
By loumey

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Whoever heard of a scarred vampire? Keeping to the shadows, Michael has spent hundreds of years hiding the sc... More

Chapter 1: Michael
Chapter 2: Friends and Friday Night
Chapter 3: Maria and Jason
Chapter 4: Under Pressure
Chapter 5: First Meeting
Chapter 6: These Dreams
Chapter 7: Michael Returns
Chapter 8: Conversations
Chapter 9: Aaron
Chapter 10: Dates
Chapter 11: History
Chapter 12: Let's Get Physical
Chapter 13: Lucienne Meets Elijah
Chapter 14: Mine and Yours
Chapter 15: The Next Morning
Chapter 16: Visitor
Chapter 17: Unsleir
Chapter 18: Paths Meet
Chapter 19: Surprise for Elijah
Chapter 20: What Dreams May Come
Chapter 21: Monday Morning 3 a.m.
Chapter 22: Now and Forever
Chapter 23: Interlude
Chapter 24: Preparation
Chapter 25: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 26: Arrivals
Chapter 27: Alpha Reception
Chapter 28: Unpleasant Surprises
Chapter 30: Control Issues
Chapter 31: Impacts
Chapter 32: Eogan's Back
Chapter 33: Later that Day...
Chapter 34: Hunters Visit
Chapter 35: Eogan and Fionuir
Chapter 36: Coming to a Head
Chapter 37: Layers and Layers
New Version Live

Chapter 29: Reaffirming

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By loumey

I released several chapters at once, so make sure you started at chapter 27 :)


Eogan quietly slipped into the forest where he knew he'd find his great great grandson, and the one who'd been concealing him and his sisters. He walked silently, not disturbing a single twig or leaf, but he made no real effort to conceal his presence. He rather suspected he knew both the who and the why, and if he was right, a simple conversation would likely solve the problem. If he was wrong, then there was a whole team of vampires, not to mention Rhiannon, ready to put on a rescue operation.

He smiled to himself as he stepped through the trees, feeling the pull of his blood grow stronger, not to mention the presence of his watcher. "You may as well show yourself, Brigid. I believe we have a number of things to discuss."

"That we do, Eogan," the feminine voice rang from the trees in acknowledgement just before a slender woman with hair as silver as his own appeared between the trees.

"Time has been very kind to you, Brigid," he said with a smile as he took her in. While her face had acquired lines that hadn't been there the last time he'd spoken with her, each one reflected contentment and happiness.

"Always the flatterer, Eogan, though I'll admit, time smiles on you as well," she said, smiling at him. "I expect you're here about your blood kin?"

"You would be right, though I won't say it isn't good to see you again."

She simply laughed, turning to lead the way through her forest.


Lucienne stood steadfast in front of the gathered Alphas while Michael finally gave the death blow to Keane's man. It had taken him no more than twenty minutes to reduce the wolf to a screaming, blubbering mess, and for more than one of the gathered Alphas to excuse themselves. Even Rippa had looked a little pale at one point, and she'd wanted blood more than anyone else for the murder of Frye.

Through it all she'd stood in front of them, keeping her face cold and expressionless even in the face of her nausea, showing everyone her full understanding and acceptance of the darker side of the supernatural world she'd now entered. Damn good thing I did, too, she thought to herself. Tate's been watching me the whole time, though he's trying to look disinterested. I think he's disappointed that I didn't raise a fuss or distract Michael by running out or getting sick or whatever. Not that I didn't want to, but I refuse to show any weakness in front of Tate.

Keane was trembling and white, a look of fear and defeat on his face even though his jaw seemed locked tight. Jason and Harriet were now keeping careful hold of him after two failed escape attempts, ignoring the proceedings and keeping their full focus on the wolf.

Michael placed the bloody knife on the small table with the bowl and turned his back to the bloody mess that used to be Keane's second in command. Keeping his gaze fixed on Keane, Michael slowly removed the bloody items that had protected his clothes, dropped them onto the plastic for his people to clean. By the time he stepped off the protective sheet, he looked pristine, as if he hadn't just reduced a man to a hundred tiny parts.

With the same efficiency that marked everything Michael touched, the remains were rolled up in the plastic and removed. What little blood escaped the plastic was cleaned and the room returned to its original state within minutes. That actually seemed to be more concerning to several of the shifters in the room than the actual death had been, but Michael wasn't done yet.

"Keane," he said quietly, his liquid voice cold and hard. "You are either very fortunate or very unfortunate," Michael began his eyes now going solid gold, though again he kept most of his power under wraps. "You will also die more quickly than most do at my hand, but you will not feel any less pain than those who have come before you," Michael promised, his voice taking on a cold menacing edge that had more than one Alpha fidgeting with the desire to shift.

"To you belongs the mind that planned the attempt on my Ruach. Therefore your suffering shall rest there as well," he said, and Lucienne saw a brief flash of real fear flicker across Tate's face.

To his credit, Keane actually did try to stand defiant before him, but like his second the distinct smell of urine told everyone that what he saw in Michael's face was terrifying. Lucienne once again watched and stood firm, presenting unwavering strength before this gathering of powerful shifters.

Michael's solid gold eyes burned a molten color, and Keane began to whimper. She steeled herself, knowing what was coming from Michael's memories, and she didn't have a long wait. Keane's whimpers escalated to outright screams that only grew in volume and pitch until more than one person was wincing in pain. Eventually the wolf collapsed to the floor, still screaming as Michael continued his slow punishment.

She stood quietly, somewhat surprised that she didn't feel any real sympathy for the man. Probably an effect of hearing what he'd ordered done to children, she thought to herself in disgust. If anyone deserves this particular punishment, it's him.

She again scanned the crowd, noting that several were eyeing Michael with speculation now. Guess they don't quite realize that what Michael's doing to Keane is much worse than what he did to the other one, even if it isn't as messy. Still, might be better that way, she thought as she analyzed the situation. After all, a little fear of what he can do is usually good, too much and they'll freak out, which would be very bad.

Eventually Keane's voice gave out and his screams became silent, which seemed to disturb some of the Alphas more than the noise had. Still they watched on till he convulsed once more and he was dead. Two other vampires quickly moved in to remove the body while another cleaned the area up. In moments all that remained was the lingering scent of bleach.

Michael turned back to the crowd, his appearance back to normal and his presence safely tucked away, hidden from those around him. She stepped up to his side and calmly met the gaze of the Alphas, most of whom gave her a nod of respect, though Tate's expression was cold.

"Justice has been given," Michael stated, his liquid voice carrying throughout the crowd. "Do any challenge?"

"My Lord," the female wolf with the dead voice approached with her neck bared to him. "You've given us the first help since Alpha Frye was killed and you've given us more than we ever thought we'd get. You'll get no challenge from us, we accept your justice. Thank you."

"Agreed," chorused the men behind her before Walter stepped forward.

"With your permission, My Lord," he began. "We'd like to bring this back to the rest of the pack. I'd also like to request Keane's head be brought to the survivors before the remains are dealt with. It'll help if they see he's dead for themselves."

"Permission granted to both requests," Michael replied, and Walter bowed low before leading his people out of the room to go attend to the rest of the pack.

"Alphas, I would like to extend my thanks to you for allowing this business to be addressed before the meetings commenced. Might I suggest a further delay so those who wish to run, may do so before we are confined together for any length of time?"

"Fucking great idea," Breon growled. "We're all too amped up."

"Agreed," came mutters from a number of other Alphas in the crowd.

"I have designated several large swaths of my grounds for your use. Should one of my people appear, please move in the direction they indicate as they will be redirecting you to proper boundaries for reasons of safety, "Michael said, the slight edge of humor not lost on Lucienne nor did she think the subtle warning escaped their guests. "We shall reconvene in approximately two hours, please enjoy the run."

That broke the spell and the Alphas broke apart into groups and began heading outside. Turning his golden eyes back to her, Michael stepped forward and held his arm out. Lucienne read the brief flash of uncertainty in his gaze before she accepted. As soon as they were outside Michael lifted her into his arms and ran back to the main house with her, only putting her down when they were in the bedroom with the door closed.

"My Heart, I ask you for your forgiveness. I understand if you are angry for my deceit. I felt this the best course to protect you as well as everyone else, and could see no other option than to deliberately keep you ignorant of the plans in place. I admit I did this knowing you would be unhappy, and can only hope you will not be too upset with me," Michael's words rushed out and she heard the tightness in his voice.

She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. Oh my poor vampire, she thought to herself. This whole time he's been worried about me being angry about him keeping me in the dark.

"It's okay, Michael," she whispered against his ear. "I really do understand that you had to hide everything you had planned. I can't help there being a little anger there, even if I would have done the same thing in your place, but emotions don't always get logic," she told him, looking him in the eye and giving him a small smile. "It was the best path forward. I understand that and I'll get over it."

His fingers lightly traced the side of her face and she leaned into his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm. "I trust you, and as much as I was watching the reactions of all the Alphas in that room, I know they were watching mine too. There's definitely a few I don't trust as far as I could spit. Not knowing what was going on in advance made for a better show. It definitely kept them from thinking we'd already bonded, and I think it'll make things a lot easier for both of us in the long run."

"You amaze me, My Heart," Michael whispered before leaning in to brush a feather light kiss over her lips before pulling back again with a slight frown. "I also must apologize that I did not anticipate you being required to witness the executions. I will understand if you require some distance from me," he said drawing away from her.

"I don't require any distance from you," she told him, tightening her arms to pull him back to her until there was no space between them. "Did I enjoy witnessing? No, but your memories prepared me and I knew I could handle it, especially after hearing testimony from Walter and the rest. If anything, what I need right now is more of you to wash their slime away," she told him, letting him see her need for him to hold her, to feel his body solid against her. All she really wanted right now was to feel sheltered in his arms, safe and loved.

He wasted no time in lifting her up again and carrying her over to his favorite chair. She reached out and flipped the switch to turn on the fire as he settled into the large piece of furniture while keeping her draped across his body, his fingers tracing light circles down her spine.

His scent enveloped her, and she curled up against him. I'm home, she thought to herself, realizing that she really did feel that way. This wasn't Michael's room anymore, it was theirs, because he'd welcomed her in, made room for her and openly shared everything. This is our room, our home, she realized with a sense of wonder.

"My Heart," Michael said and then stopped, unable to speak for a moment as joy overwhelmed him. She looked deeper into their link and realized he'd heard her last thought. He was overcome with happiness that she'd thought of this as her home as well as his.

"You made it both of ours, Michael," she told him, sending him images of all the things he'd done that made it feel like home. From changing or removing some of his decor to making certain the kitchen and any bars were stocked with her favorite foods and drinks, to programming his sound system with her music. One by one she showed him all the little moments he'd given her that made his house a home for her, too. The music one had really touched her since she knew that since Diana, music was generally too painful for him.

On the rare occasions he did listen to music, he used an extremely high quality, but rather complicated sound system since his ear was truly that good. The fact he'd anticipated her pleasure on something he normally avoided, and had gone to lengths not only to include music for her, but had actually spent time listening and programing the best sound settings, had touched her deeply.

"I have found that music is no longer the burden it was since we completed our bond, My Heart. You have given me a great gift, it's only right I do the utmost to return the favor," he told her, his mental voice turning warm and rich like honey.

She nuzzled her face into his neck, enjoying both the closeness and the little shiver of pleasure that went through his body. "You 'return the favor' every day just by being you, Michael," she told him, opening herself fully to their bond to let him feel the bone deep contentment and incredible happiness she felt with him. She felt him open up to the bond in return, and she was flooded with love and joy so intense, it almost made her cry.

"Until I met you, My Heart," he murmured against her hair, his fluid voice making heat pool in her center, "I was living but a half-life. I existed and had purpose, but there was little joy or happiness. You repaired that which I didn't know was broken, and have breathed vibrancy into a previously dull existence."

His words brought more tears to her eyes since she knew he meant everything he said. She lifted her head from his shoulder to kiss him thoroughly and deeply, her fingers threading themselves into his dark, curly hair. She didn't have the words to express just how much that meant to her, how much he meant to her, so she tried to show him with her lips and through their bond.

Michael growled softly and his hands gently removed the bobby pins that were holding her hair up in a simple French twist. She smiled and gasped in pleasure when he finally buried his fingers in her locks, while her own hands went for the buttons of his shirt, fumbling them in her desperation to feel his skin. Her clothes were less of an obstacle to him, a fact she realized when he ripped her blouse rather than mess with the buttons.

"Not the pants," she managed to gasp out, quickly reaching down to undo the buttons and get rid of the material. "Favorite pair, and can't get them anymore," she explained while she wriggled them off, and ended up straddling his hips.

She felt him nestled between her legs, and couldn't help but slide back and forth, moaning in pleasure while her fingers finally released the last buttons of his shirt. She finally had her hands on his bare chest, the contrast between the scarred and smooth side only serving to make her want him more.

He pulled her against him, his mouth having no trouble finding her pebbled nipples through her lacy bra. Every lick and suck pushed her higher and she couldn't wait anymore, she desperately needed him inside her right now. She reached down, quickly undoing his belt and pants, and pulled him free, his steel length now jutting proudly between them. His hands wandered down to cup her bottom and lift her while she shoved her panties aside and positioned him at her entrance.

He released her and she sank down, sheathing him in one swift movement that had them both gasping with pleasure. She started to move and his hands held her hips in place while he began thrusting upward into her. She bent down to kiss him again, wanting to feel his lips and tongue against hers. Their bodies were on fire and she was so close to the edge all she needed was the slightest push and he gave it to her.

His grip on her hips tightened, clamping her against him like a vise while he thrust stronger, going even deeper into her. She came hard, crying out his name as he followed, emptying himself into her. She collapsed against him, and everything went dark.

"Lucienne," Michael's soft voice roused her, while his fingers combed through her hair.

She opened her eyes, lifting her head from his shoulder to meet his gaze. His fingers gently brushed her cheek, and a soft smile was on his lips, though she caught the flash of relief in his eyes. She laid her head back against his shoulder and smiled at him.

"I think you're going to need to change your pants before we start the meetings," she said with a giggle.

He chuckled and placed a light kiss on her head. "I cannot conceive of a better reason for needing to do so," he replied with heated smile. "For that matter, I do believe a shower might be in order as well."

She wiggled her hips on his lap, giving him a smile of her own when she felt him begin to harden again. "Sounds like a great idea."

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