Lights, Cameras, & Harry Styl...

By xSnowKiss

9.9M 149K 78.9K

Harry Styles will be playing your love interest. Those were the words Amber dreaded to hear. With a lot of ba... More

1: Parties, Food, & Harry Styles
2: News, Consequences, & Harry Styles
3: Trouble, Hatred, & Harry Styles
4: Rants, Madness, & Harry Styles
5: Concert, Lies, & Harry Styles
6: Donuts, Revenge, & Harry Styles
7: Movies, Popcorn, & Harry Styles
8: Dinner, Laughs, & Harry Styles
9: Showers, Directors, & Harry Styles
10: Balconies, Tears, & Harry Styles
11: Trips, Beaches, & Harry Styles
12: Beers, Confession, & Harry Styles
13: Cereal, Laughs, & Harry Styles
14: Bonfires, Marshmellows, & Harry Styles
15: Hangovers, Titanic, & Harry Styles
16: Cream, Fettuccine, & Harry Styles
17: Reconnections, Jealousy, & Harry Styles
18: Insomnia, Bonding, & Harry Styles
19: Walks, Surprises, & Harry Styles
20: Games, Carousals, & Harry Styles
21: Realization, Emma, & Harry Styles
22: Cinnamon, Tweets, & Harry Styles
23: Makeup, Scenes, & Harry Styles
24: Texts, Takeout, & Harry Styles
25: Friends, Rubbish, & Harry Styles
26: Risks, Apologies, & Harry Styles
27: Tea, Films, & Harry Styles
28: Cake, Falling, & Harry Styles
29: Lunch, Calls, & Harry Styles
30: Planes, Reunions, & Harry Styles
32: Family, Bars, & Harry Styles
33: Cars, Mistakes, & Harry Styles
34: Snogs, Decisions, & Harry Styles
35: Truth, Niall, & Harry Styles
36: Tears, Goodbyes, & Harry Styles
37: Dreams, Moments, & Harry Styles
38: Limos, Premieres, & Harry Styles
39: London, Coffee, & Harry Styles
40: Endings, Beginnings, & Harry Styles
The Soundtrack
Author's Note

31: Cupcakes, Kisses, & Harry Styles

103K 2.3K 1.4K
By xSnowKiss


When I woke up the next morning, I noticed that my pillow was gone. When I refer to my pillow, I mean Harry. In his place was a single note written in his familiar, messy handwriting. I yawn, stretching as I sit up in my seat. My back was hurting, but I ignored it. I take Harry's note between my fingers, reading it over.

Amber – I went out. Sorry for not waking you. You look cute when you sleep. I know I promised I'd stay with you, but this was really important. It doesn't mean I broke my promise. Flip the paper over.

I do as told, flipping over the small piece of paper. My lips curve into a smile. On the back, Harry had drawn a really horrible stick figure with equally horrible curly hair. Though art wasn't his area of expertise, it was absolutely adorable. Beneath it were more scribbled words

Now I'm always with you. Harry birthday! -Harry

My stomach flip-flops. It was too cute. Harry was too cute. I don't know what I was going to do with that boy. I was beginning to owe him so much.

I neatly fold up the piece of paper and tuck into my pocket, never wanting to lose it. Running my fingers through my hair, I exit the waiting room. Hopefully my father was up. I wanted to talk to him. What about? No clue. I just wanted to hear his voice; to confirm that he really was awake and with me.

"Honey?" My mother's voice startles me. She peers her head through the waiting room's door, pushing the door open further once she realizes I'm awake.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Just checking in on you," She says. "Your father's still sleeping, but he should be awake soon. Why don't we go down to the cafeteria for some breakfast in the meantime?" As if on cue, my stomach growls.

"Ok." I nod, not caring that my hair probably looked a mess or that my face screamed the word zombie. I followed my mum out the door. It felt so nice to be back in Holmes Chapel. Though the hospital wasn't my idea of 'home', my parents were.

"Happy birthday,” My mother smiles, slowing down so she was walking alongside me, "You didn't think I forgot, did you?"

"Honestly, Mum." I chuckle. "It slipped mind."

"Like always," Mum shakes her head. "Some things never change."

"That's what Dad said." I tell her, a bit of a smile appearing on my lips. Mum only continues to smile and it's only now that I realize we were standing in front of the cafeteria doors. She pulls them open and motions me inside. There weren't many people; only the workers and one or two guests. It was actually quite empty. I couldn't distinguish the smell of food either. It just smelled like the rest of the hospital.

"What would you like?" Mother asks as we approach the cashier. The lady smiles at us and waits. I scan over the menu up top, seeing there wasn't much I labeled as breakfast. In the end, I decided on a chocolate chip muffin and a small bottle of chocolate milk. Though it wasn't much, it was enough to fill my empty stomach.

My mother only orders coffee before we find a seat. Silence drifts between us as she sips her coffee and I struggle to open my muffin.

"He's a nice boy." My mother speaks up suddenly. I look up from my muffin, Harry's face popping up in my mind.


Mum nods. "I met him earlier this morning. He's a charming lad; seemed a bit familiar too."

I clear my throat, avoiding the fact that Harry was our neighbor seven years ago. "He's in a band."

"Ah," Mum taps her finger on the table. "That must be why."

I manage to open up my muffin. I smile to myself, feeling accomplished. Taking my first bite out of the muffin, I lean back in my seat. It tasted surprisingly good.

"How's the movie coming along?" Mum decides to ask.

"Brilliant." I tell her, taking a sip of my chocolate milk. "Harry's actually playing in the movie too."

"Oh, really?" Mum questions. "Is that how you two met?"

I open my mouth respond, a blush creeping up on my cheeks. "It's kind of a long story."

"I have time." Mum offers, but I quickly shake my head.

"I'll tell you." I promise. "Just not now; I really want to check up on Dad."

Mum nods in understanding. "Go ahead up. Take your muffin."

"Love you." I smile, taking the milk and muffin before exiting the cafeteria. On my way to Dad's room I snack on the muffin in hopes of finishing it. When I approach his door, I toss the last bit into my mouth before stepping inside.

"Amber," My Dad's groggy voice says right away. Smiling, I hurry and take the seat beside him.

"Morning, Daddy." I chirp, glad to be able to say those two words.

"Good morning," He smiles back. "And happy birthday, Princess." My smile widens and my cheeks become crimson. He hasn't called me Princess in years. I used to hate it when he called me that. I never straight up told him though, but he knew it embarrassed me. It was different now. Hearing him call me Princess brought back so many memories I didn't to let go of. I'm lucky to have him as my father. He was always to chill. He never yelled at me and when he did, it's because I severely disobeyed him. Otherwise, he would never yell at me at all. We had so much fun together. I want things to be the way they used too. My Dad was my best friend.

"Thanks, Dad."

He reaches over and takes my hand. "I still can't believe it." His eyes scan up and down my body. "It's like a dream."

"Such a vivid dream," I whisper. He smiles.

All of the sudden a knock on the door startles us both. I look back wondering who it could possibly be. Maybe it was Mum.

"Ah, that should be the nurse." Dad props himself up into a sitting position before I have a chance of offering him help, "Come in."

As told, the door opens in the nurse walks in. She’s everything you’d expect a nurse to be: average height, brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and a nurse’s uniform. She was smiling, holding up an object in her hands.

“Your order is ready, Mr. Skywood.” She tells my dad, walking over to me instead. She holds out her hands. “Happy birthday,” My lips form a small ‘o’. In her hands was a small cupcake with a single candle. It was nothing big, yet it felt like everything.

“Dad, you didn’t have too.” I find myself saying, surprised that somehow between last night and this morning he had requested a cupcake for my birthday.

“Yes, I did.” He points out. “I told you I wanted to make up for all the years I missed.” The nurse places the cupcake in my hands and digs out a lighter. She flips it on and lights the candle, smiling the entire time. Before she can turn around and leave, my dad stops her.

“Please, Miss.” He says. “Stay.” That was my dad; always kind to others.

“Thank you.” The nurse smiles sweetly, stepping back.

“Ok,” Dad claps his hands together. “You ready?”

“Ready for what?” I question with a confused expression falling on my face.

“This.” And then he begins singing, the nurse joining in. I can’t help but laugh as they sing the Happy Birthday song. My Dad was never a great singer and I used to tease him about it. Like he said last night and like my mum said this morning, some things never change.

“Happy birthday, Amber,” They both sing, “Happy birthday to youuuu...”

“Make a wish!” Dad orders. I nod, closing my eyes and blowing out the candle. I smile.

“What did you wish for?” Dad asks. I take his hand, grinning at him.

“It’s a secret.”

Dad wiggles his eyebrows. “Is that so?” I nod.

“Have a happy birthday!” The nurse waves at me before excusing herself and leaving. Once she closes the door behind her, Dad motions to the cupcake. “Are you going to try it?”

I bite my lip, peeling off the bottom wrapping and holding the mini cupcake out to my father. “Take half.”

“Amber-“ He begins to argue, but I cut him off.

“Take it.”

He sighs, reaching out and taking the cupcake in his hands. I motion for him to take a bite and he does, his eyebrows furrowing together as he chews.

“Not bad.” He says afterwards. “Not bad for a hospital cupcake.” I laugh at his comment before trying it out myself. Sure enough, it didn’t taste at all bad. It was quite good. Not brilliant, but good.

“Amber?” My mother appears, pushing the door open to look at me. “Oh! Goodmorning,

Edward.” She greets my father. “Morning, love.” He replies.

My mother blushes before clearing her throat. “Amber, a certain someone is waiting for you outside. He told me to tell you there’s some place he would like to take you.”

I chew on my lip, knowing she was talking about Harry. I didn’t want to leave my father, but I also didn’t want to say no to Harry.

“Mum,” I start saying.

“I’ll stay with your father.” She tells me. “Go on.”


“Go ahead, Amber.” My father speaks with a curious look on his face. “Whatever it is, go ahead.”

I exhale, deciding that maybe I should go. “Ok.” I give in. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He confirms. “Now go on.” Before I get up to leave, I give him a quick hug, breathing in his scent. “Don’t worry about me.” He whispers. Nodding, I pull away. Hesitantly, I leave the room, wondering what Harry possibly wanted to show me. I smile and greet the nurses as I pass, feeling quite happy today. When I finally reach the front doors, Harry’s the first thing I see on the other side. He’s waiting on the steps, his hands tucked into the pocket of his jeans. He’s wearing a light, gray shirt with the word ‘Lover’ printed over a red heart on its small pocket, and a coffee-colored beanie; a few of his curls sticking out from the sides. He smiles sheepishly when he sees me, both his dimples more visible than ever.

“Got the note?” He asks once I’m standing right in front of him, returning his shy smile.

“Yes.” I breathe, feeling oddly nervous. “I did.”


It’s silent for a while between us before I decide to ask, “Where did you go?”

“Home,” He tells me at first. “To shower, change, and visit my family.”

“Where else?” I continue asking, knowing that wasn’t the only place he’d visited. It was written all over his face.

He only winks. “I’ll show you.”

“Show me-“ I don’t have the chance of asking anything else. His hands grab my around the waist and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal, pounding gently on his back.

“Harry!” I protest. “I can walk!” He laughs, sending shivers down my spine. Without a word, he opens the door to a silver Audi R8 Coupe. I knew right away it was his. Who else could afford such a car?

“Harry!” I shout again, but he throws me into the passenger seat. Not necessarily throws me; he gently dropped me into the seat, shutting the door and making his way around the car. He slides into the driver’s seat, starting the engine and flashing me a smile.

“Sorry, babe,” He apologizes. “Happy birthday,”

I show him my tongue, crossing my arms. “You’re a real, big jer-“ He cuts me off, his lips slamming against mine in a quick, chaste kiss. If he was trying to shut me up, it worked. He leans away, smirking as he pulls out of the driveway. I sink in my seat, feeling dizzy. I was starting to hate his effect over me, yet love it at the same time. It was bitter sweet.

“You know I hate surprises.” I mumble after a few minutes of driving. Harry chuckles.

“What’s your point?”

I purse my lips. “Can’t you tell me where we’re going?”

“No.” Of course not. I sigh.

“Will it take long?”

Harry thinks about this. “It might.”

Another sigh. “I just really want to go back to my dad...”

Harry fakes a hurt expression. “You don’t want to spend time with me?”

Even though he was joking, I felt bad. “No. Yes. Harry...” I frown. “You know I do. It’s just-“

“I’m kidding.” He shakes his head and laughs softly. “I understand that you want to be with your dad. I would too.” One hand lets go of the wheel and he reaches over, taking my small hand in his large one. “So don’t worry. I’ll take you back to him.”

I can’t help but smile at him. “Harry, I...”

His eyebrows furrow together. “You what?”

I shake my head and sigh. “Nevermind.”

The curly-haired boy frowns. “Why do you keep doing that?”

“Doing what?”

“Start telling me something and saying ‘never mind’,” He looks at me curiously.
I simply shake my head again. “It’s nothing.” He doesn’t question me any further, the confused expression not leaving his face as he focuses back on the road. The rest of the ride is silent. I can tell

Harry’s lost in his own thoughts while I just lean my head against the window, watching as cars and tress pass us by. I hadn’t even realized when Harry brought the car to a stop, signaling that we’ve arrived.

“We’re here.” He informs, stepping out of the car and coming around to open my door. He takes my hand, helping me out. When I glance at my surroundings, everything ends up being something I didn’t expect. For some reason I’d expected him to bring some place cheesy or romantic; like another carnival. Instead, we were standing in front of a bakery. Not only that, but also the word ‘CLOSED’ was visible on the window.

“What are we doing here?” The questions start again. “What is this?”

“This,” Harry motions me forward. He digs a key out of his pocket, inserting it into the doorknob. “This is W Mandeville. The bakery I used to work in.” I continue to stare at the small building, trying to imagine the curly-haired, green-eyed lad standing behind the counter and handing cupcakes to small children.

“Why are we here?” I ask again as Harry pushes open the door and leads me inside. He quickly flicks on the lights, revealing the wooden walls and floors. I could even smell the sweet aroma of freshly made chocolate ca-

Freshly made chocolate cake?

“Harry,” I begin to say slowly. “I smell cake.”

The tilts his head back and laughs. “Correction: cupcakes.”

“More cupcakes?!” I exclaim, turning to face Harry.

“Did you and my dad plan this?”

More laughter from Harry. “Amber, I haven’t even met your father yet.” He strolls past me and behind the counter, opening up a door that I assumed led into the kitchen and disappearing. I wait patiently, tapping my foot and glancing at my surroundings.

Harry’s back in no time, a batch of decorated cupcakes in his hands; a big batch. “Happy birthday.” He smiles, placing the batch on the counter. I walk over, examining the cupcakes. They smelt brilliant.

“Wow...” I speak up at last. “That’s a lot of cupcakes.”

“Nineteen.” Harry points out. “Since today you’ve lived for nineteen years.”

Absentmindedly, I chuckle. “Did you bake these?”

“From scratch,” He grins proudly.

“Ooohh,” I wink. Ever since he made that pasta at the beach house, Harry’s cooking has been my favorite. “Can I try one?” I don’t let him respond. I reach for one of the cupcakes and begin lifting it toward my lips.

“Wait!” Harry stops me. “They’re not to eat.”

A frown forms on my lips as I stare at the cupcake in my hands. “It looks oddly edible.”

“Well, yeah.” Harry admits. “But...” I don’t have a chance to react. He takes on of the cupcakes and slams onto my face. I gasp, wiping icing from my eyes.

“HARRY!” I scream. “What the hell?!” He bursts out laughing, holding his stomach as he does so, I scowl.

“It’s a tradition.” Harry explains after he calms down a bit. “Whenever it’s one of our birthdays, the lads and I bake cupcakes and have a cupcake war. I thought it would be fun.” A glint of mischief appears in my eyes. “Oh, it will be fun.” Before he could react, I take of one the cupcakes and chuck it at his head. The icing sticks to his curls and the rest of the cupcake falls to the ground.

He smirks. "It's war."

I can't describe what happens next. Before we knew it we were both covered in icing from head to toe, smashed cupcakes covering the walls and floors of the bakery.

"You've got a little something there." Harry chuckles, innocently pointing at a bit of icing hanging off my lip. I swat at his hand.


This time he laughs. "Happy Birthday, love." 

I blush, opening my lips to say thank you but he cuts me off. His lips are on mine in seconds and we're kissing. I tangle my hands in his curls and pull him close, feeling his warmth against me.

Harry spins me around and pushes me against the cupcake-covered wall, kissing me harder but passionately. The kiss seems to last forever and ever. I can honestly say this has been the best birthday ever. No doubt about it.

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