She's Not My Girlfriend

By Gabeitch5020

156K 4.3K 477

Alice Cullen is a vampire who is in denial about her feelings about Fork's mystery girl Bella Swan. Bella who... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter Part 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Not A Chapter!

Chapter 21

3.9K 118 4
By Gabeitch5020

AN: I loved the last chapter just saying. And big things are explained this chapter. I still have no owner ship of twilight nor the amaing characters.  I know almost nothing about Italy! Short chapter!

'It was nice in Italy.' I think as we walked through the castle of the Voltri. This castle was dark but some how welcoming. It just had a homey feeling to it that made me feel even more nervous. "This way." Ashley one of the few human works here said and lead us down yet another long hall. Aro, one of the three kings, persisted that we stay here and enjoys our self, so here we were. "The kings are waiting for you." She says and opens the door. Wen she did I saw four chairs in the middle of the room. "Cullen's!" The older black haired man, Aro, exclaimed and jumped out of his seat excitedly. "How nice it is to see you again old friend!" He exclaims and hugs my father, who smiled brightly in return. "I could say the same to you Aro." Carlise responds and Aro steps back and has a look at us.

"So these are the wonderful children you keep telling me about. Let me guess. You are..." He starts and stands in front of Rose. "Miss Rosalie. As beautiful as I've been told." He says and she shakes his hand. I see him make a dazed face and I knew he was going threw her memeories. It was his power, to see a personas most inner thoughts and memoriewith one touch. "And you must be Emmett! And you two are Edward and Jasper... and last but certainly not least young Alice." He says shaking each of their hands befoe he stopped in front of me. He frowned slightly as he saw my memories before he smiled even brighter than before. His eyes found my ring and he smiled . "This is a lovely ring you have here. May I ask who gave it to you?" He asked with a knowing grin. "A friend." I lie and he huckles. 

"I'm sorry my dear, but this is not the kind of ring you give a friend." He says and I raise an eye brow at him. He seemed nice enough, but why tease me. He knew excatly who gave me this ring and how I felt about her. "Brother stop teasing the girl." Caius, one of the other kings, demands and Aro sighs and pouts. "Where is the Princess?"  Marcus, the last, king asked and Aro smiled again. "She's probably off teasing the guards as alwasy." Sro says and goes to sit on his thrown again. "Dear friends, I believe I owe you an apologe. I have lied. There will be no birthday ball." He says and I smirk. I had already got a vision of himm tealling us this on the way here. "Well why did you invite us here." Esme asked and Aro smiles. This part though I did not see. "You see I have a problem I need your help with. My daughter, since she is not having the best of times here, sadly. So I was hoping you could help me." He says and I knew they were going to agree.

Aro lead us down hall that seemed to never end before he stopped in front of a door. "I have to warn you, What you see behind this door might not be pretty." He says and opens the door and to my shock I see.... the pack? "You are so going down, baby!" Angela yells into the screen and Leah laughs and press button furiosly as she watched the tv. "You said the same thing last night!" She says and Seth and Alex make fake gagging noises. "That's just nasty." Seth says and Aro giggles at our shocked faces. "Children!" He exclaims and they all look to him, well us. They all look at us in shock and we do the same. "Bella!" Angela hisses and hits the lump in the bed. "Wha?"The lump that I knew was Bella asked. I felt joy spread through me and I resist the urge to kiss her. "Wake up." Angela says and Bella moved away from Angela and almost falls off the bed. "I'm not asleep. I'm watching a movie."  Bella says and sits up slowly. Her eyes are brown, and I know she can't see us because she's near sighted. She reachs over for her new shades and puts them on. When she sees us standing there she jumped out of bed in surprise, pulling the cover and sheets with her. 

"Ah!" She yelps out as she tries to get out the sheets. "What are you guys doing here?!" She asked when she finally got up. "I invited them dear." Aro says and Bella gives him a embarrassed look. "Dad?! Why did you do that?" She asked and everyone gasp. Bella was.... a Princess?! And a Voltri princess none the less. "Well you seemed very lonely with your friends and I wanted to meet the girl that has made you so happy." He says and Bella's eyes widened. "You are .... the sneakiest person in the world!." She sighs out and Aro smiles. "You've never brought a girl home before, so I though-" He starts and Bella jumped up and almost trips over her clothes. "This is why! Get out Dad." She yells and tries to push him out the room. I couldn't hold in my laughter at how flustered my Bella was. 'She's really embarrassed right now.' I think and Aro smiles at her. He says something in what I guess was Italian and Bella's brow furrows but she does it. He says something else in Italian and sends me a teasing look before looking back at Bella. She blushes intensely and stares at the ground. Before she answered and Aro laughed. They continued talking before Aro said something that seemed to annoy Bella. "Father!" She exclaims and ge chuckles again before he turned to us. 

"All of your rooms ar right down the hall. Pick any one you like, please. Make yourself at home, I do believe my daughter would like me to leave bevause I'm 'embarrassing' her." He says and leaves and Bella shuts the door after him. She sends us a sheepish smile and Leah pipes up. "Could you please explain what just conversation just went down. Some of us can't speak Italian." Leah asked and Bella's eyes widened even more. "NO!" She exclaims and I couldn't help myself. I jumped and wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck, and began nuzzling her neck. "Hey." She whisper into my hair and I hug her tighter. I missed her so much! "Hey!" I whisper into her neck and she laughs. "Are you going to let me go?" She asked and I shook my head. "No, your mine now." I state and she chuckles. "Okay can I at least sit down, it looks like they want an explaination." She says and I nod. "Okay who wants to hear a story?" She asked and only Emmett and Alex raised there hands. "Me!!!!" The both exclaimed and looked as if they were about to pee their pants. "Okay, could everyone sit down?" SHe asked and the pack immediately moved to the floor so we could sit. "So has everyone heard of the Romain War?" She asked and everyone nodded. "Well this is how it really went." She says and I snuggle up into her lap.

 "So there was a  Romian Princess, her name was Renee, and she was out hunting one day when she met, a were-wolf, Charlie. She instantly felt attracted to him but she couldn'thave that. For one she was a Princess and she was already betrothed and two she was a were-cat and it was unheard of for a were-cat and wolf to be together, let alone during the war.  Charlie who had felt the same way, couldn't help but to speak to the Princess. He didn't know she was a Princess, so he thought nothing was wrong with the way he felt. What she didn't know was that he was actually a Voltri Prince." She starts and I could really image this. "So after a while of talking they decided to see each other again, at the same place, the next day. And they did every day for a month before they finally realized they were mated, and that's why they got along so well. They just happened to realize this on the same day and the princess was soon found to be preganet. This started up even more fights, and trouble. The two were no longer allowed to see eah other. It wasn't until one of the Kings decided that fighting would not slove this problem. So they talked and discussed, and decided they didn't want a baby bein around so much fighting. They agreed to stop the war, but it was too late. Charlie knew te only way her was going to be with his mate was to kill the one she was to marry. So he snuck away not knowing that the Kings were going to let them be together, or that his mate would go into labor in the same day. Sadly he was killed in the battle field and Renne died giving birth to the baby girl. The Kings relaized their mistakes and got together to raise the baby, ending the war. And that's how I got here!" She exclaims suddenly and I fall off her lap.

We all stared at her in shock for a moment and Edwrad finally speaks up. "So you .... stopped the war." He asked and Bella laughs and shook her head. "No, I was just the reason." She says and I smile. "So you are a Romain Princess and A Voltri princess?" Rose asked and Bella shrugs. " Romian Queen, or Alpha as I liked to be called. Since most were-creatures belong to the Romians I am they're Alpha."She says and Angela snorts. "You are not explaining this corretly." She says and Bella shrugs again. Like this wasn't a big deal. It was a big deal! I was in love with a Queen, the Queen of the Were-Creatures!. "Bella here has more powers than she like to let on. She has a meantal sheild that blocks you mentle poweres like Edward's and Alice's. It also tells her who has what power. She can demand any shifting beging. Like with Jacob. Usually only an Alpha can control their own pack, she can control any one she wants, as long as they are a a were-creature or shifter." Angela expllains and Bella frowns. "You don't need to tell all my buniness like that." She says playfully and Alex smiles. "We also have power, Bella's shares her mental shield with us, and we can control the Elements also. I can control Earth, Angela water, and Leah wind." He says and I give Bella a look. "I didn't do it on purpose! They just called to me like, 'They would be good pack mates.'" She says and I roll my eyes. Yeah right! "This is so cool!!!!!!!" Emmett exclaims and I have to agree. "Angela let me see your power!!!" He demand and suddenly he was spurted in the face with water. "Okay.... I should have expected that." He syas and everyone laughs.


"Hey, you wake?" I ask and peak into Bella's room. "No." Sh says and rolls over. She pats the side of her bed and I smile and jump in. It was 2 in the morning I needed my cuddle buddy. "Why are you up so late?" I ask and she stares at me. The smile on her face kinds creeped me out, but I smiled back. "I could ask you the same question." She says and I roll my eyes. "I don't sleep, remember? And I asked you a question." I tell her and she nods. "I think of you." She says with a goofy grin. I hit her shoulder and laugh. Did she always have to be so sweet. "For real!" I exclaims and she shrugs and hides her face in my neck. "I was thinking about you." She says and I hated to say that I almost moaned with she kissed my shoulder lightly. Bella seemed to notice this and grinned into my neck, before moving back. "What about me?" I ask and she grins. "Alot of stuff about you." She says and I glare at her. "Like what?" I ask and she sees that I'm starting to get annoyed. "About ho cute you look when you're annoyed." She says and I punch her in the arm. "I do not!" I exclaim and she laughs.

"Ow! I'm starting to think you like hitting me!" She exclaims and I smile at her. "No, I like kissing you." I tell her and she stops whining in pain. "Oh." She exclaims with a dumb look on her face. "Really?" She asked and I nod. "Yeah." I tell her and she nods. "Good to know." She says and I do what I wanted to do since I saw here. I leaned in and kissed her. A little hard than usual, and climbed on her lap. She makes asurprised noise in the back of her throat before kissing me back. We fought for dominace and she let me win, which made me very happy. I could feel her hand on my hip massaging it and I moan into her mouth. She was so good at this. Out of no where, she suddenly flipped us over so she was on top of me, and was holding her self up with one arm. Before I could protest about the sudden change, her tongue was in my mouth and I forgot what I was about to say. Hell I forgot mine own name with the way she was kissing me. I feel her tongue run over my fangs and I shuddered. That felt really good. Her hand that used to be massaging my hip moved so it was on my stamach. Her warm hand slowly moved lower until it was actually touching my skin, because my shirt had ridden up. 

Bella pulled away, just enough so I could see her and panted heavily. "I....ah.... I'm sorry. I lost my self for a moment." She said and the words didn't register in my still not working brain as I stared at her. I don't know wo actually started this kiss, but we were kissing heatedly once again. The hand that was on my stomach slowly moved back up but this time it was actually under the shirt. We'd never gotten this far. Her hands usually stayed on my hips on in my hair, and now she was under my shirt and I couldn't stop her because it felt so good. Her hand moved so it was on my side and began carrassing my side gently, as she pulled away again. This time her lips found my neck and I moan. She peppered kisses over my neck and shoulder and before she could go and lower the door was busted open and we jumped apart.

"You've just been..... cock blocked!!!!!!" Emmett and Angela yelled together before they ran off somewhere in the castle. "What the h#ll man!!!" Bella exclaims and changes into her cat and chases after them. "Run for your lives!!!!" I hear Angela exclaims and I roll over on the bed. "So close." I sigh and look up at the door to see Esme standing there with a knowing smirk. "What were you doing in here?" She asked and I would have blushed if I coud have. "Making sure Bella got to sleep alright." I tell her and she nods. "Right...." She draws out and I fix my shirt. I was not ashamed at what happened, but I didn't want to talk to my mother about it. "I'm gonna make sure Bella doesn't kill Emmett and Angela." I mutter and get up and follow the trail of laughter and growling.

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