By Nicole200220

167K 4.4K 323

A girl named Emma has gone through a lot of problems. One day she is given a chance, to start a new and fresh... More

Chapter 1-My Story
Chapter 1 part 2
Chapter 2-Meeting people I called family
Chapter 3-Tears and Sorries
Chapter 5-School
Chapter 6-I wish I disappear
Dream 2
Chapter 7-Rogues
Chapter 8-Mate
Chapter 9-It's a secret
Chapter 10-I surrender
Chapter 11- His name is Jason
Chapter 12-The Call
Chapter 13- They are leaving?
Chapter 14-Rules.Secrets.Lies
Chapter 15-My nature
Chapter 16-Darling
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4-Breathe...Panic Attack

7.9K 216 16
By Nicole200220

Chapter 4
Breathe...Panic Attack

I am awake and I am trying to get up but something is holding me back. I start to remember what happened last night. I see Jake's arm around me and he is holding my hand. He is so close to me I can feel him breathing near my ear and his chest is with my back.

I am not sure what I should do I have to meet with my dad today he said that he needs to talk to me and it's important. On how much I hate when people say important I have to go.I look at my clock which is hanging by the white plane wall.
I realize that I have an hour until I meet my father in his office.

I take my arm away and turn around looking at Jake. I grab my loose arm and shake him trying to wake him up but he is one heavy sleeper. Then I start pushing him from side to side. I punch him twice slowly in his chest then I slap him slowly on the face.

He opens  his eyes and looks at me in surprise.

"What where you doing before I woke?"he says looking at me with a grin.

"Nothing just trying to wake you up.

"Hmm... why did you wake me up anyways?"

"I need to meet with my father in an hour and you are holding me."

As much as I would like to stay in bed the whole day I have to leave.
As he realizes this he pulls his arm away from me letting me loose.

"Didn't notice."

"I need to get ready. How are you?"I stand up from the bed and walk to my wardrobe I grab my underwear, bra,a shirt and shorts and head to the bathroom door.

"Fine I guess I am all healed up."

I don't exactly understand what he says but I take a shower, brush my teeth put my clothes on and go outside seeing him sitting down.
I take a look at his foot and take of his stick.

There is no scar or sign of his injury what did just...I shake my head not understanding.


Then I look at his other bruises and they are all gone.

"I just heal fast." Then he says.

"That just can't be possible..."still in shock I shake my head again and I realize that I need to go.

"Jake we will talk later I am not done talking to you so bye and stay out of trouble."

I leave the room and start walking to my father's office thinking of what he can talk to me about. Maybe he just wants to talk about the scars. I stand two feet away from a brown door with glass all around the room. I see my father sitting behind a table.

As I look through the glass I knock on the door.

"Come in" my father says.

I open the door and walk in looking at the office. It was big as almost my bedroom there was a sitting area of couches and a coffee table in the middle. Then I look where my father is behind a desk full of papers and files. He is writing on a sheet of paper when he lifts his head up.

"Sit down" dad says with a smile on his face.

"So I wanted to talk to you about some important things that  your mother hid from you and didn't want you to know." Not that word again.

"What...? we'll I am not surprised..."

"On what I am about to say to you is a bit too much to handle so try to stay calm and try not to panic.Ok?"

I don't like where this is going.

"Yeah." Making myself more comfortable in the chair so I try to relax.

"Well what am I going to tell you is the reason I left. Emma everyone in the house is here for a reason, everyone in this house is a werewolf."

"Werewo..wolf... How I mean..."

Trying to stay calm as possible. Did I hear right or did I just hit my head this morning.

"Calm down I will explain. Have you ever had anger issues?" He says.

"Yeah" I say not sure why he asks me.

"What do you do with your anger?" He asks me.

"Train"I say telling the truth.

"Wait what do you mean by training?"looking at me confused.

"Training lessons where we fight each other or with punching bags."

I try to understand why he is asking me. He takes a deep breath.
"I didn't know about this I thought your mother would never send you to training."

"She didn't I went." I say looking at him to see if he is going to get angry or shout at me.

"You went from your own choice."with my surprise he stays calm.

"Yeah."I nod.

"This shows that your wolf was in need of training she wasn't with other wolves that didn't mean she couldn't train like one she still found a way to do so."he says.

"Dad I am not a wolf or werewolf. Werewolves don't exist ."I say still freaking out my hands are almost shaking.

"Emma they do exist and your mother wasn't one."he says trying to calm me.

"Wait are you saying mum isn't a wolf."I say confused.

"Yes she wasn't she was human."he is so calm how can he be calm this is freaking me out.

"How are you with her... than how could all of this be true? "I say as I look at my hands to stop them from shaking.

He took another deep breath and he goes outside and comes back in wolf form.

I scream.


The wolf comes closer I try to stay calm. What is happening all my life has been a lie and I am siting and there is a werewolf in front of me. I start shacking now with fear.

Then the wolf exits and I see my father again and he sits next to me.
I can't find my voice back. When I open my mouth I find no words.

"Y..o..." Those where the only words that came out of my mouth.

"Emma that was me please calm down and now would you let me explain further."

I nod still shacking and start breathing heavily.

"So we are wolves. A family of wolf is called a pack that is what all of these people in the house are a pack of wolves they call the leader the alpha I am the alpha. Every wolf has a mate around sixteen a wolf can find their soulmate and be with his mate.

I couldn't find mine and got tired of waiting and fall in love with a human your mother. Then after five years I found my mate and the mate of an alpha is called the Luna of the pack."

He just keep saying more and more things I can't handle all this at once. Please make this stop I am panicking. On the other hand I still had to ask him more knowing that at one moment I won't be able to take it any more.

"That's why you left but how do you know she is your mate?" I finally say still breathing heavy and it's becoming more difficult to breathe.

"You know that someone is your mate by the he-wolf smells your scent and when you touch him there is an electric shock in your body you will know when you find him."

"I am turning in a few days sixteen that means..." I take a deep breath.

"Hey you don't find your mate fast it takes time for some, others by there first day they turn sixteen they find their mate."

"Ok. So Drake is a wolf and his friends and everyone in this house this is a lot to handle. Wait how do you turn?"I say trying to calm myself down but it's not working.

"It is called shift... You just let your wolf take over don't worry we have our trainer who can help you although we still are trying to find someone better."

"Is there something else?"I say as I take another deep breath.

"Yes the second in command is called beta and the third is called omega."

"Ok I need to breath some air I will be outside."I say in a rush.

Rather than walking I ran outside and go down to the lake.

I try to take everything in my mind trying to take in this information it is just too much at once, if my father has a mate I have a step mother oh I really need to calm down.

I start taking heavy breaths a lot of them. Then I see three people coming I try to stay calm but it's getting harder to breath.

I see Chase, Jake and Drake.

"Drake is she okay?" Chase says

"Not sure.Emma what is wrong?" Drake says worried.

"I..uh.." I put my hands around my neck to show him I can't breathe.

"DRAKE she can't breathe."Jake says in a rush.

"Come on help me get her inside she needs to see a doctor."

They grab me and lift me up I close my eyes I hear a lot of people. Not understanding what they are saying.

I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the place I was. I was in the living room laying on the couch I try to get up but someone pushes me back down.

"Just lay down for now don't try to hard." Drake says.

I don't listen to him and get up and now I am sitting on the couch.

"Emma I just told you..."

"I am fine what happened?"

Someone else enters in the room.

"How is she, she is suppose to be laying nearly able to move."

Someone says.

"That is our Doctor Elsa she is the one that helped you to calm down from your panic attack." Drake says.

"No... it can't be."I say.

"What?"the doctor asks suspicious.

"I haven't had a panic attack since dad left" I look at Drake.

"Just be calm and try to take things slow by understanding what had happened and take small breathes or carry an inhaler around." The doctor says

"Thank you." I say.

Then she leaves the room.

"Are you sure you are ok I mean you seem..."

"Too good I am just fine and I am not sure about step mother, mate, alpha still confused."

"I haven't found my mate I wasn't looking forward to it but I am now and maybe you will meet Erica later she is probably somewhere around the house.

Dad is the alpha which makes me being an alpha but I don't want to be an alpha not until he shows me everything I need to know which will be by the end of today."

"That sounds fair."

"I will go get you something to eat."


In the meantime the boys come in all looking at me in shock of how well I look. There is silence finally someone breaks the silence.

"Emma now that you know that's the reason I healed." Jake says.

I lift my head up to see him sitting opposite me.

"Yeah so wolves heal fast I guess."
"If you accept all of this you will heal to."

"Hmm... I need more time."

Then Drake enters with a plate in his hand and hands it to me I eat it all of it and without saying anything I ran into the forest.

I get far enough and stop in the middle of nowhere I fall down to the ground. I put my hands loosely next to me I start to feel uncomfortable in the position that I am so I just lay down looking up at the beautiful sky. I close my eyes.

I am a werewolf I know that's it true but it's hard to believe but I need to accept it that's the only way to make things less harder for me and my future mate.

I wander how my mate will be if he will be caring, kind and handsome the thought of that brought a smile to my face. I have never felt so true to myself it feels like a part of me I don't know and it's true I need to get to know my wolf. I need to believe.

I open my eyes and listen to how quiet the forest is and I whisper for those who will listen. Maybe the animals that are hiding beneath me or in the trees around me. I spoke the words out in a whisper.

"I believe."

Then the words of Jake came back to my mind believe and I will heal so if what Jake said is true my scars will start to heal I lift my shirt and see that my bruise is getting better it's not purple or black it's a light color almost the color of my skin.

I put my shirt down and look at the trees that where near I saw a tree that isn't that tall and have its branches ready to hold someone.

Without thinking twice I stand up on my feet and start climbing the tree I find a comfortable position and stay there and relax.

As I do so I stay there hearing all of the sounds I start to focus and can hear someone from far away and I have a feeling they are bad news.
I start to over hear their conversation.

"Should we enter their territory. If we do so we can't go back."

Someone says not sure of himself and a little scared I noticed as he spoke.

"That's the plan and that's it we are going in and kill as many Blood's Moon members you can."Someone in high authority says.

"Yes alpha" he says.

I came back from over hearing and I think holly mother smokey bacon that is my dad's pack I need to go back and warn everyone.

I jump off the tree and start running. As I get to the house I yell for help.

Many people come around me and I tell them what I heard everyone hears with their hearing from all over the house and then everyone was on the ground floor preparing for the attack.

I don't know what to do so I go to Drake.

"What should I do?"

"Stay in the house with the kids and elderlies you will be fine here we will take care of the rogues ."

"But I want to help..."

"No but..."

I go to the room where the kids and elderlies are. I keep going round to see if someone needs any help. Sometimes I have to stop the kids from fighting with each other or playing rough.

There are two other female with me taking care of them. They are taking more care of the babies and talking with the elderlies.

At as sudden I hear the door open with a bang the females looks scared.

"I will check that out what ever happens stay here and don't make a sound."

They nod at me.

I walk slowly towards the door when I hear two wolves fighting with each other I look from the corner and it looks like they are alphas it is my brother and some-one else. My brother is being beaten very badly.

The wolf is going to kill him.
With anger my wolf takes over and I shift I don't know how I ran to the wolf taking him by surprise I bite his neck and he scratch me on the sides.

Then I put my claws in his tummy and I scratch him in his feet and bite him again. I put a scratch in his face for the last time.

He was so weak he couldn't fight back I stand of him and went to my brother his eyes where closed but he is still breathing.

I look outside to see the mess there is everyone is fighting I drag the rogues' alpha and drag him down the stairs and I howl everyone stops and looks at me with surprise the rogues came towards their alpha and all off them took off taking the alpha with them.

I go back in the house I shift and put my clothes on and go to my brother.  He is bleeding badly while I have dragged the rogues' alpha he had shifted.

I find a blanket and put it around him and lift him up and take him to the room where they take wolves after an attack the doctor is already there pacing as she sees me she helps me putting my brother on one of the beds.

She tells me to go to help the others and that my brother will be fine so I did like she asks me to do.
I go outside and see people with wounds I go over to them and help them get inside.

When everyone is inside I take some alcohol and a match and light the rogues' bodies.

I clean the mess that there is by washing the floor and cleaning the blood on the cars.

When outside is good like it was before I go inside and head to the room where the kids are.

They are still there all of them crying and the females are panicking I enter the room to hear a lot of panic coming from everywhere.

I have to do something not something but say something that will help them from their panic and cries.

"Hey no need of crying no one died from our pack."

I say looking relieved as I said the words myself.

Then they start to stop crying slowly and I start to read them stories which made them sleep. Everyone is sleeping even the females.

I am pretty tired myself but have to check on my brother and dad.
I go and see that most of people have bandages and where comforted with their mates.

"Dr.Elsa how is he?"

"He's sleeping he'll be fine he just need some days to rest."

"Ok thanks and my dad?"

"He is right over there" she points where a bunch of men are circling someone.

Which I assume is my dad I push them aside and make it trough all of them . They are not looking at me in a very nice way. I see my dad he had his arm in a bandage which goes from his shoulder to his hand.

"Dad" I hug him.

Then let go.

"Emma are you alright?"


"You defeated the rogues' alpha... how did you even manage to..."

Everyone is looking at me in surprise and shock on their faces was seen.

"I was in the room where Drake told me to stay I hear the door opening and went to check it since everyone was scared. I saw my brother and the rogue fighting. I feared that if I didn't do something he was going to kill Drake."

I stop for a minute to take a breathe.

"You are right he would have died."someone says.

"And I got so angry I just shift and jump on the rogue sending him crashing and I jump on him and attack him. Drag him to the door and you know what happens then."

"Thank you for saving your brother and mostly everyone as we where out numbered. You stop them from fighting anymore I am proud of you for not ever being trained like a wolf and you defeat an alpha."

I hear some gasp. Then someone from behind me says.

"Wait she isn't trained."

"No" I say.

They all where looking at me surprised.

"So what color is my wolf." I say excited.

"You are all white we haven't had a white wolf for a long time."

As he says that I jump with happiness. They laugh at me I am weird yeah but what I am happy don't judge.

Then I leave them to talk.
I go to look for Drake's friends I find Niki she has many bruises on her legs and waist.

Chase is only bitten on his leg, Nick has scars and then finally I find Jake he is quiet well he is standing unlike the others when he sees me he comes over me and hugs me.

"Thank god you are ok." He says as he puts a small smile on his face.

"Why do you think I wasn't?"

"The whole scene that you did."

"Oh that."

"So you saved everyone our savior."

"It was nothing I just had to help."

"Savior still, so you and me are we ok?"

"Yeah we are and you know if you need to talk..."

I step a bit closer almost falling of how much tired I am. Jake grabs me in time before I hit the floor.

"Woah there, come on let's get you to sleep."


The next thing I know is me on the bed about to close my eyes.

"Good night." Jake says.


Another night seeing Jake... the thought of that keeps going through my mind.
Until I fall into my deep sleep.

Well hope you liked this chapter.
I am hoping that there will be twist.
So I decided that in next chapter I will introduce some new female characters.
Sorry for any grammar errors.
You want chapters longer or shorter?

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