Mated to my enemy

By diamondsparkles1

1.1M 30.4K 11K

"No no no no this can't be happening!" I say. "Dude chill, what's wrong?" asked Ben. "No she can't be why h... More

⚜character description⚜
Important Authors Note
⚜character description⚜
⚜character description⚜
Chapter 2 - Squirrel cheeks 🔸
Chapter 3 - Its on 🔸
Chapter 4 - Setting up the prank 🔸
Chapter 5 - Pranking time 🔸
Chapter 6 - Human cake! 🔸
Chapter 7 - Alpha Ceremony 🔸
Chapter 8 - She's my mate?! 🔸
Not a chapter
Chapter 9 - Rejection? 🔸
Chapter 10 - NEVER hit a wolf
Not a chapter
Chapter 11 - My enemy is a dog! Haha!
Chapter 12 - Q&A with a werewolf
Chapter 13 - My best friend is a vampire?!
Chapter 14 - I'm not the only one
Chapter 15 - I'm sick of secrets
Chapter 16 - 99.9999% human
Chapter 17 - Hanging out with werewolves
Chapter 18 - She will be mine
Chapter 19 - Surprise Attack
Chapter 20 - The loss
Chapter 21 - Kisses, kisses all around
Chapter 22 - The date
Chapter 23 - Marked
Chapter 24 - Why is love so complicated?
Chapter 25 - Kiss, kiss, vampire
Chapter 26 - Boys are stupid, chocolate is bae
Chapter 27 - Sorry my ass
Author's Note
Chapter 28 - Operation learn how to fight
Chapter 29 - The talk
Chapter 30 - Ben's Birthday
Chapter 31 - Bad starts, bad endings
Chapter 32 - One step closer yet two steps back
Chapter 33 - Betrayed?
Chapter 34 - Mom?
Author's Note
Chapter 35 - Finding her
Chapter 36 - Finding help
Chapter 37 - Escape from the hell hold?
Chapter 38 - Arron to the rescue
Chapter 39 - Apology accepted?
Chapter 40 - Forgiving
Chapter 41 - It has begun
Chapter 42 - The war
Chapter 43 - The war (part two)
Chapter 44 - New beginnings
New Book + Author's note!!!!!!
The new book is up!

Chapter 1 - Enemies 🔸

48.8K 1.1K 932
By diamondsparkles1

Omg so this is the first chapter!!! As you can tell this will be a story that will be changing POVs so yeah. Also, since school is going to start back up in a couple weeks, more like a couple days 😭 so I won't be able to update as much. So if I do update it will most likely be on the weekends. Okay enough of my rambling so anymango, on with da story!!!! BTW, chapters that are edited will have a 🔸!

Daphne's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! I groan. I don't want to get up so I hit my alarm and it stops.

***5 minutes later
Beep! Beep! Beep! This time I grab it and throw it across the floor and it stops. Hope it didn't break... Oh well. Then I go back to sleep.

***5 minutes later
Beep! Beep! Beep! I turn to hit the alarm but then notice it's across the room.

Beep, beep, beep! I still hear it even after putting a pillow on my face. 

"Okay okay! You're so annoying you kid-nap-napper!" Get it? Because it's taking/kidnapping my sleep. As in kidnapper and nap. Does that make sense?

Anyway, that's what I yell at my alarm clock. I get up and shut it off. Finally, no annoying sound. As you can already tell, I am a morning person. Yep, that's my good o'le sarcasm right there!

"Honey, who are you yelling at?" My dad asks as he opens the door to my bedroom.

"My stupid alarm clock," I mumble.

"Okay have fun!" My dad laughs as he closes the door.

What's he laughing at? He should be used to this behavior of mine in the mornings by now. Eh.

I go into my bathroom and I take a quick shower. Once I'm done, I get dressed which is basically a cream colored shirt, an oversized  black and green cardigan that has different designs, a maroon infinity scarf, black jeans and grey tinted boots. 🔽

I throw my hair in a messy bun and do my makeup which is not much, only concealer, eyeliner, mascara and Chapstick. I've never liked to wear too much makeup to school so I keep it simple.

After I'm all done, and walked downstairs to the kitchen I got a bowl for some Froot Loops cereal, my fave, and milk in it. I also made a cup of coffee for my dad and then set down to eat my breakfast. Once I scarfed it down, I put the dishes in the dishwasher. Just then, my dad came down the stairs all dressed up in a suit ready to go to work and said good morning.

"The coffee is in the machine, thingy, okay? I'm going to school now, love you," I said.

"Okay honey thanks! Love you too have fun," he said.

I grabbed my keys phone and bag and went to my small, black car. 🔽

I hopped in and rode to school.

Question of the chapter: what's your dream car?

Arron's POV

"Dude can you believe you're finally going to be Alpha in a couple of days?!" One of my best friends, Ben, says.

"Yeah dude, and also we'll find our Luna!" my other best friend, Luke shouts excitedly.

I just roll my eyes and lean against the lockers. I love them and all but sometimes they're too childish. Which is a lot coming from me since I act just as childish. If someone saids I act childish, I deny it, but it's true that I am. Undeniably.

Anyway, these two I've known all my life. We're inseparable. We're always mostly together. Wow that sounds girly. Okay so we work out a lot. Yep, that should show our manliness. Moving on... Ben is my soon to be beta of the pack and Luke is my soon to be third in command. They're like my brothers.

"Hey, look who just walked in." I saw Luke pointing to the front doors of the school. 

I saw that it was Kingston walking into the school and was approached by her friends.

I smiled evilly and said, "Well if it isn't little miss prissy Kingston."


Daphne's POV

I walked into the school and was greeted my two best friends, Zander and Katherine. I've known Kat since 3rd grade and Zander since 6th grade. We are, as I like to call us, the three musketeers! You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Yeah I know, cheesy, but it's nice to know they always have my back.

"Hey guys what's up?" I ask them.

Before they could answer, I hear someone say, "Well if it isn't little miss prissy Kingston."

I don't need to be a genius to know that that voice belongs to stupid, Arron Cole.


Omg yay! So that was the first chapter. Okay so it is going to get real right up in here in the next chapter between Arron and Daphne. So make sure to stay tuned for that. Anyways thank you!✌🏼️

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