Behind the Wig

By _DatWriterChick

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Behind the Wig{Completed}
1: Concert
2: Pizza
3: Love, 2/5 of One Direction
4: Twitcams and phone calls
5: The Meeting
6: I decline!
7: Cute Couple!
8: Whatever the Hell I Want!
9: Shopping
Author noteee!!!
10: I'll Tell You
11: 100 Reads Chapter!
12: Here Goes Nothing
13: But Here I Go
14: 200 Reads Chapter!
15: I'm Ana
16: Can I?
17: The Textbook
18: Bloody Mess
19: A Different Lifetime
20: Hotel
22: Infinite
23: Forgive Me?
24: Relapse
25: I Really Do
26: Date Night
27: Shopping Trip
28: Sleepover Surprise!
29: Perfect
30: Goodbye

21: Stuck

88 2 3
By _DatWriterChick

I wake up, the sun shining through the windows. Gosh it’s bright out. I roll over looking at the time 10:30, wow I usually don’t sleep that late. But I guess there isn’t much to look forward to today. I have nothing at all planned; maybe I’ll go talk to Savannah. Then I’ll stay here another night and then go talk to Harry tomorrow morning. I don’t know, I’ve got to forgive him, I mean I can’t not forgive him. I mean I could just hold it against him, but honestly I don’t want to lose him over this. He was drunk. No, that’s no excuse but people do stupid stuff drunk and if that were me, and I had snogged Louis I would want him to forgive me. So hopefully this will get me some brownie points with him.

I finally get out of bed and walk over to my bag unzipping it and grabbing out a pair of light skinny jeans and a brown sweater with an owl. I slip off my sweats and put on the skinny jeans then putting on the sweater and heading into the bathroom. I do light makeup and curl my hair slightly. Then slipping on knee high brown, high heeled boots. I take another look in the mirror and decide I look good.

Phone? Check

Room key? Check

Confidence? Half check.


I step out of the door making sure it’s shut only to be greeted by the one person I did not want to see. Ryker.

“Good morning beautiful.” He greats me. I nod, acknowledging his existence then walk to the elevator, him following closely behind. I press the button, the doors immediately opening I quickly step in hoping to beat Ryker so I won’t have to talk to him any further, but of course he steps in right after me. I press the lobby button and it starts going down before making a loud screeching noise that elevators aren’t supposed to make. The elevator shakes coming to a complete stop.

“Shit! We’re freaking stuck in here aren’t we?” I groan sitting on the floor. Ryker chuckles and I shoot him a glare. Out of all the people in the world I hate being stuck in here with him. Why him? Of all the gosh dang people it had to be him.

“I’m glad I’m in here with you.” I look over at him and he winks.

“I have a boyfriend.” I say confidently you think you have a boyfriend. My subconscious quickly adds.

“So what? I have a girlfriend, doesn’t mean anything can’t happen.” He says smirking.

“Actually it does. Cause even though he went and kissed my best friend, my damn best friend of all people, I’ll forgive him. Because I love him, and we’ve been through a lot! And that’s why I’ll forgive him, and that’s why I’ll never be with anyone else in my life because he’s everything to me, he’s my sun, my moon, my stars, my heart, my life, my world! And I could never leave him, because he means that much to me. I would never want anyone else, because he’s always there for me to cry into his shoulder or to run to when I’m mad at everyone else! He keeps me calm, and on my toes at the same time. He makes me happy and drives me insane but that’s our relationship. We fight then make up the next day. That’s us.” By the time I end my rant I am out of breath. I know how I feel about him now.

I love him.

I love him with every part of my being. I love his smile and his dimples when he smiles. I love his laugh. I love the way he can never stop staring at me in yoga pants. I love the way he tries not to be annoyed when I say something wrong. I love the way he is okay with PDA. I love the way he kisses me in front of his friends. I love everything about him. I love him. And now I realize I can’t deny it, because it’s evident.


Hey Guise! So I hope you liked this chapter there is a certain quote that fueled this chapter and it's from The Fault In Our Stars by John Green anyway it is;

"I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

Anyway that quote inspired this chapter:) So I hope you liked this chapter. Today I pulled out a tab that said "Update" So only one chapter tonight and it's being dedicated to @Chill4eva so hope you like it!:)


What do you think will happen in the next two chapters? And what do you think will happen by the end of this book?

So only a few more chapters!:( 9 at the least, 30 at the most. That's not very many. If I update almost everyday that's 30 days not counting double updates. Okay there's about a month left of Sarry and Harristasia!:(


Well I love you my Pretzels!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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