Vampire who cried Human

Autorstwa Ashgrey3

1.2K 73 127

A creature right out of the horror novels that possess ghost and drive them to insanity. When I was born, pro... Więcej

I fucking got kissed by Human
I fucking got pranked
I fucking got a knight in shiny armour
I fucking got...
I fucking got a Boo>I
There is something in bathroom
I got adult napped (Phantom who stole bride)
Am I her wife or she is my husband?
Much ado about Lilith
Riding in the woods
Nowhere to Go
W❤ rm He❤ rts
Into the Ques?ion
Where's this going?
I ain't no like her
Of Dream and Memory
Table Manners
Highway to Hell
Playboy and Heartbreak
F for Fools
Teacher for Detention
Once upon a time
Blue winters
A day with Ash's characters
How I met this idiot?
Ready, steady,apple and No
Thomas Hardy May Cry Hard
Politics isn't bottle of our beer
Prison Break
Game of Thrones
Sweet Nothings
Grand Finale
Last Chapter: Say you love me?

Rests the Guests

20 1 7
Autorstwa Ashgrey3

Disclaimer: These new characters belong to @Akaritsuki . I don't own any of these new characters though I wish I could 😢

Read, comment and vote 😘

It'd been three days since the incident that we almost lost Jared to death. Things were eventually falling in place in terms of being healed, Alec and Kevan had had their ribs healed in such a short period of time given their fast metabolism. Jared was able to walk around the house, though Elizabeth would scold him not to tire himself out and end up opening the wound. It's good to see him smiling around his family, talking and returning back to joking around them but he wouldn't say a word to me. I didn't know what had had him to act like that towards me. Whenever I entered the room, he either would fall silent or say how he needs rest. I mostly would sit outside the room and hear him laugh and joke with his brother and Kevan, that atleast gave me a peace of mind that he's doing fine.

 The night had fallen over the tiring day, I was sitting outside at night on the steps of porch when the family were having a great time together, and Kevan sauntered outside of the room and sat next to me.

"Why are you sitting outside in the cold?" He asked pulling my cheek. Seriously this buffon knows how to crack joke to a dying person and the very pun had had me chuckling for I felt like dying inside everyday when I couldn't get Jared to talk to me.

Love makes you a cancer patient

"What's there for me to be inside?" I questioned back even when I knew the answer. But sometimes, you either are  rhetoric or want others to recognize it clearly for you. In my case, it's both.

"Jared" I scoffed at his answer. I was the last person whom he wanted to see around him let alone in his room, as if I had been some unholy entity from the Conjuring or Annabelle that would unchristen him in some way.

I'll unchristen him one day...
In bed...

"Give him some time, Sparkles."

"What did I do that he's doing this to me?" I finally burst out kicking Kevan in his shin that made him jump.

"He loves you..."

"I can clearly see his love", I snickered and spending much time with Jared had this toll on my mind that all I could focus on the complain rather than acknowledging the idea that 'Jared loves me'.

Guess that's what makes us perfect Mr. And Mrs. Jared but the possibility is far in the millennium years given the situation.

 Very funny

"He's guilty for not protecting you. Alec and I are constantly pestering him to get him talk to you." Kevan draped his arm around my shoulder in a total friendly way and I sighed resting my head on his shoulder.
"He'll come around. We'll kick his ass to knock some sense in him".
"Thanks Kevan...Love you." We jumped back when we heard a cough behind us, and my eyes bulged out of my sockets when I saw Jared standing behind glaring at us, specifically shooting daggers at Kevan whose arm was around my shoulder.

"I think I'm disturbing something."


I shot up on my feet and ran after Jared stopping him by his wrist.

"Jared look..."

"Sorry for walking on your guys", he scoffed snatching his arm from my grip.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I demanded giving him a push back with my fisted hand. He happened to listen half of the our conversation and now he's getting the wrong idea about Kevan and I.

"Look your boyfriend must be waiting..." I slapped right across his cheek before he could get to finish his sentence. How in the hell, he could think Kevan and I might be having secret affair behind his back. I stomped away from there, flaring nostrils like a bull who had been shown a red cape. Seeing red in my vision, it's still very merciful of me that Jared still had his head intact on his shoulders when all I wanted to order like 'Queen of Hearts' from 'Alice in wonderland', "Off with the head" and play soccer with his medusa head.

 I shook my head trying to fix gears back in the place and barged inside the Alec's room who wasn't alone on his bed. Alec and Kevan were sitting cross-legged, holding a romantic staring contest and leaned forward, their lips almost brushing each other's just when I pushed myself between them that made them jump apart before they could kiss and flopped down on my belly in the middle of bed.

"Rene, for Jesus sake let me officially kiss him!" Alec shouted banging his head on pillow or more likely to say, banging pillow on his head.

Well he isn't banging something else
And yes,
I can be funny in anger

"Maybe she wants threesome?" Kevan scratched his head.

"Shut up!" I yelled back and grabbed a pillow to rest my arms on it.

 "Jared thinks, Kevan and I are having an affair!"

"What?"They both shouted in unison and lie on their back on my each side.

"Jared's gone Cray", Alec commented and reached for Kevan's hand over my back.

"Get a room you too!" I smacked his head groaning.

"But this is a room!" Kevan grinned ear to ear, and rolled over to kiss Alec's mouth. I grabbed handful of their hair and brought their heads, giving their buttheads a headbutt. My love life was falling apart like bread crumbs and these two were having all smooch smooch in front of me, not going to happen.

The two families settled down at the dining table for lunch, the smell of which left my stomach growling in hunger. Jared was looking better and healthier than the past few days. We said our prayers before digging in the meal that the Lord had blessed us with. Nothing had been said much but soon the inevitable was brought by elders to be discussed in the presence of every member of both families.

"Message has been sent to us that Leonardo is raising his army against us", Grandfather spoke wiping his mouth with napkin.
"But didn't we burn down his laboratory?" Jared interjected looking straight at Zach.

"Leonardo isn't the fool who can put at stake all of his pieces in one place unless he's got a back-up plan", Jonathan replied to his son who balled his fists in anger.

"He's got Jared's blood now to raise his army in number. There's no chance we could win against his invincible army of foul creatures", I spoke pushing the empty plate away. Even if Ze'ev clan had true blood of spirit wolf, still his army would outnumber us that will be in thousands this time and could easily embowel us.

"That's why I have invited my old friends for our help", Grandfather told us smiling as if he'd a got a card that would turn the tables in our favour.

"What friends?" I questioned back leaning over the table.
"Some old friends are paying us visit today and I ask of you children to behave in front of them."

"I have never known such word ""behave"" in my entire life", Kevan whispered to Gina who groaned at him in response.

It's around the evening when Grandfather's guests arrived at our house. We children had been called to greet them in a decent and proper manner after being given a good lecture. I entered the living hall along with others, where the guests had been sitting with Father and Grandpa.
"This is my granddaughter, Renesmee", Grandpa introduced me to the guests and I greeted them with a formal, "Hello!" sparing them a smile.

"Renesmee, Meet Takahashi san and Igarashi san", I nodded back at the handsome males and out of my periphery, I could see Gina drinking in their well-built hot physique with her smoldering molestating eyes .
"Takahashi is nearly your father age", Zach whispered to Gina that made our jaws dropped to the floor.

How in the hell they managed to look hot men out of Maganize and in barely mid twenties?

This is a mystery that even Sherlock Holmes wouldn't be able to solve.

"This is Tsubaki and her husband, Akihito."

"Nice meeting you all." Tsubaki extended her hand at me and I shook it firmly smiling up at the beautiful face of the girl that made me regret for not wearing makeup to look presentable before her. Did they all have some vaccine in their blood or cosmetic surgery to look beautiful and gorgeous?

 "Likewise" I replied

I looked at two other men with a child who were sitting at the other corner of the room from rest of others and there was a heated glare between Takahashi and another man, who looked younger than the former.
"This is Reiji san, Asuza and their child, Sei kun", I waved at the boy who waved back blushing and clang onto Asuza's arm.

"Why they are giving murderous glare to each other?", I asked Zach whispering making sure they wouldn't hear us but then Kevan started narrating their entire timeline for the rest of us.

"Takahashi and Igaraishi are cousins. Takahashi remarried after his wife'death. Lady Tsubaki is Takahashi's brother's daughter, married to human and Asuza's sister. Reiji is Igaraishi's brother ..."

"What?" We all shouted in unison.

"...and married to Asuza. Apparently the body is of Austin, Takahashi and Reiji son, but the mind and soul belongs to Reiji sama". Kevan finished wrapping the scroll and Anita fainted right there after hearing a complicated family relationships.

"It's so confusing", Jared commented with a lost look on his face though I, myself couldn't agree less with him that the whole history was complex, a lovely complex.

"It took me entire night to map it out on paper", Kevan spoke.

"If we look at it through another perspective, Asuza turns out to be co-wife of Reiji to Takahashi and Reiji san took his son Austin away from Takahashi san who was ex-boyfriend of Asuza. Now not only, Reiji is living with his Austin but so does, Asuza. Does this mean Asuza is husband of Austin and also his step mother?"

We all looked at Kevan with a poker face and tapped feet at him telling him to be quiet. Uncle Daniel's eyebrow was twitching in anger, and James was holding him back before he could transform into a wolf and snap our sorry necks for not behaving.

"You've a nice family", Gina broke the ice of awkwardness that befell over the room and saved us from the embarrassment.

"Thankyou", Takahashi smiled back warmly.

"Though we haven't expected you people to be much younger same age of your children." Takahashi laughed at Gina's words and resolved to solve the mystery of confusion.
"This is what to be expected of snakes to retain their younger self ",Blood gushed out of Gina's nose in rivulets who covered her nose and excused herself out of the room.
"Is that kid alright?" Igaraishi questioned with a worried look.
" She had eggs in the breakfast", Alec answered and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "I wonder if they are going to play sugar daddy?"

"What?" I jumped back.

"He asked, is that child alright?" Alec smirked and spoke again licking his lips, "Well I'm jealous of Takahashi for having a such a hot male in his bed."

"I'm right here", Kevan whispered in Alec's ear from behind in spooky voice.

"And I'm here, too", Daniel whispered in Kevan's ear making us all jump in horror.

I went to check on Gina who was lying on her bed muttering curses. Anita was still sulking over Karl of what could've happened to him. Though, we've got the information that he's alive but imprisoned.

I've a great respect for Karl now

"How's your nose bleeding now, Gigi?" I asked flopping down in the mattress that squeaked underneath my weight.

"Those men would be death of me", Gina groaned pressing heel of her palms in her sockets. I chuckled at her and she tossed a pillow at meet that I easily caught throwing back at her.

"Can I come in?" Tsubaki asked standing in the doorway.

"Why sure!" We made a room for her to sit on the bed.

"I'm sorry about your nose bleed", Tsubaki chuckled.

"It cannot be helped that your uncles are sexy bitches and on the top pythons that I even don't want to imagine in intimate way" .Gina muttered ripping at her hair.

"How did you come to marry a human?"
 I questioned Tsubaki who blinked at me few times before answering, "It's the love between us, just like you and Jared."

"Even you know about Jared and me?" I was beyond amused and shocked.

"Well everyone knows that you two are in love except you two idiots" She smirked much to my annoyance.

Shouldn't we two the first one to know that we would be official couple or something? I'll have few words with this lazy excuse of our writer besides, my hands had been itching to beat someone so badly.

"So how's Akihito in bed?" Gina grinned and leaned forward crossing legs behind her.
"Well usually I'm the one to top but idiot mostly falls asleep when we're about to reach climax", Tsubaki grimaced.

"Ehhh??" Anita squeaked out in surprise.

"Maybe he gets lazy for doing nothing much. Put him on top next time." I suggested shrugging vaguely.

"It's of no use either, he falls asleep on me halfway and I wonder if it's some sort of punishment for committing a taboo."

"What taboo?" I asked her.

"Falling in love with a human is a taboo for us though the laws has been changed under the rule of Ivan."

"Woah!" Gina whistled, " If we win war, I'll ask Jared or Alec to change matrimony laws to ' No straight marriage is allowed' ."

"Gina!" I shouted back instantly,"Don't you want me to marry Jared?"

"Ok, 'No straight marriage' after yours, mine and Anita's marriage".  Gina grinned and all I could do facepalm.

I carried the tray outside the house to the lawn to serve our guests with evening tea and fruit tarts, mackerel and cake. Kevan and Alec slumped down on the chairs next to Takahashi and Igaraishi after having a training with Reiji sama who was now fighting against Zach and Jared, working them on their defense moves. Jonnie and Ellie got a new friend, Sei kun, with whom they had been playing non-stop for hours and Asuza would often ask the excited boy to give his little legs rest for a while. I set the tray on the table and started making tea for Igaraishi whilst Takahashi excused himself to answer his urgent call.

"So, how's marriage life going?" Kevan's out of sudden blunt words made the Mr. Igaraishi to choke on his tea.

"I'm sorry sir, what I meant to say you've done it yet?" The man coughed blushing beetroot to his hair roots.

Guess what?

Seems like not every family is shameless like us


"No...we haven't", Igaraishi answered
"But why?"
"Err...we're taking time in understanding each other first." He shrugged back sipping his tea.
"They say physical dependency leads to emotional dependency", Alec rubbed his chin in thoughtfulness, "Seduce Takahashi san."


"Yes, Alec is right." Kevan spoke "Seduce him and get laid."

"But I don't know how to seduce him."

"Wear a red silk robe and rub your bare leg up and down on doorframe?" Kevan suggested and the image that popped up in my mind blinded me for the rest of my life. And I turned to face the camera, if there's any but let's pretend there's camera focusing on my poker face.

You imagined the camera?

"What?" Igaraishi's eyes shot up to his forehead in surprise and I couldn't blame this man for not choking to death like Donald Duck's old car.

What the hell is wrong with my similes!

"No, not like that Kev", Alec chided him and uncrossed his legs opening his mouth to say something more stupid for sure.

"Do stripping tease for the Takahashi man", and in my mind I could see Igaraishi throwing Takahashi san on bed who landed on the mattress, bouncing, with his white shirt open and Igarashi standing above him in black pumps, white collars with tie, cuffs and panties with a leather belt. Igaraishi's hands drifted lower to unbuckle his belt and lowered his panties and I quickly covered my eyes.

"Rene, you okay?" Alec touched my shoulder and I looked up grinning like Cheshire that scared him.

I'm so dead at the hands of our writer's friend for imagining this...

But who cares?

Well, I don't care

Reiji called the day off with the boys and came to sit on the chair. Takahashi had went inside the house partly to avoid Reiji and partly to discuss battle plans with Father and Jonathan. Igaraishi, went to play with the children party and scooped Ellie up in his arms ruffling her hair. I made tea for Reiji and Asuza handing them their cups.

"Reiji sama can I ask you a question?"

 Oh, No!

 Kevan you want us dead before I could see my grand children marrying?

 My inners were screaming on loud speaker yelling like Tarzan but in reality I was tongue tied, and calm like Jade Buddha.

"Ask Kevan." He spoke and his voice sent down our spines and I remembered Metallic band Within temptation's song 'Howling' line,

... I hear them getting closer
 Their howls sending chills down my spines...

"Doesn't it make you uncomfortable in your own son's body like if he's aroused near Asuza given you're his father...?"

There's a dramatic electric bolt of Zeus in the background behind me that I asked for twenty bucks and screamed at Kevan.

 Reiji spat his tea and grabbed napkin to wipe his shirt.

"And what are you trying to get at?" Reiji asked back and I could hear the blaring horn of warfare in the air.

"Look doesn't it make threesome?"

The next moment we were seeing Kevan running around the yard chased by a giant Anaconda on rampage and slammed its tail on the ground, trying to smash Kevan and sent a cloud of dust towards us.

"What's going on?" Uncle Daniel asked me rushing out of the house followed by others.

"Kevan set Reiji sama off" I answered them enjoying the live documentary on the Animal planet.

 It took half an hour to calm Reiji sama down and save Kevan. I entered the  children's room carrying bowls of ice-cream after dinner.
"Who wants ice-cream?" I interrupted the children who were jumping on the bed and squealed in excitement upon the sight of ice-cream. I handed them their bowls and pulled Sei kun in my lap pinching his cheek and the poor kid blushed rubbing his cheek. The boy was so cute and I wished I had a son like Sei kun from Jared. But it seemed like we were never going to be together even if it's end of the world.
"Do you like the flavor Sei kun?" I asked the child and bent over to wipe Ellie's mouth.
"Yes!" The nodded and smiled up at me.

I found Jared in balcony leaning over the railing. I handed him his mug of green tea after dinner and rested my back against the banister sipping tea.
"It's been long since I saw my family this happy."
"Yeah", I nodded in agreement. Jared looked at the pile of dried leaves under the tree and laughed to himself.
"Do you remember what we used to do with autumn leaves?" He asked me smiling.
"Yes, I remember. We used to jump in the pile and dump sleeping people after coating them in glue".We both laughed at the memory of the time when we did this to aunt Roselle and leaves didn't come off even after a week, though James gave us 10$ back then in appreciation.

"I'm sorry for being rude, Rene", he spoke staring into his mug.
"Look I think I should tell you that we should depart our ways."
"What? What the hell Jared?" I yelled at his back and he stopped to look over his shoulder speaking, "It's best for both of us, Renesmee."
 I looked down at the empty mug in my hand and threw at Jared who missed it by ducking down, and the mug hit Akihito's on his head who dropped cold on the floor. My eyes met with Tsubaki who just came out of the room and looked from her husband to me with wide eyes. I covered my mouth with both hands, shaking my head and made a run from there. I ran into one of the children's room and hid underneath Sei kun bed.

"Renesmee, why are you hiding?" The boy asked peeking under the bed and I raised my finger to lips hushing him down.

"If aunt Tsubaki asks you have you seen me, tell her I jumped out of the window. Ok ?" The boy nodded and I heard Tsubaki barging inside the room.
"Sei sweetheart, have you seen Renesmee?"
"She asked me to tell you that she jumped out of the window", Sei told her so innocently that I slapped my forehead with my palm.

My death is inevitable, now

I don't want to die as a Fantastic Virgin!

"Ok honey, tell Renesmee I'll meet her outside of the house underneath the window from where she had jumped." When Tsubaki left, Sei peeked down again and smiled.
" Aunt Tsubaki said she'll meet you outside under the window."


I heard a loud bang in the living room and rushed outside of the towards the source of sound. I faltered back, holding onto the doorframe when I see a giant Anaconda coiled around Kevan's body and it's head was busted out of the roof  hissing.
"I think I'll have to fix it tomorrow", Father sighed.
"What did you do this time, Kevan?" I barked at him.
"I didn't do anything", he cried. "I simply asked him how does Austin feel being sandwiched between you two in bed..."

This man never learns

Little Sei ran into the room and tugged at my sleeve.
"Why's Papa Reiji is angry?"he asked looking up at me.
"No, sweetheart he's doing exercise...and Kevan is his dumbbell"

"That's cool Papa!"

Way to go Renesmee

What's going on in my house and in my life?

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