Pokemon Eeveelution Gijinka x...

By ifartartistics

71.2K 857 143

(I do not claim ownership of artwork,images,and Pokemon.) Of course,just by reading the title of this story... More

Reader x Male Glaceon
Reader x Female Glaceon
Reader x Male Espeon
Reader x Female Espeon
Reader x Male Jolteon
Reader x Female Jolteon
Reader x Male Flareon
Reader x Male Shiny Umbreon (Bad Boy Route)
Reader x Male Shiny Umbreon (Shy Boy Route)
Reader x Female Umbreon(Under Editing)
Reader x Male Leafeon
Reader x Female Leafeon(Under Editing)
500 Reads???
800 Reads!!!
Bisexuality Awareness Week
October is the Month
Closets Are For Clothes!
Birthday Sex
Why I Don't Update As Much As I Want/Used To
More To Come In The Future
Q&A Chapters
Eeveelution Q&A?!?!
Eeveelution Gijinka Q&A is now Published
Just Decided To Let You Know
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Trans Awareness Month
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Reader x Female Flareon

3.7K 49 8
By ifartartistics

"I'll beat the crap out of them! I swear!"

"Cinder,please stop yelling."

"No! I won't let them treat you like that!"

"Cinder,please! They're only kids..."

"I gotta PEE!"

Cinder rushed back into the house,leaving clouds of dust behind her.You could only sigh.You followed her back soon after.

As you entered,you noticed she had left the bathroom door wide open.You shook your head."Cinder close the door."

As you reached out for the doorknob to close the door,you couldn't help but glance out of the corner of your eye at Cinder.That glance turned into as stare.She was in a squatting position,her long red skirt lifted and her fingers holding her panties around her upper thighs as she was about to pull them further down.

You felt your face heat up intensely at how much skin was exposed.She immediately noticed your presence and the linger of your stare. Before you know it,your entire body is throbbing in pain as you were thrown out and the door slammed right in your face.

"(Y/N)! You pervert! Why'd you look?!"Cinder screamed from the other side of the door."Is this how you show your gratitude?!"

What you had seen...could not be unseen.It was burned into your memory.You wished you could just bleach your eyes out.You stayed laying in horror on the ground in front of the door for a while before getting up.You decided to finish your unfinished conversation.

"Cinder,why'd you have to yell at those kids?"

You heard her huff."Because they got on my nerves.They were bothering you.Teasing you! Those little brats! I'd tear them to pieces! Just because they got their first starters doesn't mean they should be treating you like that! They think they're on top of the world! Dang,brats! They think they're big shots now."

"They're just excited.You should've just let them be.It's their first Pokemon after all."

"Yeah but we're so much better than little boogers like them!"Cinder opened the door of the bathroom.She placed her hands on her hips.She looked cute when she was mad.Yeah,she can get intense but back when she was a Flareon she was extreme! All that firepower!

"They're cocky little kids to have challenged us like that."Cinder growled."I'd like to give them a piece of my mind."She clenched her fist.

"You know what? That's exactly what I'm gonna do."


Cinder walked right back outside,ignoring your attempts to change her mind.Surprisingly,the kids were still out there."Hey! Kids! Still looking for a fight?"

The kids turned around with smug looks on their faces."So you cowards came back? Pfft! Let's see how well you fight for a human,freak! Bet you won't be able to beat us!"

Cinder snarled."What the heck did you say?"

The kids then turned to look at you."So what do you say,weirdo? Think you and your freak can defeat us in a battle with normal Pokemon? Yeah right! Loser!"

Cinder was enraged."WHAT did you call,(Y/N)?"

They sneered."(Y/N) is as much as a freak as you are! Bet you're a useless piece of crap to (Y/N) since you can't battle anymore.(Y/N) is such a loser it's just so cringe-y seeing the both of you together.(Y/N) should just get a life and throw you out already.Maybe get an actual Pokemon that can battle? But then again,maybe not.Since (Y/N) is such a loser that (she/he/they) couldn't even complete their journey.Sniveling coward! Too afraid to become a successful Trainer and can't throw you out!"

Cinder was deadly silent,staring at the ground.She spoke up in a serious tone."(Y/N) is not a coward...(Y/N) would never abandon me...(Y/N) did it for me...(She/He/They) care(s) about me...I'm the one who doesn't deserve to have a Trainer like (Y/N)."

She looked up with angry tears in her eyes.It hurt your heart to see her like this."(Y/N) is the BEST Trainer anyone COULD ASK for! So don't you DARE call (Y/N) a coward or a loser! Don't you dare call (Y/N) anything! You can bother me all you want! But not (Y/N)..."She looked at you with a grateful smile on her face.

"And don't you dare underestimate (Y/N)...No,don't you dare underestimate us!"

Cinder's body became engulfed in a bright,hot burning flame."I may be a freak,I may not be such a great Pokemon,but for (Y/N)...I'd be the best that I can be!"

You shielded your eyes from a bright red flash of light and when you opened your eyes you couldn't believe the sight before you.Cinder has transformed back into a Flareon.You stared at her in disbelief.She gave you a look of confidence.She may not be able to speak in the form,but you could still understand her.You and Cinder are one.

The kids glared at Cinder in her form.They called out their Pokemon(of your choice) for battle.It's been a while since you and Cinder had battled,but you knew....you just knew...this burning feeling in your heart...that you'd be able to make it through-no matter what-with Flareon at your side.

These Trainers were just starting out on their journey.You and Cinder were experienced and had been through so much together.Your bond was stronger than theirs..and you guys were unstoppable.You didn't even give them a chance to attack.With a powerful Flare Blitz,the scorching hot flames consumed their Pokemon and obliterated them in one go.

The kids stood in place in complete shock.They should've known better than to mess with such an experienced Trainer and their Pokemon.They called back their Pokemon into their Pokeballs and ran home in tears out of fear.

In another red flash,Cinder was human again.

"H-how do you do that?"

Cinder shrugged."No clue.But who cares!"

She embraced you and pulled you close,your hips pressed up against each other.Her face was beaming with delight.You felt like she was going to squeeze you to death.You couldn't help but blush at the closeness.

Her cheeks were also a hint of pink.You couldn't help but also notice the look in her eyes.Such beautiful,deep meaningful eyes she has.You just wanted to stay in the moment forever,being held in her arms and being so close you could feel her warm sweet breath against your face.

You ran your fingers through her short soft hair.She bit her bottom lip in shyness.She looked so adorable,you felt like your heart was going to explode.She probably felt the same.Being so close to each,it made your hearts race.You could feel her heart going thump-thump against your chest.

This is the first time she's ever acted this way.It felt nice.Being able to see another side of her she trusted you to see.You two were connected.Just by looking into her eyes,you both knew what you wanted to do to each other.

"(Y/N)..."She whispered as you placed your hand under her chin,lifting it up,bringing her face closer to yours.

"Don't ever leave me."You softly pressed your lips against hers,gently and experimentally but soon into such a passionate kiss you found yourselves out of breath and hearts racing even faster.

You pulled her hair back over one ear and gently nibbled on it.You whispered,"Your passion is what keeps me going.You're the fuel to my fire.You think I'd ever be able to leave you?"


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