Adopted by MCR

By XxKilljoyFaggotxX

11K 359 141


8 (triggering)
A/n Check my other fanfic! (Plz)


1.3K 23 11
By XxKilljoyFaggotxX

Its Monday and I'm really not fucking ready for school I have no friends and constantly get teased for various things, nobody really cares about my existence anymore.

Today was also adoption day, another thing about the day I'm dreading, I'm never anybodies choice which doesn't bother me.

Anyway its 6:00 am and i have to get ready, i sigh and get up to brush my scruffy red (emo) hair and put some eyeliner on.

(Outfit on top of screen)

I sit back on my bed and notice its only 6:40 am and i have school at 8:00 am so i grab my acoustic and play some Green Day songs until 7:50 am.
Its now 7:50 am so i've got to catch the bus...

I wait outside at the bus stop with some other kids from my orphanage and the bus finally arrives.

I get on awkwardly and pay, i then swiftly made my way through to the back of the bus where no one was.

I plug my earphones in and play Asking Alexandria - the black full album playlist on blast
I was at dinner alone like normal, on a table only i ever sit on. Dick heads kept shouting 'British gay lord' and 'faggot' to me... ive never really fit in here because this is america and im from Britain...

I sound way too posh, im not even that posh but im posh for someone from Yorkshire
Im finally back at the orphanage and im not sure how i lasted another damn day in hell.

Weirdly to say i love music like AA, i dont like too much noise outside of the music word because it makes me freak the fuck out.

*knock knock*

"the fuck do you want" i blurt out accidentally, i face palm in my own comfort "just telling you have to be downstairs...Dee" the girl who bullies me (Stacey) says

"Stacey fuck off, and don't call me Dee"

"Hey Dee how'd ya know it was me!?" She replies laughing "only you call me that, and you do it to piss me off" i grit my teeth.

"Just come out your hole, im sure the new adopters would want to see your cuts, i bet they have cuts too, they are probably your gay long lost parents" i freeze, how did she know!? And gay parents??

I growl and open my door, she runs down the stairs as fast as she can and falls on the stairs, i laugh so hard.

"Im Gerard and this is Mikey" i hear as i start walk down the stairs "Gerard and Mikey!?" I shout confused "yeah" a man giggles, i get to the bottom of the stairs and see Gerard and Mikey Way...

Wait Stacey said they are gay together, well she is dumb as fuck then... They are clearly brothers for fuck sake

The lads stare at me and smile, Gee whispers something to Mikey and nods.

They approach me...

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