Eleanor & Me

By evalooks4walle

139K 1.5K 436

In the span of a month, Eleanor Calder changed my life. And it was not all for good -barely any of it was, if... More

Before reading
1 - Best Day of my Life
2 - Love Somebody
3 - On Top of the World
4 - Unwritten
5 - Good Life
6 - I love It
7 - Team
8 - Brave
9 - Catching My Breath
10 - Another Day in Paradise
11 - Am I wrong
12 - Pumped Up Kicks
13 - Mean
14 - Eyes Open
15 - Pocketful of Sunshine
16 - What Now
17 - Little Me
18 - Skyscraper
19 - Magic
20 - Be Alright
21 - Battlefield
22 - Bring Me To Life
23 - Let It Go
24 - Ain't It Fun
25 - Rude
26 - My Love
27 - I'm With You
28 - What Goes Around...Comes Around
29 - Hit The Lights
30 - I Wanna Know What Love Is
31 - Mirror
32 - Story Of My Life
33 - I Knew You Were Trouble
34 - Mamma's Broken Heart
35 - Let Her Go
36 - Take Care
37 - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
38 - People Like Us
39 - Happily Never After
40 - Mean Girls
41 - Complicated
42 - Alone Together
43 - Broken Ones
44 - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
45 - A World Alone
46 - Wings
47 - Roar
48 - R.I.P.
49 - Demons
50 - Beautiful People
51 - F**kin' Perfect
52 - Human
53 - Hero
54 - Not Afraid
55 - Pretty Hurts
56 - Chandelier
57 - La La La
Author's Note/ Inspiration

Epilogue - How We Do (Party)

615 18 10
By evalooks4walle

Epilogue - How We Do (Party)

We got that sweet, hot loving. Dancing in the dark. Out in the streets we're running. Shut down every bar.

A year later…

“Hurry up, I need to pee,” my best friend grunted nonchalantly as she tapped her feet impatiently against the airport’s white tiled floor.

“I’m on my way, Kaya, why don’t you go to pee while I get my suitcase?” I grunted back. What did she expect? That I left my suitcase here and went with her? Why did she not leave hers? If I did not get it now, it would end up in a store like Baggage Claim, where lost or forgotten suitcases around the world ended. And I was not okay with that, I much rather have my things with me than being sold at a very low price to other people.

“Ugh, you’re so mean to me sometimes,” she whined and rested against her pink suitcase next to me as I craned my neck searching for mine. I stuck my tongue out at her and then focused back on the spinning roulette trying to find my suitcase. “It’s there! It’s there!” she shrieked waving her arms crazily.

“Where?!” I shrieked back. Some people turned to look at us but I was too focused on getting my suitcase that I did not even glance at them, even if I could feel their gazes burning on my back. I did not even glance at the cute guy checking me out from the other side of the spinning roulette.

“There, you blind woman!” she pointed to a blank spot as I desperately tried to follow suit.

“If you found it, then why don’t you pick it up?!” I yelped, getting fed up by her lack of help.

“Because it’s not mine!” she replied as if obvious and crossed her arms over her chest amused and defiant.

I glared at her. “Kaya!”

“Just pick the damn thing up, Brittany! It’s getting out of sight!”

I groaned and finally laid eyes on my suitcase. I held on tighter to my brown leather satchel and stomped to where the olive green suitcase was resting in a horizontal position. I got it off the spinning thing and got it to its feet, the wheels slightly screeching against the tiled floor of the airport.

“Thanks for your help,” I grunted to Kaya as I walked past her towards the restrooms. She could be so useless at times.

“Hey, wait up!” she complained and I could hear her running after me

“Shut up and go pee,” I commanded as I walked into the restrooms. I laid my suitcase aside of me as I stared into the mirror, taking myself in.

There were bags under my eyes, probably because I had spent the entire flight messing around with Kaya and crying over Safe Haven – do not even ask me why we cried, we cry over every single chick film. And maybe, just maybe, the fact that we did not sleep last night because we were too busy partying at a Parisian club did not help either. But hey, it took forever for us to have some vacations so we had to make the most of it. Even the day before going back to London. That night was probably the wildest we had gotten yet.

There was a flushing noise and then Kaya came out with a dazzling grin. “Are you ready?” she inquired as she stood next to me.

I smiled back. “Yeah, but don’t forget we are here because of you, lazy bum.” I raised my eyebrows expectantly, knowing she would do something stupidly funny in any second.

“Hey, a bit of niceness to your best friend would not be underestimated!” she demanded as her hands moved to the sides of her hips and I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands over my chest and then chuckled a bit.

“Walk along, Kaya.” I grabbed my suitcase once again and started to walk out of the small place.

She rolled her eyes but followed me out of the restrooms anyway. “Let’s get a cab,” she suggested. I nodded and we walked through the airport until we were outside. We pulled a cab and soon we were out of there and on our way to the hotel where we had reserved a room.

As the cab driver drove through the busy London streets I took a good look, trying to remember every sign, every curve, every single detail I had carved into my brain of it. I did not know the entire city, I needed years for that. But we were on the side I knew so that was why it brought so many memories back.

It had been a year since I had left London to Paris. It had changed, but not enough as for me not to recognize it. It was still the amazing megalopolis that managed to get me to sigh dreamily every time I walked outside. There was something about this big city that got your adrenaline going and you almost felt invincible when you were walking through its streets. It was definitely a place to visit.

I took a deep sigh and Kaya held my hand for a little while, squeezing it for reassurance that I was just fine. And I was. Anything and everything that had happened a year ago was said and done. And it was past, there were no grudges or problems to hold me back. And I hoped nothing had held Eleanor back. I really hoped she was happy.

And just as that, my mind was invaded by thoughts of Eleanor. It had been forever since I had thought of her. Sure, I would remember her from time to time when I was in Paris. I would even be urged or motivated to send her an e-mail from time to time. But somehow, I never managed to do it. Was it either because I was busy or because I wanted a sort of hiatus from everything that had happened in London, I have not really overthought it. The only thing I know is that I never called or e-mailed and now I was back to London.

But what did that mean? Was I ready to go to Eleanor’s apartment –if she still lived there, I would have to ask Quinn about that- and just knock and expect her to open it up and invite me for tea?

That led me to another thought, Quinn was getting married. After a year they had finally saved enough money to make an unforgettable party and for their honey moon. They had refused to get married unless they were going on a honey moon immediately after. Which I thought was great, they deserved it and I was happy they had finally saved enough for it.

They were going to Thailand. Jolene’s cousin had been there some months earlier and had said that they would love it there, or at least that is how Jolene and Quinn told me the story through Skype when they told me they were finally getting married and that they would soon send me the invitation. I was not a maid of honor as Quinn had originally wanted me to because I was far away and I could not be there for long enough, neither did Kaya, we had busy schedules –which for models was a great thing. So we were just guests, which was totally fine for us.

We finally arrived to the hotel. We did not waste time and soon enough we were in our room, spread over the beds and panting from the exhausting trip. Who knew this trip would exhaust us more than the business ones’ we went on almost every week?

And I was right; I would have never been able to be with Harry, we both had crazy schedules. I had also lost contact with him after Kaya threw my phone through the sink one time that we were messing around. I lost all of my London contacts and I was never able to establish contact with him again.

I occasionally saw him on magazine covers. Once, I was even in the same building as him. But I had to leave that second to Monte Carlo for a photoshoot and he had an interview and a small concert in that building. I was quite tempted to go at least say hi, but at the last moment decided not to. What was I going to say anyway? Hey, Harry? Do you remember me? I was just another stupid girl that fell for you when she shouldn’t have. It would have not been brave and bold; it would have been stupid and humiliating.

Soon enough it was the next day, meaning it was the day when the rehearsal dinner was held. Kaya and I prepped ourselves up with dresses. Mine was an hourglass dress that was of a tribal print and reached exactly to mid-thigh. The cleavage was a v cut and it was tight on my waist. I paired it with a black clutch that had a touch of gold and the ankle high heel shoes also that were also black had a touch of gold as well on the ankle straps. Kaya’s was a body hugging black sequined dress that reached a bit shorter than her mid-thigh and she had matched it with neon pink high heels.

With a last glimpse in the mirror and complimenting each other like we usually did, we parted to the convention room of the hotel where parties were held –we were smart enough to stay at the same hotel where Quinn and Jolene were getting married and had the rehearsal dinner so that we could get as wasted as we wanted and not have to worry of going home on a cab that could be driven by a murderer that would take advantage of our drunken state and would try to murder us. Talk about watching too much Criminal Minds.

We got into the elevator and had small chat, eager to see the nearly weds and have a nice night partying and being with friends. For what we had heard, Jessica was back and it felt nice to be in a party where we would know some people –not that that had stopped us from having fun before.

We waltzed to the room since Ho We Do by Rita Ora was already blasting through the air and filling our bodies with anticipation and joy. We waved our arms as we sang along.

“So put your arms around me, baby. We’re tearing up the town cause that's just how we do, how we do, that's just how we do.”

We sang at the top of our lungs, letting go of any inhibitions we would have in the daylight and ignoring all of the gazes on us as we had a great time –and there was no alcohol in our bodies yet. We finally spotted the love birds –when we stopped dancing around like crazy people and made our way to them.

But as we made our way to them I could not help but feel someone’s gaze on me. I would have turned around totake a look but Kaya grabbed my hand and shoved me forward with her towards Jolene and Quinn.

The two girls squealed and made their way to us once they spotted us. Jolene had become our good friend over the million times we Skyped and she was actually great. A bit obsessive over some things –like this wedding, you should have seen her, she was unbearable, and we were only talking with her through Skype, I do not want to think what Quinn had to get through. Bridezilla is a short nickname for her.

We chatted and chatted or Paris and their honeymoon, but I could still feel the gaze on me. I shook the thought off but I saw Quinn look at someone behind me. I was about to look back when she grabbed my shoulder. “I didn’t tell you because I did not want to risk you not wanting to come,” she explained, though it would have been much more useful to know what she was explaining about.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and turned around. My eyes immediately met a pair of nervous brown eyes that stared right back at me. She tried to smile, but it was a crooked one, and probably all of her strength had been taken by her coming here to where I was.

I blinked in surprise, trying to get a hold of everything that was going on. It had been so long, I never thought she would have stayed in contact with Quinn and much less that they would become such good friends that she would be invited to the wedding. None of those thoughts ever crossed my mind!

But now, having her in front of me, everything made sense and I wanted to facepalm myself for not thinking about it before. “Eleanor,” I whispered. We had left in good terms, but still, the mere thought of her was overwhelming. Having her in front of me was surreal.

“Brittany,” she whispered back. The ghost of a smile crossed her lips as she said my name and I felt myself loosen up.

I grinned widely and without thinking it over threw my arms around her, embracing her in a warm and sincere hug. It had been so long but I still cared about her. It was nice to see that she was happy. I could feel it in her aura, and she seemed to be happy. And I was happy for her. Everything had turned out just right for both of us, and that was great. I would have never wanted it to be any other way.

She seemed a bit taken aback by my sudden action but she soon loosened up and hugged me back. It was a tight embrace that lasted for at least a minute, and it was great. Soon enough we started chatting up about everything that had happened. She was just fine with university, her classes were getting tougher and tougher as she advanced more and more into her career but she was doing just fine. I told her about the endless photo shoots and how I was becoming known and the conversation just flew by, which I was thrilled for.

But just then, I felt another pair of eyes stare at me. But this stare was more urgent. “Oh, I completely forgot about Louis. He must be somewhere with Harry. They are probably drinking and messing around. I made Louis promise me to dance with me. He sucks but I really want to,” she ranted.

I looked at her with eyes wide open. Had she said Harry? Was he here? Right now? “Ha-Harry?” I questioned and soon her face changed into one of realization. She looked up at me alarmed and grabbed my arm.

“We have to find them!” she shrieked excitedly after a moment of only staring.

“N-no…no!” I stuttered nervously. I had suddenly chickened out and seeing him was the least I wanted to do. I would freak out and flip over. It had been forever since I had last seen him and even though he had never left my mind I knew I had left his. Magazines kept on ranting and ranting about all of the actresses and models he dated.

I, on the other side, had not dated anyone else in this year. Not only because I could not stop thinking about him but also because I was very busy and it was difficult to find someone that was worth it.

I jerked back from Eleanor’s grab and bumped into someone. I stopped breathing for a moment. Had I just bumped into him? Would this reencounter seriously be this cliché? I held my breath and slowly turned around. I let go of the breath I was holding in and smiled apologetically at the old lady in a dazzling sequined dress in front of me. She was Jolene’s grandmother.

“I am really sorry,” I apologized and she nodded curtly before walking away. I let out a long, deep breath and turned to look at Eleanor, ready to tell her about my crazy assumption that that was Harry so we could laugh some more. Just that my laugh quickly faded away when I saw who was with her.

My eyes quickly diverted to Louis because I was incapable of holding his gaze. “Louis!” I screeched, wincing at my own shaky and annoying high pitched tone. And just like that, I could become pathetic.

“Brittany!” He walked closer and hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. Hell, I held onto him for dear life until he cleared his throat and tried to get out of my grip. Much to my reluctance, I finally had to let go.

“How are you?” I questioned, trying to ignore the burning gaze that was on me.

“Just fi-”

“We have to go, Louis. You promised to dance with me and you are not getting yourself out of this,” Eleanor interrupted with a sweet grin but I could see that she just wanted t take him away and leave me with…him.

Louis sighed exasperated but finally gave in, oblivious to Eleanor’s mischievous plans. Eleanor giggled and yelled to Quinn, who was nearby still talking to Kaya, “You better record this!”

I saw a flicker of panic on Louis’ eyes before Eleanor ushered him away. I watched them all the way to the dance floor and saw as Louis started to try to dance to save his reputation and dignity. But hell, he was a terrible dancer.

I could still feel his gaze burning down to my soul and I knew it was time to face him. If only I did not kept on repeating our last kiss in my mind. That would be perfect, I would not feel as such a creep. I shut my eyes close, knowing he was watching my every move with his hands at his back, the stupid way he always did and that I loved so much no matter how bad I tried to deny it. I took a deep, soothing breath and forced myself to relax –not that it worked, anyway. I opened my eyes and his green eyes immediately hypnotized me.

I never thought they would still have such an impact on me, but hell, they did. “Hi,” I squeaked, immediately flinching at my stupidity. Way to go Brit, my subconscious said mockingly and I just wanted to punch it and myself repeatedly.

“Hey, Brit,” he replied and I immediately remembered how much I had missed that raspy and low voice. “I have missed you,” he said after a long pause, when he realized I was not going to say anything else.

“I’ve missed you too,” I croaked. His smile was so precious that I had to stop myself from reaching out to grab his cheek and pinch it before kissing the hell out of him.

“It has been a while. How are you?”

“Uh, just fine. Great, uh, yeah…good,” I stuttered. “And you?”

“Just fine. Busy,” he shrugged and I held onto my breath.

“Oh, I see…”

An awkward silence invaded the air around us and I started to fidget with the hem of my dress, silently praying for something to save me from this embarrassing situation. But the longer I stood in front of him and stole glances from him, the more I wanted to be close to him. I wanted his cologne to impregnate me and to drive me just a tad bit crazier.

After what felt like forever, he finally broke the silence, after gazing for a moment at Eleanor and Luis shaking it up on the dance floor. “He is a terrible dancer,” he noted.

I followed his gaze and muffled a laugh at the sight of the odd twenty one year old boy that grimaced his way through the dance floor.  

“Yeah,” I laughed.

“Would you fancy a dance?” he asked almost immediately after I had spoken up and extended his left arm for me to grab as an invitation. I stared at it for a few seconds, debating on whether it was a good call or not. I was coming back to London for at least a year, so…why not?

Not that I was thinking of a possible relationship with him or anything.

I smiled sweetly at him and reached out my hand to grab his expecting arm. I looped it loosely around his arm and replied, “I would love to.”

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