Thank you - Marco Reus Mini S...

By footballcrown

2.3K 66 2

Marco Reus is a professional world-class football player who plays for Borussia Dortmund, when he meets Olivi... More

One: Olivia
Two: You are so vain
Three: Good night
Four: Pizza
Five: R&B girl?
Seven: Kiss me
Eight: Guten Morgen
Nine: My love
Ten: Thank you.

Six: I like him

165 6 0
By footballcrown

Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious.


I like him.

We finished the dinner and we kept smiling like fools during the dessert.

"This is pretty lame." I said taking a spoon from the amazing gelato he ordered for me.

He laughed.

"Ja, it's fun tho." He said grabbing a spoon o his ice cream.

We remained silent for a couple of seconds and he stared at me leaving the spoon on the table.

"Do you like heights?" He asked.

"Heights?" I asked looking a bit confused.

"Ja, like, I mean are you afraid of it or do you like them?" He asked grabbing again a spoon of his ice cream.

"I am ok with it I supposed – I said taking a sip of my glass of water – why?" I added.

He looked excited and anxious at the same time, he smiled a bit and shook his head.

"It's nothing, I was just curious." He said returning his attention to his ice cream.

We finished, hey paid for our dinner and did our way to his car, while walking, he grabbed my hand and didn't looked at me, but I turned to see his face when I felt the touch, he was laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked with his hand still on mine.

"I'll take you to an amazing place." He said looking at me now.

He opened the car door for me and I stepped in, he was driving a bit faster.

"Are you rushed?" I asked laughing.

"Ja, I am afraid they might be closing now." He said.

"Wh-What are you-

"It's a surprise." He didn't let me finish.

I knew he wouldn't tell me so I decided to keep my mouth shut and just wait. I saw thru the window and it was dark now. A few minutes later, like 20 or 30, we arrived to an amusement park. WTF?

"A park?" I asked confused.

"Ja, come on." He said opening the door for me and I stepped out.

We walked together to the entrance, he spotted some guy that he seemed to know.

"Chuck." He shouted and the guy waved at him.

"What are we doing here Marco?" I asked a bit worried, it was closed and all the machines were off now.

"Wait here." He said and did his way to the "Chuck" Guy.

A few minutes later the lights of the BIG fortune wheel lit up and I jumped, I wasn't expecting that at all. I hear someone screaming my name so I started looking to all directions and it was from the fortune wheel, I saw Marco waving at me.

"Livvie, come here!!" He shouted and I nodded.

"You are crazy you know that?" I said and he laughed.

"It'll be fun, I promise." He said extending his hand.

I took it and he helped me to enter in the little cubicle, we sat next each other and he raised his hand to give Chuck the order and the thing started moving, naturally I got scared so the first thing that I grabbed was Marco's chest and he laughed. Ja, I know, like movies, but apparently they know what they're talking about.

"Are you ok?" He asked softly.

"Yes I am it's just- I said peering over the railing – this is my first time doing this." I spoke the truth.

"What? The first time, really?" He asked shocked and I nodded in response.

I shake a bit because it was cold and I left my coat in Marco's car, he notice that and gave me his jacket. It was big compared with my size and smelled so good, it felt warm.

"Better?" He asked.

"Ja, danke Marco." I said curling up inside his jacket

The thing started moving so slowly and he was staring at me, he placed his arm behind my back and started caressing my hair. I didn't move, I did not know how to act in situations like this.

"This is one of my other places."He said softly looking to the sky now.

"A fortune wheel?" I asked a bit confused.

He laughed.

"Ja, this used to be the park we visit when I was a child, this was my favorite attraction." He said turning to see me.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"I felt like I was flying and that there was nothing that I can't accomplish in life." He said coming closer.

"Like what?" I asked looking at his thin lips that looked really kissable in this moment.

"Well, like becoming a professional footballer, that was my biggest dream." He said and looked to the sky again.

"There are some people who are afraid of darkness, heights, I felt like if I could beat all those fears that people usually have, I could do anything in life, anything that I wanted." He said softly in almost a whisper.

"My dad told me that one must fight for what one wants in life, that's what I did." He was looking at me again.

I lifted my hand and caressed his cheek and he closed his eyes at my touch and instinctively leaned closer to him and crushed my lips against his, he got tensed at first but then gave in and wrapped me into his arms. It felt so good being there with him, he just opened up about his dreams and his past, I love this. We broke the kiss when we ran out of air and we parted a bit, but I was still in his arms, we were both smiling.

"Thanks for sharing this with me." I said grateful and he nodded.

"I feel good showing you these things." He said smiling.

We stayed there for about 30 minutes more, the most he talked the most I liked him. I felt so bad for a moment, all the wrong things I did to him in the past, I didn't gave him the chance to show me his true self, I rushed the things and was so blind.

"Can I ask you something?" I said serious now and he stopped smiling.

"Ja, of course – he said clearing his throat – Anything." He added.

"The day of our first date – He shook his head closing his eyes and I laughed – remember?" I asked

"Ja, I am sorry about that." He said laughing a bit.

"It's ok, I just I felt like you were so arrogant –

"I was trying to impress you in some way and I did a poor choice about what to say to do that." He said lifting his free hand.

I shook my head laughing.

"My bad – He smiled a bit – which I am terribly sorry by the way." He finished.

"I know, it's my fault too – I said biting my lip – I rushed into the conclusions."

"You were in your right." He said caressing my cheek.

The view of the lake was so beautiful and the moon looked so close to us and big and silver. I could see some part of the city and forest, beautiful trees that looked black right now because of the darkness. I turned around to see him and he was staring at me, his eyes looked black now, the pupils were dilated plus there was no light and that's the effect it caused. I felt the impulse to hug him and so I did.

"Wow – he looked surprised – what for?" He asked smiling.

"I am being spontaneous – I said touching his low neck – plus you looked huggable." I said and he laughed.

The fun ended and we went back down, we said goodbye to chuck and did our way to his car, I returned his jacket and was wearing my coat now.

"So he's your friend or something like that?" I asked curious

"Chuck? – He asked and I nodded – Ja, we were on school together." He replied.

"Really? Oh mein gott." I said shocked.

He laughed.

"Why?" He asked curiously

"He looks older." I said in shock.

"Ja well, not everyone aged the same way." He said winking at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

We arrived to my apartment and he got up from the car to open my door. He always does this and I love it.

"Danke sir." I said stepping out from his car, he was grinning.

"So... - He started scratching his hair a bit – When are we-

"See each other again?" I did not let him finish.

He laughed.

"Are you nervous or something?" I asked taking a step towards him, he didn't move. #Yay

"M-Me? Nee." He said trying to smile.

"Really? You look nervous tho." I said taking another step close to him and he laughed.

"Well, you have to admit that you're pretty intimidating – He said putting his hands in front of his chest – in a good way of course." He replied.

"In a good way? And which way is that?" I asked anxious.

"You're so smart and sure of yourself, I love that." He said truthful.

"So what's the problem?" I asked taking another step towards him.

"I just don't want to screw it up again." He said looking to the floor now.

"You won't." I said and lifted my left hand to caress his cheek and I saw a hint of his smile.

He touched my hand and closed his eyes.

"What if we have a date?" I asked and his face lit up.

"Another one, you mean?" He asked.

"Ok fine, Another one – I said rolling my eyes – My treat this time." I said

He shook his head immediately.

"Marco come on, you can't expect to be the only one who pays and the only one who invites."I said a bit upset.

"That's how supposed to be Livvie." He said softly.


He says that and I forgot about everything. Ok fine maybe not everything.

"My treat." I said pointing a finger to his face and he rolled his eyes.

"And don't rolled your eyes at me." I said fake scolding him.

"But you do it all the time." He said in his defense.

"I can do it, I am a lady, but no gent can do that to a lady, ever." I said crossing my arms and he laughed.

"Ok fine." He said smiling.

I grabbed my keys and shook it in the air.

"Found it." I said and he nodded.

"Well, I guess this-

"Was great, Danke Marco." I said kissing his cheek, he shake a bit.

"I loved this night and again, thanks for sharing another of that special places of yours." I said caressing his hand, he looked a bit anxious.

Next thing I know, he jumps to me and grabbed my neck and crushed his lips into mine. His lips were so soft and warm, his breath so fresh, a mix of chocolate from the ice cream mixed with wine. I felt his tongue battling to come into my mouth, I let him do it. I started caressing his neck and he shuddered under my touch, I started feeling so hot, my cheeks burning. I broke the kiss first.

"Sorry." He said looking down.

"Please don't – I said touching my lips – we both wanted it." I replied and he looked at me with sparkling dark eyes.

"Did you?" He asked taking a step closer to me.

"Ja, as much as you." I said and he smiled.

"I am glad to know that Livvie." He said and touched one of my blonde loose curls.

"Why?" I asked mesmerized by his beautiful eyes.

"I am glad to know that I must be doing something good here." He said and gave me a peck.

"Good night Livvie." He finished and did his way to his car.

My heart was beating so fast and I felt my whole body burning, I don't know if it was the wine, the adrenalin or the kiss that Marco just gave me, the conclusion was that, I felt on the moon.


Rockets of love,


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