I should tell you

By Saoirse_Merrick

37.6K 655 59

Becky Carlson was new in town. A girl who had more in common with the nerds than they could ever know. Also... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

1.7K 19 2
By Saoirse_Merrick

Chapter 15 -

Well, this is the end :) There is a major problem here because before I knew Sheldon was scared of clowns and doesn't like red-heads because of that, I had already created Becky. And I have already changed so many things that I didn't alter the character hair color. And I wouldn't have. Gingers are the best.


After 15 minutes of barely Skyping with Mary Cooper, Becky felt she knew the Bible by heart. She was using Sheldon's computer while he was in the room. He was severely scolded by Mary for not having introduced her to his Mother sooner; she pried, asking questions such as "Have you two sinned?" and since "Sin" could be anything, Becky realized the innuendo and blushed scarlet, not daring to look at Sheldon and waiting for him to answer. Automatically they both at the same time shook their heads vigorously. Then she ordered Sheldon to leave the room to speak privately to Becky. It didn't go so bad. Becky had been more anxious before and Mary's only issue was to be too devote. Becky would never tell Sheldon, but she hated religious people, they annoyed her to the core with their bullshit babbling. It was her opinion and since she was being measured, she would measure as well. She would be with Sheldon with or without Mary's consent. And it was heart-warming he finally introduced her to a relative.

Anyway, Becky wanted to meet a person in special.

Sheldon's Granny. His Meemaw. And for some reason, she felt nervous and anxious at the prospect.

His Meemaw was important. She would be a threat, if the old lady so wished.

Becky wasn't that sure about Sheldon, but she couldn't see herself without him anymore. It was just... stupid, but it was happening to her. Losing him would destroy her for good, in some way she didn't know yet.

And she hoped never having to know.


Becky was having dinner with the Gang regularly now. She also accompanied them to Conventions wherever and whenever she was off duty from her job as a teacher for kids at a Public School nearby. She also never missed games, be it RPG or Mario Kart and was always buying an action figure at the Comic Book Store with what money she could save (they were pretty expensive, even with Stuart's amazing discounts). She grew on all of them and even Leonard, who never told anyone that he secretly hated her in the beginning, and liked her now. Really liked, not just tolerated. He finally had a friend similar to him with the same tastes. Penny wasn't jealous nor had any reason to be, and she was more than grateful she could have more freedom. She didn't have the same level of intimacy with Becky, though. Becky was for the boys like a little sister they spoiled.

Indulging her once, all the Gang was having sushi. It's not a popular dish with everyone and Sheldon didn't agree for the hygiene, but he was outnumbered and ordered something else to himself.

"Becky", said Leonard playing with his food "everything is settled for the trip to the Star Trek 50th years Convention. Even the reservations."

"I am so excited!" she bit a gyoza, "I heard even Manu Intiraymi is gonna be there! He's so hot-"

"Oh bu-Excuse me!", interrupted Sheldon "He has nearly no participation on the show, let alone the entire franchise!"

"That is so not true Sheldon!", Becky argued "He is important! And his character emotionally developed a lot, helping Seven to flourish!"

"You are just being shallow. If he was ugly, you wouldn't defend him. Period." he turned his back on her.

"You are ugly and I defend you!", Becky stuck her tongue out, playfully.

Sheldon dropped his food on his lap, outraged.

"I am not ugly!"

"See it for the bright side, Sheldon", said Penny, trying to sound smart "At least you are inteligent."

He was about to implode.

"I am not ugly, Leonard is!", he pointed his finger at Leonard.

"Wha-what?", said Leonard, astonished "How did that I get into that?"

"All right everyone, stop teasing him.", said Becky laughing "Of course you are not ugly Sheldon. If there is even 'ugly'. After all, 'Beauty is a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences and role models.'"

"That was deep.", said Penny, unmoved chewing her Temaki.

"Was indeed!", said Sheldon glowing, "How many times did you watch 'Sherlock'?"

"There's not much to watch. They produce an episode a century. It's annoying", she replied.

"I wish people would actually think like that", said Howard to himself, dreamy. "I could be a gorgeous man!" he mimed being muscular and made a funny voice. Everyone laughed.

"You are beautiful, Howie", Raj smiled down at Howard saying that with a gooey voice.

"Koothrappali, you son of a-"

"By the way, my Meemaw is coming tomorrow." Sheldon's timing was flawless "She is my role model."

Becky went numb and cold.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Penny asked, touching the red-haired shoulder.

"Fine!", lied Becky with a smile. "Can't wait to meet her!"

"Oh, you'll love her! It's impossible not to!"

Becky smiled nervously and fidgeted.

"And you all must know we are engaged." announced Sheldon, nonchalantly.

The silence in the room was palpable. The food Raj was chewing fell from his mouth.

"What?", asked Howard, the only one who could still talk.

"I was wondering if or when he was going to tell you.", said Becky.

"He doens't sound very happy, if you don't mind my prying." , pointed out Howard.

"Maybe he isn't.", said Becky, souding miserable. "I'm unwell. Excuse me."

She left the table and the apartment.

"But... but what did I say? I just announced our engagement!"

"Sheldon... You spoke of it as if it was a TV show or a new YT channel.", said Leonard.

Sheldon seemed utterly confused.

"Do you love her, Sheldon?", asked Penny.

He didn't answer.

"Because if you do, it was a blunder. You treated her like she was unimportant, on a most important moment for a woman. Whatever you want to do to fix this situation, do it quickly. She has low self-esteem and you just destroyed her."

It must have been Penny's impression, but she saw a glow of tears in Sheldon's eyes.


After Sheldon knocking three times twice, Becky answered. She hadn't been crying. Maybe Penny was wrong.

"So?", asked Becky.

"So.", repeated Sheldon.

"I'm sorry for my reaction. You announced our engagement and I just reacted like a spoiled brat. Sorry."

He scratched his head.

"Was that all?"

She bit her bottom lip and tasted blood.


"Becky, I cannot be what I am not. Do you understand? I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You wouldn't understand."

"There's nothing I don't understand in this world."

"I... You... You spoke of it as if it was nothing. You showed no emotion. It is going to be a wedding for God's sake! Are you sure you tolerate me enough to even stand the sight of me? Because it doesn-

He kissed her and she finally shut up. He had the answers, but sometimes they didn't have to be said.


At waiting for the so-called Meemaw at the airport, while Sheldon was distracted saying that each passerby wasn't her, Becky was already losing hope she could ever be happy.

"This won't work. She will see I'm not good enough. This isn't Skype. I'm gonna lose all my friends, too. I won't even go to the Star Trek Convention anymore. I won't be welcome at the Comic Book Store."

"You are so pathetic, did you know that? I can't believe I didn't have an abortion when I had the chance!"

"You are selfish and will die alone and insane like your father, in an apartment where you won't have contact with none of the neighbors! You are pathetic! Pathetic! Pathetic! Insane! Will die alone! Lonely!"


"Becky?" a voice echoed, penetrating her dark, foggy thoughts.

Sheldon's voice.

"I'm..." she was shaking and trying to pretend "I'm fine!" she nearly shouted, holding tears at bay.

He looked at her in a funny way. That was it. It was all over, he wasn't even going to wait for his Grandmother.

"She is a good person, Becky. That's why I love her so much. She is not like your mother. Not everyone is like your mother or, should I say, no one is like your mother."

"I am afraid, Sheldon." she finally released some tears, "afraid she won't like me because... Because she will think less of me. Because maybe... Maybe my mother was right. Maybe I am a loser, retarded, pathet-"

"Stop that!", he hissed angrily, turning her a little less gently than he intended to look into his eyes, "You are never to say such things about yourself again, did I make myself clear? You experienced serious parent authority abuse. It's not you who are at fault here. You are the victim. I thought we had already covered that. There is only one scenario in abuse: the abuser and the victim. If the victim reacts, which is rare, it is called self-defense."

She nodded, tearfully, but with each of his words imprinting on her heart and mind.

"It's time to leave the past behind, Becky. You have a new life now. Forget that that nightmare ever existed."

She put her cold hands between his and he squeezed.

"There she is!", he shouted, frantic, and without letting go of her hands went towards his Meemaw.

He had to let go, for the big hug Meemaw gave him.

"And who is this beautiful lady?", she asked, with false sweetness. But Becky didn't realize. She was too cute.

"Meemaw, this is Becky, my-"

"But you are so cute!" Becky came off a little brusque, scaring the old lady and hugging her tight. She was perplexed.

"May I touch your hair? It looks like cotton candy."

The old lady laughed heartily and dropped her pretense.

"You've already touched everything, darling, so the hair wouldn't make much of a difference, would it?"

"Oh, Sheldon!", Becky said excitedly, "How come you didn't say she was that adorable!"

Sheldon was effusive.

"Wait till you see what she does with the tissues. Meemaw?"

Gently, the old lady took out, out of the blue, with the dexterity of a ballerina , a tissue from her pink long sleeve.

"Ah!", Becky emmited a noise and clapped. "Can she do it again?"

When she did and they all laughed, the old lady said:

"Becky, if you are that easily impressed, you may not be pretty seleticve. I'm happy you are lucky to be dating my nummy nummy here." The old lady pinched Sheldon's cheek playfully.

"No, ma'am, that was quite the trick! Where do you put them? And Sheldon has been my only boyfriend and will ever be." her face went tomato red. "I am quite the loner. I don't usually like and trust every kind of people."

"I can't tell you the trick, but you do have good taste, then."

They started to walk, Becky and Sheldon helping her with the luggage and Becky asked:

"How should I call you ma'am? What is your name?"

The old lady smiled and replied:

"Constance. Welcome to the family, Becky. We have so much to talk."

Did they? Becky's head was fuzzy with what she had just heard.

Maybe it was going to be like the last line of the last Harry Potter book after all...


"Sheldon!", Becky shouted from the sofa full of boxes (she had been reorganizing her apartment) to show him something.

"I'm right here, just turn your head, it's a small apartment, no need to shout. I was eating your Nutella. Now I feel lousy, I have a planned diet. Why do you keep a stock of Nutella?"

"I like to get a spoon and eat them from the jar while I am reading or watching something. Or when the mood strikes."

"Oh my God! That's awful! You eat the whole jar at once?!"

"No, not at once, it usually takes from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on what I am doing. Sometimes one hour."

Sheldon let go of the Nutella jar he was holding like it burned him and looked at it, disgusted now.

"Anyway..." Becky interrupted whatever thoughts were going through Sheldon's mind "I found something."

"What's this?", he asked, taking from her hand what seemed like a manuscript.

"Loreta Hagendale? Who is that?" he looked at her, puzzled.

"Read." , she ordered, a little brusque.

He started reading.

"Hm. Hm. Hmmmmm! Becky, this is good, actually very good, from the little I can see! I already like this Loreta Hagendale."

"Well...", Becky flushed scarlet, "she happens to be my pseudonym."

"You mean... This manuscript is yours? You wrote it?!"

"Um... yeah, I did, at University. I also have lots of them from highschool time but they suck."

"Deducing by the way you talk and curse like a sailor, I never thought you could write something so sophisticated."

"I suppose that's the best compliment I'll ever get from you. I was thinking of publishing... Do you think I should?"

"You must! I mean, it is not GOT, but at least it is not Twilight."

"Twilight is a major hit."

"So you have nothing to lose."

"Asshole. Thanks for your support."

She beckoned and kissed him so tenderly that even he got surprised.

"Becky..." he panted, uncharacteristically.

"Yes?" she licked her full red lips.

"Becky..." he pushed her away, a little scared with the rush of blood to his head "I have something... to give to you. It's been ages since Meemaw left and I couldn't gather the courage. But the time is now, or never."

He put his hand into the pocket of his grey coat and took out a small box.

Becky was already shaking. Unless those were earrings...

When she opened the box, it was a Diamond, for what she understood, engagement ring.

She didn't want to cry like a princess in a tower, but when he put it on her finger, she did.

"Sheldon... I love you."

Proudly and just like Han Solo, he answered,

"I know."

Becky smiled and held him.

She knew his true answer too.

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