House of Dicks - Literally [R...

By Bitexme

475K 6.8K 1.5K

Serafina; a teenager going through the trials for high school just like any other. Until, one day her father... More

House of Dicks - Literally
2. House of Dicks - Literally
3. House of Dicks - Literally
4. House of Dicks - Literally
5. House of Dicks - Literally
6. House of Dicks - Literally
7. House of Dicks - Literally
9. House of Dicks - Literally
10. House of Dicks - Literally
11. House of Dicks - Literally
12. House of Dicks - Literally
13. House of Dicks - Literally
14. House of Dicks - Literally
15. House of Dicks - Literally
16. House of Dicks - Literally
17. House of Dicks - Literally
18. House of Dicks - Literally
19. House of Dicks - Literally
20. House of Dicks - Literally
21. House of Dicks - Literally
22. House of Dicks - Literally
23. House of Dicks - Literally
24. House of Dicks - Literally
25. House of Dicks - Literally
26. House of Dicks - Literally
Epilouge. House of Dicks - Literally
Carpe Diem: Seize the Day - The Sequel

8. House of Dicks - Literally

20.4K 281 39
By Bitexme


For the next few weeks nothing remotely interesting had happened. Emery and I aren't always bitching at each other, though were still not in our lovey dovey state. I know can my heart flutter's whenever he's near, and I know he can hear it with the smug look he gives. It's not my fault though! I try to calm it but the damn organ won't listen to me. Anyways, Avi and I have our weekly talk and Caleb is always sure to be there. There both actually really cute together, I always make some lame excuse so I would have to leave for an hour to give them some time to 'talk'. Not that they can't do anything else.

Raven is keeping true to his word and hasn't pulled a move on me since, but we are becoming really close friends. He's a year above us so we don't have any classes together, but he sits with us during most of our meals. On the other hand, Asher is pretty distant, I don't know why. And the boys keep giving him disapproving looks while he just stares at me. It's kind of creepy, but I ignore it, it can't be bad.

It's been really fun with all the guys. We play harmless little pranks on each other now and then, well almost harmless. Chris accidentally sent of the demons back to Hell, he was pretty pissed when he came back. Caleb flooded both pools. Landon almost ripped the vocal teacher wings off. Asher almost got sucked dry by a vamp when he slipped down the stairs breaking almost every bone, which was completely Raven's fault. And Emery, well lets say Emery has a thing for blowing things up.

It's been good, but good things never last right?


It was a normal day in chemistry and we weren't doing anything when there was a knock at the door. A little kid with blond hair and black eyes came and gave a note to the teacher. He seemed kind of creepy to look at, but by now I'm kind of used to it. Emery and I continued with our conversation with Kyle, remember Kyle? He's the one who tried to suck me dry my first day here. Anyways we were talking about the upcoming break. Every year the week of New Year's we get to leave school to do whatever we want. We were discussing where we wanted to go considering it was mid-November already. I wanted to go New Zealand, but Emery wanted to go to Australia.

"Miss Fire, Headmaster would like to see you a moment in his office" even the teachers call me Fire now after that little incident.

I hastily got up and Emery did too. I grabbed my things and we both headed to his office.

"I have a bad feeling about this, like whatever he's going to tell us it bad" I was suddenly very nervous, why would he want me in the middle of class?

Emery didn't say anything; I know he knows what's going on.

Fine then, I won't talk either. We walked in silence until we reached Felucci's office. The same women sat there and told us to go inside without even a glance. We walked inside to see him at his desk with his head in his hands. He looked up at me with sunken eyes and took a deep breath.

"When was the last time you heard from your parents?"

"What happened to them?"

"Answer the question child" he didn't say it with authority, more out of fatigue.

"I haven't heard from them since they dropped me off at the plane"

"Okay, well they have not contacted me either and I have tried to contact them; however I am not getting through. I'm sorry I have to say this but -"

"There dead" I asked, I wasn't even surprised, I wasn't sad, nothing. No emotion.

"Not your parents, or that we know of" he said the last part to himself; I don't think I was supposed to hear it so I kept quiet.

"Then who?"



"What?" I asked in a whisper though I know they both heard me.

"We just got news stating he died in combat two days ago; however your parents are unable to be reached"

No, no! This can't be true! He promised he would never leave me! I got up off the chair and ran. I knew Emery was following me, and I knew he could stop me if he wanted. But he let me go for a bit, everyone knows not to mess with me in this state. I was angry! I was fucking pissed! I found myself at the boxing bag, funny how when ever I'm pissed, I always end up here. I started punching it with no gloves on causing my knuckles to scratch and bleed.

"I hate you! I fucking hate you! You lying fucking bastard! You left me!"

I kept yelling and punching the bag; I was ripping at my hair and clawing my skin. My best friend, my brother, he left me!

I faintly heard the snap and crack of my bones breaking and spraining as I collapsed on the floor. I kept muttering 'I hate you' and 'you left me' when I felt Emery pick me up bridal style. I was bleeding from various places and I can feel my knuckles and wrists starting to swell.

We were back in our room and he laid me down on the couch still muttering to myself. I can hear him running the bath and various doors opening and closing. I walked into the bathroom to see the bath filled with water. I was still crying though now I was doing it silently. I stripped my clothes and stepped into the bath. Emery came and put new clothes down on the counter and gave me a cup of red stuff. I drank it without hesitation knowing it was his blood; with whatever is in there I'll heal in a couple of hours. I sat there losing track of time and sanity. The water was now cold and I felt like a raisin.

I didn't care that Emery was here I stood up and put my clothes on while I was still wet. Emery being the gentleman closed his eyes as I stood naked.

I fell on the ground; my legs unable to hold me up any longer. Emery picked me up again and put me underneath the covers and tucked me in. He kissed my forehead and turned to leave,

"Don't leave me" I whispered grabbing his arm.

He took off his shoes and got in behind me. I turned around and snuggled into his chest.

"Thank you" I whispered while he was rubbing my wet hair down my back as we both fell asleep.


I was suddenly awake from the sound of the bell, I don't know if it's the start or end of whichever period. But it scares Emery so he falls off the bed bringing me with him to land on top. "If you wanted me on top you could have just asked" I said with a sheepish grin.

"And thank you for earlier, I don't think I have ever cried so much, and I'm sorry you had to be the one to see it. Oh shit! I have to call Avi, oh my G-d! How am I going to tell her?" tears were already falling down.

"Ask Caleb to tell her, just make sure your with him, she'll probably be pissed if your not there."

"I don't understand how he died though! Were Canadians for G-d sakes! We're the peace keepers!" I said, as more tears threatened to pour down my face, but he pulled me tighter to him and I instantly calmed down. I knew I was falling for him; I just didn't how far I fell.

"Well better get this over with" just as I said that all 5 boys - including Raven - burst into my room. I just realized the position Emery and I was in and quickly scrambled up helping him up in the process.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to - uh - disturbed anything" Caleb said looking between us two. Landon was trying not to laugh; Asher had the look of jealousy? Nah can't be, and Raven had the look that said 'finally!' but Chris looked devastated.

He quickly ran up to me giving me the biggest hug and picking my feet off the ground. "I'm so sorry sweetie! I know how close you two were, I'm so sorry!" Oh, now I understand, I smiled even though tears were coming out of my eyes.

"Thanks you, I guess I'll be leaving for a bit, to go to you know, the funeral and such, but you know what makes me mad!" Chris put me down and stepped away, they all stayed quite knowing I was going to blow any second. "My damn parents are unreachable! My fucking brother just died, their first and only son just fucking died! And they don't have the fucking decency to answer the fucking phone! I mean have they haven't even called me the entire time! They could be dead for all I know! At least Derek has been writing me! And Avi's been calling! But my own fucking parents! They don't even deserve the title anymore!"

By the time I was done Emery has to make it rain to stop the fire from spreading throughout the room, luckily I only got the carpet that surrounds me.

"Oh that reminds me, Caleb can you come with me I have to Skype Avi and tell her, but I don't think I can without breaking down, so can you do it for me?"

"Sure Fire lets do it now. Landon, go tell Frankie to have the plane ready for after dinner. Guys pack your bags, were going to Toronto"

"Uh, am I coming too?"

"Sure Rave, go pack, we'll see you tonight" with that all the boys left and I was sitting at me desk with Caleb behind me. I signed online praying for Avi to be green. [A/n green meaning she's also online] She was yellow, meaning she was 'busy' I rang her and wrote messages saying it was important, and after 5 minutes of messaging she finally turned green and called me. I answered her and studied her face to see if she got the news yet. Nope she looked pretty good actually; I think she got a hair cut.

"Oh my G-d Fi what the fuck happened to you!"

I was confused, then I remembered all the crying I did, so I got up to look in the mirror, wow I looked like shit. My face was all red and blotchy my hair had tangles in it and I have purple bags underneath my eyes. I washed my face and brushed my hair then went back. She and Caleb were having a light conversation, he was waiting for me to give him the thumbs up on telling her, well more of thumbs down.

I sat down and took a breath, "Avi, when was the last time you got a letter form by brother?" I choked on the word brother.

"Um...four days ago I think why?"

I turned to Caleb and gave him a quick nod.

"It will be the last" he said quietly.

She was quiet for a moment then you can see the light reflecting off the tears. Her lip was quivering and she held up a shaking hand to stop it.

"I'm leaving tonight to come home for a bit, will you bring the limo to pick us up?"

"Sure, what lane?"

"Its lane 34, we should arrive around 6 am, I love you"

"Love you to," with that we both signed off.

I said a quick thanks to Caleb and he went to his room to pack. I started packing quickly, I would probably be gone for about two weeks and I didn't feel like packing heavy. When I was finished I took a quick shower and put my things near the front door. I noticed everyone was gone, well almost everyone. I saw Emery sitting in down on a chair on the kitchen just staring off into space.

I went to pull out the chair next to him and the squeak made him jump making him realize I was there.

"So what happens now?" I asked taking a deep breath but not looking at him, the table seemed to have caught my attention.

"I still don't like you" he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You know what Emery? You are such a dick!" I yelled pushing my chair back and hearing it slam against the wood. Shock and hurt clearly shown on my face, and to think I was actually falling for him.

I was about to open the door when he pushed me against the wall spinning me so I was now facing him. I was about to knee him in the balls when he kissed me, it was light and quick, but I felt the electricity, the shock, and I know he felt it to. "You didn't let me finish, I don't like you, I love you" he kisses her one more time though doesn't linger and walks out the door.

I was shocked and still stuck in a daze. My fingers lightly traced my lips with the after effect of the shock. I knew I loved him, I knew it when we helped me yesterday. I know how I said you know only after your first kiss. Well we did have a first kiss, I was in denial before, but that kiss, it was THE kiss, the one where you know you have found true love. Great, now I sound like some hopeless romantic and I hate fairy tales.

Someone knocked on the door lightly getting me out of my thoughts. I said it's open and Raven stuck his head through, "Hey, its dinner, then were boarding. Where's Emery?" he asked looking around as if he expected to see him there.

"Um, I'll get him in a sec then I'll come down to dinner" I said while trying to carry my suitcase.

He took my suitcase and told me to hurry up. I said thanks and turned back to my room. I knew exactly where Emery would be.

Before he went down the hall way he called me back, "Hey Fire?"


"You okay? You look a little dazed?" he said with a smirk

"Fine" I wrapped my arms around my sides and shut the door.

I went to my room and grabbed the vodka bottle I still had in my drawer. I took a quick gulp to calm my mind, and then I would go get Emery.

Well, I planned to take one gulp; instead I finished the whole bottle. I thought it was funny. So I started laughing, and then I remember what happened so I started crying.

"You know what would be great? To fly! All the superheroes and vampires and fairies and the boys get to fly! Why can't I!"

I decided to walk, well crawl to the roof, singing;

'I know a song that gets on everybody nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves!

I know a song that gets on everybody nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves and this is how it goes 2, 3, 4....

'I know a song that gets on everybody nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves!

I know a song that gets on everybody nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves and this is how it goes 2, 3, 4....'

I started laughing uncontrollably while singings. I can feel the carpet burning me through my pants, it tickled!

'Why does he love me? I mean he hated me! He tried to light me on fire! Oh wait, that was me... I don't care! He is a meanie!!'

"Ohh! I made it to the top! I'm superman!" I yelled as I flew off the building

I was waiting for the impact of the ground but it never came, hmm, maybe it was higher then I thought and I'm still falling.

"For a smart girl, you can be really stupid sometimes" I looked up to see hazel green eyes.

"Hi Emery!" I said with a huge smile

"Why did you jump? And why are you drunk?"

"I wanted to see if I was strong enough to fly" I said as I passed out.


It was pretty early in the morning; somewhere in between 5 and 6 am and we were still flying. I downed about 3 Advil's [A/n that a medicine for pain, headaches and stuff...] and I still had a stupid headache. It won't stop me from drinking; I just have to know my limit. Stupid, I know. Everyone on the plane was asleep except me and Emery.

Everyone gave me shit for getting drunk, I thought it was funny; at least I didn't have the intention of killing myself. I just wanted to see if I could fly!

We haven't said a word since we left school which was about 9 hours ago; when he decides to say the bluntest statement anyone could say. Our five minute conversation of us whisper/yelling at each other went something like this:

Emery: "You love me, you even said so yourself" he didn't even look at me when he said it.

Me: 'When did I say I love you?! Even when I was drunk, I know I didn't say it!" I said in my head, oh great he was listening.

Emery: "In your head"

Me: "That doesn't count! You were eavesdropping on my thoughts!"

Emery: "So, you still said it"

Me: "And there's still the state of denial, so ha!" there was no way in Hell I was going to admit it to him.

Emery: "One, were somewhere above the Hudson Bay, not Hell, and two you just admitted you're in denial about being in love with me!"

Me: "and your point?"

Emery: "You love me"

Me: "I will never say those words out loud"

Emery: "Why?"

Me: I take a deep breath before I speak "I don't want to get hurt" The second I admit I'm in love, that's when I'll be most vulnerable and that's when I'll get hurt. "When I admit I love you something is going to happen to you and I'm going to loose you. I can't bear that pain of loosing another person I love!"

Emery: "I'm not going anywhere, I never will. Serafina I love you!"

Me: I took a deep breath and turned to him, "I love you to Emery"

He grabs my chin and looks me in the eyes before he pulls me closer smashing our lips together. I had the same feeling of being electrocuted; the shock ran threw my body like wild fire. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I didn't hesitate in saying yes. My right hand wrapped around his neck as my left was pulling at his hair trying to make him come closer. It was getting pretty heated and I have to thank Uncle for not having a barrier between the seats, when I heard howling, whistling, and cheering. We both pulled apart to look at the happy faces of our friends.

"It's about fucking time!" Raven yelled I do not want to know how much they heard.

"How much did you hear?" I glared at Emery, he so asked that to piss me off.

"Oh, I think we all woke up at the part where you were confessing your undying love for her Em, who knew you could be such a sensitive guy!" Landon answered.

I started laughing and he gave me quick kiss on my head.

"It's all her fault"

"Of course blame it on the girl" I said

"Your Royals, we will be landing in 3 minutes, please fasten your seatbelts and I hope you enjoyed your flight" That annoying perky voice sounded, I wonder what colour hair she'll have this time.

We landed and grabbed our things, they said our bags were being delivered to my house, and we all yelled thanks to Frankie. I smiled at the girl who now had dark purple hair, hmm, blond suited her better.

I stepped off the plane and saw Avi with blotchy red eyes waiting for me. I ran down the stairs to hug her but she stopped me at arms length. I was about to protest when she spoke "Oh my gosh your in love! And hung over?"

I heard one the boys mutter 'wow she's good' and she turned towards the boys who were all lined up behind me. She points to each of them saying their name; Chris, Asher, Landon, Emery - telling him to come here, Caleb (she said this one with a sweet smile and they both blushed), "hmm, I don't know you"

"Oh that's Raven, a good friend of ours" I telepathically told Emery to remember not to mention any 'fantasy' stuff while here and told him to tell the other guys too, since he can still talk through their thoughts, I can't, stupid boy. I saw them all slightly nod; only I was able to notice it though.

"I know why you are hung over, and this is the only time I will accept it. Okay, and you, just because our brother" she choked on our brother and I could see the tears well up in her eyes as well as mine "isn't here to beat you up, doesn't mean I won't, were all we have left, and you will not screw it up" by now tears were streaming down both our cheeks and I went to finally give her a hug. I pulled away and Emery put his arms around my waist saying he will never hurt me. The guys came next to us and we all piled into the limo. "Hey Helta, how have things been?" I knew her driver pretty well; he drove us everywhere before we got our licence. "Everything is good Sera, and yourself?" he asked in a thick Russian accent, Avi and I used to think he was in the mafia for the longest time. "Everything's good"

"Oh and guys this is Avi, and you already know my boys" She didn't even acknowledge the fact that I spoke, her and Caleb were too busy staring at each other. Uch! I want to feel sad, angry and depressed for Derek, but I feel happy, love and relief instead. It's so confusing! Something tells me Derek is with us though, like he wants me to be happy and feel loved, I still can't help but feel guilty.

I snuggled against Emery's chest as the car started to head home.


Hope you enjoed it!!

xx. Alex


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