House of Dicks - Literally [R...

Oleh Bitexme

475K 6.8K 1.5K

Serafina; a teenager going through the trials for high school just like any other. Until, one day her father... Lebih Banyak

House of Dicks - Literally
2. House of Dicks - Literally
3. House of Dicks - Literally
4. House of Dicks - Literally
5. House of Dicks - Literally
6. House of Dicks - Literally
7. House of Dicks - Literally
8. House of Dicks - Literally
10. House of Dicks - Literally
11. House of Dicks - Literally
12. House of Dicks - Literally
13. House of Dicks - Literally
14. House of Dicks - Literally
15. House of Dicks - Literally
16. House of Dicks - Literally
17. House of Dicks - Literally
18. House of Dicks - Literally
19. House of Dicks - Literally
20. House of Dicks - Literally
21. House of Dicks - Literally
22. House of Dicks - Literally
23. House of Dicks - Literally
24. House of Dicks - Literally
25. House of Dicks - Literally
26. House of Dicks - Literally
Epilouge. House of Dicks - Literally
Carpe Diem: Seize the Day - The Sequel

9. House of Dicks - Literally

19.5K 288 30
Oleh Bitexme


I was dozing in and out of sleep the whole way; and about 40 minutes later we arrive home.

"V iyour staying with us right?"

"Yeah my stuff is already inside. Thanks Helta"

We all piled out and Emery grabbed my bags and his, I went to unlock the door and noticed we were not alone.

There were a couple of maids and butlers, some I recognized others I didn't.

"Hello dear! How is everything?" Mimi was like my grandmother, always baking a fresh batch of cookies.

"Hey Mimi! I've missed you, who are these new people?"

"They are just cleaning up the place; they come once a week to dust and things. I am getting too old to do that now" she smiled and I could see years of laugh lines showing around her eyes and mouth.

"Mimi, come on what are you 20? 25?" I asked laughing knowing fully well she was older.

"Honey, that's my grandson's age! Avi, sweetie I didn't see you there, come here!" she smiled and gave Avi a tight squeeze.

I looked up to see Mimi had tears in her eyes, "I guess you know?" I said barley above a whisper.

"Come here girls, I'm so sorry, I miss him so much!" we all just cried together as the boys stood awkwardly behind us.

I put my arms downs and grabbed Emery's hand while Caleb moved to stand close to Avi. Mimi looked at us raising an eyebrow.

"And who is this?"

"Emery Ma'am; I am Fire's boyfriend" now it was my turn to raise my eyebrow.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Yes" he said and put his arm firmly on my waist drawing me closer to him. I smiled to myself,

"And you are?" she asked Caleb who was standing too close to Avi to be called friends.

Caleb just stared not know what to say, when Avi grabbed his hand, "He's my boyfriend"

We all looked shocked, but happy; we knew it was going to happen eventually. I smiled and looked at them both blushing, it might as well be part of their skin, and they always seem to be blushing around me each other.

"Mimi, that's Caleb, behind me are Asher, Landon, Chris and Raven, there my friends from school. They'll be staying with us here. Boys, and Avi, go pick your room, expect my parents, mine and uh, Derek's"

We all made our way upstairs; the boys calling dibs on their choice.

Emery and I walked to my room in silence. When we got there I shut my door out of habit, I hate it when it's open. I walked over to my desk where a huge corkboard was hanging with pictures and memories from my life. I looked at the one with me Derek and Avi on my 16th birthday, then at one with just me and Derek when he taught me to ride a bike. I didn't realize I was crying till Emery hugged me from behind wiping the tears off my face.

"Don't be sad baby, he wouldn't want it. I can't say everything will be alright, because I know it won't. I'm not going to tell you to forget him, because I wouldn't want that. I am just going to tell you to keep going. Don't let this stop your life, just live it with the reminder of Derek always being there"

No other person could have made me feel the way Emery did right now. I was bursting with sadness and love; I didn't know what to say. I just turned around and gave him the softest kiss on his lips. He didn't seem inclined to let me go. He kissed me harder as I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to my bed.

We were getting carried away and our shirts were somewhere on the floor, I love him so much, but I just wasn't ready for this.

"Emery?" I asked between gasps, his lips never left my skins, kisses trailing along my jaw down my neck to my collarbone. I gasped again as he found my soft spot, I can feel him smiling against my skin as he continue to suck there. I suddenly forgot what I was about to say when the door burst open.

We both jumped off each other me clutching a pillow to my chest. Raven was standing at my door trying not to laugh.

"What?" I was scowling at him, he ruined a really good moment, even if it was headed somewhere I didn't want it to.

"Um, dinner's ready, but don't worry I'll tell them you're...busy..." I threw the pillow at him, then I suddenly realized I was topless, but before him or I can react; Emery was in front of him pushing him out and slamming the door in his face.

I laugh and get up while covering my chest. I walk to my closet to see it is just as I left it. I still had my jeans thrown over my chair and my extra make up lying across my desk. I fixed my bra, considering two of the three notches were undone, and an over size T-shirt then walk out pulling Emery, now dressed with me.

We walk to the dining room and everyone is already sitting leaving my spot and the one on the left empty for Emery.

"What took you two so long?" Asks Raven with a playful smirk. I just walk past him and smack his head then continue on to my seat.

"So what's for dinner?"

"We're having chicken noodle soup with thing crust pizza and garlic bread" Mimi answers just as Shookie - the chef - brings out our food. Funny how only me and Emery and Avi and Caleb were the only one's not to eat the garlic bread, the other boys gladly helped themselves to seconds.

"Sweetie, the army sergeant called; said the funeral will be held in 3 days at the local army cemetery. And we still haven't heard from your parents. I'm sorry" Mimi kissed me and Avi on the head and left us in peace.

It was the quietest dinner we have ever had.


Three days later...

The past three days have gone by in a blur. The boys knew to stay out of our way and Emery was there when I needed a hug.

I was pretty crazy snapping at everyone and running up my parent's phone bill trying to reach them. No success.

It's the morning of the funeral and I'm lying on my bed in my black knee length dress. Pain, numbness, depression; everything I'm feeling now.

There's a knock at the door and Emery walks in.

"Hey Babe, it's time to go"

I numbly get up and fix my dress; the reality is suddenly dawning on me of Derek's death.

I walk over to him and he kisses my head leading me to the limo outside. Ironically as we were driving, it started to rain. I stared aimlessly as the rain drops collided with the window.

We past the stone boulders marking the entry of the cemetery - G-d I hate this place, it's so creepy. I keep thinking zombies are going to walk out of the trees and grab me. That's something Derek would say... Oh G-d. I started crying again as Emery rubbed my back soothingly.

I looked to where people now gathered and I saw Jeremy, Derek's best friend. They were complete twins; from their body appearance to their personality. They dated identical twins once, that didn't end up to good... I yanked out of Emery's grasp and ran to him. Rain mixed with salty tears poured down my face as I yelled at him.

"You bastard! You let him go! You promised me nothing would happen to him! I hate you bastard!" I was continually smacking him in the chest. They have been friends since JK, he's always been there, nothing but brotherly sisterly love though. I can see him crying from the redness of his eyes.

I was falling to the floor from exhaustion, but he caught me and pulled me in a hug. I hugged him back and I can feel the ground disappear from underneath. We stayed like that with the rain drenching us for what felt like forever. Avi came over and he gave her a tight squeeze but quickly let go because we had to say speeches and prayers.

A few family relatives said some words and Jeremy said a speech but cut short because he was crying to hard.

Now it was my turn. Emery gave ma kick kiss on my head and offered to give me the umbrella - I decline. I like the rain, its cleansing, refreshing, and no one can see me crying.

"Derek, I , uh ," I stopped and took a few breaths. Emery was about to come to me but Avi shook her head no, so he stayed put. I can see the worry and concern in his eyes. He didn't know my brother, but seeing me like this was tearing him apart.

"Derek; my big brother, protector, best friend and my father. I told you not to go to that stupid war. I love you, I miss you. I wish you could see how happy I am right now " I said this part looking at Emery, even though I know my eyes were filled with sadness, my body was radiating love. "I'm sorry about mom and dad; I don't know where they are. It's always has been me and you huh? So much has changed since I went off to school; I wish I could have told you everything. I know your with me, I can feel it, I don't know how but I can. And I think if you didn't approve of Emery, you would have haunted his ass back to his own room" I cracked a smile "Don't worry, Jeremy can do it now. D, I love you so much, my heart aches knowing your not here anymore. I miss you, I love you, your baby sister" I placed a white lily on his casket, the true symbol of death.

With a few more prayers said, they did that weird army salute thing and the casket was lowered down to beneath the earth.

I went to hug Jeremy good bye one last time before I left.

"Don't worry babe, I'm going to protect you. I'm not going to take Derek's place, but I'll be here okay. I'm flying back to Wisconsin tomorrow afternoon so I want to see you before I go okay?" I nod my head yes.

"Come over for dinner tonight, I want you to meet Emery, and Avi has a boyfriend now too"

"Well then it's a good thing I'm coming over for dinner, it's going to be tiring beating up two guys" I gave him a small smile and pecked him on the cheek and told him to come around 7. He nodded and watched me walk off to the limo.

When we got home I went to change and lie down in bed. I felt the bed dip on the other side signalling someone is there to. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to Emery's chest. He put his arm around me and kissed my head when I realized something wasn't right. He smelled of apples and honey, sweet, not like axe and spice, hot. I opened eyes only to see Asher staring down at me with lust filled eyes.

The shock caused a light scream to escape from my lips and fall off the bed pulling him down on top of me. I really need to stop doing this to guys.

Even if the scream wasn't loud, all the boys burst into the room, Emery being at the head; saw Asher on top of me and pulled him off and threw him against the wall. I screamed at him to stop but he wouldn't listen and instead of having a re-peat of last time I used wind to pull Emery away and towards me. I put my arms around him and froze him in place, but him being mad - fire radiated off his skin erupting both of us in flames. Nothing could happen after that because we heard a scream and then a thud of someone fainting near the door.

Snapping us all back to reality we looked to see an unconscious Avi slumped in Caleb's arms.


Just as time froze - it unfroze. I gasped and ran to the limp body in Caleb's arms.

"Give her to me!" I yelled as I ripped her out of his arms, surprised at how light she was, and gently laid her on my bed. I went to my bathroom to a wash cloth and rinsed it with cool water.

I softly laid it on her forehead trying to will her awake.

It's been 3 hours and Jeremy called to see if I was okay. I told him everything is fine and he told me he couldn't make dinner but he would see me before his flight left tomorrow.

I sat next to Avi with the boys flocked about the room. Caleb was on the other side of her holding her hands silently pleading for her to wake. The previous encounter with Asher and I has long been forgotten and worry has replaced our sadness.

"Do you believe in fairytales?" I asked numbly, not really caring if anyone heard me.

"What kind of fairytales?" someone said, I think Landon.

"Where the prince kisses the princess and she wakes from eternity of slumber"

"But only if he is her true prince. If not she is bound by love to forever sleep." I finished.

"So your saying, I have to kiss her, if she wakes up she's my soul mate if not, then she's a high school crush?" asked Caleb with the most shocked expression. Truthfully, I can not show any more emotions, just numbness that is slowly seeping through my body.

"Does everyone have soul mates?" I thought it was just because of the prophecy.

"Only Rouge's and the royalty of each species; it kind of insures that their bloodline will continue on" Answered Chris, was he there the whole time?

"So are you going to do it?" I don't think I can bear losing someone else. Her mind is in its defence state, where the impossible just became the possible and it's too much for her to comprehend therefore her mind just shut down.

"Very good" murmured Emery.

He took a deep breath and started leaning forward but stopped, "What if it doesn't, I mean I've known her for a couple of weeks but we just met. I'll be crushed if it's not me - "

"Caleb, do you love her?" Emery asked

He just looked at her and brushed her hair out of her eyes, "Yes" and he kissed her lightly at first then with more pressure.

We all just stared; when nothing happened I started crying and ran out of the room with Emery behind me.

He hugged me and allowed me to cry when someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see Landon.

"What?" I asked, not bitchy, just like I didn't care about anything now.

"Come in the room please"

"So I can see my best friends dead body lying on my bed!" I yelled; what the hell!

Emery would have to drag me back to my room with me yelling and screaming.

"Don't you think I've seen enough death?!" Emery, I don't think I can take much more of this, I pleaded in my thoughts.

He turned to Landon and told him we'll be there in a second.

"Babe, Serafina, look at me" he grabbed my chin so I had no choice. "Your strong, I know you are, you beat the shit out of me and you're still standing after everything you've been through and still with me even though you know what you have to do. I can't promise you no more deaths, but I can promise you, you will be okay. I can promise you it will all work out. I can promise you I will never leave you. Okay?" I nodded and he kissed my head.

I walked in my room to see Avi sitting on my bed arms crossed glaring at me with Caleb hugging her from behind.

"You, Missy, have a lot of explaining to do"

I screamed running up to her ripping her from Caleb's grasp. 'You always do that, it's got to stop' he murmured.

"If you ever scare the shit out of me like that again I will personally torch your body! You got it! Now we are all going to have a nice dinner, no I feel like swimming and a drink, were all going to go sit in the hot tub outside and we will explain everything" I turn to the boys, "Do you think a drink is necessary?" asked Chris, I didn't bother replying, they know I'm going to have one either way.

"Now, go put on your bathing suit, I'll go get the drinks" everyone shuffled out to go and change.

I put on my two piece bathing suit; it was plain black with gold lining. I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed some towels to go turn on the bubbles.

I jumped at the sound of the wall being smashed through, and I run into the house to see what happened.

Emery is holding Asher by the collar of his shirt talking in his ear; where the hell is everyone else!

I listen to his thoughts to see what he's saying;

Emery's POV

I immediately started breathing again, even with all my soothing words to Fire, I knew if one more death happened, the one of her best friend, she wouldn't be able to handle it. If she was gone, there was no more reason to live. I would be gone as well. The whole time Asher was contemplating on how to talk to her; tell her what I don't know, he wasn't thinking about it.

Time to finish my lesson.

I changed pretty quickly so I went to wait for Asher downstairs. I saw him walking past me inclined on speaking with Fire.

I grabbed the back of his shirt and pushed him against the wall creating a huge whole, oops. I turned him over so he was looking directly to me, since I'm taller then him; his feet were off the floor.

"If you ever try to pull a move on my girlfriend again, or simply look at her the wrong way, I will personally rip your throat out; cousin or not" then I dropped him and turned around to see a fuming Fire.


Serafina's POV:

I can hear every though in his head, every word spoken. He was worried about me I know, he trusts me, its Asher he doesn't trust.

And cousin? I didn't know they were related.

I was pissed because he just threatened my friend and who know what else he's hiding. I was about to scold him when everyone came down the stairs.

"You know I was about to yell, why would you come down now?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. The boys, and well the school, know when I'm angry because the temperature raises considerably before I start fuming.

"I am quite fond of your house sweetie and I think your friend over there deserves to know some answer. But don't worry you two are connected in the mind, he can't hide from you" Chris says putting his arm on my shoulder leading me to the hot tub.

"I thought we're getting drinks?" asked Landon.

"Pfft, and you thought I was an alcoholic. A bar pops out the side, now come on before I change my mind".

We all sat in the tub, Emery tried pulling me in his lap but I sat in between Raven and Landon instead. He got mad and picked me up placing me on his lap, I tried to squirm but the damn guy it just too strong. I've seen the guys plenty of times without tops so there muscles wasn't much of a shock to me, Avi on the other looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

This is how we sat; me on top of Emery, not by choice, Raven to our right, Chris next to him, Asher next to Chris, Landon on my left, and finally the new love birds. With the hold Caleb has on Avi, she's not going anywhere, but I don't think she minds too much.

I took a deep breath and turned towards Avi.

"Avani, this is really serious what I'm about to tell you. You can't tell anyone, for all our safety. It's going to be a bit of a shock, and I didn't tell you for good reasons; one being I didn't want you to go insane, no offence" I started to hesitate but no one said a word.

Emery was rubbing my back helping me calm down, I was happy I was in his lap now. I leaned back against him and he held my waist tight; as if the wind might blow me away.

I put my attention back on Avi and began our story; starting from takeoff.


100 Fans Woot Woot!!!!!!

Enjoy my lovleys!!!!!


© Bitexme

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