No Love Needed [BOYxBOY]

By Imbrication

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Dmitri Daniels is a 22-year old male dancer who is a total player. Growing up he never received love so he do... More

Chapter 1: Dmitri
Chapter 2: Andre
Chapter 3: The Best Sex Yet
Chapter 4: Talk Over Breakfast
Chapter 5: Along Came Quinton
Chapter 6: We Meet Again
Chapter 7: Technically Not a Date
Chapter 8: Pardon the Interruption
Chapter 9: Sexual Tension
Chapter 10: Daytime Liquor
Chapter 11: Let's Play a Little Game
Chapter 12: Sex in the Movies
Chapter 13: Blows and Kisses
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Thick Tension
Chapter 16: The Revelations
Chapter 17: Dmitri & Yvonne's Talk
Chapter 18: Smile For Me
Chapter 19: Private Talk
Chapter 20: The First Time

Chapter 21: Leaving Childish Things

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By Imbrication

I rolled over off of a guy who I picked up at the bar last night as per usual and stared up to the beige colored ceiling towering above. It had honestly been a long time since I've actually just done this since my encounters with Andre. I looked over at the guy who looked pretty please - which I did expect - and he gave me a smile. He was dark skinned and a little slender, with a pretty fine face with little traces of facial hair. What made him my picking last night though was his round and plump ass, which seemed a little too big for his frame, but I didn't complain. I was already prepared for the typical after-sex banter since I was surely no stranger to the one-night game.

"Damn, you were amazing. Makes me want round two right now." The guy says flirtatiously. Though I didn't mind possibly going another round, I just wasn't feeling him.

"I know I was amazing." I utter with fake enthusiasm. This clearly makes the guy a little upset as he groans and mumbles before shouting "Get the fuck out!"

"Was already planning to." I simply say, already sitting at the edge of his bed with my wrinkled shirt in hand. I was numb to the emotions of the guys I picked up and just found it comical I could get them so roused up. The guy is just staring daggers at me as I roll my shirt over my head before standing to my feet. It's not like I had even said anything that wrong this time and the guy was already to upset. I've said worse to some and they barely even get this heated.

I slip into my joggers and pull my socks on, not paying too much attention as the guy is getting dressed now, presumably, to be ready to walk me to the door when I'm done. Once I had my shoes on, I threw my bag over my shoulder and rolled my eyes at the guy who stood before me in just some sweats. Quickly, I made my way out the door, not even making any snarky remarks before I left. To some degree, I had definitely grown without knowing.

It has been two weeks since me and Andre have had that talk, basically becoming acquaintances again. Most of that came from me ignoring most of his calls when he would try and hit me up, but the remainder came from the minimal times communication was actually attempted. I didn't ignore all his calls or texts, but it proved a little awkward for me when I tried to converse with him. It was a mixture of both my past mindset of being particularly numb to the feelings and emotions of past conquests, but also the fact that Andre made me an emotional wreck. I couldn't remember the last time someone nearly made me feel depressed from their absence in my life - and that - made me a little hesitant to even keep Andre's number saved. I even shed tears trying to figure out these emotions I had that I so regularly ignored and placed in the deepest part of my brain.

Alcohol and sex had become my crutch yet again over these past two weeks. I found myself spending more money on liquor and beer than I typically would and then I was picking up more guys than before. I even downloaded at least two gay apps to my phone - which I never used to do - to increase my menu of guys. With the apps, it was people to tease and flirt with when I was bored and had nothing to do. Honestly, it helped and almost got me back to my typical spunk. But not entirely.

My blunt mouth was still there, but it's like it died down. I wasn't so quick to say everything that immediately came to my mind. Even to some degree, I wasn't being overtly arrogant all the time. I am still no saint, but I feel like I begin to think about how I start to make some of these guys feel only because I know it can be a bitch. It makes me upset with myself at times being so considerate, but then I just shrug it off. I guess it really goes to show I started maturing more.

I wiped at my forehead as beads of sweat formed from the dry summer heat. It was definitely a hellish Detroit summer day. I walk to my car and first toss my bag unto the passenger seat before getting comfortable in the driver's seat. My phone started to buzz and I looked to see Brooke's picture flash on my screen.

I sigh a little and proceed to answer the phone, "Hey Bee. What's up?"

"Hey Dmitri, I was just calling to check on you. We haven't hung out in like a week. You still hung up on the Andre thing?" Brooke says on the other end. Hearing Andre's name roll so carelessly off her tongue made me scoff.

"I'm doing better, Bee. I'm not gonna stay hung up on a nigga. Did you forget who I was?" I force out. I nearly forgot who I was...

"I know, I know. You just seem so distant. From what you told me, I know you were dealing with this pretty hard." Her voice had great concern. This was definitely even new to Brooke, especially since I had never acted so distant because of another guy. After the talk with Andre, I had truly secluded myself following the immediate 2 days after. I hadn't spoken to Yvonne or Brooke about the talk initially. But as a typical best friend would do, Brooke came and checked on me at my apartment when I wasn't returning calls or texts. I mostly remembered being shit-face drunk. But when she had come to visit, I told her everything.

"You know can't nothing keep Dmitri down. Hell, I'm getting ready to leave someone's house right now. You know how that goes." I say.

"I see you are going back to the same old Dmitri. I guess that's better than you moping around." Brooke chuckles out.

"Mhm, so how about we link up later tonight? I guess it has been far too long since I've seen you." I respond simply.

"Alright, I'll let you get home and get yourself cleaned up. Talk to you later, boo." She says.

"Later Bee." I respond before ending the call. I toss my phone to my bag sitting in the passenger seat and take in a breath of fresh air. Despite the heat, today was actually a nice day to probably not be cooped up in the house. I rev the engine and the purr of it soothes me as open the sun roof. I back out of the unfamiliar driveway of the stranger's home I had just left and quickly shot up the street, wind rush in from the movement.

When I pulled up to my apartment complex, I nearly winced at who I saw. There was Yvonne and Trevor hanging around at the gate. Though it didn't look like a friendly conversation, I still found myself angry that Trevor was here. I whip into a parking spot and cut the engine, quickly grabbing my bag and phone off the passenger seat. I climb out the car and start walking towards Yvonne and Trevor who didn't seem to notice I had pulled in.

"You really got me fucked up." Yvonne was saying, trying to shoo Trevor away. He appeared like he was trying to get back with her but was getting rejected badly. I stood off to the side behind a pillar, just listening in on the conversation.

"Yvonne, I've apologized 1000 times and you still on some bullshit. You even broke my fucking nose and pulled some real crazy shit. OK, so I fucked some dudes. It was literally no feeling in that shit. You my heart." Trevor says.

"You say that shit like it's normal! Like it makes it any less bad! But see, you cheated, yes, but you also revealed to me that you are playing for both teams and clearly can't be trusted to keep your dick in your pants. Then not only that, you kissed my cousin-"

"I done apologized about your fucking cousin too, damn. I'm sorry Yvonne! At least I ain't fuck him. All that was was a kiss. Nothing serious." He nearly yells. I roll my eyes at his clear stupidity.

"THE GODDAMN POINT IS THAT YOU EVEN DID THAT SHIT!" Yvonne yelled. I knew nosy tenants in the apartment would surely start watching the show. Not to mention that some people were already out since it is quite a nice day.

"BITCH YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME ALL THIS WITH KEISHA!" Was the last thing I heard Trevor utter before I heard scuffling and Yvonne shouting all kinds of cuss words. She was really swinging and clawing at Trevor as he tried to restrain her. I threw my bag to the concrete and ran from behind the pillar.

"Faggot ass bitch!" Yvonne screams as she continues swinging. Trevor then punches her in the face, making her twist a little and fall to the ground. Before he could land another hit, I had tackled him and mashed his face into the concrete. I balled up my fists and starting punching him in the face with everything I had.

Trevor flailed his arms until he caught one of my punches and gripped tightly. He threw me off to the side a little and swung at my face. I blocked him while trying to push him off from on top of me now as he tried to get the upper hand.

"You couldn't leave well enough alone, now could you?" I spat out, pushing Trevor off and standing to my feet.

"Fuck you! You just had to open your fucking mouth to your cousin and now look at this! She calling me a faggot and shit." He seethes back, standing up raising his fists. I crack my knuckles and roll my neck a bit, preparing for Trevor to jump stupid.

"So you mad because I told my cousin what was up? You mad because I fucking outed you? You were on some faggot shit so what else you expect to be called?" I retort. Trevor growls and steps forward quickly, bringing his arm back and swinging full force at me. I dodge it just by an inch and bring my arms up to my face to shield the potential blow. He quickly follows through with an uppercut without hesitation and makes me stumble backwards.

I huff and groan loudly, "Calm the fuck down!"

"I'm just the bad guy, huh? I mess up and Yvonne just can't forgive me. But you do the same shit, on a much larger scale than I ever could, and no one bats an eye. See, I'm tired of you and I'm starting to get tired of Yvonne taking up for you. I'm beating yo ass!" He says with so much anger and malice. He runs up and tackles me, causing us to tumble close to the fence which now stabbed at my back.

"Shit." I groan out, trying to push and restrain Trevor. He's nearly going crazy, swinging and landing hits like a pro boxer. Trevor could fight and I always acknowledged that - and with that - he proved to be a great challenge for me. Between me trying to get some hits in and us being against the fence, I was really getting some damage. Suddenly, Trevor collapsed and behind him stood Yvonne with her Taser in hand.

"Bitch ass nigga." She uttered, glaring down at a convulsing Trevor. I stared wide eyed at him as I imagined eating up volts of electricity and feeling the surging pain. The blood trickled from my lip where Trevor had struck me one good time and I immediately brought the back of my hand to my lip. I quickly wiped the blood and looked up to Yvonne who was now towering over me with her hand stretched out.

"Thank you..." I mumble out as I stand to my feet with the help of Yvonne. She gives me a smile and nods. Trevor finally stopped convulsing and was groaning in pain. I glare down to him and shake my head.

"He'll be down for only a few more minutes. Let's just get out of here." Yvonne spats, giving Trevor one last glance over her shoulder and pulling me into the apartment building.

Yvonne dabbed my lip with a warm cloth and caressed my face. I wasn't too keen on being babied and taken care of, but I didn't protest. I knew that Yvonne was just extremely grateful that I had fought Trevor for punching her. I still didn't plan on being mushy, however.

"You don't have to keep doing this, Yvonne. I can treat my own wounds." I casually say.

"I know...I'm just really upset to see that Trevor left any marks on you." She responds, placing the cloth back into a bowl of warm water. I roll my eyes thinking about how pathetic Trevor is. Sometimes I don't think he even listens to how idiotic he sounds sometimes when he blames others for his fuck ups.

"I'll be fine. Do you think he'll try coming around again?" I ask eying Yvonne.

"I'd hope not unless he wants another problem. He should probably get the hint now." She responds, flipping her hair back. I reach for the bowl of warm water and move it closer to me before grabbing the cloth from it. I dab my mouth and just let the cloth drape over it.

It was definitely getting to a point where I believed Trevor to be a little dangerous, but at the same time, I wasn't scared. But then again, I also started to see that this was some childish shit. I've started contemplating moving Yvonne and I from this rough area. There'd be no old memories constantly lingering on because of people around us. Trevor wouldn't know where we live and our surroundings would be a breath of fresh air. I slowly place the cloth that was now mildly cooler back into the bowl and look at Yvonne.

"I think we need to uproot." I say.


"I think we should get out this place. Me and you got some pretty decent savings and working, so why not? I think we need to get away from this shit."

"You're really serious about this, huh?"

"Yeah Yvonne. I don't wanna risk dealing with Trevor all the time because he feels the need to be petty and childish. Sometimes, we just have to grow up."

"Where would we go?"

I scoff a little. "Perhaps out to the boonies. The hell if I know."

Yvonne chuckles and smacks my arm playfully. "Boy you playin'."

"Nah but seriously. We can pick a better scenario for us. We don't gotta head to the suburbs but we definitely can be off somewhere different. Somewhere better.

Yvonne ponders for a moment and rakes her fingers through her long hair. "You're right. I mean, I was nearly ready to move out and start a new with Trevor. We can definitely make this happen."

A smirk plays at my lips and I feel myself perk up a bit. "We will make this happen."

After we talk about potential spots to scout and look at, we clean up the bowl of water and cloth and I head to the bathroom. I still had to be ready for Brooke to come over later, even though I didn't feel too up to it anymore. But I didn't want to stand her up anyway since I had been doing me for some time now, just fucking around with other guys. At this point though, the thought of a new place to live had me hype. I could take my mind off everything old and start in a new setting.

I start my shower and step out the bathroom to head to my room. I was looking for my phone to check and see what time it was and came to find I had a missed call from Andre. I stared at the phone and for once since the talk, I didn't feel anything by the sight. It's like I literally became over me and his situation and past relationship. However, I still didn't feel the need to return his call right now. Not out of malice. Not out of spite. Just because I needed to shower and just chill out. I drop the phone to the bed smirked a little before walking back to the bathroom. As always, I knew I'd speak to him whenever I was ready.

Even if it's not on that level.

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