All the time in the world (Us...

Af caffeinetea

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This is the story of two countries: England, a stubborn man who beats the frog in the battle for raising the... Mere

Chapter 1 - Sibling Bonds
Chapter 2 - Seaside
Chapter 3 - Nessy
Chapter 4 - Tomato Bastard
Chapter 5 - Black Sheep
Chapter 6 - Iggyloo
Chapter 7 - 2ptalia
Chapter 9 - Moonlight
Chapter 10 - Tension
Chapter 11 - Phonecall
Chapter 12 - Independence
Chapter 13 - Comfort
Chapter 14 - Perseverance
Chapter 15 - Boxers
Chapter 16 - Hamburger
Chapter 17 - Confessions
Chapter 18 - Funfair
Chapter 19 - Revenge
Chapter 20 - UK
Chapter 21 - 4th of July
Chapter 22 - Push Broom
Chapter 23 - Shipping
Chapter 24 - NiChu
Chapter 25 - Obama
Chapter 26 - Allies
Chapter 27 - Teardrops and Stars
Chapter 28 - Loose ends
Chapter 29 - Happily ever after

Chapter 8 - Camping

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Af caffeinetea

POV England

I wake up with a familiar weight on my chest, only now it's heavier and I can't pick him up and leave him in bed like I used to. God dammit how does he always end up there! And why did he have to grow so much! I nudge him gently awake.

"Hey America wake up, I need to go make breakfast."

"S'alright Iggy I got it." He says sleepily.

When I get downstairs the table was set, breakfast was on the table, my tea was made and poured into a mug, with a small jug of milk and a plate of sugar cubes next to it.

He's doing everything! He's completely independent, he doesn't need me for anything anymore, what if he tells me to leave because I'm useless to him now? I've got to do something! I think staring at the breakfast in dismay.

POV America

England's looking at the breakfast I made with a look of horror, I'm trying so hard to impress him so he'll be proud of me, but every time I do anything for him he just looks horrified. I've got to up my game!

"America this is all wrong! You've filled the tea cup up far too much and that breakfast is completely under cooked here let me do it!" He's treating like such a child! But I guess I have done everything wrong. I just need to work harder to get up to his standards otherwise he'll never be proud of me! I worked really hard on that breakfast too, well no point in getting yourself down, only look forward! I'll learn and get better!

POV England

America looks heartbroken, I want to tell him I'm sorry, thats it's perfect because it is. But once he realises that he can do everything on his own he'll leave and go find someone better just like everybody else. I need to go to a new level of nit picking, one which he will never be able to match! I start muttering insane instructions while I make the tea so he'll realise he still needs me and I still have a purpose in his life.

"Now you need to boil the kettle for exactly five minutes not a second over or under, place the tea bag in the tea cup for exactly one hundred and twenty seconds once the hot water has been poured in to the proper level which is exactly seven ninths up any cup and stir constantly at a constant rhythm seventy six times per minute to be exact,  then after you have to add three level tea spoons of cold water to balance out the heat loss!"

"Ok I'll do all of that next time!" Says America with a grin and I realise he's written the whole thing down on paper, this is going to be way harder than I thought.

Just then I remember the present I bought America, I hope he likes it took a bloody long time to find.

I go get it out of my bag and then promptly head back into the kitchen.

POV America

"Hey America, I forgot to give you this the other day. I saw it in a shop and I thought you'd like it. Luckily the only size was way too big for how tall I thought you'd be so it should fit." Oh god Iggy's fashion sense sucks, far too formal.

"Iggy, man, your fashion sense sucks, like it's better than France's but it sucks. Like show some skin dude, and dress casual more."

"Will you at least look at it you ungrateful git!" He hands me a folded up bomber jacket and oh my god it is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen, exactly my style.

"It's so awesome Iggy! Look! It has a fifty on the back!" I yell ecstatically, shoving it on quickly, it's a perfect fit, so warm too, and fluffy on the inside! And it has a cool sherifs badge and the shade of brown is to die for and seriously I did not think it was possible to fanboy this much over a jacket.

"Its so awesome! I'll never doubt you again Iggy!" I say squishing him into a bone crushing hug.

"Bomber jacket, bomber jacket, BOMBER JACKET!" I scream sprinting around the house."

After my short sprinting session around the house I walk into the living room about to ask Iggy what he's doing, but when I realise his attention is on the book and not me something stops me from speaking and I end up staring at the Brit.

It's rare I get a proper chance to look at him when he's not focused on me, his relaxed face as he looks down intently at his book his eyebrows furrowed slightly in a really cute way-wait cute?-ever since he came back yesterday Iggy seems different somehow, or maybe I'm different?

At least he was never cute before and I never wanted to cuddle him close to me and kiss those adorable soft looking lips. Just then he bites his lip gently in concentration. Oh my god that was so hot. Admittedly I have been having those kinds of thoughts about England.

Yesterday and today I've found myself getting slightly nervous whenever he touches me or leans close to me. I think this all started when I started jerking off, which was a while ago.

Every time I do the image of England kept popping into my mind, no matter how hard I tried to think of something else, eventually I just gave up mainly because the something else I thought of ended up being France which terrified me to no end.

Trust me nothing is scarier.

In my mind England would be in various vulnerable positions, with no clothes on, whispering various dirty things to me in a really sexual voice, doing various dirty things to me.

After a while of this happening I realised I was in love with my older brother, in fact kind of love struck and obsessed.

After a while of fighting these thoughts I realised it was what I wanted, in fact I don't really know why I was fighting against them in the first place. There is no one I love or care for more. The time I spend with Iggy is perfect and I wouldn't want to spend my time with anyone else.

Anyways at the present time my number one goal is to make Iggy first respect me and treat me as an equal, then get him to fall in love with me if he hasn't already.

I grin at my amazing plan and go over to talk to Iggy.

POV England

"Hey Iggy, watcha doing?"

"Just handling some of your finances, nothing important."

"Can I you show me how? Can I help?"

"No!" I say slightly more aggressively than I meant to.

"Why not Iggy? I'm old enough to handle this stuff!"

"No your too young." I say trying to think of excuses.

"But I have to learn how to do it in the future anyway." I growl at him and give him a possessive glare.

"No America get out!" For once he doesn't argue back and exits the room, he looks at me like I'm a completely different person, one he's not used to and has hurt his feelings.

I didn't mean to snap at him! It's just his finances are one of the only things I do for him which he doesn't know how to do, if he learns then I'm a step closer to being useless to him.

POV America

I didn't mean to anger him I was trying to be mature and take care of my country!

I thought it would impress him. But the way he looked at me, the expression on his face, it was terrifying, not the kind expression I'm used to at all.

I'd never seen it before and it threw me off slightly. I've got to prove to him that I'm not a little kid anymore, I want his respect but he keeps treating me like a child! He must think I'm too dumb to handle finances.

I need to become smarter and stronger and prove to him that I'm not a weakling. I'll get up to his standards, though if the proper way to make tea is that hard I shudder to think how hard everything else is, but I'll work hard and figure it all out then Iggy will be proud to call me his brother, his equal.

That's all I want his respect and love.

England has been so agitated ever since he got here, not really like his usual self at all, I feel like my house is perhaps rubbing England the wrong way at the moment.

I know we should go camping! Because camping is awesome! It'll be just like it was when I was younger, Iggy used to take me camping all the time. I smile sadly remembering how it was when he didn't yell and criticise me, and everything I did for him made him happy rather than making a look of horror appear on his face.

Well he will stop yelling at me as soon as I get up to his standards! But for now I know the perfect place for our camping adventure!

I wait until Iggy comes into the kitchen for lunch. He looks at the food I made with a look of horror. I plaster a bright smile on my face even though inside I'm really hurt, I worked hard on this!

"Hey Iggy I just had a brilliant idea!"

"Hm? What is it?" He says looking up from his meal.

"Lets go camping!"

"Alright." He says seeming happy with the idea. "When?" He asks.


"What! We can't go now! We need to prepare!" I leave the room and bring in a couple bags.

"Mine, yours, food, tent." I say pointing at each bag in turn. I thought I'd packed pretty throughly but Iggy goes through each bag muttering that we need this and that and adds a bunch of stuff that I didn't even think we need or could possible even use on a camping trip. Clearly I still have a lot to learn.

POV England

America thought of everything! I can't let him know that though, I'll have to add a bunch of things even if they are unnecessary.

I stop and think to myself for a minute, is there a better way to go around this? America has shown no indication that he'll ever leave me, plus this method is a bit insane.

The looks of utter despair he's giving me, and I can see past each one of those fake smiles, I'm going to end up damaging him!

But I have to continue I realise, he'll leave me once I've proved useless to him that's what's always happens and that's how the world works.

If I don't do this I'll be left alone again like always. This is the first proper bond I've ever had, I can't screw it up. I don't want to be alone anymore, I'm sick of it. I thought I could handle it until I met America, but companionship is what I crave more than anything else now, that I know what feeling truly loved is like. 

"Now lets go!" America yells once I've finished. And I follow him through the door. We happily converse on the way to wherever we are going, every once in a while I have to remind myself to criticise him in some way. He looks forlorn, depressed whenever I do. 'I'm sorry!' I say in my mind. 'I don't mean it! Your perfect the way you are!' But I know I can't say it out loud.

After a while America led me into a pretty little forest, we are walking down a peaceful woodland path. Grass gently dots the walkway, the trees are vast, tall and beautiful with branches stretching out seemingly as far as the eye can see. They are unlike anything back in Britain.

Sunlight seeps through the leaves above making them almost sparkle brightly in the afternoon sunshine. Flowers cover the woodland floor, different shades of beauty on each bud. Ever now again you can catch a glimpse of a creature, a different one around every corner.

"This forest is beautiful America." I say in wonder.

"I know right! I come here when I'm sad or reflecting on past decisions. The forest green surrounding me reminds me of your eyes, it makes me feel calm." He says contently. I smile at him, a light pink dusting my cheeks. He always says such loving and kind things about me, I don't think there is a nicer person alive, I know I don't deserve him.

I shiver remembering past wars. So many deaths, so much blood. The horrible thing is I know I'll be facing another and sooner than I'd like to. There is no way to prevent it, more blood will be spilt, more of my people will die deaths too young.

The cycle of peace, war, bloodshed will never stop.

I decide I'll tell him him how much he means to me, not something I do often, if fact something I never really do, I struggle when talking about my true feelings for someone because I always fear rejection. But he deserves to know more than anyone. After all he tells me his feelings for me twenty-four seven, it's about time he knows how I feel back.

"You mean everything to me America." I say quietly he obviously hears me though because the smile he gives me is the biggest, widest, sincerest, happiest smile I have ever seen on a person.

It is a smile of pure joy, impossible to fake. Not a smile you often see, no, not an ordinary smile at all. Not one that you find on your face when someone tells a joke or you're in a good mood.

No, it's the kind of smile you make when someone has made you so ecstatic, so overflowing with pure bliss that you feel like you could explode with happiness. I've got to say it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I hope I get to see it again, many more times.

"Really! Yay!" He screams punching the air and giving me a rib cracking hug. Seeing him this happy makes me the happiest person alive. "You're the most important person in my life! No one matters more, I don't even remotely care for anyone as much as you, you are on a whole other scale!" He says smiling like a dork, I chuckle at his general idiotic cheesiness and ruffle his hair playfully like I did when he was a little kid, only now I have to stand on my tip toes, America bends down to help me out and I glare at him for being tall.

"Come on Iggy we're nearly there!" He says grabbing my hand and dragging me forward at double speed.

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