The Only Thing That Matters

By rachael_l_wood

363K 9.1K 947

Isbell Murphy had her whole life planned out with her college boyfriend, Blake Williamson. But when she wakes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

AMAZON IDEA (unedited)

8K 91 4
By rachael_l_wood

The voice rang in my head as I placed my hand on the door. The sign shined bright upon it with the words "Marshall Police Department" big and bold. I stood frozen on the doorsteps debating whether or not to proceed. Going forth meant coming to terms with my actions; turning around meant lying to myself and everyone else.
My head told me to run. Yet, that woman's face burned vibrantly in my head those blood red eyes, swollen from earlier events, pushed me forward. I couldn't turn around. My conscience would eat at me from this day forward and I would be able to live with myself. Alreafy, the past events had kept me up all night.
My mother insisted I keep quiet. I was too young to deal with anything this big at my age. We'd keep it hush-hush and just help the family out in order to aid my guilt.
But I couldn't do that. I owed the family that much.
Taking a deep breath, I eased the door open and slowly stepped forward into the air-conditioned building. Many heads, bright-eyed and cheery, turned in my direction. I kept my head low, making my way for the desk sitting in the middle of the room.
She smiled as I approacjed, laying her pen down on the desktop. She was unaware of the reason I was here. In fact, she'd be shocked once she found out. Officer Annie was a good friend of my mother's and before her daughter had passed away from cancer, Lara and I were as well. I don't think she'd ever think of me as capable of such things.
"Raine," she greeted. Her auburn hair fell to her shoulders. "What brings you here?"
I stopped a few feet in front of her desk. I picked at the hem of my shirt and swallowed. I knew the consequences would be harsh on a twenty year old who had a full ride to Yale and everything going for her.
Officer Annie's smile faded as the teats began to fall, one after another. She quickly stood up and raced to my side, catching my elbow as I buckled over.
My breath quickened. My shirt was soaked at the brim as she walked me over to the chair adjacent to hers. I couldn't help but think if this was going to be my last few minutes of freedom.
She brushed my hair aside, worry lining her brow. Her hand trembled.
I knew before I said anything that she knew. Her face confirmed it, but I could tell she didn't want to believe it.
I looked at her through my dripping eyelashes. Her lips were in a fine line and her eyes closed slowly. She took a deep breath and nodded for me to speak.
Taking a shaky breath, I let the words fall from my mouth.
"I did it."

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