
By aquarliam

12.8M 274K 75.6K

Have you ever met someone that took your breath away? The very sight of them was beautiful, and you just coul... More

Royalty || au h.s.
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
** not a chapter **
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One


229K 4.8K 760
By aquarliam

Summer and I finished up our meal at the pizza place before we headed outside to walk the Brooklyn Bridge. That was the weirdest thing ever. How on earth did she get us a table when the line was out the door to be seated? I didn't get it. There was something I was missing.

Somehow, Summer managed to get us an extremely fancy table that was secluded from everyone else. It was crazy how she did it. And of course she wouldn't even tell me. What was there to hide? Did her parents know the owner or something? 

I gave up on asking her about it because all she would do was laugh and shake her head, telling me it wasn't important. It seemed like no use in trying to get the information out of her.

The two of us walked down the street to the the start of the walkway for the Brooklyn Bridge. Summer held onto my hand the entire way there. Not once did she let go to walk on her own. It was like she was attached to me, quite literally.

It was a nice feeling to have someone always wanting to be with you. Unlike Isabella, who always wanted to be with me for the sex, Summer was here because she liked me for who I was. Or so she said. That still was a mystery for me. I guessed I would just have to take her word for it.

"Harry, this is gorgeous! Look at the view!" Summer exclaimed as we started walking on the bridge. She pointed out across the water and towards certain buildings.

"Have you ever walked this before?" I asked, curious because of how she was reacting.

She shook her head as her cheeks turned pink, "Nope. Of all the years I've lived in New York, not once did I get to come out here. Is that sad?"

"Um, kind of," I laughed. I stopped us from walking and spun us around. "Here, let's get a picture." 

I pulled out my phone and walked up to the nearest stranger, asking if they could take our picture together. When they saw Summer standing next to me, their eyes had slightly widened. Why was this everyone's reaction to seeing us together? Was I really that bad?

I waited for them to snap our picture together before they seemed to rush off towards their friends. I swear, people these days are fucking weird.

"This is incredible," Summer smiled at me. "Thank you for this."

I shrugged my shoulder, "It's really nothing. I didn't know you've never done this. It's not a well planned date, that's for sure."

"But I like that. It keeps it interesting and adventurous and spontaneous and fun."

"You think so? Because if you'd rather have nice, fancy, planned dates, then just say it."

She smiled before shaking her head, "No, these are the best kinds of dates."

Summer stood up on her tiptoes and met her lips with mine. She deepened the kiss as her hand raised up and held onto the back of my neck. Instinctively, my arm wrapped around her waist to pull her closer to me. We kissed in the middle of the walkway, not caring that other people were probably watching us or getting mad that we were blocking the walkway. We were in our own world, and that seemed to be all that mattered. 

When the two of us separated, Summer looked embarrassed at all the people who had been staring at us. She buried her head in my chest and nervously giggled. I still couldn't fathom how she came to like me. There's nothing special about me at all. I'm just average looking with messy hair and an inability to tell a joke properly. What could be so special about me?

 "People are staring."

I looked down at Summer and laughed as she seemed so embarrassed, "How about we keep walking?"

"Sounds good to me," she smiled.

I took a hold of her hand as we walked the rest of the bridge, stopping every once in a while to take a picture or stare out over the water. It was all so incredible. Everything about this made me so happy. It was like I was a giddy child inside. My heart would beat faster with every smile Summer flashed my way. 

When we reached the end of the bridge, we walked around the area. Because Summer had never been over this way, I just followed her around wherever she wanted to explore. We walked around the plaza, watching street performers and passerbys. 

Eventually we ended up at the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. Summer stopped and stared at the view of Manhattan from the railing. It was beautiful already, but it would've been even more beautiful at night. The skyline is incredible with all of the shining lights. I've been here a few times during the night with Isabella and some other girls. It was never a date between me and any of them. It was always us drunkenly stumbling around town and somehow ending up here. There were many interesting moments, to say the least, but nothing as sincere as this time with Summer.

 "Harry," she giggled, pulling me from my thoughts. "Let's sit down for a bit."

I followed her over to a bench and sat down next to her. She leaned her body into me and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"Really, Harry, this is the best date I've been on in a long time."

"Seriously?" I asked her, surprised. How is this the best date? I didn't even plan it very well. Actually, I barely even planned anything.

Summer pulled away from me and smiled, "Yeah. It's fun and genuine and you're not trying to impress me. I like this."

"Huh. Who would've thought this would actually be that fun," I laughed.

"Why wouldn't it have been fun?"

"Well, I mean, I didn't know if you would think this is fun or kind of boring or ..." my voice trailed off, unsure of what else to say.

I felt my hand being squeezed, so I looked up at Summer. Her small hand was wrapped around my own, holding on tight. 

"This is lots of fun," she smiled reassuringly.

I leaned down and pressed my lips on hers. Instantly my whole body relaxed, and every worry I had in my mind had vanished. It was weird how she could do that to me. I had never met any other girl that could make me forget everything on my mind with a simple kiss. 

Both of my arms wrapped around her body and hugged her closely. I felt myself subconsciously pulling her body into mine, as if we could've melted into one. I didn't realize it until Summer smiled through the kiss, giggling like crazy.

My arms loosened around her as I pulled back, "What's so funny?"


"Me?" I asked. I dramatically placed my hand on my chest and gasped, something I had seen Isabella do many times.

Summer laughed even more before poking her index finger in my chest, "You know, for someone who seemed to be so nervous about this whole date, you're not very shy when it comes to showing affection." 

"Well,"  I grinned, quickly pressing my lips on hers a few times. "Kissing is something I'm good at."

"Oh really?" she giggled as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes really. Haven't I showed you that?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked out at the water, "No, not really. I've had much better."

I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. Quite honestly, if she was being serious, my ego was a little hurt. I'm not an 'okay' kisser. I'm great at it. I know I am. Girls told me all the time.

Summer still wasn't looking at me, and it was driving me crazy. I placed my hands on the sides of her face and turned her head to look at me. I could see the surprise in her eyes at my action. Without thinking anymore into it, I forcefully collided our lips. She slightly gasped at the contact, giving me just enough of an opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth. I moved our lips in rhythm with each other, my tongue playing with hers. 

I don't know how long this went on. It could've been just a couple of seconds or quite a few minutes. Time seemed to have stopped as we made out on the bench, completely ignoring people that walked by us. After what felt like not enough time, I slowly pulled away from Summer. I watched as her eyes fluttered open, and she seemed to have regained awareness. Her cheeks quickly turned pink before she shyly smiled up at me. 

"I, um. I wasn't expecting that."

"Were you joking about my kissing?" I had to ask. It was eating at me. I can't help that I'm a guy and my ego was a little bit hurt. 

She huffed a laugh and leaned her head on my chest, "Of course I was joking." She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow, "Did you do that because you thought I was serious?"

I embarrassingly met her eye contact, "Um ... well-"

"Oh my god, Harry. It was a joke," her laughter was almost uncontrollable as she looked at me. "Don't be too serious all the time."

I pouted my lip and exhaled, "That was mean."

"If it's any consolation, you are the best kisser."

A chuckle came out of me before she leaned up and put her lips on mine. It was short and sweet, and enough to make me get over her little joke. 

The two of us sat together on the bench for a long while. We talked, teased, and laughed at each other as time passed us by. We must've been there for hours because soon enough the sun started to set. The view of it was incredible, the sky turning hues of pink and orange. The light that had shone from the sunset was gleaming on Summer, making her practically glow. 

"Should we get back to the city?" she questioned, looking over at Manhattan.

I nodded my head as the two of us stood up, "Yeah, probably. Do you want to go grab dinner?"

Summer intertwined her fingers with mine as we walked to the nearest subway entrance, "Sure. Anything in mind?"

"No, not really. Is there anything you want?"

"Nope. We could just find something on the way back. Maybe take it to go and bring it to my apartment?" 

"Sounds good to me."

We both walked into the subway and made our way back into the city. The ride back wasn't as long as I remembered, but it could've been because Summer and I talked the whole time, which seemed to make everything go by quicker. I couldn't get enough of her goofiness, she was just so cute sometimes. 

When we reached Times Square, we walked around the area for a little bit. The sky was dark and everything was lit up with the building lights. There were people everywhere, some walking right by us and some people staring at Summer. I guess this is something I'm going to have to get used to because every time we have gone out, people have constantly stared at her. I'm almost afraid to leave her alone for the sole fact that something might happen to her.

We found a place to grab some food before heading back to her building. We ordered a lot, and most of it was Summer's. I wasn't sure if she was actually going to eat it all or if she just wanted to try a little bit of almost everything on the menu. She playfully smacked me on the arm when I made fun of her for ordering the whole restaurant before giggling like a child. 

As we made it back to her place, the doorman greeted us with a warm smile, the polar opposite of the greeting I got from front-desk-Carson. Summer swiped her card in the elevator, and it brought us all the way up to her floor. It still amazed me, even though I had already seen the place, how massive and luxurious the penthouse was. Seriously, the view was incredible and everything inside was fancy looking. I set out all the food in the kitchen as she went over to set up the television.

"Harry, what do you want to watch?" Summer called from the other room.

I searched the kitchen for plates and silverware, opening up cabinets and drawers, "Uh, I don't care. You pick something."

"Ugh, I'm not very good at making movie decisions."

"Just pick something that you would watch if you were alone. I'll watch whatever."

She walked into the kitchen with the remote in one hand and her other hand on her hip, "Romance or comedy?" 

"Uh. Both?" I shrugged. I don't know what kind of movies she likes. This is why I gave her the job of picking one because I'm sure if I decided on something it would not have been something she liked. 

"You're no help," she stuck her tongue out at me before walking back into the other room.

I shook my head in laughter as I finished up with getting all the food out. I fixed up two plates and brought them into the other room where Summer was already sitting down on the couch. She looked up at me and grabbed a plate, thanking me as I sat down next to her. 

She ended up choosing Sleepless in Seattle, a movie I hadn't seen before. It wasn't that bad, actually. I enjoyed it. Mostly I enjoyed Summer leaning on me after we finished eating and wrapping my arms around her. 

I was too comfortable to move from the spot on the couch, and I think Summer felt the same way. She put on another movie after the first one was finished. Neither of us spoke or anything, we just sat there together watching the television. It was really nice, and I loved every minute of it.

Just about half-way through the second movie, I felt Summer's body grow heavier. It wasn't until I looked down at her that I realized she fell asleep. I should have left earlier to go back to my place, especially since I was still getting up in the morning to go clean the kitchen. But I couldn't bring myself to move. Not because I was a bit trapped underneath Summer, but because I really didn't want to leave. I wanted this moment to last for a long long time, even if she was asleep. 

I pushed some of her hair behind her ear so it was out of her face. She was beautiful even when sleeping. There was no way I was going to make myself leave. I shifted my body in a way that I was lying down without disturbing Summer. Kicking my shoes off and onto the floor, I leaned my head back on the arm rest and shut my eyes, falling asleep. 


Hello! I hope you're enjoying this so far! If you're interested, on the side there's a picture of part of her penthouse so you can kind of imagine what it looks like whenever they are in there. So yep. Please vote/comment/share if you're liking this so far! :) xx

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