Bond Severing ☆

By bclulu

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Werewolf Story Ideas More

* 💖💙 Stefanie Starr 💙💖 *
** ☆♡ Bayleigh ♡☆ **
* ☆♡ Nyia Delaney ♡☆ *
* ☆♡ Lucinda Melina ♡☆ *
** ☆💮 Tania 💮☆ **
* ❤️❣️ Gena Celeste ❣️❤️ *
*** Jewel Jacqueline ***
** ☆♡ Shara Faye ♡☆ **
☆♡ Promise Jane ♡☆
*** Merlene Nyx ***
** 💚💛 Nylissa Jemma Evan 💛💚 **
** 🖤🩶 Tilly Jasmine 🖤🩶 **

* ☆○ Precilla May ○☆ *

1K 30 5
By bclulu

Precilla May

Bond Severing

Cilla and her fiancée Dane moved to a city, as Dane got transferred there for work. Cilla, once they were settled into their home, got a job as well. After three months they were enjoying their lives and planning their wedding.


The two had rough childhoods, then at 18, they banded together. Both had another thing in common as they were both hybrids. That being part human with the other being werewolf by blood.

Dane had more wolf in him then she did, he by half as he had a full blooded werewolf dad and a full human as a mom. Cilla was only a quarter wolf as both her parents were non-shifting hybrids.

Neither of them could shift, and Dane had more senses of a wolf than she did. They both loved nature though and by moving, it brought them closer to the forest.

Cilla was told as a child that she wouldn't have a mate out there as both her parents were told they wouldn't find mates.

So being less than others, she was treated like dirt by the pack she was raised by. The pack her parents were not members of, but associated by where her father worked for the pack in companies they owned.

The pack leaders had known about her, but they wanted nothing to do with her. It's why she was treated so badly by the rest of the pack, as if she was their own daily target.


When Dane and his family moved to the area, his father was a member of the pack, but his mother and Dane were never included.

Dane was actually her savior because as soon as he moved in the area and started school, he saw the way the pack was treating her and stood in their way.

She kept the facts from her parents, covered up bruises she'd received so they wouldn't feel bad. Many times she wanted to tell them but it never happened before they died.

At 16 she was put in foster care, because there was no family who would take her in. The pack of course, still wanted nothing to do with her, as if she would taint them.

She went from living in a loving home to living in fear. The foster home she was placed in was one of the worst places on earth for her. She never told a single person about her scary life in that home.

Her world had already been destroyed, but to top it off, she was then verbally and sexually abused in the foster home, followed by violently bullied at school.

By 18, she was contemplating ending it all. The foster home had two new teens, male teens who saw Cilla and started their own style in the harassment of her.

She couldn't take anymore. With so much stress, she lost weight, she also suddenly skipped two periods that had her freaking out, thinking she was pregnant.

Dane watched her from a far. He was by then known for defending himself against the pack bullies. But he started getting scared when seeing Cilla looking so defeated and defenseless.

Things came to a head when Dane caught a pack member, holding her up against a wall. He wasn't hurting her, but he was sucking on her neck and moaning.

Dane caught him unaware as the pack member was so full of lust, that soon he'd be taking Cilla against her will. He smelled Cilla's fear and that was it for him. He beat the daylights out of the pack member, before leading Cilla away.

Cilla was so distraught, he took her to the nurses' station. He stayed with her, out of sight and heard Cilla's confession of daily being sexually abused in the foster home and the possibility of her being pregnant as she'd missed two periods.

But the nurse was pack and she didn't do anything with the information. So Dane took her home with him and he told his mother to help her.

His mother did more than that, she called the police and refused to send Cilla back there. His mother took her to the hospital as Cilla wouldn't go with the police.

She was examined by the doctor and he reported back that Cilla wasn't pregnant but she had all the physical signs of being violently raped. Cilla by law should have been sent to another foster home, but his mother would no way in hell allow it.

Cilla was sedated, she had to be because she'd been so afraid of what was happening. Dane held her hand while she dozed off. His mother nodded and said she's coming home with us Dane.

His mother home schooled her, after Dane had explained what was happening to Cilla at school too. What happened earlier that day when he found a pack member all over her.

It eased his mind as he went to school and knew Cilla was at home when he got there. He stood up to the pack bullies and beat the crap out of everyone who spoke bad about Cilla.

Then one day, he confronted the two who had last raped Cilla. He beat them up too and left them unconscious. He washed up and went home. Cilla and Dane had been together ever since. He wouldn't have it any other way.


Everything was fine at the start, but six months later from their move Dane started changing. Cilla hadn't a clue what was wrong. So one day, she followed him to work.

As soon as Cilla saw the woman approach Dane, she stiffened. They embraced and Cilla heart lurched in pain as Dane kissed the woman on the mouth.

When Dane took the woman into his arms, Cilla fled the scene. She fretted the whole day until she packed her belongings and loaded up her car.

She left him a note saying, the wedding was off since she wasn't what he wanted, she was making it easier and leaving. He could have that relation he so wanted and was hiding from her behind her back with the woman she saw him cheat on her with earlier.

She left in tears, pulled over on the side of the road and cried her eyes out. Then wiped her tears away and drove on. She slept in her car and drove off at first light. She continued on her way, not knowing where she was going.

It was a week later when she stopped and took a good look at herself in the motel bathroom mirror. She hated what she saw. The next day, she found a hair salon and had a full blown makeover.

She had her hair cut very short, getting rid of her long hair she escaped behind when she got nervous. She stiffened her spine and stopped feeling sorry for herself too.

She kept her phone turned off, saying to herself she'd only use it for emergency purposes as she had no one to call anymore anyways.

She deleted every message, every text Dane sent. She deleted his number too, not wanting to even look at it. She did the same to his mother's as she was no longer Dane's anything because he moved on, cheating on her with someone else that will take her place in the family.

She settled eventually in a growing community, near a forest as she loved being outdoors. She got a job in a fancy bar and did her job well. She wasn't the only waitress, but she wasn't like them at all. She at first didn't really fit in, but eventually it got easier. It was so out of her element as she normally worked in coffee shops.

She spent her day off and went backpacking in the woods. She loved to lie in the grass and watch the tree branches sway, smell the fresh air.

Then one day, out of the blue a wolf stepped out in front of her and growled. Cilla didn't run as that would cause the wolf to chase. She used words and talked. She said you don't want to do this, I'm no threat, I'm just a nature lover at heart.

The wolf stopped growling and just looked at her. Cilla slowly sat down and crossed her legs. Then said I hope you're a werewolf because then I'd know you'd have more intelligence then a regular wild wolf.

A wild wolf would just attack and probably feed on my bleeding body. A werewolf would be scary too but at least I know you won't feed on me.

You don't look like a rogue. I never seen one in person, but you don't look or smell like what I've been told one looks like. When it turned and ran away, Cilla sighed with relief, stood up and made her way back to her car.

But before reaching her car, it came at her from the rear, he jumped at her back and flattened her on the ground. He bit into her shoulder then they heard howls in the distance and he raced off.

Cilla sat up and grabbed her collar and pulled it away to try and look how badly she was hurt. She winced, then took off her backpack and carried it and got to her car.

She went straight home, stripped and showered then looked at her wounded shoulder. As best she could, she bandaged herself up. She them took a deep breath, wondering why she'd been attacked.

Then thanked god it wasn't worse than it was, the wolf hadn't shaken her or torn flesh but it still stung. She made herself something to eat before laying down after taking some pain medication.

When she woke, it was shockingly the next early afternoon. She rushed around, and soon got ready for work. Her shoulder had completely scabbed over, so she was able to wear her bra at least.

She soon forgot about it and went on with her daily life, but didn't go back into the woods, just in case. She started eating more as she had really lost all the weight she'd gained previously.

With eating, came the need to exercise to keep herself fit. She joined a gym where she worked out daily before getting ready for work.

She was feeling loads better once her clothes started fitting better as she gained muscles along the way. She kept her hair short with regular trims and even had highlights put in.

Six months from the day she caught Dane with the other woman, she turned on her phone for the first time. Dane had stopped messaging her she saw. She sadly deleted every text, every voice mail from him without looking at or listening to them.

Her ring finger was no longer showing signs of ever wearing his ring, she left it behind with the note. She sighed often instead of tears falling and she crying, she had to move on with her life as he already had before she left.

She worked through her issues but still didn't like it when strange men physically touched her body. At least she didn't flinch anymore.

When a group of strange men walked in one night, she let the other waitresses deal with them. They were all good looking but she wasn't like the others, they flaunted themselves. She took care the rest of the room as the two waitresses working were more than happy to deal with just their two tables.

When her shift ended, she took off her apron and let the manager deal with the other two waitresses. He finally yelled at them and told them to get off their asses and get back to work. That he wasn't paying them to line up customers to their bedrooms. She left by the back door and soon headed home.

She didn't see as their eyes followed her around the room. They came back the next few nights and the same thing happened. The two waitresses made straight for them, no matter where they sat.

Cilla took her last order and waited for her tray to fill before handing out drinks and taking money. She slapped the money on the counter and said that's it for me tonight.

The manager said good job Cilla, compared to those others, you're a pro. She snorted and said this is all new to me Mark. I really had to force myself out of my comfort zone to do this job. I'm really liking it so far.

She took off her apron and said her goodbyes, reminding him tomorrow was her day off. She grabbed her things and headed to her car.

But strange and disturbing things happened when she got to her car. In the end, she was tossed over a shoulder after being drugged.

She woke up in a strange room, a room with a bed to be exact. She was all alone and nearly freaked out of her mind. Luckily they hadn't patted her down.

She pulled her phone out of her bra and called the one person she hadn't wanted to call, she called Dane. He answered yelling at her, asking where in the hell she was?

She took a deep breath and said I'm hanging up now Dane, if you can't stop yelling I'll deal with this myself. He growled and she said fine, I don't know where the hell I am, I was drugged and taken somewhere okay. She gulped as the door opened then she frowned seeing two men that came into the pub.

They growled and she said oh my god, they are werewolves Her phone was taken away and thrown against the wall. Cilla gulped and closed her eyes before asking, why kidnap me?

She moved off the bed and slowly scrambled backwards to put her back against the wall. There was no way in hell she'd stay on that bed, no way was she going to make it easy for them to rape her too.

They snorted and one said you're like us. Cilla laughed and said I'm not like you. I've never been like either of you. I'm less then you, I'm a hybrid, a weak one at that.

They looked at each other before grinning, then shifted and jumped at her. She struck out, kicking and punching as they continued to nip and bite her, trying for her neck.

When one grabbed her by the shoulder, she stopped fighting. He growled, and embedded his teeth in harder. She thought that was it, and soon passed out from the pain.

Dane threw his own phone on his desk and looked at his lover Sheila who ran into his office dressed provocatively. He then saw her for what she was and realized what he foolishly had done and lost.

Sheila wasn't his mate, he so once thought she was. He'd thrown away his fiancee of three years for a piece of she-bitch that threw herself at him eagerly.

He stood and said leave Sheila, I'm done. She closed the door and growled we are not done, we'll never be done Dane. He snorted and said oh we are over Sheila, you're just a she-bitch that chose me as a lover. I'm not yours and you're not mine, you're not my mate and never will be.

I lost the one woman that I was meant to be with all because of you. Cilla means more to me than you would ever be. In comparison, she'd won my heart while you were only a temporary mistake.

He called security and said come to my office, I need someone removed. Sheila growled and Dane snorted and said leave before they arrive or you'll be tossed out on your ass.

She crossed her arms, thinking showing off her cleavage would work. Dane shook his head and said no Sheila, trying to seduce me won't work anymore.

He put on his suit jacket and buzzed the door open. She glared as the security came in then said this isn't over Dane. He said escort her out, she is no longer an employee.

After she left, he grabbed his phone and headed to the boss's office. He had much to explain about before leaving. He kicked himself repeated on the way home. His boss was not happy as he'd hadn't known what was going on. Dane took a leave of absence and said Sheila wasn't going to leave him alone, she'd be hard to get rid of.

His boss Morgan snorted and said her firing is for the best then. I'll deal with her, you go find your lady Cilla and good luck Dane. Dane went to buy a new phone, transferred his sim card before calling his dad.

A full week later, Dane and his father arrived at the small pack house. Both bound and determined to get Cilla back. Just walking in was no trouble, as no one looked to be home, it was late on a Friday might. They figured the pack was out drinking.

They both used their senses and followed a scent that was Cilla's to a room that was locked. His dad busted down the door easily and inside they found Cilla sleeping, fully dressed thank god, but bound to the bed.

They searched for a key until Cilla woke and groggily said they have the key, get me out of here. Her scent was stronger to Dane, mighty twisted of him to stand there and watch her struggle.

She glared at him, and said where's your little bitch Dane? Just wait until I get loose, I'm going to grab your balls and twist them so hard you'll be screaming in pain. You're a cheating asshole. Does your dad even know what you've done?

His father never flinched as he tore the links apart holding her down. She winced and thanked him. She then slowly moved to the side off the bed and took a deep breath.

She took his dad's hand and stood, tipping slightly. Dane moved in to help her stand and it gave Cilla the perfect opportunity. She grabbed him by the balls and twisted as he screamed in pain falling to his knees. She said I'm so pissed at you Dane.

She let go and moved to the open doorway as if nothing happened, dragging the chains and said I'm all in for torching this house, but first I want to know who they are. God damned wolves freaking bit me every other day.

His father Nathan grinned and said we know who they are Cilla, you feeling okay? She looked back and her eyes seemed to flash to another color and she said I'm feeling starved, maybe a lot pissed, and a wee bit heated.

He said well, you smell different. She huffed and said probably because they were doing their damned best in trying to get me to shift. I've never heard of that before, have you?

He pulled Dane to his feet and said you forget something Cilla? She stopped and said my purse? They already broke my phone. He shook his head and said it's not here, are you sure you had it?

She looked down at the chains then said no. I was getting in my car when I was taken by surprise from behind. I remember a cloth being shoved in my mouth and then it's all blank.

He took her arm and led her down the stairs as Dane looked around again. All he found was blood stains on the wall behind the curtains and no purse.

His dad took her outside and put her in the car before heading back inside. He yelled at Dane to hurry up and together they headed to the car.

They drove away as Cilla was ever so quiet in the back seat. She gave them directions once she figured out where they were. Dane stiffened as they parked behind a pub.

Cilla laughed and said yeah, I worked here. You'd love this place Dane, there are two more women inside like the one you cheated on me with inside. She got out and went to her car.

Dane looked at his dad and asked, will she ever get over it? His dad sighed and said it hurt her, you willingly hurt her bad Dane. It's not like you've said sorry and apologized. You did cheat and moved on with that bitch instead of going after her.

They watched as Cilla found her purse and keys, then went to her trunk and opened it. Nathan turned his head as Cilla stripped off her clothes and put on an outfit you'd wear to work out in. It was skin tight and had Dane sitting up in his seat, taking deep breathes.

Nathan chuckled and said that got your interest. She seems to have worked out some, you okay Dane? Dane was the edge of opening his door and going to her when he stopped.

Cilla tossed her used clothes in the truck and turned to them with hands on her hips, chain still attached. She lifted her head and he could have sworn she sniffed the air.

She got in the car and started it up. Nathan cursed as he had to turn his car around and followed as he drove until he was nearly bumper to bumper.

Dane was freaking out, he didn't want them to lose her so he yelled at his dad to catch her. By the time they parked, Dane had made up his mind.

He jumped out of the car and ran to her car, yanked her door opened and pulled her out. He wrapped his arms around her and said I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again. I can't lose you Cilla. You can go find that bitch and do whatever you want, she's a she-bitch though.

Cilla grunted and said I could do that Dane, but I'd much rather punish you. He said anything, I'll do anything to get you back Cilla.

She pulled his head down and growled in his ear before softly saying I want to tie you the bed and... He gulped and shivered then excitedly said okay. She smirked and added good, now help me pack my stuff. I can't stay here with them being a real threat to me.

Later after they packed up Cilla's belongings, she took Nathan aside and asked can you do me a big favor? He nodded and said anything Cilla. She smiled and said find that she-bitch, inject her with enough wolfsbane until she loses her wolf and take all her memories. Then bind and gagged, drop her back at that pack house. Let's give them someone else to bite that's tainted.

He grinned and said can do, that's evil you know. She snorted and said yup, it's my payback for what she's done. I kept them from raping me as I fought each time they came near. Let's give her a little of what I've had to deal with but she'll probably eagerly take them all on.

Nathan pulled out his phone and she left him be. Dane was staring at the bed when she entered. She stopped and said nothing ever happened there if you're wondering.

He sighed and said it would serve me right if you did, I was such a fool. She told me I was her mate and I was simply going along with what she said.

Cilla snorted and said I was told a long time ago that hybrids don't have mates. It's because we don't have enough wolf dna, not enough to have a wolf. If you have a wolf soul inside you, even if you can't shift, then you have a mate. The rest of us hybrids are to find our own partners in life like humans.


The powers that be got involved. Seeing as a Rep was vising the pack at that time and heard the call Nathan made to the pack office.

Councilman Beckman stayed quiet until the end of the call. He looked off then once Alpha Paul ended it, he said you can't do anything regarding that call.

Alpha Paul looked back and said good, I really didn't want to either. The Council Warriors there too looked off and linked each other. They were very angry hearing that call.

Councilman Beckman looked at the angry Council Warriors. One looked up and said he doesn't seem disturbed at all with what was just heard. He moved and headed for the door saying I need to make a call.

Councilman Beckman said and you three? Each Council Warrior said oh we totally agree with Amos. He seems very indifferent a female was targetted, snatched, drugged and held against her will.

Alpha Paul grunted and said she's nothing to the pack, only a very weak hybrid. Council Warrior Vern grunted and said she was a unwilling victim and you sound like you care less.

Alpha Paul grunted back and said she is nothing to this pack. Vern snorted and said you sound like even if she'd been pack you'd care less. Alpha Paul snorted and said she's weak, and means nothing to us.

He had all their backs up then Amos entered. Amos said Elite Warriors have now been called out. Councilman Beckman asked why is that Amos?

Warrior Amos said I gave them the males names we heard and files were checked. Seems they were members of another pack that was disbanded by Council and they went behind backs to start their own pack is just to start with. If they are snatching females off the street they are a serious threat to others. The guilty she-bitch that was named in that call was also another whose name is red flagged in the system. She was ousted for attempting to snare a young next titled male to claim her at only 16.

Councilman Beckman then answered his phone and they all heard the growl and Head Councilman Porter said return to Council at once. You and the Warriors.

Councilman Becksman said alright, we'll head back at once, what's angered you Head Councilman? Porter said the blantant attempt to start a pack, taking and snatching females off the street. It's all very serious. The attempt to turn others. As for that slut who told a male she was his mate, brings up very bad memories of another she-bitch who then started drugging males. We here at Council demand they all be brought in and face Council.

Warrior Vern said the Alpha here is very indifferent to that call. He cares less and it disturbed us Council Warriors Head Councilman. He cares less about the victims.

Alpha Paul said she's just a weak assessed hybrid damn it. Vern snarled she's a weaker defenceless female with no wolf who you simply cared less what they were doing to her. You don't even scent angry unlike us.

Alpha Paul said I'm getting angry. Vern snorted and said not over what's happened to the targetted victims. Seems you simply have no care at all. Maybe if it were one of your weaker and defenceless pack females you might be a little distrurbed. Or a male member who is being lied to by a disgusting deceitful bitch.

Councilman Beckman assesed Alpha Paul and said let's leave, this is just stirring up my wolf's anger as Vern is right.

Head Councilman Porter snarled and said seems I need to send others out to truly assess Paul and his pack members since my Council Warriors deem him uncaring of others in need. Alpha Paul growled now your targetting me.

Councilman Beckman said time to go. Head Councilman Porter said yes, now that we know Paul and his pack members need serious watching. Paul now shaking screamed we don't need watching.

Council Warriors Amos and Vern stiffened and said you shift Alpha and we'll take your wolf down!!

Councilman Beckman said Paul's shaking Head Councilman. Porter said if he shifts then you stay as the Warriors will take him down and they will bring him here totally knocked out to be read and totally assessed.

Alpha Paul stiffened and yelled get out of my office or else.... Head Councilman Porter said from the serious threat to my Councilman and Warriors, you Paul just made a very grave mistake. In the background of the call, multiple angry growls were heard.

Councilman Beckman said agreed Head Councilman. The call was ended and Beckman said if you didn't know Paul, those angry growls were the rest of Council. You just angered and pissed off the whole American Council threatening us.

Paul fell back in his chair as he paled.


When walking from the pack office, all scents in the pack house were taken in. The reeking sluts the pack had were seen in the living room together and heard who then looked at them and tried to scatter.

The angry Council Warrior jumped and soon shot them with tranqulizers, knocked the worst of the reeking sluts out cold and dragged the dozen of them outside and soon injected them with drugs and they stuffed in vehicles. The sluts were then sprayed and they all got into the vehicles and drove off without a word.

Council was alerted to the snared dozen reeking disgusting sluts that were collected, knocked out and taken. Head Councilman Porter said good, they can be read and the pack link used to read and assess the whole damned pack.


Nathan was truly shocked when he answered his phone next. He was ordered to stay, find a hotel and the three of them to wait for Elite Warriors that were sent out.

Nathan gulped and asked why? Councilman Beckman said I and four Council Warriors with me were in the pack office and heard your call.

Nathan eased down and said pretty disgusting huh? Beckman said the males starting that pack were from a pack that was disbanded. What they are doing is wrong. They need serious dealing with for not only that but snatching innocent victims and attempting to turn them. As for the she-bitch that lied to your son, she was ousted from a pack at 16 for trying to snare a young next titled male to claim her. They just let her leave without any other punishment. She too needs serious dealing with.

Cilla heard the call. Nathan looked at her and said they'll be dealt with honey. She said so I hear, but will they be punished enough I wonder. He said believe it since Council is seriously involved now.

She said I'm on the fence about that. Nathan sighed and said you heard of the Council Cilla? She said I heard many things, Council's name was mainly used as a threat. The pack members stopped believing though.

He grit his teeth and asked when and why? She looked off and said the last time I heard the threat of Council was when an older bitch in the first home I'd been put in said she'd seen and heard a group of males snare a pack male to get information from him.

She sighed and looked at him and said she disappeared just after as she turned 18. He asked the names. She said her name was Ivanna Jacobs, none of the male's name were told to me. To tell you the truth Nathan, I don't even know if it was the truth. She was stirring up the pack males.

He asked how was she stirring them up? Cillia said not sexually, she was stirring their anger. He asked why? She sighed and said she saw how I was being treated by the pack members and it angered her. She said a few things to them. He asked which members? Cillia said the next Warriors of the pack. She told them she was disgusted with them all, never mentioning my name, saying by their actions Council should be alerted who would come down hard on them. I think they took it the wrong way.

He said go on how? Cillia sighed and said the ones she talked to, the next pack Warriors were purposely stirring up the younger she-bitches who hadn't shifted yet sexually. Soon after Ivanna left, one stupid bitch got pregnant. Her name was Gracie Moonie and she soon left the pack. I was in the office and heard the secretary get a call as the parents were moving away. The two next Warriors were called into the office right after by the principal. The next day they never came back to school and I heard they were shipped elsewhere to live.

He said their names? She said Denny Hargraves and the other was Wes Norton. He asked what do you think happened? Cillia grunted and said I think both snared her at a party and one got her pregnant. I think she told her parents and they pulled her from school and they moved after reporting what happened to the pack leaders. Instead of being harshly reprimanded I think the pack had the two shipped away until the coast was clear.

He asked did they return? She said oh, I heard they were seny away early for training at another pack. The males I heard talking never said they were punished and must have been in contract as they laughed the two were eagerly hooking up with other stupid bitches wherever they were sent. It was mentioned the two would be sent back home after training. I don't know if they were returned or not.

Quickly Councilman Beckman growled and said Gracie Moonie was never taken to Council to be assessed. Her file though says she had an early abortion. She turned into a horrible slut. As for the two next titled Warriors, both were caught out impregnating unmated females. Their titles were taken.

Nathan grunted and said so all was true. Beckman said it seems so. Their names were never noted in Gracie's file though. As for Ivanna, there is no information on her at all.

Cilla said she was a hybrid so of course there is no information. I'm told Council truly could care less about hybrids, the same as packs.

Councilman Beckman snarled and said you'd be wrong as we do care. Cillia said calm down, it's what I've been told all my life. Maybe it depends on if the hybrid was from a titled male.

He grunted and said again you'd be wrong. She said then it's just packs who care less about hybrids. She said my mother was human and my father an ordinary pack male. The pack barely tolerated us living there. After my parents died no one came forward from the pack and I was placed in foster care.

Nathan growled and said she was sexually abused in foster care. She was bullied and tormented by the pack members in school all her life. Then one day she was targetted and a few pack males were attempting to stir her up and it was definitely against her will. My son stepped in as she was truly terrified and he got her away.

Cillia said move on, as Dane entered angry hearing them. The Councilman growled then she needs to talk to someone. She said calm down Dane. He snarled and said it angers me as they would have both raped you as well.

She said I don't need to talk to anyone over what happened. The Councilman said oh you do. She stepped aside from Dane and said I'm at peace with whatever happened before. Deal with this group of males as to me they are seriously delusional, demented and not right thinking they can get away with snatching females. I was working as a waitress in a bar, and never had said a single word to them as they repeatedly came in. The other two waitresses both eagerly took care of them. Then one night when I was leaving and at my car when my face was covered with a cloth and I was knocked out cold from behind and taken

She looked off and said two weeks before that I was out taking a nature walk. Innocently just enjoying being outside in the fresh air and sunshine when I was confronted by a wolf. I backed away after he took off. I headed to my car right away and before I got there I was jumped and taken to the ground. He bit down on my shoulder, holding me down. He let go and took off.

Nathan said show me. She said only a faint mark is seen now as it healed. When I was taken against my will, none of them confessed they were the one to perviously taken me down. So to me none of them was the guilty one to jump me. I never returned to the nature walk.

She bared her shoulder and he sniffed and said no blood or venom injected. Your scent has changed though honey. She said the group of males I realized bit me after I had woken. I was still dressed and kept it that way. They didn't take me sexually but they have been repeatedly bitting me.

He looked at her other marked up shoulder and sniffed saying not a mate mark but they did inject their venom.


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