Keeper of the Lost Cities: Fo...

By CresentMaiden

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Betrayal after betrayal after betrayal. Three weeks since Keefe was seen by Sophie and her friends. Three wee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 (Continuation)
Chapter 5 (Part 1)
Chapter 5 (Part 2)
Chapter 6 (Part 1)
Chapter 6 (Part 2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Looks Like It's All Down to Me

Chapter 9

996 8 2
By CresentMaiden

Fizzy and Linh stayed over at Havenfield since Linh couldn't move and Fizzy was too embarrassed to.

Tam and Dex stayed over too but they had to sleep on the floor in the living area.

Sophie loaned Linh and Fizzy some of her clothes since Linh's were bloody and burned and Fizzy's were too big.

Linh wore a light blue dress that Della bought Sophie when she first moved to the Lost Cities and Sophie never wore it. Fizzy wore Sophie's oversized grey hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants.

Fizzy refused to sleep on Jolie's bed with Linh so Grady offered to let her in Sophie's room.

Dex and Tam wouldn't stop laughing until Fizzy kicked them both in their special places.

The night while Fizzy was snoring quietly on the bedroom floor, Sophie went over to her dresser and pulled out her Spyball.

She held it close to her chest and quietly whispered the words, "Show me Connor, Kate, and Natalie Freeman." The Spyball showed her human family asleep in their own separate rooms.

The sight nearly made Sophie cry but she kept looking at how peaceful they looked. Something moved in Natalie's room and Sophie had to zoom in to see.

She nearly dropped the Spyball.



The next morning, Sophie woke up to see that she fell asleep on the ground next to the dresser.

When she looked on her bed, she saw Iggy was looking down on the other side. His fur was pure white and he had blue and white dreadlocks.

Sophie crawled over to the other side of the bed and saw Fitz, who was spread out on the floor.

Sophie must have turned cherry red, cause you saw Iggy seem to be laughing at her.

"Hush Iggy." She whispered.

Iggy nodded and went back to his cage. Sophie sighed until she noticed the position he was in.

"Iggy no--!"

Iggy grinned as the smell filled the air in Sophie's bedroom. Sophie covered her nose and looked at Fitz, who was stirring.

Sophie quickly ran towards the window but it was too heavy to move. She gave Iggy a death glare and ran over to her bedroom door but it was covered in imp spit.

"Ugh Iggy!" Sophie coughed.

A loud yawn came from behind and Sophie turned around to see Fitz awake.

"Good morning Soph-- what is that smell?" Fitz covered his nose.

"Iggy let his air out and he made sure we couldn't open anything."

"I got it."

Sophie watched as Fitz used his telekinesis to open another window and she ran over to it.

"Sweet air." She mumbled.

"There's Sleeping Beauty." A voice said.

Sophie looked down to see Tam, Linh, and Dex standing in front of the front door.

"Hurry up, we're going to be late for school." Tam smirked.

"Wait, but school is tomorrow!" Fitz yelled from behind Sophie.

"You guys were asleep for the whole day yesterday! It was a side effect from Iggy's fur changing. Sorry!"

"I'm going to kill you, Dizznee!"

"Hurry up, your capes are in Jolie's bedroom." Linh smiled brightly.

Fitz mumbled and opened Sophie's bedroom door. Sophie forgot to warn him about the imp spit but it didn't seem to affect him much.

Sophie showered, changed into her school uniform, grabbed her satchel and went into Jolie's bedroom. She took the level 3 cape from the bed and pinned her Ruewen Crest to it.

She walked out the bedroom and went down the stairs. Only to fall on the last one.

"Deja vu, isn't it?" Grady laughed as he helped Sophie back up.

Sophie stuck her tongue out at him and stormed out the front door.

"There you are. I see a little bit of Iggy's fur coloring is on you." Tam smirked.

Sophie looked at her hair which was dyed light blue at the tips. She gasped and glared at Dex.

"Sorry. At least you have it better than Wonderboy." Dex laughed as Sophie playfully shoved him.

"Ok, let's go." Fitz called out from the living room. When he walked out, Sophie's mouth dropped.

"What is it?" He asked as Linh, Tam and Dex tried to stifle their laughs.

"Umm you have a little bit of white in your hair." Linh said.

"What do you mean by little?"


One side of Fitz's hair was pure white while the other side was chocolate brown.

"You know what? Never mind. Let's just go to Foxfire before I do something I will really regret." Fitz pushed past everyone and sped walked towards the leapmaster.
Everyone else followed and crammed into the Leapmaster.

"Who wants the honor of--" Sophie started but was interrupted by Tam.

"Foxfire!" He yelled. Sophie glared at him as they glittered away.


It seemed as if the campus had gotten brighter since the last time Sophie was there. She had to shield her eyes from the intense sunlight.


Sophie looked over and saw that Tam and Linh gawking at the scenery.

"Welcome to Foxfire." Magnate Leo walked towards the group and shook hands with Linh and Tam. He looked over at Sophie's and Fitz's hair and seemed to stifle a laugh.

"Here are your schedules. Since you have all missed half of the year, you need to make up for it by giving up half our school break to be eligible for the next level."

"And try not to cause mischief on your first day."

Everyone looked Tam's way. "How come you all look at me when he said that?" Tam smirked.

"Because we all know you don't do well with new people." Fitz mumbled.

"Anyways, get inside. I have to make announcements. Try not to get embarrassed while I do." Magnate Leo winked at Sophie and walked away.

Sophie realized what he meant and turned cherry red. "What is it, Sophie?" Dex asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's just get on with it." Sophie closed her mind and walked ahead of everyone else.

Everyone followed in silently until they reached the first floor. Sandor was standing by the front door and greeted Sophie. Then he took out a ninja star and whispered, "If he tries anything funny, aim straight for between the eyes."

Sophie looked at him in confusion but took the ninja star and stuffed it into her skirt pocket. The group walked into the atrium and suddenly everyone seemed to be staring at them.

"They're back."

"Who are those two?"

"I heard they went to Exilium."

"What's with Fitz's hair?"

"Why did they come?"

Sophie tried to block out the whispers coming from around her but it was too much. She stopped in the middle of the atrium and stood there, waiting for Magnate Leo's announcement.

The hologram came up and everyone was silented as Magnate Leo looked down upon them.

"I would like to start off by welcoming back three students, Sophie Foster, Dex Dizznee, and Fitz Vacker. They will be continuing in their correct levels and will graduate with their class at the end of the year."

Here it comes, Sophie thought.

A bright spotlight came and shined on Linh and Tam.

"I would also like to welcome two new students, Linh and Tam Song. They're transferring here from Exilium and will be joining Sophie and Dex in their level. Please treat them with respect. They're not used to many friendly faces."

Sophie looked over at Linh and Tam, who were shaking a little bit. She put her hand on Linh's shoulder and sent her a little smile. Linh smiled back and elbowed Tam to send one too.

"That's all the news for today. Have a wonderful school day."

The hologram of Magnate Leo disappeared and so did the spotlight. Everyone kept staring at Sophie, Fitz, Dex, Linh, and Tam.

"Welcome back, freaks." A voice rang out.

Sophie recognized that voice from anywhere.


Her beanpole body squeezed through the crowd and she made her way till she was standing right in Sophie's face.

"I see you've haven't changed at all since the last time you were here. Except now your hair takes away the weirdness of your brown eyes." Stina sneered and everyone around her laughed silently.

"I think someone here is dying to see you again."

Stina gestured towards the crowd and they made way for the figure walking towards Stina. Sophie clenched her fist as she saw him put his arm around Stina.

"Hello Foster." Keefe smirked.

"Keefe has been telling us you've been slipping school on purpose by giving the principal fake sick notes. For shame, Sophie, for shame."

"Well now that you're back, we can all realize how you and your little gang are going to be the reason why this school will no longer be just nobility. They'll allow anyone here, shredding the social status. Making us like dirt. Like those two." Stina pointed at Tam and Linh with an evil grin on her face.

"You better take that finger and--" Tam started but Linh covered his mouth with her hand. Tam fumbled but gave up.

Keefe smirked, "That's the same mouth that got you kicked in Exilium with Little Miss Drowner over here."

Tam tried to lunge at Keefe but Linh, Fitz and Dex held him back.

"Ok, that's enough. For now. Everyone get to class. We don't want to all get detention because of these freaks." Stina shoved past the crowd and walked away. Keefe walked away with her and the whole crowd went back to their own business.

"I really hate him." Tam spat out.

"I know. We all do. But we can't fight our way here. We have to act civilized. Linh kissed the top of Tam's forehead and the anger in Tam seemed to disappear.

"Let's just try to make it to lunch without getting in trouble." Fitz said, as he walked towards his level's wing.


At lunch, Sophie sat down with Dex and ate some pink goo they tasted with fried chicken. Linh and Tam soon join them with identical lunches.

"Where's Fitz." Linh said with a mouthful of blue goo.

"He's in study hall. He's missed so much of the year but he's trying to get his work done early so he doesn't have to spend his break here." Sophie said.

"Shouldn't we be doing that too.?

"Yeah but Keefe's in there too and Fitz is using a telepathic thing that helps him stay on task."

Sophie continued to eat her lunch until she felt a finger tap her shoulder. She looked at Linh and Tam's face and saw complete confusion on them. Sophie looked behind he and saw Stina with a frown on her face.

"Can I talk to you in private?" She said in a quiet voice.

Sophie should have said no for the way she treated Linh and Tam earlier but she nodded and said bye to everyone as Stina led out of the cafeteria.

They walked until they reached an empty classroom and Stina closed the door behind her.

"What do you want, Stin--" Sophie started but Stina hugged her and started to sob into her shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"Keefe is making me be cruel to you."

"Weren't you cruel to me since the first day I came?"

"Yeah but now I have respect for you. But Keefe..."

"But Keefe what?"

"Keefe threatened my family. He said if I don't try to make you guys hate each other then he'll kill all the animals in my family's pasture."

Sophie's eyes widen but she didn't believe her.

"The Neverseen left a dead unicorn on my door step this morning and left a note saying I warned you. Look into my mind and you'll see I'm not lieing." Stina straightened up and Sophie put her hands on her temples and reached into Stina's mind.

Instead of cold and icy like Sophie thought Stina's mind would be, it was colorful and full of light. She walked down her memory lane and stopped at the most recent one.

She saw as Stina walked out of her house , only to step on a hoove. Stina screamed and her parents ran out and saw it too. They inspected the body and saw a note attached to its eye, which had I warned you on it.

Sophie exited Stina's mind and looked at Stina with her arms crossed.

"I'm so sorry.." Sophie whispered.

"What are you going to do about it?" Stina said.

"I'll stop him and the Neverseen so they never do anything that cruel again."

"Good because that's what you were made for." Stina stormed out the classroom, leaving Sophie behind in her thoughts.

Later on after school, Sophie rushed out the school and raced towards the leapmaster and leaped home as fast as she could.

She didn't even say hi to Grady and Edaline as she went upstairs and went inside her bedroom.

She took off her school uniforn, leaving her only in a black tank top and black undies. She sat on her bed and thought about what she was going to do. Iggy crawled into her hand and nuzzled it.

Sophie looked out the window, watching all the animals in their pastures. She gently stroked Iggy's back and curled her fingers in his blue and white dreadlocks.

She tried to think of why Keefe would do something like that to her.

Was it her fault?

When did Keefe become so mean?

Iggy scurried out of Sophie's hand and started to pull on her sock.

"Iggy, no. Stop it." Sophie giggled and looked out the window again.

The smile was wiped clean off her face. Sophie jumped off her bed, sending Iggy flying across the room. She quickly put on a button-down blouse and a pair of leggings. She wore a pair of black boots and ran downstairs, not even paying attention to Grady and Edaline.

She ran outside, towards the cliffs. She opened the gate and ran up to the highest cave. She stopped.

Could she be hallucinating?, she thought.

She crept into the cave and looked around, knowing what she saw was real.

She heard a crunching sound behind her and turned around.

To see Keefe and Biana standing in the entrance with matching chaotic grins on their faces.

"Hello Foster, I see you got home safe." Keefe chuckled.

"What do you want from me, Keefe?"

"I want you dead but if I do it now, everyone will know I did it. So I'm proposing you something."

"Whatever it is, no."

"Oh really, not even if it's for your human family?."

Sophie froze and Keefe grinned.

"In two days, meet me at your human family's home. I'll release them for your life.

"How do I know you're not joking?" Sophie spat at him.

"Tell me if you think this means I'm joking." Keefe threw a small bag at Sophie and she caught it. She opened it and nearly gasped. It was Amy's golden rose necklace with the initials S.E.F.

"Where did you get--?" Sophie tried to yell at Keefe but he and Biana were already gone.

Sophie fell to her knees and let out a frustrated scream.

Two days. Meet me at your human family's home.

We end this now.

Longest chapter. 😀

I know I put last chapter that this one wasn't going to be long but there's so much I wanted to put in it.

What do you think will happen next?

Nvm I'll sneak peak it for you.

Sneak peek of Chapter 10 -

"Sophie stepped into the cave with the golden necklace in her hand. She reached the edge and looked down into the crashing waves below.

She stuffed the necklace into her pocket and used her telekinesis to pry off her registry pendant.

She threw it into the ocean and looked back.

"Sophie please don't go." Fitz said.

"Sophie please...."


Couldn't make it long. Too many spoilers if I did. Tell me what you think. 😊

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