Pokemon Eeveelution Gijinka x...

بواسطة ifartartistics

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(I do not claim ownership of artwork,images,and Pokemon.) Of course,just by reading the title of this story... المزيد

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Reader x Male Shiny Umbreon (Shy Boy Route)
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Reader x Female Leafeon(Under Editing)
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Eeveelution Gijinka Q&A is now Published
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Reader x Male Shiny Umbreon (Bad Boy Route)

3.1K 46 11
بواسطة ifartartistics

Your P.O.V.

Sombra can be so dark and brooding. But it's sexy. Like Crobatman. So poisonous but so charming.

What is this feeling I get whenever I'm around him? Love? Lust? Infatuation? I can't get him out of my head. These feelings have lingered for as long as I have gotten to know him.

Sombra has been known as the neighborhood Umbreon. He slept during the day but prowled the streets at night, watching over our sleeping bodies. The days when he wouldn't fall asleep during the day we thought were to be the Days of Misfortune.

Sombra is such a mischievous Pokemon. He'd cause havoc in everyone's homes. The day would just be so chaotic and destructive. Sombra is just the worst prankster you could ever come across.

It's only been a few years since Sombra became human. Using his sudden attractiveness as a male human to an advantage in his pranks, of course, he attempted on causing more trouble for the people of the neighborhood. Eventually, he was causing trouble all over town.

It was becoming tiresome and they couldn't keep forgiving him for his messes. So as a Trainer in the town, I had to be given responsibility to look after him. I wasn't the only Trainer in town but apparently, they weren't able to handle him. I couldn't blame them. I was the last resort.

Why me? Somehow, for some reason, I was the most trusted Trainer that they could confide in to relieve them of their troubles. Did they see something in me that wasn't in the other trainers? I don't know but an entire month with Sombra was a hellish nightmare.

It was hard but eventually, he settled down. Suddenly one morning, he was suspiciously calm and quiet. I woke up to find him sitting on the side of the bed, watching me sleep. Naturally, I freaked out. I mean, who wouldn't, if someone watched you sleep without your consent. Since then, he's treated me nicely. Not properly but nice enough. There are times when he's still a jerk but he's opened up to me.

We became inseparable. We went everywhere together and did everything together. We simply couldn't leave each other alone. We bothered each other but we also appreciated each other. We may joke around a lot and we can be pretty mean to each other but I really care about him. I think he does, too.

Sometimes, I feel like time stops, and it's just the two of us in this world. I'm really glad I've become familiar with him. Sombra always seemed like an annoying Pokemon to me. Just sleeping around all day and watching people sleep at night. Especially bothering everyone when he's got nothing else better to do. But he's not a Pokemon anymore.

He's an actual human being that I can interact with in a way I can't with a Pokemon. On the outside, he's this...bad boy. Causing trouble for seemingly no other apparent reason other than to cause trouble for other people because he got a kick out of it But on the inside, he just needs somebody. He wants to be noticed. He wants to be cared about. He's lonely. He has a meaning.

These feelings just keep developing and growing. Stronger and stronger. I found myself being attracted to him over so much time. I've been living with him for so long now but our relationship is so complicated. It's hot and cold. One day he's all over me and the next he's just tuned out. I don't know what I should do. I don't know what he wants. I don't know what I want. Is this right?

Sombra's P.O.V.

Love is a pretty powerful drug. I'm hooked on it. I'm hooked on (Y/N).

(Y/N) is the only one that understands me. (Y/N) actually cares about me. I'm glad that I don't have to be alone anymore. I have (Y/N) with me now and that's all that matters. The whole world could burn for all I care. I'll always be right by (Y/N)'s side. (Y/N) is mine and mine alone.

Being in the presence of love feeds you more than any nourishment, which is why I can't have enough of (her/him/them). True love knows no depth. I could get lost with (Y/N) forever. I feel more comfortable with (her/him/them) than I ever have with anybody in my entire life. I can be myself around (her/him/them). I could get naked if I wanted to! I'd like to see (Y/N) naked...

I don't desire anybody else in the world except for (Y/N) and (her/his/their) happiness means more than my own. I'll never grow tired of (her/his/their)company. I love to have (Y/N) to myself all day. It's always better when (Y/N) is there.

I love (Y/N)'s scent when I hold (her/him/them) close. I'd fight anyone to be able to smell that scent every day. (Y/N)'s voice is like a beautiful melody to my ears. I never don't want to listen to them. Even when they're singing horribly in the shower in the morning.

(Y/N) is just too cute when they're sleeping. Just by watching (her/him/them) gets me flustered. I dream of all the ways I can take care of (her/him/them) more than I dream of all the ways I want them to take care of me.

Do I smother or maybe obsess over (Y/N) a little too much? Sometimes I feel like I do. I'd probably go a day or two without speaking to (her/him/them) so I can give (her/him/them) space. It pains me but I don't want to be a bother. Maybe I am. I mean, (Y/N) was sort of forced to look after me. Maybe (Y/N) doesn't feel the same way I do. These feelings overwhelm me but it might not be the same for (her/him/them). For all I know, (Y/N) could still hate me for having been given the sudden responsibility of taking care of somebody like me.

I'm a freak. Is it all just an act (Y/N) is putting up? To get me out quicker? No, it can't be. I don't want (Y/N) to hate me. I could never bear the fact if (she/he/they) truly bare those feelings.

Your P.O.V.

Today, I went to the grocery store with Sombra. I decided to reward him with snacks I thought he'd enjoy. It made me happy to think of the delighted look on his face when he sees what I bought him and devours it. I giggled. Sombra may have been acting strangely this week but I want to show I'm there for him if anything's wrong.

I passed by the snack aisle with the cart and browsed the shelves. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Sombra eyeing a young woman from the aisle across from us. What is he looking at her for?

He walked up behind her. What is he going to do?

He placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her around to face him. He took her by the hands. A sharp pain shot through my heart. Is this...jealousy?

The young woman appeared flustered by his actions. Sombra leaned in close and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes suddenly widened and she turned as red as a Tamato berry. She looked like she was going to faint.

I turned my head away in disgust. What does he think he's doing?! That jerk! Is he falling back into his old routine?! Why?!

As I dumped a few bags and boxes of snacks and junk food into the cart, I hurried into the next aisle. Sombra followed close behind.

As soon as we entered the next aisle, Sombra rushed to a flamboyant young man and received the same reaction from him. My eyebrow twitched and the feeling of agitation grew inside me. Did I do something wrong to get treated like this? Are we...having a falling out? I pouted.

For the whole time we were at the grocery store, Sombra continued with his antics, walking up to attractive young men and women and always receiving the same flustered reaction from them. Until I felt like I was finally going to blow, I abandoned the cart and stomped towards the entrance.

Sombra's P.O.V.

I noticed (Y/N) storm off, abandoning the cart full of goodies. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I ran after her. Something felt off.

"Hey,(Y/N)!" I called out.

(Y/N) turned to face me, an angry look upon (her/his/their) face. A sharp pain shot through my heart.

"(Y/N),what's wrong? Are you okay?"

(She/He/They) furrowed (her/his/their) eyebrows. "What do you mean, is something wrong? And no, I'm not okay! What's wrong with you?!"


"So what? Are you flirting with other people now? Am I not enough for you? Did you decide we're not going to be a thing? Is that why you've been acting strangely this whole week? Why don't you flirt with me?"

I blinked. (Y/N) slapped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment. (She/He/They) glanced away. A few people had stopped to stare, curious about the commotion. I gave them a glare and they hurriedly walked off.

"(Y/N), I-I'm sorry." Guilt stabbed at my heart but I also felt triumphant in a way. "(Y/N)...do you like me?"

(Y/N) blushed, (her/his/their) face turning a deep shade of pink. "W-what?! What kind of question is that? Now of all times?!"

"(Y/N), I really like you."

"You like me enough to flirt with other people?!"

"Never in a million years!"

I grabbed (Y/N) by the shoulders and leaned in close. "I just...don't know if you feel the same way! I feel like such a bother. I am so crazy about you. I don't want my presence to overwhelm you when it's unwanted. I just thought...it'd be better to be with someone else if you don't want me around. I don't want to be a burden that you've been forced to carry your whole life."

I cupped (her/his/their) face in my hands. I placed my forehead against (his/hers/theirs). "Please understand. I don't want you to be troubled. I want you to be mine but...I just don't know. Why would anybody like me be with such an incredible person like you? You're not worthy of me. It's better that I be forgotten than loved."

Taking a step back, I turned my back to (Y/N). "It's best if I let you go. Please...forget me. I'm sure I can find...someone else..." I looked over my shoulder and gave (her/him/them)a sad look. "But there won't be anyone else who can be you."

Your P.O.V.

Why is he starting all of this in the grocery store?  He's never been this serious before! Never!

As Sombra was about to walk away, I ran forward and took him by the hand. I intertwined my fingers with his and pulled his back against me. I took his other hand with my free hand and did the same, wrapping my arms around him, holding them.

"Where do you think you're going, idiot?"

He looked over his shoulder in surprise.

"I don't want your sexy ass to go yet! Actually, not ever!" I buried my face in his back in embarrassment.

"Sombra, you may have been thrown into my home but that doesn't mean I don't need you like you needed me. Sombra, I want you. Now, you try to understand me. I will not let you go and leave this place with any other person except me! You got that?"

Sombra chuckled."You actually want me to stick around?"

"Of course, Sombra! I love you!" I screamed into his back.

I let him go so he could turn around to face me. He gave me a smirk. "So you're the jealous type, huh?"

I felt my face heat up. "No! I'm just...protective! I guess..." I glanced away.

He placed both of his hands on my waist and pulled me against him. "I like that. It turns me on. Give me a taste of that jealousy." Sombra winked, leaning in closer.

My face must've been blowing off steam. I pushed his face away. "Stop it!" I slipped out of his grasp and sped-walked back to the spot where I had left the cart.

"You might not have let me leave but I love watching you go!"


"Thanks for the snacks, babe! Although I'd prefer to snack on you!"

"Shut up!"


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