie. I want you to be happy but I know if you dated that badge abusing lug, you wouldn't be. I love you."
Her lips were parted. "Well... I'm not interested in Eddie and I don't know what made you think that. He's the one that likes me. I love you, Bear, I just didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid that if I told you, our friendship would be different and it scared me. Being in love terrifies me. My friends have been saying that we would be cute together, Dad has been dropping hints the past few years and it was clear you liked me. But I'm ready to say it now. I love you, Barry Allen."
He grabbed her into a hug and pushed his lips onto hers. They pulled apart and smiled at each other but started kissing once more. Iris had her hands through Barry's hair and they were in total bliss and oblivion- until Cisco opened the door and covered his eyes. "Get a room, you two! Not a closet!" Barry grabbed the door handle and shut it. "You know, I don't think you have a concussion, I just think you're a little tipsy," Iris hummed. Outside the door they heard Cisco let out a loud "WHOOOO" and Drunk In Love by Beyoncé playing on the speakers. They both laughed and hugged then went out holding hands.

(This was really long, over 1,800 words and it took about 7 hours to write. I feel like this was a little bad, but I wrote all of it between the hours of 11:00 pm and 3:00 am over two nights so I've just been looking forward to sleep the whole time. But I seem to write best at night. Hope you liked and don't forget to vote and comment! Love you guys!)

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