Am I Strong Now? (Creek Story)

By Rally_With_Me13

54.1K 2.5K 1.5K

"Tweek, let me put it this way," Craig started, turning towards me. I became nervous of what he would say. Wa... More

Quick Author's Note
Kisses Can Heal
I am...Weak?
Nighttime Thoughts
Coffee Deprived
Possible Mistakes
Just Like You
From Bliss To Tears...
*A/N* Please Read
A Worried "Friend"
So That's Where It Started...
Fuck Off Cartman
Why Do I Even Bother?
Why Did I Do That...
I Promise Protection
3am Nightmares and 6am Suprises
A Plan
Don't Cry
Escaping Your Problems
"I'm done."
He Said It
The Hospital

My Hero

4.5K 165 92
By Rally_With_Me13

      -Tweek's Pov.-

I stumble back onto the hard ground, hitting my head on a rock. I groan, sitting up and grabbing my head. Wait, what's happening? Where am I again? I look up. Oh.

    Cartman again.

      My head starts to pound, and I feel Something warm on the back of my head. Oh shit, I hope I'm not bleeding. What if I'm bleeding? Am I bleeding? I shoot my arms up, checking for blood. I feel a warm substance and take my hand away. Oh shit. I'm bleeding!!! Will I die? Jesus, I'm going to die!! I know it, I Know It!!!

"GAAH!" I shout, scooting back. I wipe my hand on my jeans. Oh god, now my jeans are dirty. My parents are gonna kill me! God, this is too much pressure. I shakily lifting myself off the cold ground, only to be pushed down again. I caught myself this time, scraping my hand in the process. I squeal loudly, clutching my hand tightly. Shit, that hurt. I hope I'm not bleeding anymore! Oh God!

     "Aww. Did the little Spaz get hurt?" Cartman says mockingly. He chuckles evilly, stepping forward. He smashes my ankle with his heel.

      "GAAH" I shout. Oh shit, He Broke It!! I know he broke it!! I rip it out from under his foot. He stumbles back as I check my foot. Oh thank Jesus, I can move my toes. But it hurts like hell, why does he bully me? Am I really that much of a freak?? What am I even saying, Of Course I Am!! I am the reason he bullies in the first place! I hear him growl as he regains his balance.

     "Real funny you Fag!" He yells, stomping towards me. Oh Jesus, he's pissed. I'm Screwed!! I cower back as  he gets closer. I went as far away as I could, my back hitting the wall before I brought my knees up to my chest an wrapped my arms around them. I buried my face in my knees. Oh Jesus I'm dead! This is the day I die!! And I haven't even graduated!! Oh God!

      "You think you can ju-"

      "Cartman, You Mother Fucker!!"

     My head jolted up as I hear the familiar voice. My eyes are a little blurry from the tears that welled up since I hit my head. I saw someone with a blue jacket punch Cartman in the jaw. He growls in pain and I shove my face in my hands. I start violently twitching well trying to channel my breathing. In, Out, In, Out, In, Out, In, Out...

It isn't working!!!

     Oh god, oh Jesus! Stranger! I don't know them! I don't think I do...Do I?? I might??? I don't know! I can't see them! Do I want to?? What if they're going to kill me?!? "GAH! TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" I shout accidentally. My shouts are muffled as I push my face deeper in my hands, silently crying. I'm going to die, I know it, I know it...

     I don't care to listen to anything else around me. Cars, people, even the stranger beating up Cartman...

       I keep twitching, thinking of the will I wish I could write. I am going to die. The stranger will get me! He's gonna get me!! Oh God!!! Let's see....

     I don't have many friends. Does Clyde think I'm a friend? Maybe. No, of corse not, your a freakish spaz!! Um...Token? No no no no no!!!

     "NO!" I shout, the sound still being muffled. Not even a moment after, I feel two hands grab my shoulders. I completely freak. No god, I Don't Wanna Die!!! Not yet anyways! Oh Jesus, Help!!!

      "No! Help!!" I scream out, shutting my eyes and bringing my hands away. I use all my strength to push the stranger  as far away as possible. Regardless of my efforts, I barely even nudge them. Jesus, these pathetic noodle arms! I hear a chuckle as I am lpulled into an embrace. My eyes immediately shoot open and my jaw drops. Why am I not dead? Why is this stranger hugging me? Is he even a stranger? Am I hugging someone I know? Oh god, did I just accuse someone I know of being a murderer?? Oh God, they're gonna hate me!

"I-I'm so-GAH-S-sorry!!" I bawl, grabbing and hugging them back tightly. They chuckle again, letting go. I rub the tears out of my eyes.

     "Sorry for taking so long," they say, checking my body for any injuries. "I promise not to leave you alone for so long again." I open my eyes.


      Thank Jesus it's Craig! He is the only one who stands up for me! Especially when Cartman picks on me. I feel a smile creep on my face that I couldn't stop. He looks up at me and asks,

      "Where did he hurt you?" I shake my head to drain my thoughts and try to focus.

     "H-he st-stepped on m-m-my fuh-foot...a-and pushed m-me down..." I shakily answer, shuddering from the cold air. I gasp, suddenly remembering the gash in my head. I jerk up, spinning around to see blood on the school. Oh shit! I got the wall bloody!! Does this count as vandalism?? Of Corse It Does!!! I'm a Criminal!! GAH! And My Head's Still Bleeding!! I'm Gonna Die!!!

    I start to panic, nearly beginning to sob. My foot starts to ache badly. Oh Jesus, why!? I feel Craig stand up, snaking his arms around me and lifting me up as well. He leans down, picking my legs up. I blush, grabbing his shirt. Oh God, I don't wanna fall...

He smirks at my worries expression. "Don't worry Tweek," he begins, carrying me bridle style to the parking lot. "I'll take you to my house to fix you up." He opens the passenger door and sets me inside. I wince in pain as my foot hits the floor. As he closes the door, I make sure to keep my head off his car seat. I don't wanna get it messy. If I do he won't like me! I know it! Gah! I have to keep my head away!! Oh Jesus, this is too much pressure!

Craig jumps in his car and starts the engine. A warm blast of air hits me and I feel comfort. I realize how cold I was and wrap my arms around myself. Craig chuckles, backing out of the parking lot.

"Don't worry Tweekers," he says smiling at me. "You'll be safe.
I Promise."

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