"Goodie Two Shoes"

By ChestnutButterfly

532 3 9

Something snaps. She's just can't be that girl anymore. She's got to change stuff up. And she's gonna have a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

41 0 0
By ChestnutButterfly

I lift my foot, and then I'm on the ground, I tilt my head up and look around. I fold my arms under my chin and take a huge breath, my bangs blowing upwards as if I'm starting in any teen movie ever written. I went from cliché good girl, to cliché klutz but I guess its progress.

So maybe I'm not a high heel prodigy yet, three inch heels is maybe a bit much for a first time. I smirk down at them as I get up, as slip something a bit shorter on.

Fifteen minutes later I'm staring down at my feet again. Hair less tangled dangling in front of me, the lingering feeling of knowing its going to get caught in my lipstick the moment I raise my head, but for the first time I don't feel the need to care.

A sudden realization hits me that nothing really changes if the routine doesn't, so i flip my hair back to avoid tangling as I quickly grab for my phone.

Me: Hey, so can I get a ride?

I set it down, and drum my fingers waiting. It buzzes and I nearly jump, heart beating just as fast.

Izaac: Of course. But why?

Me: I'm in the mood for a change. Kinda sick of seeing Anna make out with Jack every morning.

Izaac: Understandable. I'll be there in 20.

Me: Thank youuuuuuuuu♡♡

I fall onto my bed, finally feeling an ability to breathe. I walk over to my mirror, playing lightly with my newly dtained lips, never something I could see myself being used to.

But soon, as it always does my mind switches to Felix and if he'll like the change, but J trybto shake the thought away as I leave my room.

I slowly walk doqn the stairs, knuckles white against the dark wood railing. Not having anyb desire to meet the floor waiting a few feet below.

That is the moment I realized I didn't change my ride, merely added one, and rush to slip my phone from my pocket.

Me: Anna you don't have to get me, I'm catching a ride with Izaac.

I sit and ponder a minute before grabbing some yogurt. Usually I don't even have time for breakfast in the morning, this change could really be a good thing.

Anna doesn't respond till I've already finished and cleaned up, but she calls me instead of texting, something you get used to with her. Just as I pick it up, I hear honking from outside. I smile despite myself as I check the window and it's a bright red jeep. Izaac. I start to grab my things as I hit accept.

"Wait! You're deciding to go with Izaac,...instead of your best friend! A geek instead of me!?"

I roll my eyes. Of course she's over reacting.

"He's not a geek just because he likes technology. He's fun to talk to. And I just wanted to go a day without having to see you and Jack make out, that's all don't stress."

I open the door and lock it behind me

"We don't make out, it's just a kiss. You could have just told me."

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"You have a weird way of doing things."

I wave at Izaac, catching his attention just as he really gets into the music and he unlocks the door. I open it and sit down.

"I know, I know, now I'll see you at lunch. Byeee, love you"

"Love you too, Cya"

"Let me guess, Anna?" he says, trying and obviously hoping I didn't see him roll his eyes.

"Of course, who else."

He laughs, but hands me a coffee.

"Oh my goodness, Izaac you didn't have to, you're already too good to me. Also hopong you notice something."

"I did it because I wanted to, and because you're mildly cranky without it. And I noticed, I liked it, but I tend to keep those kind of comments to myself. Wouldn't want you to get a big head."

I smile.
"I'd give you a kiss on the cheek for being sweet, but I'm afraid it would leave a mark."

He waves it off.

"It's okay, I'll just have to live without."

We laugh, but a tingling feeling starts to appear in my stomach, but not the normal kind. Something different, something slightly exciting.

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