By Nicole200220

167K 4.4K 323

A girl named Emma has gone through a lot of problems. One day she is given a chance, to start a new and fresh... More

Chapter 1 part 2
Chapter 2-Meeting people I called family
Chapter 3-Tears and Sorries
Chapter 4-Breathe...Panic Attack
Chapter 5-School
Chapter 6-I wish I disappear
Dream 2
Chapter 7-Rogues
Chapter 8-Mate
Chapter 9-It's a secret
Chapter 10-I surrender
Chapter 11- His name is Jason
Chapter 12-The Call
Chapter 13- They are leaving?
Chapter 14-Rules.Secrets.Lies
Chapter 15-My nature
Chapter 16-Darling
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1-My Story

11.2K 295 37
By Nicole200220

Chapter 1
My story

I was around the age of five when my parents got divorced. It all happened on the 20th of April 2003. I will always remember how it all happened perfectly clear.

I remember the date as it was my birthday. No one in the family was taking any notice of this.
I wasn't excepting any presents, but I wished that at least I would receive a 'Happy Birthday'. It was already a hard day on me as the teacher shouted at me for doing something wrong.

The day just had to become worse. My father came home late again. This wasn't the first time that this had happened and my mother started arguing about this issue with him. An other argument then started which I couldn't understand.

After all the shouting from my mother, my father stopped talking to her which pissed her off. I was in my room laying on my bed when I heard something crashing. As I opened the door I saw an antique plate shattered next to my door. I kept walking on my bare feet.

I could feel the glass under my feet. Some of the glass cut slightly through my skin but some got into my feet. I cried with the pain but not too loud for any one to hear me. I kept walking until I reached the kitchen. I saw my parents arguing and fighting when the next thing I knew was, my father kissing my forehead.

"Listen to me carefully child we will meet again and stay safe okay", he said in a soft voice. What does he mean? Of course I'll be safe. I always am and he is here to protect me from any danger.

"Daddy, are you leaving me and mummy? Daddy please stay with me." I replied not understanding what he just told me earlier.

"I am just going away for a few... and I am going to take Drake with me," he said looking at me in my eyes. No... he can't leave me this must be a dream. It must be, my father would never leave me.

"Daddy don't leave me." I begged him but as I spoke the words to him, he went straight to Drake's room. He must've have lifted him up and came in front of me again.

"I love you daddy." I told him still not sure of the word 'leaving'. Does it mean going away from home then come back. I'm so confused.

"I love you too baby." He replied back to me.Then he left from the door that was opposite me. I kept hearing the last few words he just said to me over and over again, then, I accepted the fact that my father has just left me.

Leaving me there standing looking at my mother crying in the corner of the kitchen. She told me to go to bed so that is what I did that night.

For about a year or two I have spent my life at my grandmother's house. I really liked her as she was always nice to me. She also bought me many toys to play with and read me stories for bedtime. Sometimes she even invented the stories herself.

Unfortunately age got to her and she passed away. I felt so sad for her although I was too small to understand the meaning of death. I knew one thing the thought of not seeing her ever again and the feeling to lose someone again was too much to handle for I was so little.

So I had to move back with my mother, I had noticed that she had changed. The mother I knew when I was little was gone. The woman I saw I couldn't recognise her as my mother. I have done every single thing she asked from me for the past few years.

If I don't do it she would slap me with a frying pan or bring a belt and hit me with it. So I decided it's best for me to obey rather than disobey. Most of the time she was drunk with her friends and when she comes home I have to look after her.

After some years she accepted that the love of her life just left her and won't be coming back. From that day onwards she has been going out with guys randomly.

My mother was to careless on how much money she was spending.We are poor now there isn't a lot of money but there is enough for me to go to school and for us to eat every day. She tried several jobs but every time she messes it up somehow. So she decided to give up on trying to find a job.

Since then she has been addicted to alcohol trying to solve her problems by drinking, she hasn't done anything good. As alcohol costs a lot of money.She hasn't been herself since my father left. Sometimes she throws at me plates, knives, anything she finds in front of her. She used to do this when I did something wrong.

Now she is just doing it for nothing and it hurts a lot. I have too many scars on my back that I can't cover them with makeup.

Last time that she threw something, things went out of hand she threw a freaking microwave at me and it hurts a lot. It hit me on the right side of my tummy and I have a huge bruise. Aside from all the mess that has been going on at home. People just stay away from me at school as everyone knows how bad my mother has been.

Which isn't fair for me as I am not my mother. I only can live up to this new life by ignoring the rumors and rude comments of people. So I decided to put my head into doing my best in school so I started studying hard, as I don't want to end up like my mother. I have been getting many good grades.

Most of the time I study at the library at the school. As it is more quieter then home and sometimes I stay there to avoid my mother's friends. Which are totally sluts and I think some of them even take drugs.

This life is what I have to go through every day and I can try to pull up a smile and look happy. I know that when I go home I can never be happy again.I do all the house work and cleaning and get things thrown at me and I have to clean them up.

I would try to escape but I would be scared of what will my mother do if she will catch me. This will all be over until I will go to a university and stay at a dorm room. Everything would be just simpler and better.

Finally it's the end of my scholastics year my mother wants to go on a short trip without arguing I agree to go with her. When we enter the car she looks drunk.

"Mother you are drunk you can't drive while you are drunk."

"It's not like I haven't done it before don't worry everything will be fine! Oh and why shouldn't I because that is the law I don't care if I get myself killed special if I kill you pain in the arse"


So we start our trip I start to reflect on how things have change for the past years. How my father told me that I will see him again.

Every word that he said to me before he left I remember. I just wish that I had more time to at least talk to my brother I miss him so much he is only months older than me.

(My brother and I are twins but I was to small to be born that I couldn't be born not after five months later.)

I wish I can see both of them again.
I am feeling so dizzy everything is spinning around me. My head feels like it's being crushed over and over.

I open my eyes slowly and see that I am upside down I reach for my mother in the front seat.
I take the seatbelt off and try to wake my mother up. I see blood coming down her head and I try to search for her heartbeat.

I can't find one she's gone.Then I realize I need to get out of the car before the car explodes.

I hurry and try getting the door to open. I push with my hand but it's no use. I start pushing with my feet after several times it finally opens.

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