In Your Company

By PrawnLMB

2.1K 175 23

--Re-written-- When I was 8 we were playing hide and seek in the little park surrounded by bush down the stre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 24

47 5 2
By PrawnLMB

The doorbell chimes, ringing through my ears, increasing the pounding ache in my head.

"Danielle! Get the door!" Even though my parents were in the living room, and I was up in my room, I got up and slowly walked down the stairs.

Joel and Christina had only just landed, so I knew it wouldn't be them at the door. Although my curiosity was sparked, the dark cloud that had settled in my head, just like the pounding ache that embraces it dampen my interest.

Our entryway was nothing short of extravagant. Not in a large way, not so say it wasn't large, but it was filled with expensive decorations and objects, a large chandelier and marble floor.

It felt almost wrong walking through it in track pants and an old t-shirt.

Pulling the door open with my good hand, I was partially blinded by the sun shining through. Once my eyes adjusted, i focused on the shy looking guy standing on the porch.

"Hey..." when he realises it was me at the door, instantly he straightened up, letting out of slow, shakes breath.

"Before you say anything, I just want to say I get it. I get why you didn't tell anyone. I it was your thing, something people couldn't help you through. And I am so sorry I caused you this much pain."

I stood in silence, wide eyes, staring at Connor.

"Everything's a mess, and it's all my fault. Everyone hates me..."

"I don't hate you Dani..." Connor steps forward, anticipating my next move.

"...but the girls do..." tears roll down my face, covering my cheeks, making my body shake, causing my arm to ache unbearably.

Connor pulls me out of the house, pulling the door almost closed behind him. He wraps his arms diagonally across my back, slightly leaning over, filling me with warmth.

"It's okay. They don't hate you either Dani." My body relaxes against his, but the crying does not cease.

The pain does not stop.

"They do. I know they do."

"No Dani. Trust me. They don't. They just need some time." I look up, with tears stinging my eyes, to Connor's, trying to hold back a sob.

I didn't say anything. Just looked at him.

"I talked to them this morning. Dani, they still are your best friends, they don't hate you, they just need some time."

"But I need them now." I shovel my head into his shoulder again, another round of tears streaming down my face.

We just stand on my porch, not knowing what to say to each other, but enjoying the warmth of each other.

But moments always have to be interrupted.

"Danielle! Who is at the door?" There was just enough time for us to separate before my dad stormed out.

"Hello Mr Norm. How are you today?" Connor stands straighter, using his height to shield his nerves.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know Dani is grounded."

"Yes Mr Norm. I do. I was just returning some stuff she left at my place. I forgot to give it to her yesterday." Connor pulls a small package out from his pocket, placing it in my hand.

"Well, you best be on your way." My dad stands firmly in place, waiting for Connor to leave.

"Bye Dani."

He then turns, and walks slowly down the stairs, to the brick paved driveway, where his car is parked.

"What part of 'no visitors' don't you understand Danielle?"

"Sorry Dad." I shove the package into my pocket, following my dad inside.

"Go and get changed into something presentable. Your brother will be here soon."

The cloud, which had become brighter with Connor's presence, suddenly darkened, the immense anxiety from the situation that is about to occur clouding my thoughts.

Walking back up to my room, I close my door, and pull the package out of my pocket. Trying to tear open the packaging with one hand, I let the contents fall into my recently cleaned desk. Inside was my favourite necklace, that I must have left at Connor's. Ms Blakeson gave it to me last year for my birthday, and it just simply had a tiny little music note on it. Also inside was my ring, which was silver, and had a sapphire adorned in it. Normally, it is worn on my right hand, but since the surgery, I haven't been able to put it on.

I must have left them on the bathroom sink.

"Danielle and Taylor! Joel and Christina are here! Come down!" My mother's voice echoes through the house. Quickly putting on some jeans, I fiddle with putting on a nicer jumper over my shirt. Grabbing my phone and placing it carefully into my sling, as to not be seen, I walk out the door, and down the many stairs.

"Dani!" Christina rushes up to me, giving me a massive hug.

She seemed to be the only one trying to defuse the tension in the room.

"How are you?" Christina pulls back, holding me at arm's length, surveying me.

"You should know how she is. You should have been looking after her." My mother's cold voice quickly dissipated all hope of reconciliation today.

"Mum, don't speak to Christina that way."

"Don't speak to your mother that way." My dad chimes in. But it was too late, Joel had said too much.

"Okay dad."

"Why did you go? Disobey our orders."

"Because it was an amazing opportunity for Christina. And yes, I did leave Dani, but I left her with a family that was more than willing to look after her, only after I tried to call you and you wouldn't answer."

The room was silent for a long moment. Only to be interrupted by Taylor's clinking footsteps to echo down the hallway.

"Mr and Mrs Norm, I am really sorry for making Joel come with me... If I had any idea it would..."

"Christina. Stop. You have nothing to be sorry for." Joel takes her hand in his, letting their eyes meet. Instantly both of them seem to calm.

"You are both adults, capable of making your own decisions. Maybe we need to go through with you Joel, how to make proper decision?"

It was my time to step in. My anxiety in the situation was peaking, and it just needed to be over so I could go and calm down. But my parents should in no way be treating Joel like they are.

"Stop!" I say. Everyone looks at me.

"The decisions Joel has made are better than any you have made in the last couple of weeks."

"Danielle, don't get into something you don't understand."

"But I do understand mum. I understand that you and dad run a business, so you have to travel. I understand that Christina is trying to start a business, so she has to travel. What I don't understand is why you couldn't tell me yourself that you couldn't come to my showcase. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU BROKE THAT PROMISE! Why do you despise me? What does Taylor have that I don't?"

I blocked out everything except my own problems for just a moment. Pounding started in my ears, my eyes were stinging, trying to hold back tears.

"Danielle, please stop speaking to us like that. We are your parents..." I couldn't bare to hear another word they said. I felt as though I was going to be sick. Joel locks eyes with me, signalling for me to go. So I turn around, and I run up the stairs, in panic, to my room.

Christina followed, pulling me into a hug as we get get into the confines of my room.

Joel come in, looking at me, his eyes red, as if he was about to cry.

"Dani, could you pack some stuff? You're coming back to mine. Mum and Dad said they were going away again the day after tomorrow anyway. Taylor is staying at Rachel's. So if your okay too, could you grab some stuff quickly?"

I nod, slightly overwhelmed. But complying, I stand up, with Joel's help, and grab my just unpacked duffel bag, filling it with everything I need. Joel helps, and Christina comes in, helping as well.

"Did they say how long they would be away for?"

"No. But I'm guessing they will be back for your birthday." Joel says, unplugging my laptop, and placing in inside my backpack.

"Speaking of which! You have never told us what you want! And it's only a couple of days away!" Christina's mood lightens at the thought of the happy day.

But it didn't seem happy to me.

Not without my best friends being there to celebrate with me.

"Can we not talk about it?" I say, zipping up my bags. Everything was packed. It seemed as though I would be staying at their place for a little while.

"This conversation is not over." Rolling my eyes at the birthday obsessed 23 year across from me, we all pick up a bag or two, and walk out the door.

We didn't even say bye to our parents as we loaded into the car and started the drive home. 

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