
By minsoojeong

62.5K 3.7K 310

[completed] What happens when a normal teenage girl meets up with a boy who's a player and tells her that he... More

One. I Want You
Two. Unlike Other Girls
Three. Mine
Five. I Don't Want To Go Home Yet
Six. Who Can Resist You?
Seven. So You're Saying You Like Me
Eight. Anything
Nine. She Kissed Me
Ten. Mid-autumn I: Let's go to my apartment then
Eleven. Mid-Autumn II: Your loser
Twelve: Christmas: I'm Yours
Thirteen. I Love You
Fourteen. Impossible
Fifthteen. I'm Sorry
Sixteen. I'll Just Have To Wait
Seventeen. I'm Not Playing
Eighteen. Smile For Me Please?
Nineteen. I Believe Him
Twenty. I'll Remember You
Twenty-one. A Plan
Twenty-two. I'm Serious.
Twenty-three. Just Wait.
Twenty-four. All I Can Do For You
Twenty-five. I Forgive You
Twenty-six. Will You Marry Me?
FINAL: Twenty-seven. Wedding Day
SPECIAL: Honeymoon

Four. One Week

2.6K 165 12
By minsoojeong


The door opens and Yein got up quick, brushing Jungkook's hand and his body aside. She rushes to the nearby drawer to grab bandaids and puts it on the marks that Jungkook made on her neck.


What was I thinking?! I shouldn't have let him kissed me! Argh Jung Yein you stupid! Thoughts overflow her mind as she takes the train home.

She throws herself on her bed and rolls around in both embarrassment and frustration, kicking her legs on her bed and covering her face with her pillow.


Her phone vibrates. She checks and finds an unknown number that texted her.

From: Unknown


From: Yein

Um..hi, who's this?

From: Unknown

I'm you.

From: Yein

Okay....I guess I'll stop talking to myself then.

From: Unknown

No! It's me. Jungkook.

From: Yein


From: Unknown


She clicks on the call button and once Jungkook answers she yells " How did you get my number?!! "

Jungkook chuckles at her yelling voice and answers her honestly.

" Mijoo. "

" I'm going to kill her. "

" Sure, it's up to you. "

Yein sighs.

" Say...about the infirmary...I thought you said you weren't one of those easy girls. What happened? " Jungkook said with his lips curling into a smirk. 

" I'm hanging up. " she says.


She tosses the phone away and head to sleep.


Weeks passed by and summer vacation has started.

Yein has been avoiding Jungkook ever since. She ignores his phone calls and text spams.

Ring. Ring.

Her phone vibrates on her desk. The name of Jungkook pops up and makes her heart feel uneasy.

Like always, she ignores the phone call from him but she suddenly hears the door bell ringing. She walks downstairs to open the door and finds Jungkook standing before her.

His bangs were down today, not parted, making Yein stare at him for a good minute. He smiles at her but she just looks at him and suddenly his smile disappears.

" Why are you ignoring my calls? Do you know how much I've been thinking about you? Do you know I've been thinking about you like crazy after what happened that day? I know you think I'm joking and all with this ' I want you ' thing but I'm not. " he speaks, trying to catch his breath.

" I'm scared. I'm just scared. What if you're just really good at acting. Who knows, you might just be a great actor that acts like he wants me for no apparent reason! " she said half yelling.

" No apparent reason? Didn't I say I was interested in you because you were different from other girls? Okay I admit it, at first I was really playing but the time I spent with you made me feel something. I felt a spark that I've never felt before and I know this sounds cheesy but I really fell for you, for real. " he speaks desperately.

No words leave from Yein's mouth and she closes her eyes and let out a sigh. Jungkook, still focusing on her, waiting for her reply but nothing comes out of her mouth.

" How about we play a game. Pretend to be my girlfriend for one week. If I can make you kiss me on your own will in one week, that means you fell for me, meaning that you have to be my girlfriend."

" That's a stupid game "

" Stupid to you not to me. " he cocks his head to the side and gives her a smirk. She sighs in disbelief and nods her head.

She knows that she has no confident in this game. She knows that at some point in this game she'll fall harder for the boy and she knows that at some point she will want to kiss him. But for now, she surrenders and goes along with his idea.

" Are you just gonna let me stand here in the blazing heat? "

" Yeah. I was planning to do that. " she answers him sarcastically and opens the door to let him in.

The two sits on the couch side by side without saying a word. The awkward silence surround them but Jungkook lets out a cough, the typical ' ahem '.

" Your bangs are down today. "

" Yeah. I was too lazy to style it. Why? Do you like it up? "

" You look the same. " she said but it was a lie.

No. He didn't look the same. His bangs down makes him look less of a bad boy and less of a player. It made him look warm and made her want to stroke his hair until he falls asleep without any worries.

" Do I? I think I look really different though. " he smiles slightly and this causes Yein's face to redden.

" Wanna style it for me? All you need is a flat iron and hair spray. "

She hesitates at his suggestion but she pulls his hand and runs up to the bathroom. She sat him on the toilet bowl and set up the props.

She feels his soft hair and starts to part his bangs. His soft hair on the tip of her fingers made her heart beats fast. She continues to curls his bangs into a C letter like shape with the loud thumping noise coming out of her chest.

" Done! " she smiled at the result of the hair. She was proud of it. It looked exactly like the hair that he did himself. She puts the flat iron down on the tip of the sink but it falls down. Her fast reflects catches it, forgetting that the machine was still blazing hot. It burns her fingers and made marks of red lines.

" Are you okay! Why'd you grab it! You could've just let it fall! " he yells with concern and grabs her hand to look at it. His brows furrows with concern and his eyes looks up at her.

" Sorry. I shouldn't have made you do this. " he said holding her hand up to his lips and kisses the spot that was hurt.

Her heart beats faster making the pain painless. The softness of his lips cools down the burn that was on her fingers and it makes her forget that she was hurt.

He kisses the burned lines on her fingers one by one making Yein flinch.

" I-I should probably put some ointment on it. " she yanks her hand away from his lips and hurries to find the first-aid kit.


" Sorry, I made your hand like that. " he said stroking her hand that had five bandaids on each of the fingers.

" It's fine. It was me who decided to catch it. " she said to assure him that it wasn't his fault and that he shouldn't worry.

" You should probably go home now. It's getting late. "

" I should. But I don't want to. " he looks at her with a fixed gaze.

The way he looked at her made her nervous.

" Go home or go hang out with your friends and tell them that your ' girlfriend ' did your hair. "

" Sure thing. I'll do that. " he smiles genuinely at her and proceeded to leave.

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