Loving My Murderous Mate

By GlaciaGirl

232K 6.5K 472

FORGIVENESS is the best form of love... it takes a strong person to say SORRY and an even stronger person to... More

I'm sorry
Promise me
The threat
Alone with a monster
I get it from my Dad
I get it from my Dad (Kayden's POV)
The truth
I want you
I love you
Our Daughter
Hold me
A child is born
Home bound
Someone who understands
His blood
Something worth dying for
One problem after another
Sequal sneak peek!!!!!

New beginning

13.2K 390 11
By GlaciaGirl

It takes three years, but I can finally think of my pack without having a mental breakdown. I laid low for three years until I turned 18 so I wouldn't be taken to a foster home. Now I am an adult and I can explore the world. I walk to the park and watch all the families stroll by me, enjoying each other's company. I long for my family, but nothing can bring them back.

I sit on the side of the fountain and gently touch the water with my fingers. The cool liquid gently encases my fingers. I tilt my chin up to the sun, feeling the sun kiss my cheeks, I smile. I wish every day was this good. The warmth makes me feel happy and peaceful.
Though still very cold outside I still feel the warmth of the sun which never goes away. I close my eyes and remember my family, my pack. Though the memories may fade, like the sun, it will never go away. The wind blows through my long hair and makes it fly in my face. The feeling makes me feel free. and for that moment everything was peaceful.

the moment ended when someone sits beside me on the fountain. I keep my eyes closed, not wanting the peace to end but I feel their stare burning through my skull. Five minutes! I can't have five minutes to myself?! My anger flares up and my whole body goes rigid.

"are you just going to burn a hole in my head or are you gonna get what you wanna say out?" I spit out venomously.

Then I smell it, the exact same smell I smelt before Ty died. Blood and ash. I feel like time froze at that moment as the smell encases my nose. I try to calm myself, clenching and unclenching my jaw quickly. Maybe it's just a rogue that came from the blood moon pack. Maybe it doesn't mean any harm. Then I suddenly smell more of them and fear shoots up my spine. growling, I ball my fists up, trying to keep my wolf under control.

They were smart coming to me in the open, knowing I can't shift in front of humans. I whip around so see my brother's killer. I see a pale woman with jet black hair and blood colored eyes. I flinch at her eyes, her blood colored eyes, that are filled with a lust for death. I growl and I feel my wolf clawing for control.

"What do you want?" I snarl, trying not to lunge at her.

Her eyes look me over then she stands up. Her canines emerge and she flashes a toothy grin. Kinda creepy...

"I found her." She says quietly.

I start to panic as I see people emerging from different parts of the park. Through the humans, I see one eye color in particular stand out among the crowd of people. Red. The woman circles me, swaying her hips in the process. I can sense her anger towards me with her body language, which makes me want to rip her throat out.

"So you're the one who got 'away'." It wasn't a question, it was a fact.

I give her a questioning look when she emphasized 'away'. She rolls her eyes and scoffs. My eyes flash yellow with anger but I quickly change them back to their usual brown.

"I'll ask you again, what do you want?" I snarl.

She tilts her head and smirks. Her eyes filled with amusement, she gasps and puts her hand on her mouth.

"You haven't felt him yet have you?" She still has a smirk plastered on her face, which makes me want to rip her lips off.

Though I'm mad, I must've looked confused because she laughs and places her hands on her hips.

"Your mate has been waiting for you to come of age and now that you are, we have to bring you to him. I'm surprised you haven't felt your mate's presence yet. Well I'm actually not. Stupid wolves usually can't feel their mates presence." I slightly growl at her comment but can't keep it up as thoughts of my mate consume my mind.

My mate?

Confusion covers my face. The woman rolls her eyes then tosses a stone to me. Once it touches my skin i see a vision of a tall dark haired man with icy blue eyes standing in front of me. He smiles and I feel my whole world light up. Gasping, I drop the stone onto the rich green grass. Now I remember what the stones are...

The stones are usually used to bind someone into the pack. When you touch them you can usually feel the alpha's presence. And when the alpha's mate touches it, they see a vision of their mate.

"Do you feel him now?" The woman asks cockily.

I look up at the woman and glare at her. Her tone makes my wolf claw for control but I deny her that quickly. Wait until I'm alone in an alley with you!

I look at the small stone and stare at the crescent moon engraved on it. It's the pack's symbol. What pack is it though? Ugh... I wish I payed more attention when my dad was teaching me about other packs. Then I just decide to put two and two together. I think for a moment then my heart suddenly skips a beat. Oh crap no. The.....the The Blood Moon Pack.

"Who is he?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"He is your mate." The woman stares at me and smirks which makes me growl.

"No, I mean, WHO is he?" A silence fills the air which makes me beyond uncomfortable.

No one even looks at me. I look to the woman who is looking at the ground, biting her lower lip. I wait for an answer and finally a man speaks up.

"He is our alpha, Alpha Kayden of the Blood Moon pack." The man steps forward, his blonde, wind blown hair in his face and his brown eyes full of confidence. At once I know who he is.

"You must be the Beta." I say. It wasn't a question, it was a fact.

The man chuckles darkly, making me shiver. He comes closer to me until we are just feet apart which makes my heart race. I look up to him and her smirks.

"I'm Daniel." He holds out his hand but I don't take it.

I step back, knowing this pack is ruthless and blood thirsty. Though I'm beyond angry, I'm not stupid. He glares at me and I flinch back a bit. Afraid, my eyes change to their usual golden yellow. Don't be afraid of them Tara! I turn to the woman and step towards her. Fear floods her expression and she shakily steps back.

"Why am I even talking to you?! You killed my pack! You destroyed my life!" I yell.

Laughter fills Daniel's eyes, along with annoyance. My head snaps to him and I snarl. Anger flashes across his face but he quickly covers it up with a toothy smile. Yeah buddy, keep smiling...

"Yeah, and the only reason we didn't kill you is because our alpha's son felt his mate's presence. He forbade us to touch even one hair on your head. And his stupid father ordered us to obey him. And that's the only reason why you are alive right now. We would've killed you a long time ago if it wasn't for Kayden." He snarls at the end.

I shrink back which makes him smile. Not to self: He feeds on fear. I see the woman move out of the corner of my eyes and I whip around to see her looking very annoyed. The woman sighs and rolls her blood red eyes. This woman has something wrong with her eyes.

"Enough of this crap! Let's just get her to Kayden!" I feel the panic rising in me as I see them come toward me.

My breathing accelerates and my eyes are so golden yellow, they seem to glow. I step away but I suddenly feel a pair of hands on my arm. My inner wolf panics and in a split second, my fangs come in. I whip around and pounce the person who was holding me, ripping open his arms with one shake of my head. Realizing that I'm starting to shift involuntarily, I quickly get off of him but not before I rip his already bloody arm a little more.

I wouldn't dare transform all the way with all of the humans watching. That's pretty much signing your own death wish. I suddenly see an opening and dart away as fast as I can, knowing that they are hot on my tail. I bolt through the park's exit and onto the road, dodging cars as they go down the street. Once on the other side of the road I start running to a crowded area near a food truck. Maybe they'll lose my scent.  I try to blend into the crowd but I kind of stick out because I'm the only one that isn't wearing really heavy clothing.

As I near the food truck I feel a hand grab my shoulder and throw me down. My face smacks the concrete and my hands scrape against it painfully as well. The feeling of dizziness makes unable to get up for a moment but I quickly shake my head. Nose and mouth bleeding profusely, I look up to see who's to blame for this mess. To my surprise I see Daniel towering over me. I whimper and try to scoot back which makes him let out an evil laugh. He grabs my arm and pulls me harshly to my feet.

His iron grip will leave bruises on my arm I know. Though I know it won't work, I pull and squirm. And just as I suspected, it's no use. My wants free and I don't know how much longer I can hold her back. Think of something, Tara! I groan, not really wanting to do this. I do the only thing I can think of, I bury my inner wolf and get rid of my fangs and golden yellow eyes. Time to put my acting skills to the test.

"Someone! Help me!! He's hurting me! Help! Someone please help!!" I cry as loud as I possibly could.

Many people came to my aid, mostly young men. One man shoves Daniel, making him release my arm. An older woman pulls me aside,

"It's alright. Your safe from him, he'll never touch you again." I smile at her. She put herself in harms way to help me. I lay my hand on her shoulder, feeling grateful for her kind heart.

"Thank you." It was as much as I could get out before I saw the rest of them closing in.

I'm so selfish and stupid!! I'm not going to put these people in more danger. I dart away from the crowd and try to find a secluded part of town. Finding an alley on the edge of town, I walk to the end. I take a deep breath and let my inner wolf emerge. Claws start coming out from under my finger nails and my gums rip open as my fangs come back in.

My deep brown eyes change to golden yellow. I feel pain in my bones. listen to every bone in my body crunch and I feel them remold into something entirely different. My long, dark brown hair shortens and the rest of my body starts growing fur. I get down on all fours and wait for the other werewolves.

I let out a blood curdling howl, which was painfully long. Anger floods my whole being as I snarl, waiting for the others. I then catch their scent, they are coming. My ears pin back and my tail freezes in place. The fur on my back stands up when I see Daniel. I growl at him. As he comes closer.

Hands in his pockets, he casually walks up to me. He stops about 4 meters away from me,

"Smart idea back there. Using humans to protect you like that. I would've loved to rip each one apart but I have orders not to draw attention to the mission at hand... See, that's why I joined this pack, we hate humans. We hunt them regularly. Unlike you, who actually likes humans and try to protect them. And that's what makes you weak." He waves his hand and I see the pale faced she-wolf walk into the alley, grasping the older woman who tried to help me.

The frail woman stumbles. I whimper scared they hurt her. I step forward and let out a roar. Daniel smiles,

"we'll let her go, if you come with us to our alpha." He's got me.

He knows I won't let a human get hurt if I can help it. He won this battle. I lay in the ground in submission. Anger runs through me veins as he puts his foot on my back. Is he trying to get killed? He looks at the pale faced she-wolf and nods. I suddenly hear the old woman's neck snap and see her limp body fall to the ground.

I whimper as her frail body lay on the damp concrete. I jump up and attack Daniel but he already expected it. He dodges me and changes in a split second. He grabs my neck with his fangs. I'm now immobilized because his fangs are inches from killing me. Though I can't rip his throat out, I snarl at him which, I'm sure made his day,

"it would be a lot easier if you were in human form" the pale she-wolf says.

I snarl at her. Daniel sinks his fangs deeper in my neck. I have no choice but the change. It takes a moment but I manage to calm down enough to change back into human form. Once in human form, Daniel hands me a large T-shirt that goes down to my knees. they bind my hands with duct tape and they lead me to a black Nissan Altima.

They put me in the back passenger seat then tie my feet together. Daniel gets in beside of me and the pale faced she-wolf gets in the driver seat. The car starts and we drive out of town. We drive in silence for fifteen minutes then we pull into a very hidden driveway. At the end of the driveway is a large cabin with a green tin roof. Warm light shines through the windows and I can hear laughter coming from inside.

The car comes to a stop and my door opens. Daniel cuts my binds and helps me out of the car. He doesn't grab my arm because he knows there is no where to run. I follow Daniel and the others to the door. Daniel lets me get in front then he motions me to open the door.

I hold my breath as I twist the knob and push the door open...

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