It Just Takes Time (Book 2)

By Forever_a_dreamer101

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Book 2 of It Just Takes Time. How will Ginny and Harry fight what's right in front of them? How will they re... More

Chapter 1: Double Date?
Chapter 2: Walks and Talks
Chapter 3: Blame Game
Chapter 4: Won Won!
Chapter 5: Ron, Ron and Ron again.
Chapter 6: Awkward.
IJTT 2 On Hold! Important Authors Note!
Chapter 7: Into The Forest... again?
Chapter 8: Daydreaming
Chapter 10: Going Home?
Chapter 11: You've Got To Be Kidding Me.

Chapter 9: The Key (Finally)

1.6K 95 24
By Forever_a_dreamer101

I deserve your anger. Sorry guys! This chapter is so overdue... but luckily I made up a few dumb excuses if anyone's interested at the end of this chapter. Like I feel so bad, I'm actually so sorry. 

"OH MY! OOPS! WOW! OH NO!" I yelled knocking down everything I could down the stairs. I heard a distant hiss and I knew it was working. 

I ran downstairs where Hermione and Harry were making making even more of a mess. I saw PAST Ron walk into the room and look very confused. He walked along looking even more puzzled. 

"Mum! Dad! What the bloody hell happened here? Fred? George?" 

"That's us brother!" they yelled from on top of the stairs. I swiftly took out my wand and pointed at the stairs. 

"Glisseo!" I shouted as the stairs turned into a ramp and they both slid down and fell onto each other. 

"Where'd you learn that?" asked Hermione laughing. 

"I've been practicing." I admitted. 

While we were planning on how to get the key, I took a quick look in Fred and George's prank spell books and learned a few tricks. 


"So how is this gonna work?" 

"Well we're back in time right?" 


"And no can see us." I said. 

"Right, and what's the number one rule of time travel, along with don't let yourself be seen." 

"Don't change anything!" said Harry. 

"Exactly." said Hermione. 

"But how are we gonna change anything if they can't even see us?"

"They can't see us but they can still see and feel everything else and so can we." She smiled wickedly at us.


"Its working!" I yelled as the whole family gathered around the stairs. Harry and Ron went in front of Fred and George and tripped them causing them to fall on everybody else. 

"Enough!" I heard a voice in my head speak. 

"You will stop this at once! You're changing your timeline. We'll bring you back but don't think for a second you'll get the key." 

All four of us were frozen, unable to move just staring at each other. 

"Well what the bloody hell do we do now?" asked Ron.

"Find it. Take it.... and run." said Harry as I felt myself floating up and up. 

I held my breath until I roughly fell to the ground. Harry ran to me and helped me up. We were back in the forest with the acromantula in front of us. 

"Is everyone alright?" Asked Hermione getting up.


"That really hurt!" Yelled Ron. The acromantula hissed and then Ron whimpered and stepped back as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please." I scoffed under my breath. I looked around to face the acromantula and I saw something glint from behind. It looked.... keyish. My eyes widened but I tried to act casual so we could grab whatever it was, hope it was the key and run. 

But as always I had a just a teensy problem. 

"THE KEY'S RIGHT BEHIND HIM! GRAB IT!" I yelled as I slapped my hands over my mouth. Hermione and Harry ran towards him as did I. They tried to distract the acromantula as I tried to get behind it and grab whatever it was. But the acromantula used one its arms to fling me away and I hit a tree with my back harshly. 

I winced in pain. 

"Ginny!" they all yelled. I shook it off and got my wand out. I pointed my wand and Harry and Hermione did as well as we all yelled the spell at the same time. 

"ARANIA EXUMAI!" Light surged from all of our wands as the acromantula flew back. 

Ron had finally come out from hiding behind the tree. *rolls eyes* And grabbed the object. We didn't even check to see if it was the key. We just ran.... probably not our best move. 

But we couldn't wait for the acromantula to come back. And so we ran. Until I was about to pass out that is. We were still in the forest but far away and even though the acromantulas could find us in a second, we were gonna take our chances. 

Hermione performed a disillusionment charm so that we all fit in with our surrounding which at the moment were just large trees... Harry's cloak definitely wasn't going to cover all 4 of us. Especially not with Ron. Just kidding!

Once Ron pulled it out, we all got very confused. It was a small metal box that was shaped into hexagon. It was silver and quite rusty and had no opening. I took it and held it in my hands. I looked around it carefully and tried pressing any  openings that may be hidden. All of a sudden I felt a painful shock in my hands as I screamed and dropped the object. 

"Bloody hell, that must've hurt." exclaimed Ron poking at the key. 

Harry inspected my hands and he pulled out his wand and said a spell that instantly cooled my hands.

I sighed in relief. 


"This is odd. What do we do with it now?" asked Ron. 

Hermione pulled out her book and flipped quickly through the pages. 

"After you have retrieved the key (if you're not still dead), one of the greatest wizards alive you must go see. His beard and hair, although unbelievably long, is hard to miss. Out of the forest you come, for he and only he will help you get to where you're from."

"More walking?" groaned Ron. 

"Oh shut it. Let's go I guess. Why can't any of you learn how to apparate?" I asked sighing. 

"We're not old enough Gin." said Harry. 

"Well..." trailed Hermione. 


"OW! That bloody hurt!" yelled Ron getting up from Hogwarts corridor. 

"Hermione, how did you learn that?" I asked brushing myself off. 

"I may or may not have convinced Professor Dumbledore." she said grinning. 

"Thats not even fair!" yelled Harry. 

"Looks like you're not the only one who's Dumbledore's favourite." I laughed running past him and catching up with Hermione. 

We got to his office and Harry knocked on it. 

"Professor? It's us! We need to talk to you!" 

No answer came. We all looked at Harry in confusion. So he whispered a weird sounding password and in we went. The Professor was no where to be found. But on his desk, laying right in front of us was.... 

"The ring." I whispered breathlessly. 


Hey there! I have some things to say. Read this if you want to, don't read this if you couldn't care less. 

1. So sorry its been months. People have been telling me to update. I have gotten the worst schedule for school and I have been drowning in work. After Feburary I have much easier courses to deal with so I should be updating a little more often. 

2. The reason I updated today was because my birthday is tomorrow and I couldn't have it knowing you guys were still waiting. 

3. Thank you so much for 60k reads, I actually died when I read that. 

And lastly, please don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter! 

I love you guys so much! And feel free to say hello or talk to me anytime! ....(please text me I'm all alone and my friends have social lives) 


(Hope to see you soon)

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