Yin And Yang Day's

By ObjectFans

27.2K 142 5K

If You know "The Story About Yin and Yang" They Just Tell you About their Past that they Remamber, but on her... More

Vegetables Vs Meat
Inside Out
Brother's Day
The Grand Prix Of Objects School
Personality Change
Sweetie Alliances
Don't say No!
The Black Buddies Story
Yin On Mission
Big Brother Vs Little Brother
Yang one day Off
Christmas Story
The Wishing Well (Edit)
Limbs (Special)
Genius Scientist
The Werewolf Story
Three Musketeers Story
The Growth Up Yin
Adventure Around the world
The Frankenstein

Our Memories

1.5K 7 83
By ObjectFans

(Warning: If you have dare and strong to read this, don't need use your Tissue, but if you don't, just prepare it XD)

This Story bis After WB will get Yin Out, and Yang Sacrifice him self for Yin to let him Go, and Yin can Stay.
Then BGB tell all the Truth of WB, and Yin-Yang asked Help to Tune that Yang Can stay with him until Yin Really can do everything by himself or they be Older. Then They can meet again. Because of Yang not Stay somewhere to Stay, He will in send to Academic Military. And tomorrow is was They Last to be Together after The Dance Party.

And this night, They can't Sleep. Yin and Yang just Lay in their Bed and look at celling.
Yin: "....."
Yang: "....."
Yin: "....."
Yang: "....Uh...Yin?"
Yin: "Yes?"
Yang: "Are you Sleep yet?"
Yin: "No, I can't Sleep...."
Yang: "Me too, I have much energy and Can't sleep"
Yin: "So? What we wanna do now?"
Yang: *Look at the Window* "Well, today is Bright Moon, how if we just Walk around for awhile?"
Yin: "...uh... I never walk outside on the Night"
Yang: "I know you don't like dark, but you must know, the night time is not bad like in a day"
Yin: "....uh... Well...."
Yang: "Oh C'mon bro~ don't be Chicken~ are you Afraid that our Parents will find out? For this Last night?"
Yin: "I.... Well... hehe...."
Yang: "Or Maybe? You need some Tickle Spiders to Cheering you up~?"

Yang Tickle Yin sides and Yin Laugh a little, because he can't Laugh to hard, or their parents will be find out.
Yin: "Hehehehe~! Yang~ no! Hahaha stop~! I'm Ticklish~"
Yang: "C'mon bro~ we go outside~" *still Tickling him*
Yin: "HEHEHEHE!! *Close His mouth but still Laugh* "Yang!! They can hear us! Hahaha! Ugh! Okay okay! I will go!"
Yang: *Stop* "Good~"
Yin: *Panting* *sigh*

Yin and Yang Sneaky to going outside,
And they did it.
Yin: "Well, we are here now"
Yang: "Yeah" Yang's Minds: "Hope they not looking us or notice us"

Yin and Yang walk around and then look Their backyard.
Yin: ".... Hei Yang?"
Yang: "Hm?"
Yin: "Did You remember? When we are in here? When Father teach me being bad, you come to me And make me Cry?"

Yin: "But Father! I don't want to be evil! I want be like Mom, She is Nice and Cool"
Yang: "And I don't want to be Nice! I want be like Father, He is Awesome, not like loser Yin~"
Yin: "But Mom is more Cool"
Yang: "Just play with you dolly~ Loser~" *Break the toy*
And they are fighting.
*End Flashback*

Yang: "Well Hehe.... That was when I still a Kids... So I not understand"
Yin: "Hehe, yeah... That memories..."
Yang: "But, if I not break the Toy, you maybe Will be still with Father to being evil"
Yin: "Oh...?! So...."
Yang: "Hehe, You don't know that I warn you?"
Yin: "Huh?"

After when Yang get mad that WB is more love Yin then him, and Yin Cheers him up with Tickles Him.
Yang: "Hahaha! Okay Yin! Hahaha! Is enough! Hahaha!"
Yin: "Okay, that's was Fun"
Yang: "....Hei Yin.... I'm sorry to Broke your toy.... I just..."
Yin: "No Problem Bro! Is was Fine! I will still love you!"
Yin leave and go to the Kitchen again.
Yang still there and sit in the Bed.
Yang: "Hmhm.... You are Sweet little brother~ even you are a Loser"

When after Yin help his Mother, Yin Look that he have new toy, and that more good then before.
Yin: "Huh? Who is this from? This is cool toys" *read the latter*
"To You, Yin"

Yin: "For me? But ... Who is give me this? I was so Happy!
Yang is hide behind the doors and Smile.
*End Flashback*

Yang: "How?"
Yin: "Well, I was thinking that our Parents didn't will give me this toys easily to me, and then I start think that You do this to me! But I'm still not sure, and then it was True?! Yeey~!"
Yang: "Haha, I still like your personal Cheers"
Yin: "Hehe, yeah..." *Hug Yang*
Yang: *Chuckle*

Yin and Yang is still walk around.
Yin: "Hei Yang? Remember when we had Babysitter and You make the Afraid of you?"
Yang: "Yes?"
Yin: "Well, you are so Naughty~! Hehe"
Yang: "Hei... Is not my Fault they had Babysitter to Caring us, and Father is want I to be bad, so... *Shrug* Just playing some Character"
Yin: "And why you always make me Cry, Yang?"
Yang: "I don't know about some stuff,Yin. I'm still Young and Didn't know what I am Doing there"
Yin: "I see"

Yin and Yang then Look at the Star.
Yin: "Woow~ this night is so pretty, the moon is looking bright and the sky is beautiful, You right Yang.... Night time is not that bad"
Yang: "Hehe, I told you"
Yin and Yang Grap hands together, Didn't know why... But they are feel too Sentimental to this and feel their heart hurtful. Maybe this was Their last night to be Together before they splitting.

Yin: "....well.... What we do in here now?"
Yang: "I don't know.... How if we tell about some our memories for last time tonight?"
Yin: "Is sounds fine to me! And is fun too"
Yang: "Okay... So? What we wanna talk?"
Yin: ".....Well.... Remember when Burrito hit you with Dodge ball and make you Unconscious?"
Yang: "Yeah, I still mad of them!"
Yin: "Hehe... I can't imagine how mad I am when they are hurt you"
Yang: "I hear that you hit them back, right?"
Yin: "Yeah... To Trophy.... But I really can't Control my Short-tempered"
Yang: "That maybe prove that you have some courage at you or maybe you are start act Like me"
Yin: "Yeah hehe.... Is are same like you... Because of You.... I know how to know the different of Be bad and Good, and then I not that be Happy insane or something like Test Tube and Fan said"
Yang: "And I was learn how to be Polite because of You, bro~"
Yin-Yang: "Hehehe Hmhmhm"

Yin: "Hei Yang.... Is like.... My Dream will be Come true?"
Yang: "You still thinking that?"

*Start Flashback*
When after Yin and Yang talk to Headmaster to what happen with Yin that in hurt Burrito, Trophy, and Gun. But Yang didn't tell that to Mr.Tablet.
Then Yang bring Yin back to the Healthy Room.
Yin: "....Yang.... Please.... Be stay with me.....and don't listen what people say to you...."
Yang: "Huh? What you mean?"
Yin: "I... I have nightmare...."
Yang: "Oh, Just tell"
Yin: "I dream.... That we Have many hates.... And then something make us Connected together, and then we do anything bad and worse after that..."
Yang: "Oh Yin~ you know that not will happen,right? We are arguing sometimes, but we not do that bad"
Yin: "I hope..."
Yang: "Hei.... How if I Teach you to not be Happy-insane or something? I can help you to change you"
Yin: "Okay, And I will Teach you how to be Polite and Nice"

Yin: "And Yang.... Do you promise?.... Always be on my side? And be Brother forever?"
Yang: "Yes, I promise.... And I will always be your side... And Protect you, bro~"
*End Flashback*

Yin: "I know that will not happen... But why this Dream is more.... Obviously?"
Yang: "Maybe you always thinking that, I tell you to forgot it and think that will not happen"
Yin: "Yeah... I forget that, but Evil Tune is make me thinking of that again"
Yang: "Oh yeah, I remember.... I was very Disappointed when He was use me and be traitor.... But I am glad he is back normal again"
Yin: "Yeah, and We lucky that Tune want you stay with him"
Yang: "Well Yin, is something that you must know about Tune too"
Yin: "Oh yeah? What?"
Yang: "Tune is always cares of us, and He even always be with us, I Talk to Tune too, He not just My buddy or Our best friend, but more then Friends!"
Yin: What is it,then?"
Yang: "Brother.... Right? He always there for us and always ready to help us, Like now"
Yin: "I think you right, He was Nice guy ever"

Yang: "And that make us has 3 brothers, right?"
Yin: "3?"
Yang: "Yeah, first is Us, two is Taoism, and then.... Tune!"
Yin: "But, didn't they are 2? Is mean... We has 4, right?"
Yang: "No, because Taoism is still one people, so they are still one even two"

*Somewhere else*
In Taoism House
Taoism: *Sneeze* "Who the Hack?! Is talk about us?! This is even not Cold! I don't know" *Sniff*
In Tune House.
Tune: *Sneeze* "I think I had cold~?"

*Back to Yin-Yang*
Yang: "Yin....? I something that I want to tell you..."
Yin: "What?"
Yang: "It is okay? If I go and you just stay by yourself in here?"
Yin: "What you mean?"
Yang: "Well.... You know? How if you in Bully like those dumb peoples/Objects? And how if you can't do something just by yourself without me?"
Yin: "Of course! I can do that all bro~ didn't you know? I always find the way by myself, like when I be Captain teams and do something Fair of them?"
Yang: "But Yin! Is because of me! You can be Team Captain and won the grand Prix School! So everyone will be trust You!"
Yin: "Wait..... It is mean.... You... Didn't believe me? You just make them trust Me with your opinion? And... They choose me and be believe of me?"
Yang: "....No! I... I don't mean like that!"
Yin: "Yang.... I was Happy that you care of me and Always help me find the way, and because of that, You worried much about me, because you always help me and not let me do what I must do without your help"
Yang: "...."
Yin: "Now, how about this? If you see me, can fight or Beat those bullies! Like Trophy,Gun or Burrito. Will you be Clam and not to worried of me?"
Yang: "I....I..."
Yin: "I never forget that I have Short-Temper and can beat Trophy up, I just same like you,I even can be courage to them, but I just being slow, that's why!"

Yang just silent and not talk.
Yin: "Yang? Do you listen to me?"
Yang: "....." *Nod*
Yin: "Are you okay? Did I say something bad to you?"
Yang: *Shake the head as no*
Yin: "Well, if it yes, I was Sorry, I just don't want see you too worried of me" Yin said that with the smooth words and loves to Yang, and then Yin taps his Shoulder.
Yang: !!

Yang suddenly Run away.
Yang: "I.... I will be right back! I wanna check something!"
Yang in some few Seconds gone in the dark of night.
Yin: "Yang? .... Hope I not hurting your feel"

Yin then walk around to wait Yang come back, but when He was sit in there, He see Trophy is Sleep-walking on the night.
Yin: "Hehehe, That was Trophy.... He Sleep-walking, if someone know this, they will be Laugh"
Trophy then suddenly bump into tree and Wake up.
Yin: "Hahaha"
Trophy: "Huh?! What? Why I am here?! I slept walking again?"
Yin: "I guess it is~"
Trophy is notice Yin that he was saw him Sleep-walking.
Trophy: "Oh! Well~ look in here~ White dummy is already know about my Secret here?"
Yin: "Uh... I just..."
Trophy: "You know what will be Happen if someone know about my Secret?!"
Yin: "Uh...No Trophy! Please! Not tonight!"
Trophy: "No way! I will make you still Close Your mouth and teach you some lesson here!"
Yin: "but Trophy! I'm sorry! I swear to not tell to anyone!!"
Trophy: "No! Sorry is not enough! You must Pay~!"
Yin: "Ugh..! HEEELP....YAN-!"
Yin remember that he will courage to beat Trophy, and he close his mouth quickly to make Yang Didn't know them.

Yang than come back, Yin is Hide Trophy and they are Hide behind the bush, so Yang Didn't see them.
Trophy: "Hei! What The-?!"
Yin cover his mouth.
Yang: "Yin?! I am back! Where are you?!"
Yang tried to Find Yin, then He go somewhere else to Find Him.
Yin: "That was close.... If Yang know that you will Fight me, He will stop you and not Teach me a lesson"
Trophy: "Oho~ you are very Foolish~ I like it! Let's fight like a man!"
Yin: "And I! Will teach you a Lesson too! You... You .... LOSER!!"

Yang still tried to Find Yin and Go home to make sure if he is back or not.
Yang: "Yin~? Are you Back yet~?"
Yang see in their room, but he not there.
Yang: "Oh gosh... The last night we together.... But he was really make me Worried much"

Trophy: "Ooh~ this is the first time you are want to fight with other guy? And you already can say like that to me? Hehe... How Interesting~"
Yin: "I... I will not run everywhere! I will really will beat you! And Yang will believe me and He can Clam!"

Yin: "Just.... Fight.... Like a man~!"
*Yin body is Shaking*
Trophy: "You sure you will not run~ I can see Your Body Shaking there"
Yang still tried to find Yin.

Trophy is easily punch Yin in the Face.
Yin Still not give up and keep Attack Trophy up.
Trophy: "You are not that Powerful~! How boring!" *Kick Yin*
Yin: "Ugh!"
Trophy: "You are never be strong! You and your Brother are weak! You are took everything from me! I hate you and Never will Like you!!"
Trophy hurting Yin again and now his eyes is turn to Purple.

Yang: "Oh!! Where Is he go?! I must not to leave him alone there.... He must be Tried to find me"
Yang feel that Yin is still there, and he will come back on there again.

Trophy: "Huh! Is like I am done here"
When Trophy will go, Yin Grap his Legs.
Trophy: "I don't know what you Talking about! You Idiot!!" *Kicked Yin again hard*
Yin: "I... NEVER..... GIVE UP!!"
Trophy is get tired to fight with Yin.
Trophy: "How stubborn guy!!"
Yin then have his all powers to Fight with Trophy, he Punch him, Kick him, Bite him and keep pushing him.

*On few minutes later*
Yang Already found Yin with Trophy.
Trophy is just have little Scar, But Yin is more severe. But Yin still tried to Fight with Trophy.
Yin is let Trophy go.
Trophy: "Just for now.... You make me Tired...."

Yang is look Yin, and Trophy go away.
Yang: "Yin!! I coming! You okay?!"
Yin is Shaking and Feels all Pain in his all body.
Yang: "Yin?! Hang on!"
Yin: "Ugh.... Yang..."
The sky is dark and start rain.

Yin: "Yang..... I win... I... I can beat Trophy.....by myself.....you don't need to worry of..... Me...."
Yang is start cry look what Yin do for him, and The Rain is more harder.
Yang: "Yinn....~"

While they are Hugging, they are start their Memories again.

*Yang's Truth*
Yin: "Is like my Brother is Ticklish~?"
Yang: "No! No! Go away!
Yin: *Tickling Yang*
Yang: "Hahahaha!! Yin! Stop! Hahaha! It Tickles!"

*Brotherly Love*
Yang: *Tackled Yin* "Is Revenge!"
Yang Tickle Yin
Yin: "Hahahaha! No! Stop! Hahaha!"

*Brother's Day*
Yin and Yang eat the McDonald's together. And Yin hug Yang.

After Yang save Yin from Trophy and Burrito.
Yin: "Yang ... But..."
Yang: "I know our day is done, but we will still be Brother, forever, Little bro"
Yin: "Thanks.... Big brother ..."

*Inside Out*
Yin: "Why You are Cry, Yang?"
Yang: "No! I'm not cry! I was Glad you Okay!!" *Hugs Yin*
Sweetie Alliances: *Cheers*

Yin: "You think I don't know what You did there? No, you are the nice Peoples/Objects ever, Including You.....Yang"

*The Grand Prix of the Objects School*
Yang: "C'mon, get into my back"
Yin: "Yang...."
Yang: "I am not care about the Winning, but I talk about your Courageous, I proud of You.... Yin"
Yin: "Yang.... Thank you...."

*End of the Flashback*
They are get back to the home, and Yang treat Yin all night.

Yang's Minds: "Yin...... My little brother..... Thanks for what you did to me.... Even I never care of you.... You still there for me and you are still love me.... Just you, the one that always be in my sides.... I will never forget the kindness that you give to me..... You send me the goodness, Kindness, politeness, and Loves at me that much...... Even if I never say this to you....but, I love you.... My little brother.....Yin... Cymbal"

Yin's Mind's: "Yang.... My big brother..... Thanks for to help me and Protect me to something bad.... You do it all your best for me to make people like me more, but your sacrifice to me.... Is too much.... And on the last.... You are proving that you are very Cares of me even you not Admit it.... I know you always have That nice and soft heart.... Or warm Heart.... Without you.... I will be never brave, be kind, have Friends and do anything..... You are teach me much..... You never shows your pain and tears infront of me and Stay strong.... Now you will be not have to worry of me because I Can do all of myself.... And I didn't forget about what you did to me.... And we will be always brothers forever..... thank you for Everything...... My Big Brother.... Yang Cymbal ..... I love You forever....bro..."

*End but not The end*
The Point of the story: Give someone that you loves be cares and loving you, even the Familys or Friends, they all have the Careless of us and always be found our way and helping us whenever and wherever.

Hope you like the story! (Tell me if this Story make you sad or not, and Just comments and don't forget to votes for the Next Story! Bye~)

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