Long to feel wanted and neede...

By bananas_n_mangoes

161K 3.5K 2.4K

Lauren Jauregui was the girl with a sad past and a wealthy lifestyle. But she felt empty and lived with no pu... More

The connection, comfort and cuddles
Pizza, bananas and secrets
Dead end corner surprises
Kittens & monkeys & bears. Oh my
Watch where youre going
Freak accident and nightmares
Nerf wars and sinking ships
Being a girl can be tough
When mother nature calls, answer.
Tea party and coffe beans
You'll be in my heart
Happy cannot fathom how I feel
DJ's birthday surprise
Surpise kisses and more surpises?
Official(ly) present(ing) cake
Not an Update

Cuddles are the best medicine

9.3K 211 94
By bananas_n_mangoes

Lauren's POV

It's been a few days since Dinah has been living with us and everything is going great. The girl has settled in pretty quickly, which I'm glad about. I've even spent sometime with her and Camila out of their little space.

*Flash back to yesterday*

"Hey Lauren" I look up from my book and see Camila take a seat in front of me. "Morning Camz, you're up early" I glance at the clock '8:30am'

"Yeah, well I thought I could spend the day with you and Dinah... Where is she by the way?"

"Over here, morning y'all" the poly croaked out

"Morning Dinah, sleep well?" I asked, putting my book down. This is the second time speaking to Dinah out of her little space

"Like a baby" she chuckled, her voice sounded hoarse. I've found out that big Dinah is quite the jokester, but she's all heart. Not too different from when she's in her little head space, although big Dinah is very confident and outward where as she's quite shy when she's little.

"Same" Camila giggled "so what should we do today? I don't feel like going out its too cold"

Well, I made bacon and eggs, also blueberry and banana pancakes. Do y'all want to watch movies while we have breakfast?"

"Oh yesssss, let's watch suicide squad" Dinah said, her voice cracked which worried me

"And then the notebook?" Camila asked

"Sure, let's go" I smiled 'this is nice' I thought. I feel Dinah's forehead with the back of my hand "are you getting sick Dinah? Cos you're really warm"

She shook her head "nah, I'm naturally warm" she croaked, her throat sounded raw.

I give her a concerned look, but she just grins "okay, let's go then".

Throughout the day, I had learnt that Dinah likes to be called DJ when in her headspace, and absolutely loves stitch.

Both girls also wanted to establish a punishment system, because in their words they can be 'quite bratty' especially Camie. Much to my surprise Camila and Dinah suggest spanking. "We trust you Lo" we're their words to me. Well if they're comfortable with that, then I can't argue with that.

I wanted to ask them about how they would feel about calling me mommy. But I wanted them to settle in more before I suggested it.

The day wore on and we watched movies and cuddles until it was time to sleep. We said our good nights as I tucked them into their separate beds, then headed to my room which was right next door. Sleep engulfed me quickly that night.

*flash back ends*

I wake up to crying and coughing "wooowooo". I quickly get up and check on the girls. Camie is still asleep 'heavy sleeper' and DJ is up, tears cascade down her cheeks as she coughs.

"Oh DJ, you are sick" I feel her forehead "oh you're burning up" she reaches up for me

"Cmon little one, let's get you changed and give you some medicine and cuddles" all I got from her was a nod before a series of coughs.

Half an hour has passed, and I'm in the living room with DJ cuddled into me asleep. I rub her back and stroke her hair as I hum a soft tune.

"Wa Wong wif DJ? Does she feel icky LoLo?" I look up and see Camie standing in front of me, hugging Mono closely to her.

Camila's POV

I open my eyes and glare as the sun shines right into them

"Owie, bad sun". I sit up and look over at DJ's bed but I don't see her

I frown, DJ always wakes me up if she wakes up first. I grab Mono and walk next door to LoLo's room.

I peak my head out from behind the door, but I don't see LoLo. I frown even more "wea arwe Dey, did Dey leave Camie"

I pour and feel tears well up, then I hear LoLo's voice. She's humming, she has a very pretty voice when she sings and hums.

I follow her voice with Mono in my arms. I end up in the living room and see DJ and LoLo cuddling, LoLo is singing to DJ, but DJ don't look good

LoLo hasn't seen me yet "wa wong wif DJ?" I ask "does she feel icky LoLo?"

Lauren's POV

"Does she feel icky LoLo?"

"Yeah little one, DJ doesn't feel too well. You're going to have to play by yourself for today princess" I said. DJ started crying and coughing again, I gently pat her back "shhhh there there  DJ, LoLo has you"

"LoLo pway wif Camie?"

"Awe Camie, I need to look after DJ, when she gets better I promise we can play okay" she frowned but reluctantly nodded her head

*A few hours pass*

DJ's coughing has finally stop for now, and I've given her some medicine which hopefully she'll sleep for a while. I lie her down in her bed, when I feel a tug at my pants. I look down at Camie

"Wowo, can I has baba and watch a mowie wif you?" She asked. Dinah should be asleep for a while so I nod. She gives me a toothy smile.

I picked her up "of course princess, do you need a change" I pat her  bottom. Her cheeks turn red as she hides her face in my shoulder and nods.

I quickly change her and get her bottle "apple juice or orange juice Camie?"

"Appwe Lolo" she smiles

"What's the magic word princess?" I ushered, I like to teach the little ones manners

"P'eeeeeeaaasssseee' she drags out, while kicking her legs back and forth.

"Good girl" I pat her head and fill her bottle . She decided to watch Frozen. The movie only managed to get to the scene where Elsa runs away when I hear DJ crying again.

"Sorry little one, I have to go check on DJ"

"No go LoLo, we watching mowie" Camie pouts  "I know but DJ doesn't feel good"

"But LoLo pwomised To watch a mowie wif Camie" she huffs, stomping her foot

"And I promise when DJ feels better, we will okay princess" I kiss her forehead and go check on DJ

Camila's POV

"Hmmmmm" I say as I cross my arms. I watch LoLo leave. Why did DJ have to be icky. Now LoLo only pay attention to DJ

I frown as I hear LoLo singing to DJ 'I wan pway wif LoLo, I wan LoLo's attention, but she's busy wooking after DJ'

I frown again as I drink my baba and watch Elsa sing and make a ice castle. Then I hear LoLo stop singing "it's okay babygirl" I frown even more, LoLo doesn't call me that, how come DJ gets to be called that. I no longer paid attention to the movie, but listen to LoLo comfort DJ. 'Dupid DJ'

Lauren's POV

I accidentally called DJ babygirl, I haven't called the little ones babygirl before. Probably because I feel like babygirl associates me with 'mommy' which they haven't called me.

DJ seemed to calm down at the use of the word though. 'I guess she likes the nickname, I wonder if Camie would be okay if I called her babygirl too' I thought as I continue to rub DJs back.

*dinner time*

DJ appears to be getting better, although she still had a runny nose, her fever is gone and she isn't coughing badly now.

I'm cooking smiley tater tots and dinosaur shape pasta for dinner, as per DJs request

"LoLo can we has nana pancakes" Camie asked as she came running in

"Sorry little one, DJ asked for tater tots and pasta. Your favourite dinosaur pasta" I say smiling

She huffs 'she's been doing that a lot today'. "No I wan 'nana cakes" she crossed her arms and stomped her foot.

Before I could tell her off I hear DJ call for me "LoLo can I has a dwink pwease"

I fill her stitch cup with apple juice and give it to her.

I walk back into the kitchen and go to try reprimand Camie again "ca.."

*ding*- the timer rang. Saved by the bell, literally.

"Okay little ones, dinner time".

*20 minutes pass*

Well dinners going well so far, "LoLo can you feed me pwease" DJ pouted. I smile and nod. She claps her hands excitedly.

"Can you feed me too LoLo?" My other little girl asked. "Sure princess" I say. I take turns feeding each girl.

As Camie is waiting for the pasta plane to enter her mouth, DJ starts coughing again. I put the spoon down, causing Camie to frown. I rub DJs back "ohh babygirl here have a drink while I go get your medicine" I hand DJ her sippy cup

"But LoLo. Pasta plane" Camie has a huge frown on her face as she points to her mouth. "Hang on princess I'm just gonna get DJ her medicine and then I'll feed you ok" I hear her huff as I enter the kitchen

Camila's POV

LoLo has been doing everything DJ wants to do. Camie wants LoLo now but she looking after DJ 'Dupid DJ' I thought

It's dinner and LoLo was taking turns feeding us. It was my turn but DJ started feeling icky again. LoLo stops feeding me, and goes to make DJ feel better. I frown.

Then LoLo called DJ babygirl again, I mad now 'how come she no call me babygirl'

"But LoLo, pasta plane" I say frowning " hang on princess I'm just gonna get DJ her medicine and then I'll feed you ok" she walks off, I huff. I'm so mad now.

I look at DJ who is drinking her sippy cup, I look in the kitchen and see LoLo looking in the cupboards. So I stand up and whack the sippy cup out of her hand "Dupid DJ" I shout

Lauren's POV

While looking for DJs medicine, I hear her cry and Camie yell "Dupid DJ". I run back into the dining room and see DJ in tears, her sippy cup on the floor and Camie glaring at her

"What happened DJ" I asked

"C-c-Camie hit m-me, d-d-den caw me st-stupid" she cried out

I look at Camie who has her arms crossed now "why did you hit DJ, Camie" 'I don't understand why Camie would hit DJ'

"Cos you no pay attention to Camie today, an you Caww DJ babygirl an not Camie, an you wook after DJ an no watch mowie wif Camie an you onwy pay attention to DJ" she shouts 'oh my, Camie is jealous. I understand now'

I calm DJ down, and look at Camie " Camie say sorry to DJ"

"No! Don wanna" she stomps her foot

"Camie say sorry, or I will have to punish yo...". "No!!" She interrupts

I move to pick Camie up " I told you to apologise to your sister Camie and warned you there will be consequences. You know the punishments". I pull her pants and diaper down, exposing her bottom.

"No LoLo... I-I sowwy.. I no mean it" she cried out

"I'm sorry Camie, but you know the rules" I smack her bottom five times, before pulling her diaper and pants back up. I hold her close as she cries.

"I-I-I sowwy LoLo... I sowwy DJ. I no mean to hit you. I jus get mad cos I wan be LoLo's attention and be her babygirl too"  she said as she cried into my chest.

"There, there. I'm sorry I didn't pay more attention to you Camie. But you gotta understand DJ was icky. You're both my baby girls and I love you both" I said slipping the L word out. 'Oh my gosh did I say what I think I did'

"Y-you wuv us?" Camie asked looking up at me. I see DJ do the same. 'Yep I did'

"Yes, I love you both so much, my baby girls" I nervously say

DJ throws herself at me and Camie, joining in on the cuddling "I wuv you LoLo"

"I wuv you too LoLo" Camie said " I wuv you DJ an I sowwy for cawwing you Dupid an hitting you"

"I wuv you Camie, I fowgive you" she kisses Camie on the nose.  'They said they love me too' oh my heart'. I couldn't do anything but hold my girls close.

We cuddle for a while, until my little ones were having trouble keeping their eyes open
"Come on baby girls bedtime for you two" I say standing them up.

"Can we sweep wif wowo" DJ asked "an haf baba too p'ease?" Camie added.

A smile spreads across my face 'I'm such a softie what can I say' "of course little ones"

I change them into their pjs and settle them down. Their bottles long finished. They cling to my shirt as we are cuddled up in my bed.

"I love you baby girls, sweet dreams" I'll never get tired of saying that

"Na nite wowo, we wuv you" was the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes. I was on the edge of sleep when

*cough* *cough* *aaachoo*

"Bwess you Camie"

"Dank you DJ"

Ohhhhh no...

A/N hey guys sorry I haven't proofread any of this. (It's 1:10am right now- like what even is sleep) so if you find any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes aroha mai! But yeah yay for development! And don't worry guys I will get Normani and Ally in here too, because I'm ot5 af ^_^ this chapter was necessary for development of our characters and for plans that I have for the next chapter, which I'm nearly finished writing as well. Until next time!

Kia ora!

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