I See You (Larry Stylinson Au)

By louislovesharryyy28

911K 29.6K 53.3K

Going into a new school Harry is determined to hide the fact that he was born blind as long as he can in fear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Final chapter

chapter 25

26.2K 897 729
By louislovesharryyy28

A/N: Only one more chapter after this one )':

He stirs ever so slightly the next morning and soon his eyelids are fluttering open, seeing nothing but the familiar blackness. Louis smiles when he sees that the boy he's hopelessly in love with has woken up. "Louis?" Harry says in a low, raspy voice, "Are you awake?" "Yeah." Louis says back sweetly, "I'm awake." Harry smiles and puts his head back down on Louis' chest, still wrapped in each other's arms. "What time is it?" Harry asks as he nuzzles his cheek on Louis' bare skin, hearing his heartbeat. "Eleven." He answers but neither of them move.

It's Saturday and their mums won't expect them back any time soon. They shamefully lied and told them they were staying at each other's houses, praying neither of them called the other to check in. Maybe they should've told them they were staying at Niall or Liam's considering Jay and Anne were best friends now and talk about everything. In the back of their heads they knew their lie would be discovered soon enough but neither of them cared. All they cared about was what an aiming night they had and the fact that they're still in each other's arms.

"I told you I'd be here in the morning." Louis says softly after a moment. "I know." Harry finds the bottom of his chin and kisses it, "I knew you would be. I just had to hear it." Louis chuckles softly and lets go of Harry only for a moment so he can slide down, turning on his side so he's face to face with his boy. Even though Harry can't see him, he loves this position more. He loves knowing louis is only a few inches from him. They intertwine they're fingers and they remain quiet for a moment, Louis just smiling at Harry and vice versa because Harry knows Louis is smiling.

Harry reaches up and puts his fingertips on Louis' forehead. Louis just looks at Harry in complete fondness as he brings his fingers down, feeling the contours of Louis' face. He lingers on Louis' lip, putting a little pressure on them and inhaling, wanting more than anything to have them on his own. Louis reads his mind and grants his wish, pressing his lips onto the younger boy's.

When they pull away Harry is the first to speak, "You're beautiful." "Not as beautiful as you." Harry chuckles, "What? Now that we've made love you're going to forget about your asshole ways and be sickly sweet?" "Of course not." Harry snorts. "I'm still going to be my asshole self to you and I know you'll do the same cause that's what we did when we first met." Harry nods. "But you're my boyfriend now. And the person I'm going to be making love to for a long time so of course I'm going to be somewhat nice to you." "'Somewhat'." Harry repeats with a laugh.

"I love you." Louis says to make up for his joke. "I love you a lot." "I love you too Louis." They kiss again, Louis having to do most of the work to find Harry's lips. "So Harry Styles," Louis says, "I can't believe we've never talked about this before but what are your plans once we graduate?" Harry shrugs, "I'm not completely sure. I mean, I definitely want to go to uni but I'm not too sure what I want to do. I was thinking about getting maybe a psychology degree and work as a therapist for parents with blind children, or work with blind children themselves."

Louis gapes at him, "Hazz, that's-that's amazing. That's absolutely incredible." Harry smiles, "You think I'd be good at it?" Louis scoffs, "I know you'll be amazing at it. You're so sweet and considerate. I think you should do it. You'd be perfect at it." Harry feels himself blushing, "What about you Lou? That rhymed." Louis laughs and kisses his nose before saying, "It's going to be accounting for me. I dunno. I like math and accounting would be a good paying job." "Hm." Harry says, pretending to be thinking hard, "Psychology and accounting, you think we can find a university that offers those two majors?"

Louis snorts at him, "Of course we can. Why? What're you getting at?" "You know what I think?" "What?" "I think it would be an excellent idea to go to the same school together, that way we can live together and you can keep that promise of forever." Louis smiles brightly and kisses Harry passionately. He rolls over so he's on top of the younger lad. He looks down on him and pushes some hair out of his face, "I think that's a wonderful idea."

"Yeah?" Harry asks, wishing he could see the smile on Louis' face because he can most certainly tell his lips have formed into one. "Yeah. It's you and me forever Hazz. Remember?" Harry nods and repeats, "Forever." Louis kisses him again and laughs loudly when Harry puts his hands on his bum. "Yeah?" He asks the younger lad. "Yeah. You have a nice butt." Louis just snorts and they're lips are once again connected. They know they're going to have to leave soon but neither of them wanted to leave the bed. They just want to stay in all day and tell each other sweet nothings. At least they'll have the rest of their lives for that.


The two of them had to go home eventually so they reluctantly separated for the time being. At first it made them sad but now the two of them are preening with happiness. Harry has just told his mum his plans for uni and a career and a life with Louis and Louis has done the same with his mum. They've never seen them both so happy. The both of them hadn't realized how much their parents like them together until now.

Louis is back with Harry again a few hours later after needing to clean his room upon his mother's request. Liam is over too and they're eating the dinner Anne has made in Harry's room. "I've never been happier." Liam says with the goofy smile still on his face. Harry and Louis have just told him about their plans for school and forever after that. "Wait until the lads hear. They're going to love it." "I already told Ni." Louis says before swallowing, "So I guess Zayn if the only one out of the loop." The two snort. Zayn will be okay until they tell them.

"I can't believe it though." Liam says. "What do you mean?" Louis asks from Harry's side on his bed. "I mean, you two have found your like, soul mates so young. It's so surreal. And it took the two of you long enough." Louis smiles at Harry who is blushing to the bed. He kisses the younger lad's cheek. "I can't wait to see what happens with you two." "I can take a guess." Harry says and the two look toward him. "What love?" Louis asks.

Harry smiles, "I may be blind, but that doesn't stop me from seeing my future with you. I see myself going to school with you, living with you, walking down the isle toward you and trying my best not to trip over any chairs." The two snort. "I see myself having kids with you, fighting with you, and growing old with you. I see myself spending the rest of my life with you. And that's the greatest sight I'll ever have."

Louis wants to say something sassy just to break up such a sentimental moment but he decides he doesn't care if this is too touchy feely for him. He sees himself doing all of those things with Harry too and he can't wait to do all of those things with him. "I don't see myself doing those things with anyone else. I love you Harry. And I'm always going to take care of you." Harry smiles and soon feels Louis' lips on his own.

Their kiss is cut short though when a pillow hits the two of them in their faces. "Hey." They say at Liam. "I'm still in the room you twats." Harry and Louis chuckle since they know Liam is only kidding. "I can't wait to see all of that though." He says to make up for him hitting the two with the pillow. Louis smiles at his boy again. He squeezes his hand, "Me either."

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