Behind the Wig

By _DatWriterChick

4.5K 105 60


Behind the Wig{Completed}
1: Concert
2: Pizza
3: Love, 2/5 of One Direction
4: Twitcams and phone calls
5: The Meeting
6: I decline!
7: Cute Couple!
8: Whatever the Hell I Want!
9: Shopping
Author noteee!!!
10: I'll Tell You
11: 100 Reads Chapter!
12: Here Goes Nothing
13: But Here I Go
14: 200 Reads Chapter!
15: I'm Ana
16: Can I?
17: The Textbook
18: Bloody Mess
19: A Different Lifetime
21: Stuck
22: Infinite
23: Forgive Me?
24: Relapse
25: I Really Do
26: Date Night
27: Shopping Trip
28: Sleepover Surprise!
29: Perfect
30: Goodbye

20: Hotel

77 2 7
By _DatWriterChick

“I’m going to need a hotel room for tonight, please.” I say handing over my credit card to the old guy behind the counter. He takes it and punches in some numbers and returns my card along with my room key.

“Room 378” He says, I nod walking out the door into the cold again. It’s now snowing and the ground is icy, I speed walk out to my car trying not to get too cold, although failing miserably. I walk faster and slip on the ice landing on my butt, I was already cold and now it hurts even worse. I groan in pain trying to stand up.

“Here let me help you.” Someone walks up sticking their hand out. I look up to inspect the stranger before taking his hand. About 20, brown hair, bright blue eyes and a more muscly physique, in other words, gorgeous. I gladly accept his hand, smiling, as he pulls me up.

“Thank you.” I smile. He really is good looking.

“No problem. I’m Ryker.” He says sticking his hand out for me to shake it.

“Samantha.” I smile shaking his hand.

“So if you don’t mind my asking, what is a pretty lady like you doing in a hotel? Visiting?” He asks as I walk to my car, him following.

“’s kind of weird that you’re just following, but it’s sort of a personal thing...” I trail off thinking about Harry and how much I would give to be with him right now. Curled up next to him watching a movie- No. Stop, I can’t be thinking of that right now. He betrayed my trust, and I’m not going back to him, not yet anyways. I do plan on going back to him in the future, maybe. I’m not sure at this point. I mean I know he’s sorry, I know they both are but I can’t just forgive them at a snap of my fingers. I trusted Savannah with my LIFE, I would’ve died for her, and I really cared for Harry. I really liked him, and he let me go just to snog my best friend.

“Hello? Samantha?” I see a hand waving in front of my face as I’m snapped out of my thinking state.

“What? Oh sorry, I zoned off.” I say smiling grabbing my bags out of my car and heading into the hotel. Ryker still following me, he’s like a freaking stalker.

“Anyway, as I was saying. Was it a breakup? Or what? Sorry, I don’t mean to intrude on your personal life. I’m just a curious person.” He says trying to make up for the fact that he’s prying into my life. A life that he has no business being in.

“Well, you are intruding.” I say, it coming out much harsher than I intended. He looks taken back by my response; he’s probably a guy who gets everything he wants. A guy who gets every girl to sleep with him. Wow I am being really rude lately. It must be the whole thing with Harry; I’m not sure, whatever it is I like this new side of me. Now I officially have three sides.

“Wow, feisty.” He says leaning in then whispering “I like them feisty. Especially in bed.” I stop in front of the lobby door turning around smacking him hard across the face.

“Leave me alone. I am so not in the mood for this and unless you want me to call the police about you harassing me, I suggest you leave.” I say walking into the lobby. Ryker still following me. Gosh doesn’t he have a life?!

“Well, too bad, sweetheart, I stay here too.” I hurry into the elevator before he can get in. I see him bolt for the stairs at the last second. The ride up to the third floor is slow and boring. I step out of the elevator and look around for my room I’m at room 320 right now. Great I’m on the opposite side of where I need to be. I walk down the hall the numbers increasing as I go.

368, 372, 374, 376, ah-hah! 378.

I hear someone snickering and I turn around seeing Ryker leaning against the door of 377.

“What do you want?” I growl shoving the room key in the slot too fast causing the indication light to turn red.

“Looks like we’re across from each other.” I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. I groan shoving the room key in for the third time, turning the light red as I do it.

“Oh joy.” I mumble finally getting the light to turn green. I walk in the room and slam the door, setting the room key on the counter next to the sink in the kitchenette. I lay on the hotel bed not bothering to change, I’m in sweats anyway. I immediately fall asleep.


Hello! So here is the double update! I hope you enjoyed it, I just realized I didn't post a question for chapter 19 so there will be a question for this one! Okay, so I have two things I need to say.

1) I am putting all of your screen names in a cup and drawing everytime I update (unless a double update) and that's who I dedicate it to. Also if there is a chapter that's been dedicated to you before, it doesn't matter because I JUST started this, so you might get two chapters dedicated and you may not.

2) I am doing the same thing for updates. I have an equal amount of papers that either say "Update," "Double Update," or "No update." I will be drawing daily and I will update(or not upate) according to the paper. And I will post what I drew that day so you know.

So that's all I have to say! I love you my Pretzels thank you soooo much for 469 reads! It means so much!! I love all of you guise!! :) xx <3


1) What has been your favorite chapter of this book and why? YOU CAN'T SAY ALL OF THEM YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE SPECIFIC ONE!

2) I have a playlist for when I write this would you like me to tell you the songs on it, and the songs I listen to while writing each chapter or not?

Okay Love you!! xx

 xx _DatWriterChick xx

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