Affair | CAKE

By lvergurl

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where luke is a teacher and meets a man who's been having problems with his wife. dom!calum [ON HOLD] More



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By lvergurl

The moon and the stars hanged up high in the sky as Calum sat down on the soft grainy sand. The waves crashed loudly as he threw small little pebbles he kept finding under the sand.

It was two thirty seven in the morning. He couldn't sleep and his thoughts were everywhere. Calum liked going to the beach on nights like these because it helped him relax.

His thoughts were causing a large hurricane inside his head. All of them were surrounded around a certain blonde, blue eyed boy. Calum has tried to find ways to bump into the blonde again and has tried to call him, but every time he does he chickens out.

One thing that wouldn't get out of his head was who the boy Luke was with yesterday was. Did Luke move on already? Did he have a new boyfriend? Who was he?

Shaking his head Calum pulled his phone out of his pocket to look at the time, seven forty one.

Setting his phone on the sand in front of him Calum smiled at his lock screen; a picture of Luke kissing his cheek while his eyes were closed and he had the biggest smile.

The picture was taken days before everything happened. He missed it. He missed Luke.

Staring at his phone while tapping his fingers in the tap Calum began to debate whether to call Luke or not.

He weighed out the pros and cons. The con's ended up weighing out the pro's.

Luke had been staring at his eggshell, uneven ceiling for the past four hours. It was two fourty two. He couldn't fall asleep, he had way to many things on his mind. He was thankful it was still the weekend and he didn't have to worry about falling asleep in the middle of teaching his class.

Sighing Luke closed his eyes and tried to force his body to fall asleep and for his mind to shut up. It wouldn't listen.

After ten minutes of trying to sleep Luke gave up. Opening his eyes once again Luke began to count sheep. When that didn't work he started singing a song in his mind while slightly humming to he beat.

It was two fifty six when his eyes finally grew heavy and he fell asleep.

Jolting awake as his phone suddenly started ringing from his nightstand next to him. Not even bothering to check the caller ID he pressed the small green button and pressed it to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked in a husky voice annoyed with the person who was calling him this late.

"Hey Luke." He heard the all two familiar voice speak. Sitting up on his bed Luke furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Calum? Is everything okay?" He asked feeling slightly worried over the boy.

"No...well I mean yes. Everything's okay, I was actually calling to ask if you could maybe hang out with me right now at the beach that's like ten minutes away from my house?"

Hearing Calum's voice shake Luke knew it took him a while to gain up the nerve to call him.

"Calum it's three in the morning."

"I know, I'm sorry I just really don't want to be alone right now."

Biting his lip Luke looked towards his curtain covered window before sighing, "Fine I'll be their in fifteen minutes."

Saying their final goodbyes Luke grabbed his car keys, slipped on his vans, and grabbed a random beanie. Jogging towards his car and unlocking it Luke turned the engine on. Locking his doors he  put the car in reverse and made his way towards the beach.

Luke was beyond nervous. He didn't know how this night would go. He didn't know if it was gonna be a night he would remember for all the right reasons or all the wrong reasons.

Before he knew it he had arrived at his destination. Parking his car Luke spotted Calum sitting lonesome on the sand. Turning the engine off he kept his eyes on the boy that taught him to love and hate.

Luke saw Calum look at his phone and put it back down. He noticed the way his shoulder slouched down and how he ran his hands through his hair.

The clock read three twenty one when Luke got out of the car. It read three twenty five when he approached Calum.

Sucking in a long breath Luke sat down next to Calum, who had his focus on the water.

"Hey." Luke whispered catching the tan mans attention.

"You came." Calum answered with shock laced in his voice. Nodding his head Luke glanced up at Calum.

The bags under the boys eyes were prominent, the life in his eyes was completely sucked away. His lips were chapped and looked as if they were gnawed to a point of blood being drawn from them.

Sucking in a breath he averted his eyes towards the waves that were just five inches away from touching their feet.

"How have you been?"

Without turning his head to look at Calum he said, "Fine."

"Don't lie to me Luke. Just because you don't look at me it doesn't mean I still can't tell you are lying."

Sighing Luke closed his eyes for just a second before opening them again and saying, "Fine, you want know the truth. I have been feeling like complete shit. I can't even go out to my front door without being insulted or stared at as if I were a piece of rubbish left on the street. Calum some of my kids aren't going to school because their parents don't want them to be taught by a slut sinned filled gay."

His voice never rose up to a yell and it never lowered to a whisper.

"I'm sorry." Calum softly said while running his hands through his hair.

"Stop it."

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"Stop saying you're sorry. We both are at fault for this. We both knew what we were getting into the moment we did it. It takes not one but two people to cheat. We are both to blame so stop saying sorry because at this point that word is losing all its rightful value." Luke stated while keeping his gaze in Calum's brown eyes.

"Okay, we are both to blame." He confirmed with a nod of his head. Soon the two were sitting in a silence. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable silence either.

"I would ask you how you've been but I'm sure you've also been going through the same thing." Luke honestly said while running his hands through the grainy sand.

"Yeah, and I've been dealing with mashton fucking every other day. Like sheesh they both act like bunnies when it comes to that." Calum said with a light chuckle.

"Mashton?" Luke asked as he tilted his head to the side and squinted his eyes in confusion.

"Michael and Ashton's named combined. See you take the M from Michael and just put it in front of Ashton's name. Then it's Mashton." Calum explained making Luke let out a loud giggle.

"Oh my gosh, how did you come up with that?" Luke asked as he tried to catch his breathe from laughing at Calum's comment.

"I was sitting in my office and didn't have anything to do so I started thinking of ship names for couples or people I found cute together." Calum sheepishly admitted making Luke burst in another fit of laughs.

Smiling as he saw Luke's eyes close shut and laughs leave his parted lips Calum felt happy.

"Tell me more ship names." Luke asked curiously while leaning back on his hands.

"Well, okay so theirs this boy in my workplace who's name is Troye and he has a boyfriend called Connor. I call them Tronnor. They are the definition of OTP."

As he finished his sentence he noticed Luke's confused expression. "You don't know what OTP means do you."

"No, what does it mean?" Luke asked as a large blush coated his cheeks. "It means one true pair. You have a lot to learn young grasshopper." Calum said making Luke laugh once again.

Calum spent the next five minutes telling Luke about the many ship names he came up with over the course of a week.

Things got quiet once he finished and he had a question that was nagging him to be asked, so he did.

"Umm Luke, who was the boy you were with yesterday?" Calum asked nervously not knowing how he would react if he had a new boyfriend.

"Oh Kian? He's a really good friend of mine. Kian's basically my best friend. I met him the night I ran out of the cafe. He helped reprint my car, he's honestly the only human I can talk to without feeling judged." Luke answered honestly not noticing the way Calum's face dropped a bit or the tiny shimmer of hurt that filled his eyes.

"That's nice. It's getting kind of late and I'm getting kind of tired. I'm gonna start heading home." Calum mumbled while getting up from the sand and dusting himself off. "Yeah, so am I."

Soon both the boys were walking towards their cars that happened to be a parking spot away from one another.

"Night Calum." Luke waved while Calum unlocked his car. "Night Luke." He waved back slightly while opening his door.

His head pondered if he should as Luke to hang out again. He wanted so much to have some sort of relationship with the blonde. Even if it was a friendship he didn't care, all he wanted was to still be able to see Luke.

"Hey Luke?" Calum asked with a slightly raised voice as Luke was already in his car.

"Yeah?" Luke asked while rolling his window down. "Do you think we can hang out again tomorrow?" Calum asked while nervously fiddling with the keys in his hand.

"I don't know...." Luke trailed off while looking down at his lap.

"Come on please Luke?" Calum asked trying not to sound as desperate.

"Do you really think it's a good idea for us to hang out again in front of people who already hate us?" Luke asked making Calum sigh, but he wasn't giving up yet.

"We can drive out of the city, to were we went on our first date. We can hang out their. I'll drive and we can just go to the little cafe near the beach and the arcade." Calum reasoned while looking at Luke who was gnawing on his lip ring nervously.

Once he saw the defeat in Luke's face Calum smiled knowing he had given in.

"Fine, but you're picking me up and paying for everything."

"That's perfectly fine with me. See you tomorrow Luke."

"See you later Calum." The blonde smiled teasingly as it was four twenty eight in the morning on a Sunday.

Only two more chapters!! Thank you 5SecondsofToast_ for writing this chapter!!



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