I Trusted You. [Sequel To 'My...


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It's been months since they ever said 'I love you' to each other.Budo went out to college,Ayano still the sen... More

I Trusted You|Chp.1
I Trusted You|Chp. 2
I Trusted You|Chp.3
I Trusted You|Chp.4
I Trusted You|Chp.5
I Trusted You|Chp.6
I Trusted You|Chp.8
I Trusted You|Chp.9
I Trusted You|Chp.10
I Trusted You|Chp.11
I Trusted You|Chp.12
I Trusted You|Chp.13
I Trusted You | Chp. 14
I Trusted You | Chp. 15
I Trusted You | Chp. 16
| I Trusted You | Final |
| I Trusted You |
Check Out My Other Yandere Simulator Books! [If You Want.]

I Trusted You|Chp.7

1.2K 55 13

"He's in h---"Inkyu stops at her tracks by the door hitting her face,she groans looking up to see Budo all sweaty.Everyone looks inside the room to see no sign of Sakyu,causing Inkyu to sigh in relief.Looking back at Ayano,she was silent seeing Budo.Her feelings were all mixed up,anger,sadness,disappointment,insanity..she couldn't bare with it anymore.Hudo notice her silence,reaching out for her to try to comfort her

"Ayano-sama..are you o--"


Everyone gasps at the sudden sound,everyone walking by stop at their track.Budo froze in place,shock in his face.Ayano having tears roll down her eyes,putting her hands into a fist.

"Ayano?"Budo calls out,turning his head towards her.Rubbing his cheek at the spot she slapped him on,receiving Ayano to look at him

"I think you guys need to handle this..alone.."Sho suggests pushing them inside his room closing the door shut.He looks over to Inkyu who had a worried expression on her face.While inside,was just a dark atmosphere,the sky wasn't as bright anymore.

"W-Why...."Ayano chokes out through her tears,catching Budo attention.He bites his lip slightly before responding the best he could

"I..It wasn't me Aya--"

"Stop with the excuses..Every time I ask a boy or a girl for an explanation!The first thing I hear is 'Oh it wasn't me' bullshit!"She curses causing Budo to get worried

"Ayano-sama..you never cu---"

"Cursed?Cussed?..I know..but I have a good reason why!Because I've never been so angry and disappointed at someone my entire life!"Ayano yells out willing her eyes quickly,Budo noticing the knife was still on her hand.Slowly reaching it,while Ayano takes a step back

"Don't...t-touch me.."Ayano stutters feeling herself hard to breathe,Budo takes a step back not wanting her to get even angrier.

"Look..listen..I-I'm sorry!Though it might seem like I don't want to take the blame,I'm telling the truth Ayano!It wasn't me,it was Sakyu!"Budo yells out,Ayano shaking her head

"No it wasn't..well..even if she did..You enjoyed it!"Ayano stabs the knife into the wooden table,walking up to him with a glare

"I know what I see Budo..And..I-I wished I didn't"Ayano covers her face,Budo placing his hands on her shoulder.Instantly her head shot up,grabbing both his arms feeling her heart break

"I was only gonna come for one week Budo.."Her grip tighten,digging her nails onto his skin as he tries to pull away..A small smile forms on her face

"Ayano..let go.."

"But the first day I came to visit you,I see you making out with a chick!.."Ayano eyes darken,a small laugh comes out her lips


"What's next,am I gonna see you take her inside or what!"Ayano starts to twitch at the moment,Budo widening his eyes at the moment

"Well,guess I'm cutting the vacation short"Ayano lets go of Budo arms,pulling the knife out the table before pointing it at him

"Oh,and I wasn't joking when I said I was your ex..."

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