By Nicole200220

167K 4.4K 323

A girl named Emma has gone through a lot of problems. One day she is given a chance, to start a new and fresh... More

Chapter 1-My Story
Chapter 1 part 2
Chapter 2-Meeting people I called family
Chapter 3-Tears and Sorries
Chapter 4-Breathe...Panic Attack
Chapter 5-School
Dream 2
Chapter 7-Rogues
Chapter 8-Mate
Chapter 9-It's a secret
Chapter 10-I surrender
Chapter 11- His name is Jason
Chapter 12-The Call
Chapter 13- They are leaving?
Chapter 14-Rules.Secrets.Lies
Chapter 15-My nature
Chapter 16-Darling
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6-I wish I disappear

6.5K 194 15
By Nicole200220

Chapter 6
I wish I disappear.

"You jerk stop looking like a hawk." I snapped at him as I turned around.

"Who do you think you are?" He says as as he looks at me in shock and wide eyes.


Some people say that things will get better. That everything will be better but that's all crap nothing can go right not when you face the world that is full of people who will judge you make you feel like nothing but only brings pain in your life.

"You!"I look at him when I realize who he is.

"The girl who bumped into me" he gives a small growl.

"You jerk!" I say without thinking.
"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" he walks closer to me.

"I don't care if you are an alpha I get to speak to you like I want." I say angry.

He comes closer and I look at him in his eyes and can see how angry and piss he is but there is another emotion which I can't understand. He grabs my arm I feel something going trough my body like an electric shock. My heart starts beating fast. There are butterflies in my stomach. NO!!!!

Mate my wolf howled in my head.

"Y.." I am going to say that he is my mate but I don't find the words in my mouth.

I can't speak or move I am frozen I don't know how to react specially when I get to meet my mate. A mate who hates me and shouts at me.

He looks at me with his eyes wide open still in shock and still holding me tight. Then my brother comes running to us.

"Get the hell away from her." He says as he pushes him back and a growl exits from his mouth.

"Are you her body guard or something now." He says with no emotions like nothing had just happened.

Which hurts me a lot I feel like I am being stabbed in my heart over and over again.

Is this the feeling of being rejected if this is I want it to end. I don't want to suffer any more pain. Why does life keep putting me through so many rejection what did I ever do to deserve such misery.

"I am her brother and you don't get to touch her."

I feel how angry my brother is I don't have exactly a good reason why he hates Jason so much. I am not going to take any sides if I will be hoping that Jason will be coming back for me or my brother taking me away from him as far as possible. I know that people do mistakes that they will regret I need to let the moon's goddess to show me the right path.

"Come on Drake let's go."

I say in a soft voice almost a whisper and I touch his shoulder to try to calmed. I don't want to cause a fight between the two of them. They already hate each other and I don't want to see them getting their hands filled with blood.

"Ok"he says in a calmer tone. I have manage to calm him down for now.

"This isn't over"someone says from behind us as we walk out of the hall into an empty classroom. What does he mean by the words this isn't over?

"Emma when I see him looking at us I panic and I just use the mind link to tell your brother what is happening." Lux says not sure of how I will react to the situation.
Should I be mad, disappointed, angry what is the right way to handle this situation, there is no better thing to do but to act that everything is fine.

"It's okay Lux you did the right thing. What's his name?" I ask curious as I haven't catch his name.

"Jason. If he dares to look at you or touch you I'll swear to God I will kill him." I look at him and see how angry and mad he is.

"Emma how do you know him?" Lux asks.

Drake looks at me in confusing.

"The first day I arrive here I go out in the city, remember?" Drake nods"when I am coming home I bump into him and he is with his clique and it didn't go so well."
The school bell rings to show us that the first class is beginning.

"Shit I am late for my first day of school"

I get out off the room before I get to be asked more questions and run to class and make it in time before the teacher arrives. I sit in the empty sit and see that Jason is just next to me.

I don't look at him but I still get shivers I know that he is looking at me and also his clique I can barely focus on the lesson. This is too much to handle for one day. Is he my mate?

That question kept going round and round my mind in all the lessons. In every lesson there is someone from Jason's clique I just can't take this.

I am heading to lunch when someone grabs me and pulls me in a class and I feel my whole body shivering knowing who already it is.

I look around and see that we are alone I don't like where this is going.

"Emma..." He says as he pushes me by the wall putting his hand above my head.

I can see that he knows I am his mate of how much stiff he is. I wander what he wants? I can't let my self get to a point if we will ever be together. If my mind think faster and act quicker than my heart then I will be broken once again.

The thought of being heart broken again hurts a lot. I am afraid of what he has to say I have to hear him out. I don't care if it's a bad or good thing I barely know the guy. I shouldn't be affected of how he acts. "Yeah" I say biting my lip.

"You can't tell no one we are mates." He says putting his hand on my cheeks and grabbing the hair on my face behind my ear.

My hearts beats faster as those words leave his lips. Which I can imagine them being soft against mine. What am I even thinking I can't think clear when his face is just a few inches away from mine. I can feel him leaning closer to my neck making me feel his warm breathe. Which makes my body to shiver all over again.

He pulls his face back and looks at me in my eyes. Making me think clearer on the situation I am certain that I heard some uncertainty in his voice he is getting me so confused. I feel my heart breaking into pieces I don't know why this is happening to me I don't even know this guy.

I shouldn't be affected of what he says to me why is my heart making such a big deal of it. It's not my human who is hurt but my wolf I can feel her shutting herself from me. No she can't leave me she can't.

"Yeah sure I can keep a secret." I finally say as I find the words on my tongue and I try not to look sad of how he is rejecting me.

"Great. Stay away from me as I will do too. Bye Emma."

He leaves the classroom and leaves me standing there against the wall in the empty classroom trying to keep myself calm and taking everything slow.

I keep taking breathe after breathe surprising I stay calm. I keep my head clear of any thoughts and stop putting my mind through more questions.

I leave the classroom and now I can't just go to the cafeteria I just can't not now,I leave the school grounds and go under a tree to eat something I have in my bag. I find a cereal bar and some sweets.I really need some sweets at the moment.

Then I hear the bell rings and I go back inside and go trough all the lessons. I try so hard to focus but I can't I just keep asking myself questions. Should I keep all this a secret? Why does my birthday have to be always a disaster? Does Jason's pack know I am his mate? I wish I can just go to the darkest place and stay there without seeing anyone I wish I can just disappear.

Remembering the feeling of his hand on my face made my body shiver and made my body feel like I am on fire. Why do I have to go through this? Why me? Do I have to get that feeling every time I touch him or am near him? Can I have another mate?

School ends and I go to my locker to put my stuff back. Then I see Lux, Eave and Niki coming over me with a bag in there hand. They keep walking towards me I look around the hall and see that Jason and some of his friends are there. Then they come next to me.

"Happy birthday" they all say and hand me the bag.

"Thank you. You didn't have to." I hug them and as I do so I see Jason in shock.

Then I open the bag and what I see makes me so happy they bought me some new shoes, two pair of jeans and matching tops. I hug them again for being here on my birthday for buying me a present and I need a hug to hide from my problems.

"Thank you so much and Happy Birthday Lux I will give you your present later."

"No worry now come on, we have to get to the house we are having a party." She says.

I close my locker and they pull me outside and somehow we get to the house.

I don't know what is happening today it feels like I just lost something precious from my life. A part of my heart stolen and I can never get it back not as long he accepts me. I am being too stupid even to think that he will ever change his mind I need to stop worrying and face the moment I am living now.

I go inside and see Jake and I walk to him. "Happy birthday." He says looking happy. Then it hit me should I be happy or do I need to be tortured through my life?

"Happy birthday you too." I hug him and put my arms against his back and he does this too. Then he pulls away as he feels how much tight I am holding him like I am afraid that I will loose him. In fact I am afraid of loosing everyone.

"You ok?"he looks at me in confusion waiting for my reply. Not sure of himself if he wants to hear my problems specially on his birthday. I just don't understand why people make such a big deal every year when they grow another year older.

"Yeah just a lot happened today." I tell him the truth it's not only today but my whole life I haven't been ok. That is something that people should get in their heads that they should never ask a person if they are ok when they know they are not. It's just an excuse to stop the other person from saying their problem.

"I heard the whole thing with Jason. I didn't manage to get you a present." He says of course he knows that I am not fine. When you need someone and they just make the matter worst by blurting the words out for you that they know that you had a hard day. Instead of helping you they just stay there doing nothing.

"That's okay I guess I don't have a present for you too." He smiles and I smile back and it's not just any smile. It's a smile that a person will get shivers up their spine.

"I found my mate." He says to change the subject, the fact that I am not fine and people keep saying the word mate to me. Is this the universe revenge on me for maybe not obeying or did I just have the worst life.

"That's great who is...?" I ask trying to look happy as I can. He knew that I will ask and didn't even let me finish as he spoke the name out. "Niki!" He says happy for himself that his girlfriend is his mate.

"That's great I can see you to growing up in love." I say putting up a smile.

"We always have been friends and I am lucky that I have her." Jake replies happy and excited.

"Yeah I wander when I will meet mine." I say trying not to look sad. People should award me for being the best actor in hiding my emotions and showing people what I want them to see.

"Don't worry you will find him." He says as he isn't looking at me but looking at someone behind me. I roll my eyes of how much I am sick of all these couples I do like people being happy. Why couldn't I be?

Then he leaves and goes to talk to Niki I go up to my room and jump on my bed and scream in my pillow it's something that I happen to do when I am sad and angry.
God today can't seem to end. Then the door knocks and I turn around.

"Come in" I say as Drake enters in the room. I wander why he is here? "Hey there where have you been I have been looking for you to give you your present Happy Birthday." He says. Then I remember it's my birthday that's why he is here and I am suppose to be happy guess what I am not.

"Thanks." I say looking at my feet moving them up and down and sometimes hitting the bed. I hope that he leaves I don't want to talk to more people today.

"What's with the sad face?" I stop moving my feet and look at where he is standing. I look at him in the eyes, I can't tell him the whole truth so I just say half of the truth. "I just haven't celebrated my birthday in a long time." He sat next to me on my bed.

"I am sure that you are going to have a nice life once you find your mate. He will take care of you and he will be protective and that person that will always be there for you. Just wait for him to find you." I put a smile on my face I sure know how to act from the outside. Why does everyone keep talking about my mate urghh I hate this I wish I am just a human. I wish I never came her I hate it all. "Yeah thanks." I say .

I really need to let some anger out. Then he hands me the present and I open it.
It's a frame with a picture of me, Drake, mum and dad. In the picture we are all happy with smiles on our faces, in the background a dog running can be seen and even some people.Tears start coming out as I see the picture.

I can't take it anymore I need to let my emotions out. One way or another I don't have to tell the whole truth some lies are there to protect your surroundings. But who am I protecting?

"Sorry but this picture brings a lot of memories back." I lie as I look at the picture so I won't get to look at Drake's in his eyes. Which will make him know that I am lying and something is wrong. I will try everything I can to hide my problem or is it a secret now?

"Sure does" then he hugs me again and wraps his arms around my back and I do the same as I press my face into his chest. As I am trying to stop myself from crying.

"Have you guys went to room eleven?" I ask to change the subject which I was feeling uncomfortable to talk about it anymore. I hate when I lie to people although I do it a lot. I say to myself that I am only protecting them. Am I? So I try to put my mind of some things at the moment. Maybe I shouldn't try that hard to focus on other things.

"Yeah and it is one hell of a practice." I laugh silently and now I notice that I have stopped crying. I look at my brother now as I can face him to continue telling him the truth of life.

"Yeah it is I guess." He says as he smiles at me and I just ask another question." So who manage to get the flags?"

"Me and Jake." He says proud of himself that he passed one of my challenges."Great" I say looking at him trying to see what I can make up for him to stay longer in here. My mind is blank of ideas. I don't want him to leave as I don't want to be alone as my problems come running back in my mind.

"I have to go downstairs when you want come downstairs okay." He says as he stands up from the bed and make his way towards the door as he turns his head around to wait for my answer.

"Yeah sure." I say as I can't do anything to keep him from staying here with me
Then he nods at me and leaves the room and closes the door behind him. All I want to do is what I do every year on my birthday I go to the mall and buy something for myself. So that is what I am going to do because my life hasn't change and it is still a disaster.

I go back to the mall that I have been the last time. I go to the clothing shops but I amn't in the mood for buying clothes. Then I see the sweet shop and my face light up and I head to the shop. I choose all kind of sweets that I like when I am ready I go to buy them.

"That would be forty three euros and ten cents." Well that is worth it as I have two full plastic bags of sweets. I take my purse out and give her the money I step aside to wait for the change. I feel someone next to me and as his body touches me my body shivers I don't want to look at him, no I won't.

"Happy birthday." He says looking at me and I can hear it from his tone that he is not in a good mood either. I don't want to talk to him right now my wolf is still pissed but I can be a bit nice as I am still me.

"Happy birthday you too." I say as I take the change and leave the shop hoping that he won't follow me like some creeper. Thank the lord he doesn't I go to sit on a bench next to the beach eating my delicious yummy for life sweets. I eat half a bag of the sweets I have to stop eating when I can't eat more as my teeth start to hurt.

I head back to the house I see everyone preparing for the party. I go upstairs I put my bags on the desk and change for the party which I amn't looking forward to. I get my present for Lux and head downstairs.

I go in the kitchen and see her there pouring some beer in the red cup. I walk toward her and say,"Lux a present from me I" I hand her the small bag as I pour some bear for me.

"Thanks" she opens the package and see a bracelet with her name written on half a heart. She puts it on her wrist and then I show her mine it's the bracelet that father gave me but I added a charm to it. This bracelet is going to hold every special person in my life.

"Best friends bracelet." I tell her smiling. She hugs me and whispers in my ear,"thank you so much." Then we go back to the party which just started. I just talk with many new people I meet and I have to go through all the mate talk again. Which I am getting sick of it. It is around ten and I haven't seen my dad anywhere.

I get tired and decide to go to bed but before I go, I go to check on my dad.
I knock on his office's door and see someone else in the room. He looks at me and gives me a sign to come in.

"Emma I forgot Happy birthday dear so sorry I have just been busy." he says as he put a small smile on his white pale face. I look at him unsure of how he is looking he doesn't look himself and definitely needs some sleep.

"Thanks... Is everything alright you look worried?"I finally say not sure if he will answer my question. He looks at me not sure if to tell me but offers me to sit down next to the man.

"This is Alfred.Jason's father I don't know if you have met him at school." He replies as he sit down still not answering my question. As he mention Jason I stiffen but then act normal like nothing is wrong.

"Yeah I have. Nice to meet you." I say as I give him my hand to shake his. He gives me his hand and shakes it while he tells me,"You too and happy birthday." He says.

"We are worried on the rouge attacks. We haven't found where they are hiding and I contacted the Blue Moon's pack to check on them and they have been being attacked too leaving no trail where they came from like when we where attacked."my father says as he finally almost answer my question.

"So what are you so worried about?" I say as I say the question for the second time filled with curiosity. He replied to me with a frown on his face, "that is what got me worried we aren't sure why they are attacking?"my dad says rubbing his head.

"They can be planning to take both packs down."Alfred says looking worried. "There is a lot of thinking of what there plan can be. If you target there hiding place maybe we can find out what they are planning even hacking into their cellular system to call their alpha. Then you can talk to him or arrange to meet up." I say.

"That is quite a good idea but who will we find to hack no one knows how to that here."dad says that's when a smile appeared to my face and I say "I do."

"Ok that's great that's going to be useful a lot we need to find their hiding place.
It needs to be a big house or two houses as not to give attention."dad tells me.

"I heard them talking from the tree which is north of this house. They where talking from northwest does that help?" I say looking unsure of what I am saying.

"Yes a lot it means that they are disguised as humans since at northwest it is human territory."Alfred says happy as he has accomplished something.

"Thank you so much sweet heart for your help." Father tells me.

"Anytime good night dad if you need anything tell me, bye Alfred say hi to me for your son." I say as he nods and I leave the room.

Emma what are you thinking I say to myself. That will show Jason that I am not scared of him and he won't get to boss me around. I go in my room and jump on the bed and go under my covers. I look at the time and use the mind link.

Guys get to sleep.

Yes ma'am someone says.

Those are the last words I hear before I go to my deep sleep.


Hope you like this chapter.

Tell me if you hate the chunk paragraphs with details of what's going in Emma's mind.

Next chapter is a dream.

Comment for suggestions.

Question for readers:

Do you ship Emason ? Do you want them together?

What about the rogues?

Comment your thoughts on the questions.

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