The Rich Kid (sXs)

By lyethefry

123K 5.5K 1.6K

(Stud×Stud) Queen's that girl. You know? The one in every movie and every book that's the poor girl with the... More

X | Disclaimer
X | Prologue
1 | I'm The New Kid
2 | The Baby Project
3 | Let The Project Begin
4 | True Colors
5 | New York?
6 | Family
7 | Surprise
8 | What's The Temperature?
9 | Lust or Love?
10 | Who Knew
11 | Jealous or...?
13 | Perfection
14 | Trouble in Paradise #1
15 | Trouble in Paradise #2
16 | Half Truths
17 | Just Friends?
18 | Baby Mama
19 | Noche De Cita

12 | Positive

4.9K 242 248
By lyethefry

12 | Positive

Aye, where are my readers from? I'm just curious.. I'm from Louisiana, what about y'all? Comment where you from... & enjoy ;)

- Korine's P.O.V. -

I blinked dumbly at the pregnancy test--a tear sliding down my cheek--as I sit here trying so hard to wrap around my brain the fact that I'm pregnant.

No, that can't be right. I think, so I try another pregnancy test... and another one. They all read positive. And I'm stuck. Stuck in time. Because... this-this can't be happening to me. My mind can't process the information and I don't know if it will any time soon.

What will my mom say? My dad? My family? Kayla?

What if she doesn't want anything to do with me after she finds out that I'm pregnant with Josh's baby? I can't possibly tell her....

Me and Kayla have finally gotten into a relationship and I'm finally happy and now this happens.

"Korine!" I hear, and I snap out of my daze. After a few seconds my mouth speaks on its on.

"Yes?!" I yell back.

"Do you need any pads or anything from the store? Because I'm about to leave!" My mom yells back, and another tear falls. I've never wished to tell her I'm gonna need pads so much in my life.

"Yes ma'am!" I yell back and she says okay then leaves the house. Moments later I hear my phone buzzing on the counter and it's Kayla....

- Queen's P.O.V. -

I hang up the phone and slid it in my back pocket in relief. I don't know how I feel about meeting up with Temper later on, but I need to so I can see if I want to continue seeing her or just end things while I can. Because at this point I don't know if Ace truly wants me or if she was simply acting on impulse and her hormones. I mean... I can't forget that I'm talking about one of the school's biggest players. Ace's phone is constantly lighting up with text messages but I often just turn a blind eye to it. It's not like she's gonna tell me anyways...

"Hey Queen." I hear, and I turn around swiftly to look at Ace.


"About that night after the party... I've been lying. There is something that happened and I don't have it under control."

Well no duh, Sherlock.

I nod my head silently, waiting for her to continue. "Well it all started when I went home..."

- Kayla's P.O.V. -

Korine said that she would call me in the morning yesterday but it's twelve now and I haven't even received a text from her... so I call her.

"Hello?" I finally hear her voice but it sounds different, it sounds distant.

"You okay?" I ask, then I hear the echoe of my voice and realize that I'm on speaker. Maybe that's why she sounds so far away.

"Yea. Why'd you ask that?" Korine tries to change her voice but I hear the falseness in her tone.

"Because you sound funny. Do I need to come over?" I know she's probably going to say no because her parents don't yet know about us and I don't even know if they approve of our gay lifestyle.

"U-Uhm... yea. That's alright. My mom won't be back for another hour or so.. Wait. She won't be back til five apparently. She just texted me."

I nodded my head. "Send me the address. I'll be there in five." I said then hung up, heading out the door.


I rung the doorbell and a little while later a tired looking Korine opens the door. I smile at her, 'Hey baby." I go in to kiss her lips but she turns to the side and my lips land on her cheek. I pull away frowning.

"What was that for?"

"The neighbors," she motions her eyes behind me, "they love to gossip and I don't want to be one of their topics." Korine moves to the side, letting me in then closes the door.

I follow her to her bedroom. "Fuck them."

"It's not that simple." She whispers, and I barely hear her. I grab her waist firmly, and she stops. I turn Korine around so she's facing me, as I look down into her sad yet beautiful brown eyes.

"And why not? Are what they saying more important than me showing my affection openly to you? Because if it is let me know now."

She bites her lip slowly, then bows her head and I tilt it back up with my finger. Korine looks up at me with big saddened eyes saying, "You're right. But can you just give me a little time to adjust to this. You have to understand that I've been dating guys my entire life." I nodded in understanding. I get it.

"So you're fine with that?" She blinked.

"Yea baby." I smiled at her, and picked her up pulling her into a tight hug.

Korine smiled for a few seconds then it slowly faded away. As if what she had buried in the back of her mind had come back up to the surface.

What is up with these mood swings though? She's starting to act like Ace's bitch ass.

"Seriously though.. What's your problem Korine? Is it something you need to tell me?"

"I... I-I'm..." She trailed off.

"You're what?"

"I-I'm not... I'm..."

"Babe spit it out." I said half annoyed.

"IthinkI'mpregant." She ran her words together quickly but I knew what she said.

I took a step back from her, lost for words. "Kayla say something, please." She walked towards me looking worried as ever.

"Whose baby is it?" I looked at her, and then her stomach.

It's a baby in there.

"It has to be Josh's." She said with tears in her eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I thought you said you had never-"

Korine cut me off, "I know but he didn't have my consent. And I didn't think it should count if it wasn't willingly. Plus, I didn't know what you would think of me if I told you."

After all this time I've looked at Korine from afar and envisioned her as the perfect girl with a perfect little life, and now that I know her I know that you sure as hell can't judge a book by it's cover.

"Babe." I finally walked up to her and engulfed her in a light embrace. I could hear her crying. "I'm not going anywhere no matter what. I just never knew so much could come in such a small package." I smiled at her, and kissed her tears away that were falling on her perfect chocolate cheeks.

And then suddenly I grow angry.. Angry that this has happened to my girl and even though I know there was no way I could've prevented this, I just wish I should've. But I know this isn't the time to let out my frustrations, so I stay calm for Korine's sake.

"But why didn't you call the police on him?" I questioned.

"It's no use. His mom is a judge and has friends throughout the entire justice system. Even if I did call the cops the most he would get is probation. Plus there's no evidence that it ever happened."

"That's beyond fucked up."

"I know."

"And how am I gonna tell my parents about this? What if they don't except me because I'm bi? Or because I'm pregnant? Baby this is too much." Korine cried even more into my chest.

"We can tell them together and if they don't want anything to do with you then you can come stay with me. Does that sound fine?" I questioned and she nodded her head with a small smile.

I reflected her smile and pecked her lips then kneeleed down to do the same to her stomach. "I hope it's a girl." I smile and say, looking up at her.

- Ace's P.O.V. -

I look down at my fingers nervously, biting my lip as Queen waits patiently for me to spit it out. I take in a deep breath and open my mouth slowly.

I can't believe I'm about to do this..

I'm about to confess to Queen that I killed my dad's mistress.....

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