Faker | Muke

By 1995mgc

141K 9.9K 3.3K

"What do you mean Michael was seen with another guy?" Luke asked, looking over at Calum with furrowed brows a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve +
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty-Four

2.9K 223 98
By 1995mgc

fave picture of Luke (-; ^^^

Hailey was radiating pure happiness while they were walking around The Grove. Her hand was clasped tightly in Luke's, swinging them both between their bodies. "I was wanting to stop by this one store and then we can do what you wanted, I promise."

Luke internally groaned at the thought of going into another store filled with makeup and lacy lingerie. This wasn't his ideal ways of spending a day out with someone.

Luke enjoyed late night talks over a cup of tea, watching movies till you're both cuddled too close together on the couch you forget about the movie and just bask in the moment together. Luke likes spontaneous trips to the beach at midnight, running hand in hand through the sand till it becomes too much that someone slips and falls, pulling the other down with them. Luke likes roses and a precious note left at his front door, and surprise cupcakes sitting on the counter when he wakes up from a mid-day nap. Luke likes everything that Hailey is turning out not to be.

"It doesn't matter now, the store I wanted to go into closed twenty minutes ago while you were wiping lipsticks across your arms and just staring at them." Luke shrugged, pulling his hand out from Hailey's and shoving them deep into his pockets. Luke wanted to be anywhere but here.

"You should've said something, babe." Hailey pouted her pink stained lips. She didn't seemed phased by this news and that irritated Luke. At first Hailey seemed to care about his side of things, but a few weeks in and it's always about her now and Luke can't handle the lack of balance between them.

"I did!"

"Oh, sorry. I guess speak louder next time."

Luke rolled his eyes and followed his girlfriend into the next store she was dying to spend all of her Daddy's money in. Luke was just kind of glad that she wasn't asking to spend all of his, not that he would care, but he hasn't spent over $300 in the past month, and Hailey already spent that on a pair of shoes today.


Luke made it clear to his girlfriend that he was tired and preferred going home alone tonight. The mere thought of spending anymore time out in the heat and talking about gossip with his girlfriend didn't appeal to him. Luke thought she was different in the beginning, but somehow people always turn out the opposite of what you're hoping for.

Luke stripped off his sweaty t-shirt, throwing it in the overflowing hamper in the corner of the room, ridding himself of his shorts as well. Luke made his way over to the walk in closet and instantly looking over Michael's side which still held so much that the faux blond hadn't asked for back yet. Luke wasn't sure how to let go of him, but his mind and heart were still fighting over the situation at hand. Michael still loved every inch of him and nothing that happened was real, even if it felt real to the blond. Luke was fighting the battle in his head on what his best decision would be in the end and Michael always comes out winning.

Luke sighed, going back to looking through his clothes in hopes for something clean that he could wear to bed, but came up short. When he turned back around to Michael's clothes still hanging in place there was a t-shirt peaking out from behind a sweatshirt and Luke recognized it instantly, a smile spreading across his face when he thought back to the day he purchased it for Michael out on a whim.

It wasn't something recognizable to anyone other than the two. It was a simple grey v-neck and Luke only bought it for Michael because he knew the boy despised having his chest on display and showing at the time, but Luke convinced him it was sexy and that was enough for Michael to put it on right away. It was soft and worn out and maybe a size too small, but Luke put it on anyway loving the faint smell of that was distinctly Michael that still lingered on it.

It made Luke feel bad that he was still stuck on Michael when he's in a newer relationship, but when you've loved someone for as long as he's loved Michael it feels impossible to move on completely from him. You don't just forget what its like to be held by Michael in the early hours of the morning, the way he'd rub circles into your side to soothe you awake. The faint kisses being littered across your neck.

It's hard to forget Michael. Especially when he's always on Luke's mind.

Having known Michael for most of his life, all of Luke's memories included Michael in them one way or another. There hasn't been a time in his life where Michael wasn't there. Unless you bring back that time in High School where Luke decided hating him was better than telling him how much he loved him. Luke shook his head at the foolish memory. He was so young and naive to the thought of love it's almost comical to him now.

Grabbing the nearest blankets and pillows Luke could find finally let himself relax for the first time today. The long day of walking around with Hailey in the dreaded heat–once again–was getting to him, and the urge to let sleep take over was there and he was welcoming it with open arms and with Michael on his mind.


next chapter will be more Michael centre. sorry it's been a lot of Luke, but we hadn't seen much of his side recently so we're just getting into his head a bit more since he's found out everything.

Let me know your thoughts! I know this chapter wasn't eventful but it's pretty important for what's to come next.

Luke still has Michael on his
mind 24/7☺️

I love you guys! Thanks for getting this story to 50k reads it's amazes me everyday.💕💕💕💕

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