Quick Author's Note

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     Hey! I just wanted to mention how happy I am that people like my story. Regardless if I only got 2 votes and 10 reads. I'm still very fortunate and supper pumped to write this. I really think it will be pretty good, but I guess I'll have to see.

     I did put lots of work in it to be honest. I get really nervous when people read my stuff because I am a perfectionist. I researched all Tweek's moments and watched all episodes he was in just to get his character right. Same goes with Craig. (I worked more on Tweek because he's my favorite character by far. I love Tweek x3 )

     And I still can't get over the fact that even one person read my story, let along 10. I am going to try to update everyday. Motivation is kind of running through me and I can't wait to finish. But at the same time, I don't want it to end. I have a little hope that it will be pretty good.

     I also want to shout out to
     For technically being some of my first readers. Thank you so much.

If you see a mistake please don't ever hesitate to tell me, I can fix it. :)

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